Monday, May 6, 192D M -fc--l BWMMJ i THE LML NEWS I . . Local and P ersonal News In Brief -Malt Time is Here FLIT -Si-troy We have, theW in stock from the tiny Brswnle to the Cfne Kodak for movie. Come In and gee thejn. We develop and print picture. Dally service. Tffic Pioncur Dfuoejislx i THIRD AVE. It SIXTH ST. -TEI.EPHONFS H'. onn Save ad Invest "yOUR money will not be idle while awaiting permanent investment, if you deposit it in a Savings Account in. the Bank of, Montreal. , i :J Inierest is paid on all Savings' IDOSILS.' v it c ! I ' .! II I' !! Ml BANK OF MONTREAL Established l8l7 Total Assets H In excess of ilOTT." mTj.X) $870,000,000 I 1 ; Dentist Dr. J. R. Gosse. Phone 68C. Ewnrt Lyne, teacher of Pianoforte. 5 Summit Apartments. Phone Black 345. ! L.' M. were 104 Bishop G. A. RIx returned to the city on the Catala, ' last- evening from 'a brief trlL to -Van couVcr on 'eecleiiaiticai' buslneen. Rev. R. J. Diven. Wrangell clergyman, was a passenger aboard the Princes Alice yesterday afternoon going through to Seattle. Dr. C. D. Carter. Stewart den tist and drug store proprietor, arrived in the city on the Prince 1 Rupert )ast evening , ..ftom the inprth .aud wijl spend the week E. R. Finn. trr.Awr.tpr ravoW - " ( - JJ and botheripj D..Bj,Fin4n, dlrec-Uohr or the (Prince Rupert Flsh- eriea Experimental Station, sail- ed last night on the Prince Rup ert for Vancouver. " Khutze Inlet mine, arrive'd in the city on the Catala last evening from the south and will return down the coast on the same t vessel tomorrow afternoon, j Petition for divorce from his v if e has been filed in Supreme ; Couit by R. B. Skinner. The case will come up at the session of the Supreme Court Assizes here i next month. . . . butoheri arritdd in the : city on theiiPrinceM Alice yesterday' af-terBedmiro the -north; ant jro-(kHjithWtaoraing by tralh'to I Edmtntoo."' .11,. , . ' MIm Caroline . Dedd, Juneau ! school .teacher;' arrived in the city on' M lfftiess Alice from ' the"north' 'and will spend a few days here before 'proceeding to Seattle. Alfred J. Lomen, well known "Tfonw'relmieW "fa'flnerT"ind Mrs. Lomen were passengers aboafd the Trincess AlieJesterdayl kf-: ternoen-going (through to S-lattle.Dlfe1-Er Wwley, who Is engaged In similar business, was going south With them. j Mention was made at eyening service in First Presbyterian Church last night by the pastor, Rev. T. I von Jones, of the impending departure from the city of Miss Georgina Hunter and S. J. Hunter who have been active members: of the choir. I William L. rnurong. station agent at Prince George, and -Mrs. Armstrong arrived in - the city from the interior on yes- , terday afterneon's train and 1 mght .iht net the the P 'Vancouver Vancouver on ona -a ductor McCann of the White Pasa Railway and Mrs. McCann. Having been delayed down the coast by.. fog. Union steamer mmit&WLnl. A. E.f Dickfcon. "aV- mT'd'in port at 730 last eve- , nlng from the south, sailing at 1 1,1 :30 for -Anyox, Stewart and iotner northern points of call whence she will return here to-j morrow morning and sail south at 3:30 p.m. Passengers coming I north on the vessel included : J L.' Ritchie, R. J. Cobb, T. H. , Watts, Ward B. Smith. BIshp G. A. Rix, J Shaw, JJ II. Johnson, F. D. Mathers, Mr. and Mrs. T. . Wallace, Cecil Roberts, Mrs. Mor-Irlaon, 11. T. Alrey and John Hlnes, for Prince Rupert; I), i Raleigh, for MIU Bay; Mr. and jMrs. W. J. Crawford, Miss Muriel Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. K. 0. .. . . .- - ' " " 7 ' Lynch, Miss Roberts and N. P. . . Harper, for Stewart; Mr. and Sec Page 7. There arc a lot of small advertisements Mrg, n. ide, for Naas Harbor, there tltnt make good reading. ,,,ml Georife Smith-for A,icc Arm- MAKE THIS YOUR LAST DAY OF CONSTIPATION "Fruit-a-tives" Restores the Liver to Healthy, Normal Action Frank Hoyt was a passenger sailing from here for Stewart on the Catala last night. Inspector J. II. Johnson of the! Liquor Control Board arrived In the city on , the Catala last eve4 nlng from, Victoria. G. E. Gulick, local manager of the Swift-Canadian Co., sailed last night by the Catala on a business trip to Anyox and Milton Gonzales returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from Smlthers where he spent a few days on legal I r. jj, miners, purchasing ag-j Mt tMnrnnAki I PUT ff fho l f . T'anlrora Ha en .L" Mr. Donald Daperron of MairOs, , the, C,ty 0n the Cata,a' Oat;, is only one of thousands of men ,a8t evening from a trip to Van- ,wbo fenl tUt "FruiUa-tives' is their , couver on company ' business, sure jirotf-tor against Bilious Jlead- . So, Nclc Stomach, Iodiecstion ' KWney Trouble, whick araimunilJ ' ,-, The fire department had a call csuikxI by constipation. As Mr. i at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon t?J,k!5&1I!W fourth Avenue West near the1 ives" .was rwimmendeU-and the St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral results Were marvpllnna ill ti ill nrhnro n rrmao ..... i lui. J . . ,. , . hw ' ' c ftiBoa lit t nas CAtui- Ward, B. Smith.' manager oftl?et UvreallTme a new'mS gUlshed before damaie W8S done- of me. rv this trnt fmif n,v;nA 3IHd 50c. ft box at dealers every Cwwieni , WhltehorsU'l B I 'W i I I D. C. McKechnie, field engin- r tnr ihtt Xf iM tn .. . i . v wv.iow,iuai;u 1'iilllllU city from Vancouver last week .lira. R. G. Macauley and child and will again be in charge of sailed last night on the Prince the company's operations in the Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. ! central interior this season. He I is a guest at the St. Elmo Hotel. H. T. Airey, engineer for the Brittania Mining Co., was an ar- Mrs. Ross McKenkie, wife of rirar fh the city from Vancouver the purser of one of the Yukon itI wtJa llt-evening. : River steamers, and son were passengers aboard the Princess Air.-and Mrs. George Cicconnef Alice yesterday afternoon bound ofrPet Clements, sailed last from Whltehorse to Vancouver night ctr the Catala for Anyox on a vacation trip. SkH' they wflt attend the Wed ding of Mrs. Clcconne's sister.' Mr. and Mrs. "W. J. Crawfor and daughter. Miss Muriel Craw. No kitchen work No cooking Just pour milk over it With att the whole wheat lext monin. KeenlevntHe nnH hla serrtr- Saturday evenlnir bv the Prince ANNOUNCEMENTS f ' 'i eeeoeeeee Fair Board Hayseed Dance, ' '" ' May 0. ."' Premier " Orchestra Novelty Dance In Moose Hall, May 10. Ijmt of ithe season. Tickets, 75c and 50c, from members or Mc- Cutcheon's Drug Store. "Mother's Day" Court Whist, Social anil . Dance to be held Saturday, Majr-jtjin the Scout Hall, Port Clemepf s. Whist to begin at 9 o'doclc, Admission; gentlemen 50c, ladles please provide. Fast Workers June 17 and 18. Fair Board. Moose Annual Ticnic at Digby June 30. , Gingham Dance to be held at Port elements some time In June, So be prepared buy a bowl Miss Baird. Mrs. Keenleyslde and Charles on his return two children also arrived from lsiamls. t the east and will spend some' - to the bran of the r 4 a Tnt! Phnno i Ttlir A Tovt aROlID , ., . A delicious, nourishing breakfast on which to work or play m A weu balanced ration for any meal and so casUy prepared. Tiu paper rrrli in each package contain a surprise for the Uddiet LOGGING AT HALF THE COST OF HORSES CATERPILLAR 1RACT0RS 3Iake Bigger Profits Sole Distributors for B. C. MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO, LTD. 910 STATION STREET, VANCOUVER, B.C. Branches: Kelowna, E.C.; Nelson, B.,C; Prince George, B.C. V A i.i-rrrn- fThomaa.JL Watts returned to ford, as well as ah infant iuRhi ii'P1',' Qharfoi R ;Starr galled the cit- on the. Catala yesterday ter. were passengers abosra athUWW!KKWJV the lYince Rupert afternoon .''much'' improved In "Catala ' last "e'veriYng going to for Seattle. , IK Bigger Production fig Economical Operation Spcimodic Croup U irtqaentlr IP reUcTedbjonaippUcationof a n VapoRu Owt 21 Million J.r. 1wJ r..r 1 t7 j Joe SpIUI sailed Saturday evV. JL health following & few weeks' , Stewart Mrs. Crawford has been ntng on the Prince Charles tok t ft asjeurn' at Harrison Hot Springs, j spending the winter in Vancqu- G. A. WWlland, local agent Masseit. ''; ver where Miss Muriel has been "r the Imperial Oil Co sailed QA- J Duncan M vr f I 1 n i i.J'Jt. ate P Thomas Wallace, who will. be 'attending the University ef Brit- Saturday afternoon on the' Munro sailed Saturda In. general charge of B. C. Pjc- Jgh Columbia. Prince Rupert for a brief trip afternoon on the Prince nuner?? kers operations on the $kenaj on company business. for. Stewart. jft . $ River this season, and Mrs. Wil- T. D. Pattullo, M. L A,, for i ... : SL. " o, lsce arrived last evening on the i Prince Runprt anrl 1.nfor of ih Nick Gurvich r. Mnt- l.f Tha h! vnt i. i Catah fmm VinMIIVrr iTIVxiral Liberal (InnnaUIAn ;n 4k. the nitrht night An on tlu the Prince TlrtlMk T1.. hand. Tl. r n I II in 4 Opposition in legis- Rupert for The Fair Board HayseeJjc ' , . Ilature. left on this ' morning's Vancoux-er enroute to Soan Lake, dance. Mav 9 Your dollar wiiltaPr; "'1 1H T rf-S.f;. . f ! , lv iP miss jean unee sanea issij train for a business trip to Ot- Washington, where he will take do double duty. You will have th nignt on tne rnnce Kuperi lor tawa, Montreal and other points treatment for rheumatism. Los Aneles where she will in th .t ft.r v,.vin- ... spend a three months' visit. She; several days In the city visiting; George H. Kohl, locating will be met at Vancouver by her aunt with whom she will motor to California. his constituents. en Iglneer for the Power Corporation !of Canada, sailed Saturday after A. Robertson, Massett sawmill noon on the Prince Rupert for a operator. James Gillett. Indian brief trip to Stewart. Mike Sandul, Alice Arm bar- Agent for the Queen Charlotte, ber, who has been making a so- Elands, and E. H. Simpson, W. G. Mitchell, man-ger of journ at the Bell Island Hot manager of the Langara Fishing South Bay cannery, and Mrs. Springs near Ketchikan, arrived & Packing Co.'s cannery, sailed Mitchell were passengers sailing in the city on- the Princess Alice by the Prince Charles Saturday Saturday evening on the Prince yesterday afternoon from the evening on their return to the Charles for the Queen Charlotte north, being on his way home. C.N.R. tteamer Prince Charles, Islands after having spent a few Islands. days In the city on business. ; C. S. Sisson, San n a ".. 1 1 rT .ii.i 1 1 j .. ... FraneUro ,.IIp.i lt PHiirli. " w iii.ii xrtueu h. u Keenlevside. who is to cannery man, arrived in the city . IUipart ft. ya.' -"i"'"y r "n'" be charge d'affaires for the 9" " t'rmeeM Alice yesterday 1 . i t . . . 1 1 , . Via LIIB UURIl UIIULIC 1S1U11UB. f'.MaHIn I ...- i n TaItIa i nil.miUin TfCm !. i n .1 lAf4 lion inp,.'4ir. ArmSirOng Will gO ,, , , , , . imioumu its"""" vn.iu, u- macn uu icn as far south as Lot Angeles. will be withdrawn from the run ai,( arrived in the city from Ot- here on this morning's train for a rw1 rnlj1 navt Irln 1v 4h .1 . . v' T T ..v .J t . , "i"v jj ...v l3wa on yesieraav anernoons vanning vi jasper iarK. Mrs. Morris" and two children rrince Phn- The, Char,P8t train and sailed last flight on of Duncan, Vancouver Island, maiie ner "exi cu" nere " the Prince Rupert for Vancouver i- ueaven of tjueen Char- 4 time of your life, and we will bT tM better enahleH tn ttra th In;'-, dian Band Contest. ' If feT -- - ; TOO ITE TO CLASSIFY TOR SALE Edison Phonograph: with Brunswick attachmentisiL M' and records, in splendid fr. Rug 7 hy 4'.,, bargain foffj eash. Apily "43 Fifth Avenue W. Phone Red 506. 10F fa? passengers aboard the Prin- f"rat,on of the summer .Van- enroute to Japan. He was ac- lotte City, after having spent a tesMfeteMttg t 1 Alice yesterday afternoon, couver - 1'rince Rupert Si?e companled by hts sister, Miss couple of day In the city, sailed , 1 ) returning to their home in the j south after a visit at Skagway J with Mrs. Morris, parents, Con time here visiting with Sirs. The anthem "0 Come to Me" Npir Keenleysidc's parents, Mr. and was sung effectively by the Mrs. J. H. Pillsbury. : choir, under the leadership of TV-riifnrv '.John E. Davey, at evening ser-i 1 61101 jr Making her last trip on spring vice in First Presbyterian r - schedule prior to being replaced Church yesterday. Alex Clapper- UpenCu Dy tne rrincess i.ouise, u.i'.u. ton sang a vocal solo "lie Was steamer Princess Alice, Capt. C. ; Despised." I C. Saintey, arrived in port ati 3.45 yesterday afternoon from I Rev. and Mrs. W. B. Jennings,, Skagway and sailed at 5 p.m. ; returned to the city at the end for the south. There were 51 1 of the week from a trip to Alice southbound passengers on the ' Arm. Stewart and' other northern vessel including the following' points on the Anglican MisslStf for Prince Rupert; Vuko Bus- j boat Northern Cross. 'Harry toki, Atlin miner: L. M. Crosier, ; Eyolfsen is engineer of th. Nor- Whltehorse butcher; Mrs. Caroline Todd, Juneau school teacher; William Fann and George Fann, them Cross this year, C. J. Fletcher, secretary of the Telegraph Creek trappers; Mike: British Columbia Medical Asso-Sandal, Alice Arm barber; Miss I elation, after spending the week-Mabel Knight. Oakland barber; lend In the city on official busl- Willlam Wood, Vancouver salesman; Oliver P. Goss, Seattle civil engineer; Cyrus Sisson, San Francisco canneryman, and Miss Annu M. Mercer, Hyder waitress. ness, sailed last night on the Catala to make the round trip to Anyox and Stewart. lie will proceed through to Vancouver on the same vessel tomorrow. "BUI LP II. C." Balfour Guthrie & Co. have received reports so good nKnnt Pai.fln Mlllf tVnm Cn. if VT'1 lie i 1 1 !, t It-, Mi5 h.yi lombla, South America, they Mt'f J are now snipping to tneir agepts ,io that country. Naturally we are projd of thlvnnd glad indeed that it is a British Columbia prod uct that has opened up new territory and is doing so well. Factory at Abbolsford, R.C: t $1 pi . i r- PACIFIC MILK iUTj, M I i ,