IK i t I i I I I 1 ,i4T PA'ifi TWO UJHr J ' 1 ....... aa . T. j Si i.il ; it i,u ,.; UZCUDEN AND SCUMBLING MEET IN HEAVY BOUT . : Max Schmeling, right, has settled his managerial troubles V! temporarily and commenced serious training for the Milk , Fund - .fights at New York. He takes on the Wbodchopping Basque, Paol--ino Uxcuden, left, who has been a stumbling block to many fight--Mfb ' iers on their way to the top of the lists. Whether the- miniature '"Dempsey can take this -customer into tow or not is the big ques- ...... .II. M. S. Colombo Beats. " lWo. Pr in the football match jed time, the trim, grey light at the Acropolis Hill ground last: cruiser Colombo, Capt C. C. Dob- n pght between H. M. S. Colombo son V. C, D. S. 0.. of the North l 'JiDd Prince Rupert all star was American West Indie? squadron! much evener than the A': to 1 slipped quietly into'Mncfe Rupert j core in favor of the visitlbg war- harbor a few minutes after three. , denotes. There was a baking o'clock yesterday afternoon for drizzle throughout the gajrie but an eight day visit 'IS' the course' no.;f,rencl,d Py" held rfn val- of a cruise of the'P4c(fic Coast ... Jantly and a large crowd et fans The presence in poVt,the war-nnu$",tne8d tne tch in spite of ship is causing the ui'iial stir . . . ' ... - 4 Via HmiL.uktu. r .1 ..I t 1 -. - iiiJV ..p..iniiB.B uj tin: viu- ntHui iowa ana many., citizens tv ii. I Teams were: H. M. S. Colombo (Sub-Lieut. Coode, sports officer) Rofier; Daas arid Dupbar; Pa-n4 THE BEST and played ' "''The man who puts his heart fnto his work uses very good material. 4 t amenity by calling at the mayor's tills rooming, a and Clarej loblaMj,' ewmmf. T ' Jriggs. Mafley ancT bray jQ0lQm fllUSICAL Prince Rupert Brand r" Halt? and Erskine; Hill, Currie aid rt ff-Ti niter; Wilson, Russell, aptie, -W. Mitchell and Chenoaki, Ol 67. FOOTBALL GAM II lti'1 likely that the retu Jh&ll mat-h between Coloml tne local boys will be TREAT IS COMING Recital to He Put On Hy Men From Warship in Moose Hall Tomorrow Evening Vocal and instrumental talent among the personnel of H. M. S, thCursd.y ead" of Wed y S0'" Tt ' ''he Moose Hall tomorrow eve- .ii.. d i i4 Vili inin&' t was announced this morn, announcement will iii be made, this, . Ti,. fc. Vn. j.-..j I M , e .v hub vccil uuuaicu for the occasion and all but ten per cant of the receipts will be applied to a I6cal charitable Our classified section may be of special interest to you today. Pirates club ' way to front JENATIONAL Only Half a Game From First Place Result Yesterday's Games NEW YORK, May 28. Gaining momentum day by day the Pittsburgh Pirates have clubbed their way into second place in the Na- j tional League with the pace-set-, ting positidh only half a game- away. With Jess retty on tne mound yesterday the Buccaneers pounded out a victory over the Cardinals, relegating the latter to third place, and almost caught Chicago, who lost to Cincinnati. The Cubs fell a victim to a six- run rally on the eighth, much toj the delight of the Reds, who had' lost nine consecutive games. " j Good pitching by Ray Benge and , Claude Willoughby gave the Phil-1 1 lies both, ends of. a double bill i with Boston. In the American League, the Browns shaved half a .game.-pff the Athletics lead by downing Cleveland. . '' Chicago was surprised wtyh a double victory ' over "Buckey Harris' Detroit Tigers. BASEBALL SCORES National League Chicago 5, Cincinnati 8. Pittsburgh 10, St. Louis 1. Boston 1-1, Philadelphia 2-3. American League Detroit 4-5, Chicago 7-6. St Louis 3, Cleveland 1. NATIONAL LEAGUE STANDINGS ' W. L. Chicago 21 11 .Pittsburgh .......V 20 12 St Louis 20 14 ! Philadelphia 15 1G v... tion now in fightland. It me' pienty to the German if he is able ir$?$ iVf JUtHi6 i.U WARSHIPWINS CRUISER HERE: ' SOCCER MATCH VISITORSBUSY Cincinnati,,. (Vi . 12 21 AMERIQANiLEACiUE STANDINGS ,"" " . W. 23 19 Rupert Eleven By Score of tain Dobson of Colombo i Cleveland ........ 16 Four to One White the beat team, no doubt, and Call Returned An hour ahead of the schedul- New YorJc Chicago 15 Washington 10 Boston -..10 Pet .656 .625 .588 .484 ;467 .412 AQ 3GA -L. Pet 8 - .753 13 .639, 13 18 19 23 22 24 Sport Chat 894, .556 ,457 .395 .313 .294 The naval boxing tournament being put on at the Exhibition Building on Thursday night promises to be one of the best events of this kind ever attemnted in or-. (were on the waterfront 'yesterday Prince Rupert. For the main Players from the warship had the ship tied p" &l C.N.R.jent, Marine Bill Venablea of .j 4be beat of things by a wide niar- jity No. 1. j U.M.S. Colombo will take on ,H0 gin in the first half during the I A suitable program'' of enter-1 Benny Wendle, former local boy, course of which they made -all Uinment ha .been Arranged fori0 rounds. Venables is the nrr. their four goals. The naval scor- the personnel of the ship while i undefeated champion of the ji,era were: Triggs, ; Ilibinson.ih- The veaael WJIj also be BrIlsh Army and Navy in his ...and Dunbar. i opened to visitors at' regular oc-jwe'Kht and with this reputation Prince Rupert came ut from aAsIohs during her J4tay here. should prove a good man, and r behind in the second half and ! The Colombo. wh,ieh was here i hard to beat, while Wendle, who tvor eased all the way amfi might lt in August 1927, has been at,nas tackled some tough boys dur-'..''A'eH have had more thin, the ! Esquimau before coming here.ing his sojourn in the south, Jnle goal which Charlie: Bantie,4 yet to visit other ports should prove a good match for turned in. on the coast . - - the majlne. It will also give the " Maater at Arnt Crorort 'if H.j . Soon after th,e warship tied up local fight fans a chance to see M. S. Colombo was an effliietjl reterday afternoon. Lieut. Col. I him again. 'referee. Linesmen were A. R..Dor,'- McMordie, mayor of the) ' Hag and Alex Clapperton. city, called on Capt Dobson to Eor the semi-final, the six pay Ws respects and extend an 'round bout between Able Seaman official welcome on behalf of. the Annette and Nina Gurvich should city. Capt. Dobson returned theiprove a thriller as Annette is slated to be a fast boy, and the local boy is not so slow either. The six round heavyweight bout between Stoker Everard and Gus-tafason should prove a good match, as both are Itching to go. The bout between Able Seaman Burratt and Brick Skinner and the other, three bouts on the card should also be interesting. Prince Rupert fight fans are assured, a good evening of boxing, FOOTBALL "LINE-UP The following are the local players selected for the second football game tomorrow night with H. M. S. Colombo: Brand; Haig and Erskine; J. K. Murray, Sam Currie and R. Woods; A. Mitchell, F. Russell, C. Baptle, D. Jack and C. J. Norrington; reserves, A. Maedonald, George Howe and J. Campbell, THE DAILY NEWS HELEN WILLS AND HUNTER AREBEATEN PARIS, May 28. Eileen Bennett, English, and Hen-rlcote, French, won the French double today by defeating Helen Wills and Fran-cis T. Hunter, the United States star tennis players. In straight sets; 6-3, 6-2. STOCK QUOTATIONS t It'ourteay Sj D. Johnston Co.) The' following quotation were id and jted: Bayview, SH, 4. Big Missouri, 1.38, 1.48. Cork Province, 10, 11. Uupwejl, il, 23 1 2. Duthie, 50, 55. Gmse, Obpper, 5.60, C.-10. Georgia' River, 0, 31' ' Gofcenda, JS7, 1.40. (..GTandriw, 35, i6. Independence, Nil, 8Vi. Indian, 4, 5. Inter. Coal & Coke, 39, 40. Koiotenay Flbrence, 13, 14. Kootenay King, 89 '4, 40. L. & JL, 2Vi, 3'. Lacky Jim, Nil, 18. Mohawk, 4, 5. Morton Woolsey, 5V4t 6. Marmot River Gold, C, GV4. Marmot Metals, Nil, 4Vt. National Silver, 13, 15. Noble Five, 62, 63. Oregon Copper. Nil, 31. Pend Oreille. 5.15, 5.20. Pioneer Gold, NIJ, 1.50. Premier. 1.65, 1.70. Porter Idaho, 40, 45. Reeves Maedonald, 1.60, 1.65. Ruru Argenta, 22, 23. 'ifuth'Hopc'SS, 34. ' Sllfr Crest,1 6"j, 7. ' 'Sffleradb. 50; 70. ' , , Sjlvi'rsmith, 14, 15. ' Slocan Ramoler, Nil, 17. . Snowflake, 57, 58 ' Sunloch. Nil, 2.10. Terminus', 6, 7. Topley Richfield, Nil, 29. 'Torfc, 1.00, 1.20.' 7 Whitewater, 75, Nil. WoodbWe, GVt, 6. ,; j- Oils, Calgary., Dallas, 2i?5, NIL Mercury, 1.45, Nil. Mid -West, 95 Nil. , Mill City, 10.65, Nil. Model, 85, Nil. Okalta new, 4.60, Nil. Regent 61, Nil. Spooner, 2.57. Nil. Richfield, 1.25, Nil. Advance, 15.50, 16.00: A. P. Consolidated, 4.95, 4.96. Calmont, 4.05, 4,10. Dalhousie, 4.40, 4.45. Devenish, 1.10, 1.12. Fabyan Pete, 8Vfr, 9. Home, 24.70, 24.75. Illinois-Alberta, Nil, 1.57. Mayland, 9.90, 10.00. ' McDoug.-Segur, Nil, 5.60. McLeod, 4.85, 4.90. New McDoug.-SegUr, Nil. 2.80, Vulcan, Nil, 1.87 4. llargal, Nil, 2.05 Sterling Pacifici 2.03, 2.05. United, Nil, 11.00. ' Eastern Stocks Sherritt-Gordon 7.05, Nil. Noranda, 49.25, Nil. JOE SANKEY AND COMPANION SENT UP FOR TRIAL Joshua Tait and Joseph Sankey, Port Simpson Indians, were committed for trial by Magistrate Mc-Clyraont in city police court this morning on charges of 'having stolen goods In their possession. Police found two skates of halibut gear, valued at $35 each, on their trolling boat Rainbow. They are alleged to have been stolen from Capt. Charlie Lundquist'a halibut boat Ingrid II. Tait and Sankey will appear shortly before Judge F, McB. Young in County Court for election. "Does yo' take dls woman for thy lawfully weddew 'wife?" asked the colored parson, glancing at the diminutive, watery, eyed, bow-legged bridegroom, who stood beside two hundred and ten pounds of feminine assurance. "Ah takes nothln'." responded the bridegroom gloomily. "Ah's beln' tooked Tit Rita. REBHAHS FAREWELL DEPARTING MEMBER Mrs. I. Pelletier Honored Last Night at Home of -Mrs. . .S-.Vt. Monday evening a large number of Rebekahs gathered at the. home of Mrs. S. V. Cox to farewell Mrs. I. Pelletier, vice grand of the local lodge, who Is leaving the city on Thursday to join Mr. Pelletier in Smlthers. During the evening Mrs. Pellet ier was presented with a Rebckah ring and pin by Mrs. A. Mackenzie, Noble Grand, on behalf of those present She was well surprised and responded in her'usual : ood manner. The Rebekah ana Oddfellow Orchestra, assisted by Miss M. I.awrence, were in attendance and played selections. After dainty refreshments were served the gathering broke up with all joining in singing the Songs "For She's a Jolly Good Fellow" and "The More We Are to Gather." After showers of good wishes had been extended, all wended their way homeward, feeling they had spent a very happy evening although sorry to lose a member from the fold. -.p CANADIAN LEGION TO ENTERTAIN MEN FROM SHIP TONIGHT Entertainment for the personnel of II. M. S. Colombo tonight will include a smoker to bo held by the Canadian Legion in its hall. The invitation has been extended to every available man on the warship to attend this affair. The big civic dance in connection with the warship's danf e will be held Friday night in the Exhibition hall. I. Other Items on the program in connection with the shjp's visit here are mentioned elsewhere. Try a Daily News want-ad. It will bring results. JOURNALIST VISITS CITY Son of Jack Selvlg Writing " ' 'A'r U'dles f or 'Oslo 'Ne'wspa per " ... Abcu.tjy.eskrn.Canada Per Selvig, son of Jiick Selvig of this city, a- journalist ' connected with the greatest Liberal newspaper in Norway, Tldens Tejrn of Oslo, who is here in connection with "immigration matters, plans to spend the summer here. He came out with the settlers from Norway, and travailed on a Colonist car, passing through the immigration sheds at Winnipeg, and learning at first hand how the im migrants are treated. .Mr. Selvig stopped off at a number of points alotig the route and went to a Norwegian settle ment in the Peace River country. Now he plans looking into the fishing conditions here and will probably return by way of southern British Columbia. Throughout the trip he has been keeping, his paper informed m to conditions and he will also describe the fisheries on this coast. While here Mr. Selvig is living with his father. STEWOT AND MOX FELT SUNDAY 'QUAKE No Damage Done. However, In Either of Northern Mining Camps The earthquake on Sunday afternoon which was noticed In Prince Rupert was also felt quite noticeably at Anyox and Stewart, according to word broaght to the city aboard the steamer Catala this morning. There was no dard-age at either place. j PRAIRIE PROVINCES GET WATER POWERS : OTTAWA, May 28. A Govern- mnt measure vhich proposes to turn watir ; ppweira of the three I prairie provinces' over to the provincial governments for admlnis- jtrative purposes received its third reading yi the House today. Tuesday, Mav jg HOME OIL HAS A iNOTHERWFii "Philip M: Rav. In;-,-, , Kolloway Mills tv ceHvetF-the follows,. ,v moriiing: 'Home No. 2 s!rn, I, ., of wetgas eurly this i. tfcnuted between ten ,,! nrllioB feet. Drill i-,, deeper. Mt-asurcm.-i . shoul'l be known in a Unofficial estimate i s :500 barrels." Daily Nf-ws "da,. f l, :,.ing brings r.'MUt; mSt MULlj ' rr- r. .. fll'C,-..; f n idver. E I VERY engine, rcgardlm of t pc, gi vra lc 1 1 rr rmulti with Qiampicm Spark Plugi. 'Tlerc is a type fprciiicilh; floigtittl topic !rttrr rrulu for every ojx-ruling ronditioa. Comult your Jemler SPA UK I' LUGS Wladr, ObiH a c n w i vnr. rsouici The "Spirit" of the Three Musketeers By the golden baldric of Porthos . . . by the gleaming sword of Athos ... by the grace of Aramis . , the brave old days in France . . . days when every gentleman adventurer had faith in his star . . . and the Three Stars of the Three Musketeers blazed brightest of alL THREE STAR HENNESSY BRANDT Bottled at Cognac, France M7 This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British British Columbia.