.1 PAGE SIX Mrs. B NEWS OF NORTHERN B.C. TERRACE Mrs. McLaUghlan, provincial superintendent of institutes; will visit Terrace Thursday of this but llie altndtnce was poor. G. II. Dyson presided. Mr., and Mrs. C. A. mlth and daughter, Frances, of Kalum Lake spent the holiday in town. . Fred Nash, B.C.LS., whtr has spent the past three weeks in the "'.Uak mining district on survey Work returned home on Sunday. , 'Mrs. Hagan and son of Copper CHjr were in town Saturday. Vi- rt n vt ...l i eral dajg'tturing theiweek at the home orKf L. loIhWsh fetirnea to'Prinee Rupert on Sunday. Vivian, of Kalum Lake were in town on Victoria Day. 1 H NF3V HiAEELTONf Inspector Willjam Splller provincial police. Prince Jtupert, was . here. last--week . investigating - a report than an Indian woman, Kate Haste, had been murdered by two white men who threw her In the river. District Game Warden T. an Dyk of Prince Rupert was a visi tor here recently on official bus! ncM, 'and there was a particularly and New llazelton as week. A meeting and reception nhr nrt has been arranged in her honor to be held in the biue room of w. A. Barnes, manager of the the G.WV4, Hall. , v' jorpheum Theatre, Vancouver, t " ' ' I- t .' ' ufitt q fwpnf vfqitnr In ITnzoltnr? !$fsjtST fyWr0t, ihe,d had somtf successful angling. Hugh A. Harris, who is in charge of the Mohawk property on Four Mile Mountain, is on a trip to Vancouver to consult with the management of the propeily A party of timber cruisers arrived in llazelton at the first of Mf. j. ftiiiK, wiiu naa spent wnfora nf ihe. RVpon Plvor tn W", WekJ WkV h,S cruise large stands of 'timber ir. family., here returned to Jasper tnat area . f . on' Saturday. . . " ' ' " "f . " , , 1 In the Bulkley Valley this year, 'frnce-j ot Prince, ihe maln graIn crop wlll be oat? r, toW&WVt?' tH so' much' Vheat bIng put Ir.i 4!&Aai" gTi 0f the oat price is higher. MhM i AltfeTMlIsbury at the home Raln ,8 needed soon if there ,3 oi jirs. inoe. urooKS returneu -to be good owth home on ounday. C. Hearn and R. A. McRae were In from the Lakelse Hatchery for the holiday. Mrs. Aird and daughter of SMITHERS Mr. and Mrs. James Kennedy and family have returned here from the United States. Mn Ken- Pacific were in town on Satur- w!U re-enter business here, day Complaints are being made here x-JtrXXJ n fe.tnrv at . the lack tofattentioiH that has Hamer of Terrace. en to the main j roads in the vicinity by the provincial de-partmen'tv o( public worka this gpenfcsev-rT' 1 ! Mr.: irtiil Mrm Dlx and daugh'ter. ' rr?T tff if? . ;, lftfciwsyyarlety of thief here, and a very unpopular oneltoo, Is the one who has been removing i. 1 1 . . . . sjiitfiV cuus.oqv oi auiomoQiies. Water power 'surveys have been trrsumed in this district bvitheJ r" ... . a -1 fl provJncial water. boardvOne parM .lias iuiwisneaocamp..at unarles Newt& fancH. : ' i .., A campaign is being started here Joj- fjinda tojroxi4e for tKe erection of a new hospital bull-; ding in Smithers. Several hundred local people turned out' recently to fight a I bush fire which started from a clearing on Third Avenue East . and threatened a number of resl-jdences before the wind turned i and aided in driving the flames Police are searching for Ld.'away from the direction of town Markstrom, a Swedish prisoner, toward the swamp, ijvlie bjgkfr from jail where he, wia serving time. Many Smithers people motored . ' -" . i to New Hazlton on Victoria Day - ?Th.ere were manjr visitors In to attend the celebration there 2 .Sw IJlazelton for Victoria Day ; while others ent over to Tejkwa A PERFECTLY GOOD "CASUS BELLI" WASTED" Of course, the "I'm Alone" case might have been settled I the old'fashloned way, but nobody seemed to think of it so there Isn't going to be any exciting crisis. Spencer in the Omaha World-Herald where there was also a large crowd- at the daneefffhe-Jone of D. D.Munros farms Deprogram included two ball gams, 'tween Smithers and Telkwa and m - . t, ii ' t in 11 ...Lint. uredinere on..rriday 1 Police officers and Dr. L. B. Wrir.ch made a trip to Andimaul to investigate the death of Mike Banek who it was found succumbed from natural causes. The Forest Department has been fighting, several fires in this district of late. There was ono near the Legerton farm in the Glentanna district, another on wel a I reached considerable proportions, REV. W. ALLAN DROVE FROM VANCOUVER TO iWell ) i TERRACE IN TRUCK . Known United Church Clergyman Going To Ganges Harbor TERRACE, May 28. Rev. Wm. Allan returned on Sunday from Vinniivop wora ha nttonrlprf United Church conference. He heSfs" nnd J. MfConnell. th lav del-! Hut ' ? THE DAILY1 NEWS ancHake the train from that j point He reports a very enjoy-1 able 'trip, with good roads all the: war. , Mr. McGonnell will ship! the car from llazelton and ex- pects to arrive home early in the beiritr transferred to Ganges liar-1 bor, B.C., and his place here-w being t;iken by Kev. H. T. Allen, B( A., H.D., formerly of Mc-Bride. The latter is" a married man with two small children. HARD TO FOLLOW At a small country' church a tewly married couple were re viving some advice. "You must never both get cross at once. It is the husband's duty to protect his wife whenever an occasion arises; and a wife I must love and honor and obey her husband and follow him wherever pleaded the young egate from Terrace, motored from i bride." Vancouver in a light delivery j "I haven't finished yet," remar truck purchased by the latter kerf the clergyman. "She must' BASEBALLFOR TERRACE SPORT week, i Much to the regret of the peo- SchtH) SportM Are jIeu 0ver pie Jn this district, Jlr, Afljsy jf.June...)urJ)anccr,on May 21 Was Success TERRACE. May 28. Owing to the inclemency of the weather, the school sports which were arranged for .Victoria Day have been postponed until June 3. QuRe a crowd gathered at the .athletic ark, however, and two baseball games were played. In the game played In the forenoon the Trail Rangers suffered defeat at the hands of a team of non-rangers, while In the afternoon the Native Sons' team won over the high school team with a score of 14-9. while in the south. In order to But. please in desperation light. A four-piece orchestra arrive in Terrace for service Sun-. 'can't you alter that last part? furnished music and the W. A. day evening, Mr. Allan had tojMy husband is a postman. to the Legion had charge of re- last week and left for the he,d- ,eave Mr McConnell at Houston I Pearson's Weekly. A very large crowd was in attendance at the Canadian Legion dance oo Friday night and the merriment was kept up until day i freahments. ' ' y ---IW FIRST POLICBMANs "Did you get thut fellow, rj, ., ' SECOND POLICEMAN: "No, he was gmg ,w hli' FIH8T POLICEMAN: "That was a prettv Ha." SECOND POLICKMAN: "Yea, wasn't .h"" Pairing Iiuuiuiif, ' Muuovt 11H.II, UIL OUIIIC IlSIcQ 10 'siily News classified columns. BRIGHTEN yOtR HOME JWDW AT ISTTLE EXPENSE ,--C,'' rw-i ':'--ttlT- - . ht .1 " ' full tuloiiri. 1 "4. 1210 fit. ritxlck Strict, ModucaL a mod m'B cl In copy of ur Iillt pttttra bookltt entitled A4drH .....V..I Nm fUji... City. 1 . . ,K- MIKADO . CtmgoUum Cold Seal Hug So. 607. Am UrUiUal drtifn with toft Llut eau(roiinu. '.'if.,''--''' 7JEirVV-35lf 1 '""if" wm r- .it..-.-x -: CO.NGOLEUM GOLD SEAL mviHE-VAIU) TIio same loiijj-wtraring and easy, tu-clcaii qualities as Gold Seal Hugs, with the same guarantee. Lies flat ... will not curl . . . needs no fastening. Attractive atterns at low prices. In roll ormtwo widths. 2 yds. wide 70c. )er bj. yd. 3 yds. widtj 75c. per w. yd. r'ui: e liecUHia ImjIuw vill bring yi f4y of our UieVt pattrra UmiU i.i Tlie "MIKADO Iiir the hrouty and cxqulaitfl colouring of a ri cl'M Oriental Huj . . . und it is hut one ' the many wttinning Congoleuin Gold Seal Hugs that a very lew dollars will huy. Conyolcum Kuga are sanltnry . , . waterproof . . easy to clean. No dust . . no tircHorne acruhhing or hralinf; . ; . n stroke of a dump mop and the pattern it fnh und bright iw new. And they wt-jir . . . Indefinitely . . due to the new "Mullicolc procctwt that build Mich rwiKtuucu right through the heavy pattern to the felt hasc. Ask your nearest housefurniNhing Scaler to showfyou Congoleuin HugH . . . and he sure ti look for the Gold Seal of Guarantee on the Hiirfucc. Every genuine Congolcum Gold Seal Hug han thitf ccal. Hugw in all deirahle ni.en up to 9x 15 feet. CONCOLEUM CANADA LIMITED MONTREAL 0NG0LEUM GOLD TTTsOC ...nii.iii i i 1 1' I'l COLD tXAL l'J fiVtOMArniMciiMiuniu J