PAGE EIGHT Be Young at Sixty a man with wife and children MANY to support earns a salary thatper-' mits of only .moderate savings. Month by month he is impressed with the necessity rjf systematically budgeting his income so that a competence will be available for dependent years when subsistence must be provided from income rather than earnings. Travel and play ;af 60 or 65. A Double", Maturity Endowment policy, taken NOW will enable you to grow old gracefully. THE Manufacturers Life Insurance Company HEAD OFFICE PACIFiC 3rd Ave . TORONTO, CANADA Branch Offloe 302-4 Rogers Bldg., Vanoouver. B. A. Twtts, Branch Manager NOItKIS W. ntlNGLK, DISTRICT KU'KESENTATIVE Prince Rupert, B. C. CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS ' Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD ...OPERATING G. T. 1 20,000-TON FLOATING DRYDOCK Engineers, .Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths Pattern , Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kind of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 13 AND 383 . ill j.M UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED SAlllnri J'rmn frliir I! pert i ('( lor VANCOUVER. VICTOUIA. fwanson liar. Iliitrdalr, Alrrt llaj, rte.. turn- (Sty, 3:3 p.m. !' for VAM'OI VEK. ViCTOKH. Huti-dale. Alert llav. rte.. midnight for Al.irE A KM. AXVOX. STEWAUT, .NAAS 1(1 VEK, Sunday, 8:00 p.m. f.M POKT SIMPSON AND WALES ISLAM). Thundar. P.m. 123 tnd Aienue K. M. SMITH Acrnt Prlnre Kuprrt. II. C. Tl rough llrkrt Hold to Victoria and Jeattle .and blunge chrrkrd .through to destination. B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICES SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT To Krtrhlkan, YVrangell, Junruu and Skaiar May 1, II, tZ To VancouTrr, Alctorta and Seattle May 3, 13, Ifl PRINCESS KOVAIr-Otraii lalK etc.. Vanrouvrr and Victoria etrrjr Friday :u p m Acnti for all Steamthlp Lloei. C OKCIIAKI), if NKUAL AtiENT Prlnre Kuiert. II. C I'hone SI Canadian National QTic Largcft Railway Syflem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE SallP(! from PRINCK HL'I'CRT lor VANlOlEK. VKTOKM. sK.ATTM'. and Intermediate points, earh Thurnday and Sunday, 10:00 p.m. Itr ANVIIX and STEWAKT. each IVedneMlay and Saturday, 4:00 p.m. lor NOKTIt ANO hOint ((IE EN rilAIU OTlE lsL,NIs. I'urtnl(hll) I'ASSENOEIt TRAINS LEAVE PRvT. KI PERT lILV EXCEPT M NIIAV at II :M a in for PKINIE (It.OltOE, EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, all poind Ea-trrn t aiwdi, I'nltrd Malm. AtlENCV ALL, OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave, Prince Rupert-Phone 260 LOGGING AT HALE THE COST OF HORSES RitfKcr Production Economical Operation CATERPILLAR TRACTORS' Make Bigger Profits Sole Distributors for II. C. MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO., LTD. 910 STATION STREET, VANCOUVER, B.C. Branches; Kelownn, B.C.; Nelson, B.C.; Prince George, B.C. ! i GILL NETTERS ACTIVE NOW 'vVbout One Hundred Boats Fishing u On Skeenn River and Sixty ' on Naas i There are about 100 gill net ! boats now fishing for spring salmon at theTnouth .of the Skeena River, while some GO boats are i similarly engaged on the Naas i River. The fishing is not very i good as yet, according to word received in Prince Rupert. I The fish are being sold on the fresh fish market or placed in i cold storage. Following the issuance of writs out of Admiralty Court charging the four American trolling boats, which were recently seized by C.G.S. Malaspina, with illegal use of Canadian harbors, it wilt probably be some time now before anything further of a definite nature transpires in connection with the prosecution of the JAMS! trawberry, 4s 75c Rxupberry 4s 63c Plum. Greengage, Apricot, Gooseberry Cherry, Red Currant, Black Currant, Pineapple , .60c Orchard City Jams, 4s 50c Marmalade, Orange, 4s COcj nms, Zs 33 Week-End I NABOB COFFEE 1-lb. tin GOc I ROBIN HOOD QUICK OATS .30c ! CAMPBELL'S YtHC?.E TAB L E SOUIVt3 tl$ ' ..(.. .A..40e CAMPBELL'S OXTAIL SOUP 3 tins i ". . r. nv... . 40c tins 50c IMcCORMICK'S SODA BISCUITS I IN PAILS Each 50c NABOB TOMATOES 2 Via. 3 tins 50c WHOLE WHEAT VEGETIZED WAFERS Pkg 80c BLUE MOUNTAIN PINEAPPLES Sliced 2a. 3 tins 40c I ROYAL CITY SPINACH 2s. 3 tins 50c QUAKER CORN 2s. 3 tins 50c EGGS Fresh extras. 3 doz. $1.10 GOLDEN CHURN BUTER 3-lb. brick $1.40 NABOB PEACHES -Sa. 8 tins 70c KING BEACH GREENGAGE PLUMS 2s. 3 tins 50c HEDLUNDS QUICK DINNER Mb. tin ;...30c BRUNSWICK SARDINES 4 tins ...26c HEINZ TOMATO SOUP Medium. 3 tins 50c PEARL WHITE NAPTHA SOAP 11 'bars ;......' 50c ' tt'll i: ,.i We Handle largest Assortment of Cheese in Town Alberta Market P. GAMULA, Proprietor Fifth Street Phone 20 THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday, y ,, SUN TELLS OF I0VEC0MEDY DISMISSAL OF i AT CAPITOL NORMAN WATT The Vancouver Sun in a full column article on the dismissal of Norman Watt has the following: Dismissal of Norman Watt, government agent at Prince Rupert, by Hon. W. C. Shelly, is being invesfcgated by the provincial executive of the Canadian Legion. Mr. Watt is a war veteran. He was badly gassed overseas and his health has been precarious ejer hinte. He is married uni ht' two or three young children, KELLOG(;'S CORN FLAKE5 - Pkt. r. ..-:...- 10c RED ARROW SODA BISCUITS 2 pkts.. ... 45c CHOCOLATE BCLAIR'S BISCUITS lb 40c MARKET I) A V SEEDLESS RAISINS 2-lb. pkt 26c 41b. pkt 45c SINGAPORE PINEAPPLE B. C. FItESH PULLET EGGS 3 dos $1.00 5-STRING BROOMS 40c Bush's Grocerleria PHONES 211 AND 212 WE DELIVER SUITS! SUITS! .Made to order Cutting, Workmanship and Stylr All Guarantied SUITS STEAM CLEANED AN I. , PRESSED We l)?Uvr to Any Part of tlx City. Ling, the Tailor Phone 619 MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Dally. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 657. Alsio Thrilling Train Robbery WJiichLiugh.i, Arc. Mixed With Villainy A strong star for "Sirtthg Hoy," Victor McLngen's new picture, with a powerful supporting cast nd a robust theme, are to be at the Capitol Theatre tonight and tomorrow j)ighi. The assisting comedians are Farrel MacDonald, ! Clyde Cook and 'SJim' Summer vllle, "the three Mirthgeteers" of lilmJom. "Strong Boy" is a bustling, strong-armed love comedy that Mr. Shelley announcement in- teems with timated, that Mr. Watt was dis- humor and life, tingles with presents the former missed for political interference, star of "What Price Glory?" in This his friends here refuse to be- his sunniest vein. McLagen is lieve. least as a baggage-room Romeo Mr. Watt was private secretary j who finds himself in s trunkful to Hon. T. D. Psttullo for some;of trouble when a baby, a monkey yeurs and when his health proved Hnd a' rone of gei tongea unequal w me sxrain oi long ana up in hig domain. if the itart i9 irregular ur8 ne wa. appctMea ; hectiC( finiah i8 more M fo. eovernaenl The ., agent. vacancy ..stro j conclud wlth t to which be was appointed arose , robbe hon Col. .1. H. McMullin was: it., ni.i- a .k.... promoted to be superintendent of police. , , Prominent Liberals expressed the opinion that .Mr. Watt's dismissal was bemuse of his fnrmer association with Mr. Pnttullo. During the time he has been government agent they say he has taken no part in politics. Cyril Orme. prominent Conservative from Prince Rupert, who happens to be in town, said he had never heard of any complaint ; love story of a girl's noccesafv attempt to fire her sweetheart with umbition is skillfully en-twirW with farcical adventurer that will tickle your sense of th ridiculous. Lovely Leatriee Joy i McLagen's little lady. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert D Criixholm Krlmnntnn : S II. 5c j against Mr. Watt, whom he knows Swel. Vancouver; G. F, Hugfaan, ! well. "If they haven't something to 1 . L. .11 : i ki , . Aiyansh; C. W. Cash, Seattle; J. M. Dodge, 1 Anyox; Mrs. Ernest , -- un in. w, uv Bue and dau,hter, Hyder: A. L. I I a t t m ilaS$liiu2ic owoiioce. ti e government '. MB Ptoses Tjo t o Sou All Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Arriving Every Hoat Massallem Grocery Co. Lim'teil '.I7-42.": Sir. Ave. K Phones IM4 P. O. Box 575 - i ne saia, reremng to Cn.y, Victoria; C. N. Mitchell. BUSH 'i irocertenac Montreal; G. Woodhonse, CN R c , I iWsol I JUeuaktaaa -anti A. L. Don Jrck Wntt. John Worldsetts and ohn Ijtrsen.-xity; W. Eakin, B. Zukoff and Steve Kluff, Anyox. Savoy F. Patterson and I). HakuMl, orcher Island; R. G. Cunning ham. Port Kssington. Central Anton Molver, Ketchikan. ELLAR'S Specials -SIlIiU PFCIALS Pkg.. SWEET JUICY ORANGES 4 doe. I 76c LOCAL EGGS EXTRA 1 Just arrived. Per dot. 3 doz 40c . . .$1.15 BULK SUGAR 15 lbs. ..tic WESTON'S SODAS 2 3-4 lbs. njt. Per ctn CHOCOLATE ECI1RS Just arrived. Per lb. ....flk 3 lbs "Mm GINGER SNAPS Fresh and crisp. Per lb. 80c OYSTER CRACKERS Per lb tOc GRAHAM WAFERS Just arrived. Per lb .StSc 2 lbs .4c CREAM OF TOMATO SOUP Ilein., small. 3 tins 35c BAKED BEANS T. S. Heinz, small. 3 tins 35c 3 LARGE CAKES GLORY BATH SOAP AND WASH CLOTH All for 30c Fresh Vegetable Provision Sellars Grocery Third Avenue PHONES 45 AND 571 Dr Alexander riHivr: its kf.snkk nincR DENTIST GREAT COMEDY SPECIAL WEDNESDAY and I THt'HSDAY "STRONG BOY t With Victor McLaglcn and Leatriee Joy VAUDEVILLE , , 8:15 P.M. HARRY WILLIS, 'THE VERSATILE VENTRI.()ilt M NEWS-COMEDY, "THE KANGAROO'S KlMj and THE VIRGIN QUEEN Comedy in (,!,,, Admission, 30c and 15c Two Sh m i Wr immmmr.4 Varyyour dinners with fish and eggs TTtaAy 7A,- Womcn oftn tell me that their greatest difficulty in meal olannint U to rrt Ttiietr Into the main dish. It U eaty SnougQ to build a dinner, one you ha re Klected tha meat, but it Ukei thought to get away from tha obrioui round Of ueoki and chops and roasts. Vtbj not now and then substitute Chorecgt? By comWnina either one frith milk, you have a dish rich In food Value-jproteins. mineral and riU-fains, There are any number of delectable ways In which these combination! may bo made omelrti of all torts, creamed egir, souffle, creamed tuna, shrimp or foUter, scalloped oy-Un, rfilmon touOle, i Yoamutt hcvt a t 'dependable milk tupply In any cooking that callt for milk. I twver take chance. I uw nothing but Carnation Mtlk. I know that It U the purest of high grade milk from selected Lerds. I know that It ii rich In creira -doubly so fur it U evaporated to double thlckneta. I know that I will always find It iweet and good, no matter bow large the quantity I have on land, for It it sterilized for tafe-keep- 1 can count on Carnation always for notably delicious result extra cream-beat, velvety smoothnesi of texture, fragile delicacy of flavor. The bwt Informed domestic scientist agree that it I not only better in result than ordinary bottled milk, but that It h particularly economical. If you want t Yr : new field of cooking In the we of Cama; fn-e Cook Book A MilkProductito ! Street, Vancouver, il.i Carnation Tuna Fiih a la King 3tbsp.butter ;, . ded, lhard-ctx.i.f-1 . . rnuihronrBS. 3 tt; nation MUk, 1 ci; v per, ly( cups t ii a Saute green pepper s-. butter until teix'er keeping covered V' and pepper anc 1 bl , add Carnation diiu' cook until mixture - conuutly. Place : pes. fg, mushr..: double boiler; add a water 10 minutes, n thell or on toast Looiteror shrimp maj l J of tuna. Baked Egg$ a la Camcllot IJftbop. butter r.s ' tp salt, ii Up pr . tlon Milk. cup i buttered bread enr ' ' uuce of butter, tl. : Carnation dilute! v t into thaQow baking i with eggs, being cat' volks. Sorinkle mit : over top and bak i;) OM'F.Joventiniilc. nih with parsley. The Best of. ' ' rroiu-sJ la Milk Carnation Milk Is simply pure, Bweet whole milk, evaporated to double crcamincs3, Nothing ia added, nothing removed but about halt the water. Try this dependable, convenient, economical milk. (See recipes thove) JA USA tf Contented Cows Try a Daily News Want Ad-