Thursday, June 27, 1929. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIYB Weak and Run Down Didn't Want to Eat Could Not Sleep CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEME GAIT S7f&D DFMT I ACT P. FAT TNI rfri. D. imoi Fault Bta. Maria, R11 ami Kvmomdjy t m iiLiu, lxjji- , -euuhj writa:- "I weak Ont., was and rua -v-:rs down", got eWp, did not I felt want tired to eat, of living and could and -THIS IS THE PACE WHICH MOST I'EOIM: I 'REAi MIIGCAUSE IT IS FUIX OF nUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. often looked for death to free me from my terrible misery as I felt I would nevr U strong again. I thought I would try and really I toon felt like eating and Irvine;, and new life uatmni to some to Manufaeturai esdy by The T. art-bura Co, Ltd, Temala, On. i Man in the Moon i; 'mere are no mm angels beeauae y get to heaven only with a dose ling; beautiful scenery; twonty You cii ym place a bungalow whe miles fr()m Terrace. Stage leaves ,c ,r we. bungled and you .till c.TraM m . ,,v,l It , I queer what a ioi oi peopie mow , w to muke money and yet bow few id It 1 hey say the place where Adam lived paradise beeauae he and Eve iiber bad mother in law. One of the local torn sella rubber v swuttera. The ad van tec la that v do not leave a scar on the bald Mske me a child agrfa fast for to- .t-iit prayed the atof an aa he it lad buy a bail fare ticket. i W h-n a young man remarks that be - nut as simple a he looks. It o truti to answer "J knew It." M.mbers of the Natural History So- :ir rejiorted that the atrante cry of Shrlner railing to hia mate was . ad in Winnipeg yesterday for the time thu year. Several were ap-red. tags tasWaW to tHe- left leg-wd again Experts state that Utese mi- are usually hmni testis, but ..el taj when thirsty. WtanJpeg Free- LAND ACT Not Ire of Intention to Apply to Leene land In the Prince Rurert rind Recording Citric of Prince Rupert, and aHuate mi the Suuth West Coast of Wales Is-, : rul fscing Boston Islands. i Take notice that The Anglo British ' iumbia Packing. Company. Limited, of Vancouver. B C . occupation. Salmon ( .itinera, intends to apply for a lease of 'tie following described lands: 1 Commencing at a post planted on the South West Coast of Wales lasMsd op- poite Boston Islands, thence North ten haine; thence East forty chains thence fcmth ten chains to Hlfh Water Mark; hence following High Water Mark west ' suklng post; and containing u sm. Iir -re or lesa. THE A NOLO BRmsn COLUMBIA PACXINO COMPANT. UM1TEO. Per "W. E. Walker - Agent. Dated May 17th. 1929. LANII ACT Notice of Intention lo Apply to lase land In tfcs Oneen Charlotte Laad DlSirtet. I nid Kecordlw DUtrlet o Prmce Rw-1 i rt snd situate near the mowth of Na-, ,i..n Harbor, on Maaorree Ialaad . Take notice that J. auwot rworrw-j. ( Massett. B.C., oeeupatlon. rani wner. Intenda to apply for a lease of the Mllnwmg deacribrt lends- ...SoorLotM. redo Wand; thence northly 10 chains; j tlience casterlt S chains to low water., :h,nr, roiinwina low water southerly w wi ARTHUR ROBKITSON. By Henry White. Agent. Dated May 12th. 1929. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to l-es-e land In the Queen Chartotte Land Diatrlct. Land Recording Dfk,H,p. ert, and HtusU near Klashwun Point, Clraham Island. .. , Take notice that Eugene H. M""01! of Massett. B.C.. occupsUon. nr7 man. intends to apply for a leasj iof the l.iUowIng described lands: rrhor. Oommenclng at a post planted about 20 ohalns southeasterly from the N. w. corner of lot No. 2741. Oraham Wndj 1 hence west 10 chair thence nr"ig chains to low water: thence chains; thence south Chains i to point of commencement, and containing S acres, more or leas. EUQENE HUMPHRY SIpS0,1;, Henry White, Agent. Dated Mar 11th. 1929. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to APP'J to Iase land In the Queen Charlotte J" R.': Land Recording District ot K ert. and situate at Amnion Point, Nona Dundee Iilsnd. Take nouce that Langara Packing OompnnT. Limited, of Massett. B. c.; oocupatlon, canntrs, intcnaa to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Foreshore. Oommenclng at a post Pln,t " extremity of land on Arnlston Win. tlience westerly 20 chains: thence nortn: erly o chains to low water; thence east eriy 20 chain; thence u"1'"!.," oolnt of commencement, and containing 20 aores, more or less. LANOARA FlSHINa M PCi;"D, B' Its Agent- John William Moorehouee Dated June 7th, 1939, Summer Resorts Where to spend an enjoyable I holiday boating, bath-in, ! fishing, mountain climbing, etc. KITSUMGALLUM LAKE LODGE I Terrace, B.C. Spend Your Vacation at Kalum I.ake I Good fishing, boating and bath- s. a v v v t'lUlluH f IIUUHVD" day and Saturday, $2 return. Rates, $8.25 per day. Write for special weekly rates. J. E. DIX, PROPRIETOR Terrace, B.C. WONDERFUL TLELL Queen Charlotte Islands j THE FARM HOME j Fine beach and meadows for, children's playgrounds. , Salmon and Trout Fishing; I River and Sea Bathing. Excellent Cosine. -Parties can be met at SkMegate or ren Elements. VYsVaueM iot reservation . MRS. RAJOUT TleU,-Q.,CU-. SUMM COTTAG E EHj AT BEAUTIFJUL FRANCOIS LAKE For Rent By the Week or Month Partly Furnished Apply Mrs. Henkel Francois Lake Lodge Queen Charlotte Islands Visitors When travelling between Port . Clements and Queen iV,rlftf tnarioue riv. hlrp ears and tniCKS from " " YOUNG BROTHERS ..,.o Skidegate. B.C. Ten Years Ago In Pr'nce Rupert June XI. 1919 SS, died la the Joseph Thibeau, aged '"T'JTr ZZZZ ater rr "-v- " . . , ollowlng art accident In the bi eeai 0oV), when biM rtull waa fraotuml . The funeral will take place tomorrow morning under Catholic at-p.o. ,w,n rotos and John Ptotoa are , Kdvaneeri runior - rrST-r the local high emlneUona were announced this morning by Principal J. C. Brady. The steamer strike on this meet la practically concluded now and the steamers Prtooe Rupert, Venture end Princess Alice art due to arrive IB port from Vancouver within the neat couple of days. Dally News -Classified" adver tising brings results, BRINGING UP HERB. COMES OR.CVi TOP MORRrS.HE'S OUT AftA.lr4-HIM AMD HI'S GANG HAVE IN JAIL VOR EVERYTHING BUT MUROE.R - FOR SALE FOR SALIl-Sttidebaler coach. mechanically guaranteed. Burns ; and Co. Ltd. tf 'FOR SALE Good Rats Cafe. I Good location; reasonable. I Phone Blk 700. (170) FOR SALE Iron and wooden pul-i leys, also two piece shafting. Apply Daily News, Box xx. (tf) FOR QUICK SALE--SIx-roomed house and household furniture. Owner leaving town. Phone Blue 530. (149) FOR SALE 3 sets adjustable l r -1. iitu Hangers jur SllitlllllX. Large site. $10 per set. Ap-i ply Box 00 Daily News Office (tf) FOR SALE 192C Chevrolet in good condition, cheap, on easy terms, or will exchange for close-in property. Phone Red 720. (165) FOR SALE, SNAP Six-roomed house. Owner leaving town. Also Beatty Electric Washer, Brunswick Phonograph, Dining Room Suite, Beds, Ostermoor Mattresses, etc. Phone Blue 530, or cad 1022 Second Avenue (152) FOR SALE 58-piece white and gold dinner set, very cheap; ivory single bed; Axminster rug, 9x9; electric table lamp ivory enamelled dresser; brown finish upholstered wicker chairs; linoleum and small jug?. Phone Red 505, or call 343 Fifth Avenue West. (149) FOR RENT FOR RENT Two modem houses. Phone Black 440. FOR RENT Furnished flat. -Ap -ply iluaaalltm Grocery. (tti FOR RENT Four room flat with bath. Furnished. Phone 547 tf. FOR RENT Automobiles, pianos' phonographs and sewing maeh-ioee. Walker Music Store. FOR RENT Burnished. house kteping rooms by the day, week, or month. Phone Red 607, tf FOR RENT Two modern houses, newly decorated; one well fur- nlshed. Apply 215 Fourth Avenue East. r" tf LOST LOST Ivory necklaee, chiefly red with black cord. Finder leave at Daily News Office. SOMETHING NEW IN AUTOMOBILES "The Sedan Delivery" Full Line of SEDANS COACHES COMMERCIAL CHASSIS AND 1-V, TON TRUCKS KAIEN GARAGE Chevrolet Dealers Goodyear Tires Itnybestos Linings f: .if. HOME GAS FATHER WAjSTED MARCELLING B0fi. Mrs. Wither-ell, Suite 3, Sleeker IHock. 152 WANTED Hemstitching. Mrs. Cha. Edwards, at Wallace's. (150) WANTED Piano . State maie and price. Must be reasonabl". Apply Box 203 Daily News Office. (149i HOARD AND ROOM BOARD And Room SS5 per : month. Phone Green 216. tf! r i WANTED Experienced general I servant i Apply Mrs. F. G Dawson. (150) : CHIROPRACTIC PROGRESS The practice of chiropractic is ( recognized in forty states o"f Th union. This .recognition has byen ought and gained by the people ( who have benefitted through ; chiropractic. It was not until 191C that Jegal recognition was first accorded. For your health's sake consult j DR. W. C. ASPINALL j C and 7 Exchange Block i Green 211 Phones Black 283 i Open, Evenings CHIROPRACTIC Gets results where other m t lids fail. Consult i IL E. BYOl.FSON V CIIIROPRAOTOU t 62 ThiW Avenue ; Offli-e OffL-e TeTepnohe Telephone Blue Blue Jl5 i i Itesitlenre Telephone Red 59 ' Established 1924 ! AUCTIONEER j ' PRINCB RUPERT AUCTION MART. We buy. sell oi? ex-1 change any kind or furuii'ir or household goods, musical in struments, machinery, eta,' Gen-: eral repairs, crating, parking and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone, Black 120 and we will call. GEORGE J. DAWES, AUCTIONKER Federal Block A. L. IIENDKRSON, Auctionoor and appraiser. Phone Black 411. "! tf SALE OF DRY GOODS AT FEDERAL BLOCK, 2:30 P.M. ! ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Consisting of remainder of clearance sale of men's pants, ; mnrklnnws. heaw wool combina tions, shirts, raincoats, boys' and men'a overalls, larire auantnv oi ladles' rubber boots, all; also the usual articles of household furniture. GEO. J. DAWES 9 ! 'Auctioneer Phone Btajk 120 BEAUTY OPERATOR SlfSS' MART MACF1 2 Experienced operator, modern methods in all lines of bnttty culture and hnir dressing. Make appointment byphonlng P.eo 139. SALVAGE AND TOWING ir it's on or under the waler we I Dining Room buites, Chester-do it" ! field Suites, Simmons Beds and PACIFIC SALVAGE CO. j Bedding! Linoleum and Linoleum LIMITED l Rugs, Ranges and Kitchen r i Fully Equipped for Diving nnd' n.npral Salvage Work. Boats and Scows of all descrip- ' iin for Charter . l!ow Boats and Canoes for hlra Ranrairts ie Garf Enginer. AGENTS FOB ' V;,ti Rlcrck. Rastriojie. Jlicks St tl;llantyne J-lnginea. . Northern B. C. Distributors Cpolidge PropeMers ? ,-i Phone, Dav or Night, 564 P. O. Box 155I U1NW ACT Notice of Intention to Apply ! to Lease land In the Prince Runert Land Recording Dii'-rlct of Prince Rupert, and situate one mUa Soustupst of Baroeci iwti ! lanJ. , , ' . k J ' Take aetlse that Anglo Brlah ftjlun-bla y Packing Comnanv Limited Of Van couver, B.C., occupation. Sainton Can- ira. Intend to apply for a lease of the i fallowing dtocribed lands: foreaUore: I C' QimencUig at; a post jiiavted. one rr lie South East olBarUett FoUitoa he:! ik,uth West coaat of Wales latahd; I thence East fortv chains following high wnter mark: thence South Weat five chains, to low water mark; thence Weat icnalnaVllownrToW 'thence North East five chain to loca- Hi-nris-coktaMntaeawatras. more " VTyST ' Xmolo BRITTSR COLTJUJUa . PACKWo .to wmewwwtn i COMPANY. LIMITED. , W. K Walker." Agent. Dated May 22nd. 192S. : , LND ACT 1 ; Notice of Intention to Apply I to I .earn iana tn the Prince Rrrberv (and RecoreUna District of Prince Rupert, and situate on the South Weat coast of Wales Island half mile South Bast of Bartlett Point. Take notice that Anglo British Columbia Pnck'ng Company Limited of Vancouver. B.C.. ocoliijejtion. Salmon Can nera. Intends to apply for a leeie of the ; following described lands: foreshore: i Commencing at a post planted- or the mile South East oi Barttktt Point: i tnence soutn East rany cnaana iquow- , ing mgn wat- man; ineoce Bouin , West five chains to tow wter mark; ; thence North fortycUaJrur tolkiw- I , . . ... 's " - s-.ww .v-. iSiSS 00tlnJn tW' ANOLO BJHTWU OO4J0MBIA PACKINO ! COMPANY. IJUntD. "W. WrJkef, Agent. ! Dated May ttnd. UK. .' LAND A.C1 Notice of Intention to'Apply'-, V In the Prlnoe Kunert land RecMdAig District of Prince Rupard.ihd Vftuate on the South Weat coast of Wales Is- lnnd facing Boston Islands. Talc notice that Angle adtlah Columbia Packing Company Limited of Vancouver. B.C., occupation, Salmon Cannera, lnterda to apply for a lease of the following described lands: foreshore: Commencing at a post planted on the South Weat Coaat of Wales Island facing the Western extremity ot Boston Islands: East forty chains following high water mark: thence South one one In to Low water mark: thence West forty chains following low water mark: thence North sens, more or less. anolo britis .Columbia packed - -w e Walker.'-Agent; Datl Ma, 22nd. .929 , section may be ! of s'lecin! uteri" t to you today. pj r-MJi and; r. i t 1 . , - - Paints, Wallpaper, Etc. SILVERSIpES, BROS. Wallpapers, Paints, Glass and Art Supplies . O. BOX 120 PHONE 22 FURNITURE EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME Hardware. ve invite you to call. MacKENZlE FURNITURE PHONE 775 LAND ACT Nollre of Intriitlun to Apply to lase Land In the Queen Charlotte Land District. Iawd Recording. District of Prince Run - -OTnaffiuat. atan unnamed point on lake-on Kayea. Island. , f thence southerly 5 chains to point of lana'AutMole StTSSb L.t.vaARA nsama packin l'rL0Bc1rr.t post Planted - "nt- 200, cua Mn Mtn th l9' Xeefsoulh of high water at the extremity lot the abtfve-meatloned Unnamed point: " - thence east 20 chains: thence north 5, chains to low water: thence westerly 20 LAND ACT chains: thence south to point oi com mencement. and containing 20 acres, l more or less. EUOENB' HTJMPHRM SIMPSON, AOTIIOR ROBERTON By thr AitJit. John William Moorehease-. Oat jp. 192,-i ' ' , ' LANtf A CI i en to Apply to : wr SRI ana . ' I . p,, n,,rt irui neeordm ,ln..-Prt2?.5uKrtJfnf5n!?X nutrint of Prince Rurjert. and altuale nfle south-east 1, of Spit Point ,. " s : W -npnoa A"sw ; Columbia Packing Company, Limited, of I Vancouver, B.p oecupailon. Salmon cenhir InUnds' to apry Tot a lease of tv. the following nM,ln described lwlkaJ landa m.rAm CotMOe rtaJtg ' ah H xrt planted on. the ! east st shore of Portland Canal one mils south. js.eflBjVt-JWnt; thence Nortn ten chains; TBf noe East forty chains:; thence South ten chains to High Water I Mark; thence following high water inark 1 back to suklng post; and containing fortv acres more or leea. THE ANOLO'SRITISH' COLUMBIA : PACKlfq COMPANY. LIMITED. Per "WC K. ' Walker." Agent. Dated May 17th. 192S. ' , LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease land l In the Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate on the coast ot waies uiand nau mue soutn East or Bartlett point. Take notice that The Anglo British Co- lumbla Packing Company Limited, of viitwumi j . , uvvuwwins wmmwm ?Xnl!PU?.. of the following described lands: Oommenclng at a post planted on the Coaat of Wales laland half mile South East of Bartlett Point, thence North East ten chains: thence South East fortv chains; South Weat ten chains to High Water mark; thence following Hlga Water Mark to ataklng1 post, and containing forty acres, more or less. .THE ANOLO BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKINO COMPANY. LIMITED. Per "W. E. Walker." Agent. Dated May 17th, 1929. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In the Queen Charlotte Land District, ert, and situate near tba mouth of Mae- sett InleL Oraham Island. Take notice that Langara Pishing to Packing Company, Limited, of Miltett, B.C.. occupation, salmon cannera. intends to apply for a lease ot the following described lands: Foreshore. Oommenclng at a post planted near the southern end of Hidden Islsnd; fffi, ioh.n.'' ufenc.'ASt 5 5h,ftos,: th,'nc 9utbT'; y of 'cWencm.nt: and : contslnlnff S acre more or less. LANOARA FISHING is PACKINO j . CO.. LTD. ! Henry White. Agent. Dited May 11th, 1929. LAND REGlSTftY ACT NOTICE RE: Certificate of Title No. 517-1 to Lot 20, Block 28, Section S, City of Prinze Rupert. Map 923. WHEREAS satisfactory proof of loss of the above Certificate of Title Issued In the name of Oust Carlson baa been tiled in thli effloe, notice la hereby given that I ahaJl at the expiration of one month from the date of the ' first publication hereof. Issue a provisional certificate' In lieu of the said lost Certificate, unless in the meantime valid objection Is made to me In writing. Dated at the Land Registry Office, Prince Rupert. B.C. this 29th day of May, 1929. II. F. MACLEOD, Registrar. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease land In the Queen Charlotte Land District, Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate near the mouth of Maa-sntt Inlet at Seven MUe Point. Take notice that Langara Planing it Packing Company, Limited, of Massett. B.C. . occupation, salmon cannera. Intends to spply for a lease of the following described lands: ' Commencing wmnemg at a post p pianveo near nr.. J" JSLfBgi Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease land In the Prim RuDert Land Recording District of Prmce Rupert, and artuate one mile South East of Bartlett Point on the coast of Wales Island. Take notice that The Anglo British Columbia Packing Company, Limited, of Vancouver. B.C., occupation. Salmon Caiuiers, intends to apply for i lease of the following described lands: flnnnutfuln St S. DOSt DlSTLted OnO mile South East of Bartlett Point on the Coaat of Wales Island; thence North East ftPeen chains: thence East loriy chains; thence South West fifteen chatn to high water mark; thence follow trig high water mark back to staking post; and containing alxty acre, more or "THE ANOLO BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKINO COMPANY. LIMITED. Per "W. K. Walker." Agent. paited May 17th. 1929. LAND ACT Nolle ot Intention to Apply to l.eue land In the Prlnoe Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate one mUe South East of Spit Point on the East abort of Portland Canal. Take notice that Anglo British Colum- Dia racking company umiiea ot van couver. B.C.. occupation, salmon oan- nera. inunds to apply lor a lease oi tn following described lands: foreshore: commencing at a post planted one mUe South East of Spit Point on the East shore of Portland Canal: hence East 40 chains following High water mark: Whence South 5 chains to low water mark: thence West 40 chains following tow wUr WTiL. thence Norm 5 chains )oclting post; and containing 20 Acres, more or less. ANGLO BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKING COMPANY. LIMITED. "W. E. Walker," Agent. Duted May 22nd. 1929. GOVERNMENT PROPERTY r()K SALE TENDERS will be received by the undersigned tip to Monday, July llth, I9f9, for the purchase ot the Provincial pa. lace Lauaoh No. 2. now located at Prince 8 c Particulars of launch are aa fetlowa: Lenstli 5 Breadth 9' 0- D.Ttft 4' 7" Oross tonnage IS Registered tonnage . . , 12 Powered with 20-24. H.P. TfDe PPP. cuiraio sngine. Boat may be Inspected at Prince Rupert, B.C.. on application to Inspeotor W. Spill er. B. C. Police. Prince Rufert, B.O. The highest or anr tender not neeea aartly accepted. V. A. ROLLINS. Purchaalng'Agent. . Parliament Bldga., Victoria, B.C. June 14th. 1929. 1 By George McManus t, 3 .i