PAGE SIS : William TJIP. Booth Ceriteffafy Denial Campaign MAY 1 TO MAY 15 In Aid of Our Missionary and Home Work When called upon please give liberally The true purpose 'of ' ? a Budget pyEUY year you spend a large proportion of, the moneyyouV :-gSjt. So """ch clothing. ;So much for shoesSo-niiicli fornhlngs to eatfor house'furnishlhgs, books .and .what-. Here la, the way to get the mosftor your money. : Keep.a budget. lKdde what you can afford to' spend! for "'j$t$,y,'i hold yourself withln.,thlg amount,- , : 'H ' . ' Thento get the most for your budget money read advert tisements carefully. The advertisements you read tell you what Is newest and best. They give you the latest Ideas and improvements. , They help you to get. more from each dollar you have apportioned In your budget and so jfve better and dress better with the same income. . ' v i - ,' - j . The, true purpose of o budget is to enable'. you to" s'pepi ' vwlsely-iand only by careful reading of advertising can yoU hope to accomplish this result. . . " t ,- ,. ,!; . ri Read advertising regularly. It points iie '. r t s i ' way to better living. ; Daily News Want Ads. Bring Quick Returns THE DAILY NEW3 Fresh Vegetables Noticed In Lo cal Stores Sugar and Egg Market Softening Whlje sale, prices of naval or unges are advancing sharply and L hrtftv, housewives would be doing veil to luy in auequaie supplies before' 'the1 retail market ; rises rom the low price level that has orevailed for 'the past month or o. Mom freah vegetables are to be oted in local stores. Among hese afe Washington spinach, Victoria hothouse tomatoes and )a)ifornia asparagus. The supply f lettuce from California has teen cut off temporarily and Vrizona lettuce is high ?n price. There has been a slight decline n the wholesale price of sugar vhlch has not yet been reflected n the retail market. Egg prices re also softening and now would e a good time for those who preserve eggs to lay in a supply. Following are retail prices cur- cent in the city today: Apples-i- Yellow Newtons $8.00 Wlnesaps, C grade . 2.90 Fruit- Naval oranges 20c to Lemons, Sunkist. doz, 35c to California grapefruit, 3 for 2 lbs. ........ Bananas, . . . . Extracted honey per jar. . . . .46 r.omb honey . .... . .3 Dates bulk, 2 It" . J. . . . . .26 Raisins, bulk, 2 lbs 25 Rhubarb, outdoor, 3 lbs. Australian Almelra grapes, lb Butter Vo. 1 creamery So. 2 creamefyi 3 lbs Cheese Camembert, 8-oz. pkg. ..... Kraft Llmbergcr, Vis Sew Zealand solids . . vr:MmwmBfr?m34l&13KK3BBnfSABLJMBKtt3XDBtf4En9t&StSQ - - jifasmsMU -ay5F lyssjasfsawawfraMni miriwui in Tir mil Trim n urt r tt .80 .40 .2fi .86 .26 .40 .SO .OS .j6 Ontario solids 35 .. .30 Stilton, lb 46 Kraft 45 Norwegian Goat 05 Napoleon Ltmberger 70 loquefort .....t, .75 Swift's Brookfleld, lb f4 Gorgonzola, lb. ..; .7S McLaren's Cream, jars, 45c, p! iSrool fleld Swiss, -lb. pkg. JjO iruyere .'45 Mrookfleld Canadian heese, , 'Hll.-Pkg. .JBfe,.. Hp Golden EAiifJlb. ..JWEX... SAT. lack, 'omano Rardo, lb. C5 ummelostK A-i 30 Uravo Swiss, carton .40 Cbedlet, carton , 35 FIouW Flour, 49s, No. 1 hard wheat 2. GO Pastry flour, 49s 2. CO Pastry, flour, io co Lard Pure 25 Compound.-. ...'....-: VICE REGAL PARTY ENJOYS CRUISE ALONG PACIFIC COAST Their Excellencies Lord and Lady Willingdon viewed some remarkable evidences if Indian .: their visit to several Indian villages along the coast of British Columbia, aboard the P Incoas Nor.h. addition to the Canadian Pacific B. C. coastal fleet, on her maiden voyage. The upper left h.-m.l shows Lord and Lady Willingdon on board the teamr; lower left. Indians at Ucluelst, and an .! right. Their Excellencies with Captain Jack, who presented them with the totem pole shown behin.' K ORANGE PRICE IS GOING UF Eggs lxcal new laid 45 Meats Fowl,' No. 1,' lb., S8 and .40 rtoastiog chicken, lb 45 Jr oilers ilam, sliced, first grade .... ilamrwhele, first grade .... ilam, picnic, lb , Cottage rolls, lb Bacon, back, sliced, lb. , fl. . l 1 1 1 l' -4 itacon, nut, uitu, mnn Beef, steak 30c to .45 .50 .42 .27 .80 .50 Beef, roust, prime rib 36 Lamb, ahoulder 36 Lamb, leu 45 Lamb chops .45 Mutton chops .'. .40 Mutton sholder 30 Fish- Smoked kippers, lb. Kippered white salmon, lb. Red smoked salmon Smoked black cod, lb Tnnan baddies, lb iftllbut Salmon, fresh spring Nuts- Almonds, shelled Valenclas Bnurils ,... WalnutsUroken hl?d .... Walnuts, shelled halves . . Almonds Peanuts : . . . Manchurian walnuts 25 California walnuts .45 No. 1 mixed nuts, lb. Filberts 25 Fed 10011m fWbeat, No. 5 and Bulkley Valley 2.75 Oat 2.75 Bran 2.00 Iborta 2.10 Middlings 2.00 Itarley 2.75 Laying mash 3.05 Oyster shell .............. 2.10 Scratch food 3.10i Beef scrap , 4.50 Ground oil cake 4.25 Baby chick feed 4.50 Fine oat chops 3.25 Crushed oats 3.25 Fine barley cboo 2.85 Dried fruits-Lemon and orange P'tl .... .35 Citron peel .40 Black cooking figs, lb 15 White figs, 2 lbs 25 Currants, lb 20 Apples i 25 Tl 1. . . 1 - i ci; ii ep, peeieu za Apricots, lb. 25 Prunes, 90-100,4 lbs 35 25-lb. box 1.95 Prunes, GO-70 lb. 2 lbs 25 40-50, lb.. 15 I 1 I UllfB, , I US, ai 25 . Evaporated pears, halves, lb, .25 Vegetabl i.C. fresh pulleU 25 j net S lbs. K J. C. freah firsts, doa 35 Carrots, lb .0 d. C. fresh extras 40 ! Potatoes, saek $40 te 8.00 Parsley, bunch .16 Garlic, imported, per lb. . .'. .K Nev green onions, buncb . . .06 Green pt'jpers, lb. ........ . .60 New cablwge, per lb 08 Turnips, G lbs. White, 100 lbs. . Yellow, 100 lbs. ....... i New Zealand onions, 3 Ibst Arizona head lettuce Mexican tomatoes, lb Victoria hothobse . . Cukes, hothouse, lb. . "A i I grada .., ". 69 California celery .. .20c' aKd Veal, loin . .35- Victoria cauwjower, ZOpaud ort..eWr .... ?weetlM)tatoe..2Iba .i, M,.Vr v Parsnips. 4 lbs Veal, shoulder .36 i urt ",a i '-u' . ' ......... Hotel proprietors on .15 .26 .36 .10 .86 .26 w: as i ,!!:, it. . ii '53$5tl THOIQE Teday Ac oi n.- to Of fhial Pirc 'j-t NEW YO!tK uoiisneu in u tlhollc Dim.' cMase of I.1:. V Catholic iiopiii.! try In the pa.-t The numln '- . SastnM rhopM, I eardlnslH. j ; : : . i Pork, loin .36) "aM!r uu,,cn u'l-.mntn rone, teg ouKr There Beef, ot roast. ..... Ie to .20 Beef; boiltnv Wtc to .,18 .45 an' G. 60. priests ami 7. 0,00 Ugioos ord i -. j 25.773 prii- t- French Riviera are offering ravi HfM.L t At-- I . I I the 680 over la t The numlx i r me ingenious wno will enurcnes hh p Invent a new iwstime for theluf 11,903. In thousands of tourists who go ehopl thu-there every winter. dien. .26 . J '' uvrnvrciMNf! m aii i.'mim.m n' sii SsillBSFfT ' callev uawv v ('1411 UtU S4lt WS -J : The above picture shows a view of Lake Ni mt. r which Is being drained to uilcover the remains " c:; , the proud galleys of Emperor Caligula, which huvo bottom for centuries. One of the 'small figurew in (r" sollnl, of whom a portrait Is Inset. Below Is a 1 !r ;c p , , section circled In the upper picture, sliowinK tne ,!f v ley above tho water.