THE DAILY NEWS Saturday, November a PAGE two The Daily News PRINCE KUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon,. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue I 1 DAILY EDITION .- -J firr PULLBN - aningditor IjF. y BAPTIST CHURCH Minister, Dr. F. W. Dafoe , Saturday, Nav. 23, 1929 (Jhurch $twkz$ uft-""i"T"1Jff"Awfl"""""-"""",, FIRST UNITED CHURCH Pastor, Kev. A. Wilson, BA. Morning Worship at 11 o'clock. Sunday School at 12:15. Evening Service at "7:30. Song Service. Anthem by the Choir. Solo, Hawthorne Dunn. Wednesday . at 7&0 Devotional Meeting. ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL Very Kev. J. B. Gibson, Dean Morning Prayer and Sermon, 11 o'clock. Sunday School at 2:30 pjn.. Evening Prayer and Sermon, 7:30 pjn. ST. PETER'S CHURCH, SEAL COVE Canon W. F.Jiushbrook, B.A, L.Th, Incumbent Children's Service and Sunday School at 11 a.m. Evening Prayer and Sermon at 7:30 p.m. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister, Rev. Thomas McConneU Morning Worship at 11 am., "AN INVITATION TO A FEAST." Sunday School at 12:15. Evening Fellowship at 7:30 pin "WAS THE ROCK OF WHICH JESUS SAID HE WOULD BUILD HIS CHURCH PETER?" A much disputed question answered. The Protestant Interpretation. The new mlnUter Invites and will cordially welcome any lonely soul. Services: 11 am, subject, "CHRIST IN HUMAN PROBLEMS." Sunday School jat 12:15. Evening Service at 7:30. Subject, "IS THERE A FUTURE LIFE?" The first In a series on "THE LIFE BEYOND." A cordial welcome. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE i 4 TV Christian Science.Soclety, 245 Second Avenue Thls.SocefrSnci of theJUother Church, the FlKt ChUrerifefclSJj In Bos, Mass. Sunday mom-jn mg senieWnrTOSubJect, "SOUL AND BODY." Sunday School at 12 noon. Testimony meeting on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. The public i cordlauj invited. Reading Room, 245 Second Avenue, open bn Mondays, and Thursday from 3 to 8 pjn. ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH Corner 8th Avenue and 9th Avenue E. Pastor, Rev. John II. Hanson, Res. 416 Eighth Ave. West, Phone Blue 451 Sunday Services Morning Worship (English) at 11 ajn. Subject, "PRACTICAL CHRISTIANITY." Sunday School at 12:15. Evening Worship at 7:30 pjn. Song Service. Seal Cove Sunday School at 12:15. A cordial welcome to an. Clears Skin of Blemishes The Perfect Antiseptic Treatment It It ao Mir to rM roar .kin t ptaplM, ttt tot. HmMm. J tW port coot. I bit M D.D.D. CW mI ttiMm. ttt uothliif lrtMfita twaetntr tbe kin o4 onirklr ilrlrr iwir tbr hrrt.tion. ITCIHXa KToi-s 1 Ue kettle lti , mtrtt of yonr dncftut fltw Jovr nMMr Uck, D.D.D. fim tM (t'ROJJJ.8op.) . OKMtS UTII. Vi 4 Meciiicntw. nni :o(i!ST. S. D. Johnston ? Co., Ltd. Correspondents For MILLER, COURT & CO., LIMITED For the benefit of the investing public, Miller, Court Si Co, Ltd., pubUth a semimonthly' market report, deal- jngjjvlth mining, oils and in-' dustfialf stocks, which Is available at our office on the 1st and 15th of every month. We offer prompt and reliable service in the execution of orders to buy or sell all stocks on the Vancouver Calgary and Toronto Exchanges, S.D. Johnston Colli 610 2nd Avenue Phone 130 Prince Rupert. RC. Cup and Saucer Shower Is Held Sir. and Mrs. Arthur Halieran Hon-; ored by First United Church Choir Last Evening In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Halieran, who were married recent-1 17. a. cup and saucer shower was, held last ererifng at the home ofi Mr. and Mrs. John Manson, Fourth 1 Avenue East, by the choir of First 1 United Church. Many beautiful gifts were made to Mr. and Mrs. Halieran by those present. Games and music were enjoyed, vocal solos being given by J. W. Plommer. Mrs. P. C. Miller and J. S. Wilson. There was aiso community singing. ; Marcus Andrews' Rink Is Winner Defeated J. Watson's by Score of i 11 to 10 in St. Andrew's Car-IHf pet' Bowling Last Night M. Andrews' rink defeated J. Watson's by a score of 14 to 10 in St. Andrew's Society carpet bowling last evening. J. McLean and A. McLcod rinks will meet in the next game Monday evening. Following are the standings of rinks to date: W. L P. O. Taylor 2 0 4 J. Watson 1 l 2 J. McLean 1 1 2 M. Andrews 1 2 2 A. McLcod .:..0 1 0 J. Frew 0 0 0 : ... 4. . . "i" 3' I Tje Ldter Box FISHERMEN'S PROBLEMS Editor, Dally News, I hope yob itrUl normU n malm n PHmmPllt IV 111 ULl llll V Salt; W m " tin the editorial appearing In The' Danv News sovemoer zv. Under the heading of -Sickness Insurance," a statement, interesting l us at present, is found to be : ". . suggested a system of monthly pav- ( mente which would give them the ; right to free treatment m tne nos-pital. This is rather difficult. It is usually found that the payments are soon neglected ana me peupie who need the relief most are the ones who fail to make the ". . . and the better .plan probably la to go slowly and let those systems work out well first and then add one by one other social Improvements." There must be some misunderstanding which- Is probably due to not quite correct expression of the lde& under consideration and which Was made by myself at an earlier dates. ' , Any treatment in the hospital afforded to any fisherman who has p&ft trts monthly dues cannot be considered as free. On the other hand, any fisherman who has not oald any dues under this system and who applies ! for treatment in the hosoital and receive medical attention there! and pays nothing for It can't be considered as a difficulty or an obstacle to the system that will be proposed, for be is not a subject under provisions of this system. . And, finally, those who are not in the habit of looking for a doctor on account of a slight headache and who will pay will become an asset to the hospital which at the nreseht does not exist Doctor Large of Fort Simpson, I who has made a success of tnis sys tem In the hospital under nis management, had this system In opera tlon for several years, and we have not heard of any difficulties yet And if it hadnt been for the out of the way location of his hospital, salmon fishermen would not have any difficulty In the" operation of this system pf sick insurance. The other cart of the editorial dealt with the policy of the Salmon FLshermn's Association that was In ore ration during the summer of 1929. Aprarei All fr claBoriJ stats tii DCyOtt ntithrwrtt ins . J.: a. E Ri are. As a OT ITS CuTltcTTi er of that edl- d, otherwise tent. tRef position to O UUblL.ull Ul rilatlon. There was no Intention to elimin ate any natural competition amongst the fish buyers on the part of our association. The last was and is the object of activities on the I Dart of buyers as it naturally should ' There is no danger of Cold Stor-; agt going out .of business of buying satoeB from. us. fiornney can't buy ' salmon axttrt Mr.-Jrtssell or Stuart ltittitiirici.0ur benevolent Cold Storageidn . lewkui lr new territory. waSsrcJiueed and-accelerated by the. policy f our association. While New England had a paradise in Barnard Cove In the past, we have helped Cold Storage to get there and compete with New England. B. C. Packers had everything their own way at Blackf ish Sound till two years ago and It was our association that has helped Cold Storage to go there and confront B. C. Backers as competitors. It is not reasonable to think that fish buyers are the only ones capable of conceiving the idea of areas and have such to operate in their favor, for we may take a notion to have our own areas and dispose of our fish according to such for our benefit. Yours for competition. M. ANDERSON, Sub Office No. 1, Prince Rupert. CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT ; TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1. The Council of the Corporation of the City of Prince Rupert intends to construct a concrete sidewalk twelve feet wide on the south side of Third Avenue from Lot 33, Block 34, Section 1, to Me-Bride Street, as a local Improve ment, ana intends to specially assess the cost upon the land abutting directly on the work, except such portion of the cost as is Incurred at street intersections. 2. The estimated cost of the work Is $15,645.00, of which 538433 is to be paid by the Corporation, and the estimated annual special rate per foot frontage is $1.93. The special assessment is to be paid in 20 annual Instalments. 3. 'Persons desirlne to netltlon against undertaking the work must ao so on or Deiore the 28th day of uecemDer, iuzu. E. F. JONES, City Clerk. Dated this 23rd day of Nov, 1929 SAW SiOMDS SAW Stays sharp longer Cuts east. r. Saw, tatter IMOMD CANADA (AW CO. LTD. t Montreal Toronto VANOOUVtR, it. JOHN, N.. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL Enrlish Leajoe. First Division Birmingham 0; Everton 0. Blackburn Rovers 1; Arsenal 1. Grimsby Town 0: Sunderland 1. Huddersfield Town 0; Derby County 1. . , . Leicester City 5: Bolton Wanderers 2. Liverpool 1 ; Leeds United 0. Manchester United 1; Burnley 0. uMilVcWn A.tnn Villa 3. Newcastle. United 4; Portsmouth SheffieldUnited City 2. I Westham United 4 V'-ii'V 1; Wednesday 0. English League, Second Division Barnsley 2; Charlton Athletics 0. Blackpool 1; Hull City 2. Bradford 5; Reading 2. Bury 2; Stoke City 0. Chelsea I; Wolverhampton Wanderers 1. Millwall 2; Cardiff City 0. Nottingham Forect Z; Bradford City 1. Oldham Athletics 4; .Swansea Town 1. Southampton 1; Pretson North End 2. Tottenham Hotspurs' 21 Bristol City I. West Bromwlch Albion 4; Notts County 2. Scottish League, First Division Alrdrionians 2; Morton 2. Clyde 3; Rangers 3. Cowdenbeath 2; Dundee 1. Dundee United 2; Aberdeen 4. T- fiMi'ii Hamilton Acads 6: Ayr United 2. Hibernians 2; st.Mirren2. Kilmarnock 3; Falkirk 2. Pattick Thistle 6: Motherwell 1. Queens Park 6; Hearts 2. St. Johnstone 1; Celtic 6. Scottish League, Second Division Armadale 2; Dumbarton 1. Boness 5; Montrose 1. Brechin ritv 2 Arbnwth a. Clydebank 5; Forfar Athletics 5. East Fife 1; Leith Athletics 3. "East Stirlingshire 4; Dunfermline Athletics 1. Kings Park 2; Raith Rovers 2. I MflnhMtpr! WUeen oi oouui i, niuiuu . durnu St. Bernards 3; Third Lanark 2. , bnemeia; Stpnhnnspmuir 2: Alloa 3. Very Enjoyable Social Evening Baptist Church A social evening was nc;d last evening In the Baptist Church under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid and proved highly successful in every way. A most enjoyable program was rendered by thp f .ilow-ine: Pianoforte solo. Miss K. Wat son; violin solo, Miss Eva Morris, accomoanied by W. Vaughan Da- vies; recitation. Miss Adella Thur-ber; violin solo. Miss Phylls Hamb-lin, accompanied by Miss Eileen liamblin; recitation, Mrs. O. Hlb- ictims of M '"pHE widows, the fatherless and the aged toil on, an unending procession of misery, across the world's history. Preyed upon by the unscrupulous . . . aided from time to time by chanty . . . they present the most pathetic spectacle .in all the world. A spectacle which has no excuse in this country and this century. These are the vie tims of man's" forgetfulness . . . martyrs to the Indifference and life mm L . .1 mm r fTMTirinr mm m bard: vocal solo, Mrs. Macfle; vocal solo, Vic Houston; recitation, P. II. Linsey; community singing was enjoyed with W. Vaughan Davles at the piano Dr. Dafoe was chairman and congratulated the Ladles' Aid on the enjoyable evening. Garnes and refreshments rounded out the complete program. Those In charge were: Refreshments, Mrs. S. liamblin. assisted by Mrs. Oeorge Hibbard. Mrs. J. Lindsay, Mo. Fred Cameroa .and Un Tvnrann Mm Prank Morrta 1 was responsible for the program. an's Coal? Coal? Tk, Hrantage of 0 prr to put In ur itft KIWOX i.J CAHKIIiV-WEU, TON In but quantity, rTn.f!!WMn MIT !,, Prke'Ruperl Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 558 SUITS! SUITS! MADK TO ORDER L'uttfnB, Workmanship and StjL All Guaranteed H11TS STEAM CLEANED A.n PRESSED we ueiiver to Any Part of tasj City. Ling, the Tailor Phone (4$ Neglect ignorance of those they loved and depended upon. If you taken away,' whit would become of those you now cherish and protect? Look about you at 'the evidences ol other men's neglect, and decide now before another sun shall rise or set .. . that adequate Life Insurance, the love that never dies, shall protect your loved ones and depend ants from the possibility of want. ft tThm ve That ''fty ermo