Tuesday, May 2851929' SPECIALS! Local and Personal News In Brief mi K. 1 Ill SPECIALS! Lavender Mentholated Shaving Cream, COc, Lavender Talcum Powder, 35c 85c value. Bothfor ; 50c Klenzo Shaving Cream, 50c, Genuine Gillette Blades, 50c $1.00 value. Both for gQc Our Bathing Caps have arrived New, fresh stock. Values from 15c T0 $1.00 Qrmes 1 . i ZTfic Pioneer THIRD AVE. V SIXTH ST ' Dttnei.sts -TELEPMONfS K,20C Well Mannered Service to Motorists We want to make friends and hold them. By courteous service we can win this. Lotus take; baVpf XPMC Sffif' $) an greasing MfeGuaVanfeyd work. make tf' specialty pumping, $re for ladies. Let .us help you today. DOMINION TIRES They Arc. Good Tires ... cm - imoassssr We df , mm . . - ' BUY I i, ! . ML - , . ii Li Shoelblish Nugget" your golf shoes and mount the steps of the clubhouse verandah with confidence! Mo$t golfers use "Nupget" the hardest round will not take nway the bright good V looks it gives your shoes. TUB 'NUGGET" TIN liny from the merchants is fresh. I i OPENS WITH A that advertise, Their stock 4 a Taxi Phone. 4, Big 4 Taxi, tf Dentist Dr. J. R. Gosse. Phone! G86. Elks' Kiddle' FJag Day and crowning of May Quean, lloriday, June 3, the KinfcB Bjlhday. '122 I Accent up . to kay h, total-lling $61,001,05 were pAssed for . payment by the city council at I iU meeting last night. Birthday Tea, United Church Hall, Thursday afternoon from 3 to C. Home cooking and fancy work on sale. Attractive musical program. 123 There will be a public workout of the boxers of H.M.S. Colombo at the New Empress (.ymnasliim letwen 5 and 7 o'clock today and I tomorrow. The city council' last night gave permission to the Idea) branch of the Navy League tf Canada to hold its annual ttff day ih aid of the local Sea Cadets on June 8. " ti l 1,1. i ' If ft 1 inien.Meamwuewaiaj api. a. K. Wokson, returned" to port at, 12 noon today from iyox. Stew-; art and other northern i points of can unu win mu i o.ow m. i- ternoon for Vancouw and way-j pons. ' 1 Tavincr Leaving nn on the ho train train vaaiorrlav yesterday en route to their homea on a visit were Erik Nyatrom, Erik Rwat- racK ami Julius narnonn ior rin- 1 1. t 1 .if ll M . mini, rtiiuruw . rfuaunnon lur Sweden and Peter Haugen for ,Norwy. Vnrarsv ,l- i Metu with a written reauest 'I I r1 1--T-- from Ue ecretan . 4 . .Jl Mor-, rUoi.,e,.citor council laet night . gave the Native Sons of Canada the use of Acrepolls Hill srounda ri, Ior aUmmer activi-,M,JuJ I fjthe aunul Domin- tieg- ; ion Day. celebration. . It Is expected that a writ will be iHsued out of Admiralty st the American trol- , II. which was tastMw-he fishery trol vessel RiWdis off Rose Kand.!iareged to have been i ' ii fi fill Katherift 11. case will heard 'A the same time as those of the four other American trolling poats wnicn court yMterday afternoon were fejlBd over two wee agofor HrfvlBtf a car while Intoxi- by the Malaapina at Uoose Island, rrr NOTICB To Whom It May Concern: Take notice that I. K. S. (nn purcnane on .uy o, the business and asaett of the Canadian Cafe. 723 Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C., and all person having accounts against the , previoiw management are reo,uur V,ed to present same forthwith to Douela.v Sutherland. 621 Second AvenueJfprinct Rupert, B.CX, for ruymenf.. 122 ' (Signed) K. 8. WONG j I Just Received! I i A shipment of TRAVELLERS' .SAMPLES from Master Me Consisting of jchanics. MEN'S, YOUTH'S AND HOYS' LONG THOUSKRS At oij rpduccflf prlcow. ' ' Cll nnd see Ihem. Montreal Importers THIItl) AVENUE The Firm That Brought Eastern Prices to. the West Prince Rupert Feed Co. Received fresh supply Pratts Baby Chick Food, Bulkley Valley Hay and grain, Robin Hood Flour, Spratts' Dog and Bird Supplies and COAL guaranteed to please you . PHONES 58 AND 538 J Here is tar ar more rnore MAGIC BAKING POWDER used ir Canada twt ! of all other brands combined MADE IN CANADA NO ALUM A E.W. GILLETT CO. TORONTO. CAN. 11. G. Johnston, manager of In veriKja, C.annery, sails this after noon ihe CaUla for Namu on- cannry hi,-..,.., R. w Sincla,ri acC0untant at invenM Cannery, is sailing this afternoon on the Catala for a victoria. i A. D. Watt. C.N.R. divisional . . , . . raMter mechanic, arrived in the euv tTnm nHo, Cm on vM. ' L , I , l"u mwiiiwim vibiii uuu turned to 4 the interior this morn- - ,ng- . r . . j ' ' ' . mi Ther yas a business meeting lart nlkhtlof the Sa vatlon Army v ."h-i' t ...uu v' tOUIlK 1 IC O JVKjyit Willi IIIC preBliejiiL. Gwre . ,A Wn, In the ch.lr. . ATnifilJ will" be iheld liolnlay nii&t to make PnMdur on Ifnir frnm rPr fnr than uirith .... nn f hp f!ntfll?i ffifst 'afternoon wiU. include; W. Chat- win an J. II. ilcUJearyt for Van couver; Capt. K. If. Underwood, foPvwtaVl''n' W. Sinrlafr.' for vi.-tnrl.J rfrul If'. O.i. Johnston "fhr - janiu ir wilM. St,wart Was ntenced to MVen a.v.. mnriMnment bv Magistrate McClymont In city eatod. Hit white driver's license will be cancelled and a blue one issued. Father Laray O.M.IM who con-of ducted services the Roman Mlf Terrace on Sunday, arrived In the city from the interior on yesterday ' after noon's trait and will sail tomor row aftcrnoen ' on the Pfince George for Stewart. , ANNOUNCEMENTS Aid. Prudhomme had been a party . to that over-expenditure. After Mooscheart Ladles' bridge, the or'ginal estimate had been whist and dance May 28, at 8:30 made and the money bylaw pass-prompt, Adralaslon. 50c. j ed, the Board of Works had de ' cided that a more expensive grade Birthday Tea, United Church 0( pjpe ?hould be used. Aid. Hatl, Muy to, I Prudhomme was as much a party - 1 to that decision as had been anv ' Past Worker June 17 and 18. other member of last year's Board Fair Hoard. Moose Annual Picnic at DIgby Ji, 30. .,, , ,0 blnghara" Onnce to be held at Port Clemaots some time in June. So be prB8rc.d buy n bowl K. of C. picnic, Sunday, July 11. Digby Island. - SCALE OF CHARGES The following is the scale of charges made for reading notices: Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanka, 12. Funeral Notices $1. Funeral Flowers 10c per name. Marriage and Engagement announcements $2. Baseball tonight at,Ct45. Elks va Gyros, ., ,,i , .. J. II. McCleary of the Swift-Canadian Co., will sail this afternoon on the' Catala for , Vaniu- ver. .. Wong Won,.. Chinese... cha under the Bankruptcy Act, been further remanded until Hay 30. George Keep of the C.N.R. lp: vestigation department, arrived In the city on yesterday aftif-, noon's train from Prince Georif land returned to the Interior this1 morning. ' J Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Nlckerson and Dr. and Mrs. E. S. TaitTe-i turned to the" city on yesterday '. afternoon s train after a succew- ful weekend angling trip 53raf; a nice bag oi trout, C.P.R. steamer Princess 'f?TOlBiaiiWU Tme n?rt rnaay rnuay oi in mis mis weeK wee, on on ine me TWU,Mn. : Tt..o.u vXV which up to the present has be$S handIed the Prince Royal. ' the Princea. rCliiuccu uS 'Jf'tHrn to victoria jPrincesa Mary. T Thru, mm-o it. into . .. .. .. .. Uisposea OI Oy ineCliy COUnCU , , gni M 00 retommendation recommenoaiion oi of . tne nnance committee, ivot u, .. ri Barnes 'and Leontine Barnes for S200 while lots 3 and A, block 3, secijon i, on Amprose rtvenuc T rJ r.. w"e l"r"eu "v.nl " a Pr,ce oi io. , n w trt . . n rk n t n PRIinHfiMMF nUUIlUllllllij IS IU rxv ii i-k r mil l!ll WAk MAIH Srnrpa Oir,pTnpndIf nr nn Tfi.ritiW 'ttitSf.titej .ili.nse ... -"";" ir. Tr n Sewer and Declarew He WW LA' Vote Against Bylaw . ' BHOWN OBJECTS V i As a protest against the man ner in which the pnbllc Avbrks de- partment of the city wa carrying on its work, Aid. Prudhomme an- iiuuuceu .iu uie ciiy cuuuiu ibv night that he intended to vote against a money bylaw which is coming up thlaweek to qovtr a deficit of ?19,000 in trunk sewer construction. He reiterated a de- mund that he has on several occasions In the past made that there should be a thorough reorganisation of the city engineer's department. As for the 19,000 in ques tion, Aid. Prudhomme deciareo that it was a waste of money. In spKeof this, another sewer. project was being embarked upon. j Aid. Brown, chairmnn of the gratulated Aid. Prudhomme on his loyalty to the council . as i: member of last year's Board of i Works, Aid. Brown declared that nf IVnrlra rr ronndl Mayor McMordie agreed with Aid. Brown'a views on this point Aid. Prudhomme replied that he felt his loyalty was due not so mucfi to the council as to the ratepayers of the city. He criticized the cost of grading McBride Street and asked if something could not be done in the matter of repairs to Conrad Street which was In bad condition. Aid . Prud-1 homme also enquired as to how many clerks the city engineer hadj in his office. Aid. Brown Teplted thnt there was a clerk nnd a stenographer1. 1 A few years ago there had beenl an assistant engineer and clerk and there was not half the work ! going on then that there was now with a trunk sewer under con-stiuction as well as much road work under way. Though the engineer was now getting along without an assistant. Aid . Prudhomme even begrudged him a clerk. The discussion eama to a ilose with a motion to adjourn. CONCERT! WILL HE GIVEN BY THE HlSTnlftmho' it T111.IT,: By Kind Permission of V.C., D.S.O., R.N., in the Moose Hall, Wednesday Night, 8.15 Comic song, duets, guitar solo, monologue and two short sketches by the company. Ship's band will play selections. Proceed Will Be Given to Charitable Institutions ADMISSION Adults, 50c; Children, 25c. Miss Kathleen Dunn, fate of the Dailv News staff, hastyolned the staff of Rose, Cowan U Latta. t The County Court actUn-tff W. Wil"af et. a' v," M Steph-' ipi, E. Bj TJfrderwoq lis .Work iwh.o ZXCZl 11 M g Colom'b wil, gail by th Mi afternoon on hfa re. I ' Provincial Constable M. Martin f hi,n n,..iiin r ,.,nr-;ri v-.v "(it .i- rive from the Islands on the ,.., vuik in nis custody an insane natlent wno w11' be delivered to Esson- dale-mental hoapital. during the month of April, the fire dtpartment responded to five ealls. accqrding to report of Fire ni-l-i Chief r it tTk .u i. j ' D. II. McDonald printed to th- city council last night. In "ohry one ease tuor was wuo there l"c,.c damage, tqll'JtJSga4m'iwhen the jfjrnt shop CaU.fiTht cau.tnt tli'G. lice. I Hih1o lif lo.'- W "s i a r i 1 1,! uv .t l . r. wzjtzwiipm ior me momn amounted to $1,154.08 including 810T7 iii.salftrleg. ' ' ' 1 .r LisgeTs disembarking here fom wrthern points on the " V.- "?. ""I Mrs. P. Svedberg", George Smith, S. IUU. L. Gregovich, V. Pich- m, . Hutclunaon. C. . Reagn, Mrs. D. Bennett and H. Laxer, from Stewart, and Mrs. Teabo, John Cqsncinn, John Hartman, A. D. McGillivray, Mrs. T. Gorman, H. Clarke, M. G. MicLeod and II R. Malkin, from Aayo;. Passen gert going through on the vessel to Vancouver Include: J. B, Dewia, from Anyox: Mr. and Mrs.i E. G. Newnham. from Mill Bay, and G. II. Patton, from Stewart. Was Tortured With Eczema For Years Mm. George Phsmbier, 119 Crmbton St., Halifax, N-. writes: -"After being tortured with ei sem, for yeary, and trying ererythuig possible from doctors anddrug stores, a friend recommended me to take I real my hueband to get me a bottj .A .(I., 1 twui (lrn it I sotlred U eooliug of my blood, so he sdvwed me to continue, and after taking verl bottle; I oan truly say it is a wonderlia mediewe." Manufactured only by The T. MB-burn Qo., JUUt, Toronto, Oat LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Moving. Cnnnprr Partv t ' ' MM Capt. C. C. Dobson, Dominion Constable and Mrs. E. G. Newnham of Kincolith are passengers aboard the Catala today going through to Victoria and the Gulf Islands on a holiday trip. The remains of Peter Torsten-sen, logger, who died in the Prince Rupert Gerenal Hospital on Sunday from a broken neck, were forwarded this morning to Terrace where interment will take place this afternoon. The remains were aeeiompanieu 10 xerrace uy Frank Morris, manager of the B. C. Undertakers. Ensign R. Boys, financial officer of the Salvation Army for Northern British Columbia and Alaska with headquarters in WrangeJl, arrived in the city on yesterday afternoon's train from Prince George, where he has been acting in charge of the corps dur ing the illness of local officers, ,nd wni make to a trip Anyox . . .. ... wore proceeding to wrangeu. The city council last night put through! HI ftnM readings, a local inprovemeht initiative bylaw providing for the grading of the lane IVv,rn tarth'ft Wnfli St roof Via. hind the Prince Rupert Hotel. A local improvement construction bylaw to provide for the construction of a sixteen-foot pavement n Ambrose Avenue between the Sixth Avenue intersections was -!ven its first readings. S.D. Johnston Co.Ltd. Representatives for MILLER COURT & CO., Limited Through our connections we can n;ake prompt execution of buying and selling orders on the Vancouver, Calgary and Toronto stock exchanges. Closing prices from these exchanges posted on our stock board twice dally. Orders from out-of-town clients, by wire or letter, will receive our prompt attention. S. D.Johnston Co.Ltd. 610 2nd Avenue Phone. 130 Prince Rupert B.C. If You Wish to Talk Watches Come Here! If you just wish to see and ask questions come herel Or for any other watch reason at all come here! We expect to have to convince you before we sell you. Wouldn't have It any other way, anyway, even if we coubi. Four of the world's leading makes are what we have o show you and talk about. We repeat come here and have a look. John Bulger, Ltd. THE JEWELLERS t? "1 j i i -