Include It In Your Diet PRODUCED fiflLKO. IN CANADA VjfcT .Tjjtf from Carnation Milk pure, whole milk evaporated to double richness supplies the nourishment imperative to health, and by its uniformly distributed double cream content makes unnecessary the lavish use of cream and butter. Use it for all cooking. Write tor iltrj Blake Cook Book Cuiutloa Milk Prod una Co., Umiud 1)4 Abbott StiMt, VacouTr, B.C Contented Cows UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sailings From rrlnre Rupert lor V.l.NCOl VKK. VIClOitIA, MwunMin Ua). Bute-dale, Alrrt Bay. etc. Tuesday. 3:3i p.m. lor VAM'Ot M.K. VICTORIA. Hutlit, Alert Dav. ete.. ITIfUr midnight for Al Id; A KM, ANYOX. STKWAKT. VVtS It IV Kit. Sunrtav. 8:00 p.m. f.n POUT SIMPSON AND WALKS ISLAND. Thurtdar. p.m. I3 Ziiu .ttruiic It. M. SMITH Agent Prince Uwpert. II. C. I t mugli il ki t Mild to Victoria and Muttle -and batguie chrtkril thriMigh ti ilektliintlon. mm. PACinc; b: c. coast steamship services SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagwar June I. ii.. it. i;. :i . Tii Vamoinrr. Victoria, Seattle lune S. IS, 1.1. 19. ft. W. t. I'IMM'L'SH MACJl INNA Omin I'alK rtr.. Vanniuver and Victoria ctrrr Irlriav Id p.m. A splits (or all Mcinhlp Lion IV. r ORCIIAUD. UI..VERAL AliEXl 3rd Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C rimne 31 I I i : : : Canadian N AT! 0 N AL QTjc Largcfl Railway Sylem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Kalllng'. from PltlNCK MTK.nT for VANl'llt'l ZK. VlfTOMI "i:TTI.r.. and InlermedLite points, each Thursday and Sunday, 10:00 p.m. lor ANVOX and S1MVAIIT, rtuli IVednettlay and Saturday, 4.-4)0 p.m. lor SOUTH AND frtH TH IJILLN CHAlil.tjTl t SLVM. PASKKNIiLK TRAINS I.P.AtE PIMNf'E RlTLttT DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY at 11:30 a m for PRINCE CII.OKOK. EDMONTON, WINMPLt). all points butrrn Canada, Inited Mate. AfiKSCV ALL OIKAS STEAMSHIP l.l.M.S City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave, Prince Rupert Phone 2GU "Caterpillar Tractois" MEAN BETTER, QUICKER, CHEAPER LOGGING Sole Distributors for II. C. MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO., LTD. 010 STATION STREET, VANCOUVER, II. C. Ilrnnches: Prince George, Kelowna, Nelson i PRESENTATION AND ADDRESS I Rev. and Mrs. W. F. Price Hon j oredjbyBapti;t Church Fire gIrje. Jb (Bst The monthly missionary meet tnf laf nftrhf rt 4Vin Plrnairlii f'ltlll of First Baptist Church, the final pithering of the organization for the season, took the form of farewell tb Rev. and Mrs. V. F. ..Price, to whom a pre e:itati n I wns made and an address reu I 'pr!or to their depa-ture from the city. Miss Ajnes Daw on, the president, occupied the chair an 1 la feature of the program was a ! recital by Mrs. PrW entLlel ! "Twenty Miles From Sundy." ! At the cloie of the recitsl, the address to Rev rnd Mr?. J'ri -e wm read by Mi's Dawson, while the presentation of a pur e of gold made by James Walton and ; Mi Catherine Waton T e r cip'ents repondei" sti tably and the proceedings closed with the serving of delcious refreshments. The addraes read a follow. : "Deiir ?lrtfrfid Jr. Price. ! "For nearly three .years, we, a members of the Fireside Ciuh. I have profited by your m nistr.r : tions and, within that period, y u ;have greatly endeared yourselves rto u bynyour amiable character, your earrfest devotion (o duty and : the hearty interest you have manifested in our welfare 'as a club. ; "In the pulpit here if you could call it a pulpit you have laithfully presented the ' Gospel and have warned us against the evils that continually beset un and have earnestly pleaded with us to seek our truest happiness by seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. Your benediction has tested upon us in our domestic, business and school affairs and in all things you have proven yourselves our competent; and loving pastor and paetoress. "With a deep sense of your benefactions, those assembled here have requested me, in their name, to present to you each a wee gift one easy .to carry ana with it we trust that you may pui ;hase some little luxury that will ramind you of the Fireside Club at Prince Rupert. Kindly accept these gifta as freely as they are offered. ?Wlth the very best wishes for your health, wealth and spiritual prosperity, "On behalf of the club, "AGNES DAWSON, President. ENTERTAINED OFFICERS Mr. and Mrs. George G. Ilushby entertained last evening at a delightful dinner and dance in honor, of Captain C. C. Dobwn, V. C D. S. 0., and officers of II. M. S. Colombo. We wish to introduce to the public OurNewButcher Mr. Tilbrook, of Vancouver, who we feel confident will come up to your expectations and give you satisfaction. .rt.T OTT-tt Tl It. nn . I c iioii,)) i er I u uv LOIN VEAL Per lb 36c BRISKET BEEF Per lb 14c HAMBURGER Per lb 20c POT ROASTS Per lb. 18c to 25c PRIME RIBS BEEF Per lb. 80c PORK LEGS Per lb 40c SHOULDER PORK Per lb. 80c LAMB STEW Per lb 20c LOIN CHOPS rer lb 10c Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited 617-423 6th Ave. E. Phones 18&84 P. O. Box 675. Dr Alexander IMIONB 875 REHNER BLOCK "I VM all n:: J 'v.n. tired all the time and couLl toi iic my housework. My eyes v. i ir.- Jull, my tongue was coated an. I I J;. I not want to cat. A neighbor toki mother about Lydia E. Rnkham's Vegetable Compound. I began taking it and now I am hungry ail the time. I sleep well, my nerves arc ; t and I hav'c told lots of friend Low the Vegetable Compound ha helped me. I have also used Lydi.i I 'in Wham's Sanative Wash and I tl lots better. 1 will be glad to annr any letters." Mn H. . W m. U27 S. Willow St, Faribault, Mm-vs tj. TENDERS ON GARBAGE COLLECTION WILL BE FORTHCOMING SHORTLY A recommendation from the finance commitUe that tenders be called up to June 10 for garbage and nightsoii disposal for the period from July 2 to December 31 WM adopted by the city council, last night. Aid . Prudhomme thought it was j not wis m call for tenders for only the six-month, period. It would not be fair to the tenderers who would h 've to obtajp consid-: erable equipment for carrying out i the work and wculd be uncertain : r.s to tha duration of their eon-i tract after be end of the year. I Alii PnuHiamma olm jinatijnA4 a. .n.tfawiMM. -saw M.c-vaaaa if the council actually knew how much these services were now costing The auditor's report for laat year showed that garbage col-tec t ion had cost 17300 and night-soil S4200. He did not see the reason for this difference. He was not op nosed to the system of calling for tenders in this ease. City Solicitor E. F. Jones explained that this council had no authority to let a contract 'extending after its term of office. Aid. Brown thought that there would be no scarcity of tenderers, judging from the number of enquiries that had been received. Muyor MclCordie stated that if the service could be carried out more cheaply by contract, it was the intention to have the work done in this manner. If the tenders were higher than the preaent cost, however, he did jtot think th courril would be in favor of accept 'ng them. j Short of Breath , Smothering Feelings I ' Choking Sensation Mrs. II. Day, Dartmouth, NJS.. ; writ: "For over a yfr I waa troubled ; with smothering spells and ahortnera i of breath, and it wu Iropnaeible for dm to walk, ereo a short dmanee, be-i eauae of the choking eeesatioQ n hieh i . - in I. I, t i mmmmmmmmwmm - I, f- OWB MhH ia'ection, altars InfUmmation, rsmofos all trsca I IlLIVIIIvB I jrrrat& BH 61 poison aad ensures quick, clesa baalioit, H llllvllll Ljg0jMBKHEP A BOX OF Z"" ill"llUl louowed. After tning many treatmenta, in vain, I at last rlwi.le.l to try and in a mtrprimnel.v short time they did ine much good." Frioe 60r per box at all druggists or dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of nrire by The T. Milburn Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. LK HULK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cronm Dally, EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. YALENT1NDAIRY Telephone 657. WEEK AT T1II1ATRE h Tuesday, Wednesday and TIturttday . "The Singing Fool," Lpm- l ily, Oswald, and Paramount j i' News. . . I Friday and Saturday s 'H.c Trail Of D8." Com- ' I'i'y, Collegians, No, 4. 4. y t 4- I J0LS0NIN"THE SINGING FOOL" A Picture to Laugh and Cry Over at Capitol Tonight i JoLson is back again. His first picture, "The Jazz Singer," broke al! records for attendance and enthusiastic comment. Now he brings us a greater, "The Singing Fool," a heart story of universal appeal, which has to do with the juyj aud sufferings of a singing i waiter of a Broadway cabaret. I Jolson covers new emotional ground, pours out his heart In the exaggerated, jauy, conquering way. that makes his personality i:l ;v'el ier irresistible. The story .. .. done by Leslie S. Barrow i ;. i iik-turiaved by C. Graham i ..!.ir. L.oyd .Bacon directed. ail-star cast Includes Betty I:ro2.s.oc, Josephine Dunn, Reed ilowoj, Edward Marti ndcl, Arthur iliouaman, David Lee and Robert Fr.:.r.-j.L O'Connor. "The Singing Fool" of the story becomes infatuated with a beautiful but heartless entertainer at the club in which he Is a waiter. Through his help she succeeds. They are married and she deserts him, calling him back only when their little son is at the point of denth. "The Singing Fool" is a story to 'augh and cry over, and to 'reasure forever, after. BUILT FURTHER City, In Grade and Surlicc From ' Big Bny Mill In Cold Storage at Seal Cove On recommendation of the Board of Works, the city council last night decided to grade and: improve on a sami-permanent roadway basis at an estimated . cost of $2000 the extension of the j Seal Cove road from its present; termination near the Big Bay' Lumber Co. s sawmill office to the boundary of the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co.'s property. It was decided not to build a road on the Seventh Avenue side of Settl Cove Circle as had been-asked for by some property own-! ers. Aid. Brown, in this connec-i tkn, explained the cost of such a road would be $A87fi, whereas the total assessed value of property concerned was only $7670. The Board of Works, therefore, felt hat the work would not be economical under n re sent conditions, particularly since the petition asking for the road wus not sufficiently signed. TELEPHONE SYSTEM HAS GOOD SURPLUS Revenue Exceeded Expenditure by $1285.20 Durintr .Month of April During the month of April the . telephone deportment hud a net surplus of $1285.20, according to a report received at last night's ' council metlrifc front Samuel Massey, superintendent of that j tillty. - The revenue for the .month amounted to $.1828.20. while the expenditure was $25111 . ,SUITS! SUITS! i I MADE TO ORDER 1 I Cutting, Workmanship and Style All Guarnnlccd SUITS STEAM CLEANED ANI) PRESSED rt'c D?llver to Any Fart of th City. Lin, the Tailor Phone GI9 Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday Two Shows Each Night 7 and 9 AL JOLSON IN HIS GREATEST SU( T' ss The Greatest Entertainer on Stage or -.v.n THE S imim FOOL" ; With a Wonderful Cast COMEDY COMPANIATE SERVK E NEWS ANI) OSWALD No Advance in Prices Ad mission, 15c and Coming next week-The California Collepis CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK SHIPYAPJ OPIJHA'l'iWi (J. T. P. 20,000-TON FLOATING DICVDI :i Mngineens MarhinUts, Boilermakers, Blacksmith , 1'.. : Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc HLECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDINO Our Plant Is E(uipped to Handle All Kind of MARINE ANI) COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 ANI) 383 V v S7 S7 A box curnrns $3.59 per Large Load PTOE TRANSFER PHONE 580 171 3rd Avenue East Heated Storage I have something you want; you have some-ant. We get together through the classified o.. hi" '