!!il!!flr.. - - . rnw. nxn.T Kvrvm i. ""Si VMS ior lesser nerwd. naul iniadvance. ter month ii ' .SV ly mail to all partsffifrJffirthern otad Central British Columbia; t)aid in advance transient display nil Transient advenisin ..ocal readers, per io JJlUIassified advcrtUEni, gal notices, eacB Or four months, for JA1LY EDITION DAII ly period . . . . isingViper inch, per insertion frobf' paKeJpet inch , onP.f linf4 " ' r iraerftpnJfier word . '. ertionj V'flffate line I3y mail to all othr part f British Columbia, the British Em-' 8 Dire and United iStafces. naid in advance, per year '6.00 'JUy mail .o all otherountrie, per year 7.50 .' Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters' Telephone Mcmber'of Audit Bureau of Circulations A'ilAlL SERVICE .93 .86 3.00 i in 2.8U 3JSS iarcicai, ana wquu merely mvue me acvivues .oi me enr emies of society, oi-.i . i ii. . i t. .i: j .:.L 1:1 I Dtuuy 01 me leagues policies, nowever, snows mat l one of its ideals is to limit those forces to iust such num pins. The Letter Box CITY WORK AT the last council meeting, seems to have been the first timcjhU J'par any one picked up c'dbtiift enough to critloUo. I thtnltfS'here is room for lots more. ,JlrtoflaHy. I liaye been off .and on ffi cftfes that are entitled to thati'dtmexnjj, ;if' the city worjc wts'JphVfby .day work and not ijtf 'thefatebaytrs were the receive consideration .'15NW'Sa-in Kupert. it appears as 1.00 1 though the mayor, city engineer and foreman consider the city work (?1.60 per day) as a dole. Any drifter coming along can work for the city in preference to a ratepayer. If we are going to have a charitable institution let us have one right a soup kitchen. We know there is no one asking for a pick and shovel job if he does not need the work. Personally, I saw the engineer Monday, May 6, 1929 la8t fall about work and also the foreman and they told me to register at the City Hall which I promptly did. Men went to work for the city right after I had en . t, i i .i .: :i f quired, single men at that, andj ITince Ituperi nas oeen aaKUig lor a uairy., inau , not riitepaverfl. As a ratepayer "manvvears. Now. accordingtd a despatch trom Uttawa.' nlH if flu wnrw' w jfVin mottov Vinc'ovbt in lln nnaf lippn snriniislv nlared hf- n... miin il.. X ll-i '. -V T,"U1,. 4-1,f Pnr.f 4-Vlof T?I.'l... iU.l I. .. 11 1 Ort1 Hie pOSWliaSlUr-geiieiUl. i UlUi; UlC laii. mak aju-uui inn vc tan pi. uuuu monton is askinjr for the same thine may have had an in- cheaper. if the average poor pluence on the postmaster-general. At any rate, the mm- J?e.r 16 not KOln 10 ben" k.Mm nitMi nnr.r t r T n o tnAT rnnr rnoro ia si idlcl Bccilia tu Jiavc c y aivciicu iu tuc iuvi umt mwiv 5 11 1 H i il.. J- i i i 1 .l.4., ":0"u" tneeci nere ana mat is me iirei step towaiu i;uniig uwi j,Rve lp 80me nmr ?17C sivii to believe we ami SzlKl a 11 for which wo are askincr. We are clad Mr. Brady was month men that are not renuiri 1.1- A- i:Il. ti..'. ..4.n-.i. C lUn mlnlnu i I IJ 1 .! UUie 10 UllCit IIUS SlUl-SllIUIIt XIU1II U1C llUlllBtCl. anu vuuiv we tuuiu uu THE ULTIMATE OBJECT I quite nicely without. When the- time comes that we can have a change, I would suggest to elect a body of men i . - rr ! ...1 u i . iu run uur oiiuitb wuu vouiu ue I'mE1 It is sorAetimas asked what is the, ultimate obiect ofjn favor of giving work first b the League of Natidiis.That oVjed, a! enunciafiecbby. f nousenomers ami next R-Do5,l,.r.f AtfiW.-. io Ul,omo i iroii'TrnTh niiM 9fiMnh nSh ',"H,B a,u "WW Lmeans of sittling in-natioialdirtncej.( . ., , , . t , . . While nMaoromsts wtltt ieU4 afiLrea Qn thia as the ers. If we eel more help, first' come, first served. If this sug gestion is cpm'mon sense, at tht ultimate objective, they have never proposed that indivi- next election Tef us clioose can- dual states shall be left without suincRmtrni'mecl iorces"mer wno win do the most to maintain internal order and uphold the law. . tne majority. It is recognized that the league is dealing with jnen, ine vaiuau'e not anarels, anJ with a stato.of society that is far.frQm per; rt feet. For a country to hope to maintain order and au-:,! A RATEPAYER. thority in creneral stnkes,,riots and revolutipng with the f inuT V A TAn wfi. aid of a small polieeM.forco would be to , say,; the least Llljfli iriljIxUll Pors as are necessary for internal safety and 'tb banish ,pre,e!"r s"'8 11 noc'Not KnW the idea of a standing army either for defence or aggres-l 1 " Migrating meantime, men and women of goodwill in every country in the- world vviil use their influence to limit the mad race of competitive armament and continually stress the need ' ' ' ' fn" permanent iteace. BIRDMIMONi bmju in uuiuiv,uuu iui uiuci ittiLiuii. a iic dcuwc iviu, :jqj , FUAIONTON May 1 That pis held in regard to naval policy, each state being per-the length of 'daylight "was a pMmitted to maintain sufficient armed ships to protect its prime factor in the migration of fj$ nationals and commerce from piracy on the high seas, j birds was the declaration of Dr. M These ideals may seem Utopian at the present time, William Rowan, professor of but supporters of the league feel that the general sanity ! f00!0Ky at he uwnity of Al- of the world will eventually make them realities. In thel tective League who met hare. 'Professor Ilbwan's statement was made in the light of expeVf- menu conuucieu by him over a period of yoars during which tfrne. records of bird.s had been The migration of birds had always interested men, he said. and 'had formed n study for cn ; tUrids, but even today it w?s not iknown where all birds went when they migrated. J Ulril Doesn't Know , "The bird does not know itself that it is migrating," he said. "It is an inherited tendency that is arrourcd by the action of some of the glands oY the body at certain periods of the year. Variouri Seasons have been advanced, ;ch as barometric pressure, low temperatures and lack of feod j , jsujiply, but these can bo discar-' ' Ided as many biidfy start : toh- - "' l'rt()i' n onrlv aVf fll v'u Un Mlii father is still wdrmitd food is plentiful. "I have workl aloftg im theory that the lengthening and shortening of the days may be a .factor, led to th's by the dls- teovery that artifictal llghU had j lengthened the days for tfuly an increased laying power,-- but those wlio had notremained, because when the period of activity of the reproductive organs is past, the bird becomes sedentary. From examinations I found the reproductive organs of the artificial light birds "to be the same as those, of birds nt the migration season auhqugir' they were liberated In , December. They left, the others.fstnyed. This is, to some extent,' prjjof my theory that migration is affected by light." 4 AIR GUNS SUBJECT . 'ISInce starting finy Hnwt(;a(k M Hons 1 have discovered that that this corresponds to their r r aid of artificial light. Others' I kept the ordinary daylight day. Same merchants advertise: others let their nlrl sinrk 1 .libe.rat.ed some of each Those cumulate on the shelves. i )' nu" been T T n.-i OF COMPLAINT AT ' THE POLICE OFFICE Complaints have been received by the city police of promiscuous shooting of air guns on Fifth Avenue East in the neighborhood of the Prince Rupert General Hospital. .It is pointed out by the au-' thorities that use of such weapons is contrary to law and it is the intention to take action against parents of children found with guns. LaBt Tuesday the window was shot out of an automobile by a child. , ...... I. ' . ... . . . ... . " "--wo Monday, May C, 1929 "-3-" ''.'grp" , The Daily News PIUNCE KUPEKT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily New3, Limited, Third Avenue IIuR,UULLEN - i.MatiaginsEdito. l.i r,wrtW!" yi'"linilli ' !iif' ...SUBSCRIPTION HATES 'Z,,,, i'jhy delivery, by mail, or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance,$5.00 h s V I to .... V , x - ' . . , . . . ..4 if.' 1 Montgomery Williams, English artist, lives in a houseboat on the Seine and, moves at will. 1 i mmm&mm wk .' it ; Home-;;;:: and a happy heafp "DENEATII that roof lies all that he holds dear his pride, and his responsibility his challenge to fate and fortune. Tonight he approaches it with a new buoyancy in his step ... a new light in his eye. A weight has rolled off his mind. For today he has taken the step which will forever banish from his home Today he! has assured the fruition of his plans . .j . the welfare of his wife, tho. cducatioi of his children . . . even if ho should not be spared to sec them through. Today he has invested in Life Insurance sufficient to provide completely for those who make his home the most precious spot in the world to him. So tonight he enters, to the welcome I and and loved loved ones ones the the spectre spectre mT ' ! ' of of want want and and privation. privation. j that, awaits him, with a lighter heart and a care-free mind. HU ' DM A. iw . JL Vw. A ill. A'IM'A B ildKF AVtlSC ' A Vjj"A Love That r7 Hj A'evfr Plea ".jj it- 4s 1.411