m v ;1 - DO ..O - PAGE FOOT INSTALMENT XXXVI. Clang of the Gong Adele .nueie regarded rearueu him mm rigidly. rimuiy. son was lying "What has he been put in jail for?" "For the murder of Mrs. Ferryr man. lie wriggled out of it- the first time, but the police discovered new evidence." "Mrs. Ferryman Miss Conway!" Adele exclaimed. Axelson regarded her narrowly out of his shrewd dim eyes. "Oh, you can call her Miss Conway if you like it. It makes no difference now. Dale was arrested right, outside of your house about half past 10 tonight. It seems he had been out in your car. The police grabbed him just as he drove up in front, of your house, uatcd itself Inttif Thrilling Mystery Story'' " In 30 chapters, - forgeries on me this time. I want the authentic documents" The man grinned crookedly. "Did you bring an authentic ' check?"' "I did as I was told," she declared after a moment's bewilderment. "I brought a check for $100,000; "Well, Dr. Moffett will attend to that" Adele rose impatiently. "Then let mo see him at once." "See him?" The old man chuckled in a way that gave her a sense of something horrible. "See him?" You don't want to see him, young woman. It will be Adele lowered her eves. A feel- an evil day for , you if you ever ing of fnintness. and despair came do- But you will have a talk with but she fought against it. She uuwuy, aim jou w.u arrange could not doubt Axelson's words now. His statements regarding the car coincided with what she knew to.be facts. She was alone now, dependent upon her own wits. Gone was the comfortable feeling that Dale would be near "In case" of need. The room, the everything with him. If.the chek is all right" He paused on a startled noteap Somewhere in the house a gong was clanging. A wave of pallor swept across the old man's grizzly face. His knees shook a litUu.tHhei I thought," she declared furious ly. viNojvj-pu coma with me." SK(kpdtnbU!to 'aftlftor at the farther side of the room. Adele raisfldiher head and looked with outward calm into her blazing eyes. "I prefer to remain here." she announced. "Oh, you do!" Joan tossed her head angrily and ran to the door. "Caesar!" she called. The groat, black beast came loping into the room. Joan strok ed his head, pointed to Adele, and addressed the dog In an undertone. Caesar bared his teeth, growled menacingly, and ap- proacn Aiieie, nis yellow eye. gleaming with ferocity, his slavering jaws set for attack. With an instinctive cry of fear Adele sprang back. She. loved doiTH. hut IVin n?(rTit nf Ma mnlfir.' and her mental faculties. A little 'nant beagt fn,e(J h(?r w,th drea(lj aisuainiuuy sne uvea ner oar, Ioan laughed spitefully as she eyes on his wrinkled, grizzly face.!,-,- to anoher door an(1 fllin ,t . . . - - - - - - are you acung lor in. aim- 0nen. Will Cnesjir nnnln- nt i.nm v . m - -r- " - She felt a violent " shock. followed. , .;her ankles, Adele hastily Tied -f?i.a .-SI"! i ..: 2'1 nm t0 de the through the opening. u, - -land receive the documents, Hut to steady herself. Perhaps Axel-.pea9e don,t try to palm off ay "Up the stairs," Joan snapped. AdsJe obeyed, the low rumbling growls of the beast quickening her pace. She ran up still another fjjirht of stairs and then with a flashlight in Joan's hand showing the way, through a succession of rooms. The light patter of paws at her heels filled her with a sense of savagery and venom as she hurried on. At length, breathless, she stopped, before an obstruction Caesar prowled. Joan's hand fumbled alone the wall An opening Appeared. Adel hesitated a moment. All she could see was a dark place. "Pet in." Joan- ordered. 'Caesar will keen you company." A surly snarl and a nip at he anle drove Adele .forward. Dark-' Sess rolled In over her from all j des. She felt a furry, loathsome' fprm .rubbing against her legs. Joan laughed spitefully. "There smart?! Now your friends can search fr you all they like." Adele shivered. She heard the gong 'ceased and interval of nil- sound or a door closing, and then entire house even, began to as- ence came, and then another j wm. sumea hostile, menacing charac- series of peals sounded. Axelson ' The period of waiting, with te'r. ' (breathed hard while he regarded, Caesar's eyes glinting menacingly Ag she sat with head lowered, her with a baneful look. ' 1 in theI darkness, grew to be a tor- she felt the old man's crafty eyes "Hear that?" he snarled, '" tUre. Whenever she moved, a light studying her. A. suspicion Insin- means there is somebody at. the, pattcf of paws reminded her of ( W Hf.rl.fnro. trt Tf i-nn'vo n fivprl . 11a dirt " i ""lie b vigilance, one nau ineu .. w J ,.., ... .,,fc,.f ,,. .... bodings. Odd that Dale should! He came toward her threateh-j11"6"" ovenurw w nrst, dui me, the law. pn this particular night ! with anxiety and spite, made her!and "jP8 at her h?J8' a"d ' the v ' . .... . 1 .... - ... PTin Kiia crnvi iin inp nirpmni in He was innocent of the murder shrink back. He seized her arm of course; she was certain of.jroughly. A hope buoyed her even that. But there was a pointed co-( while the ugly gleam in his eyes incidence in the fact that his ar-f caused her to shudder. Again the rest should h,a,ve occurred on this gong clanged. Dale very night Could Dr. Moffett j She thrilled to the thought as have brought it about In order , it flashed through her mind. She to p,ut a stop to Dale's interfere jerked her arm free and fixed ence In his schemes? It was him with a level look of ''ef lance, quite, likely, she thought. There For a few moments his quick, seemed to be no limit to Dr. Mof- asthmatic breathing was the only ffU'a villainy and resourceful-j sound In the room. Then Joan's neia. jhead appeared at the door. There And If she. was rfght In this ws8 a look of alarm pn her small, conjecture, then Dale's present hard face. Axelson went toward misfortune was the direct out- her and they, conversed excitedly comeVbf his efforts to help heriln ah undertone. Then the old' father uiiivi and twin herself. iieinrii. It ik was waa his, 1113 .mem man left if 11 the uitt room ruum. win him over. Now, her nerves demanding action of some sort, she groped along the wall, Caesar pursuing her with muffled snarls and an occasional tug at her skirt. She thought there must be n door somewhere on this side, but her fumbling hand found only an unbroken expanse of wall. To Be Continued Tomorrow Getting Up Nights 1 knd heart and his generous im- Adele's heart beat tumultously Can lie Stopped ofterTln 48 hours. puise mai naa orougnt disaster ,wiin suspense, nopes ana cioutn 11 you are losing pep, neaitn ana ujion him. (thronged her mind. Who could it "Now you see how it is," Axel- be but Dale? Yet she had an un-son.was saying. "It's Just as well easy feeling that Dale's arrival for; you to Understand that you .would not be heralded with the haven't a chance to try any tricks .clanging of gongs. strength from Getting Up Nights, Backache, Bladder Weakness, Burning, Leg or Oroin Pains, or Rheum atic Aches, why not try the Cystex 48 Hour Test? Get Cystex (pro- on us,.;' Joan came forward, her blueinounced Blss-tex) today at any The' taunt and the smug satis- (eyes full of rage and derision. A dru store, for only 60c. Money faction In his voice made her faint, hateful smile was on hor,bk If you don't soon find pains raises hjr head. They acted as a Hps; her little chin quivered. 'one, sleep fine, feel younger, stimulating shock on her pride ' "Well, you were cleverer than stronger, and full of pep. Climbs Mountain Named After Him IU. Hon. L. C. M. 8. Amery, secretary for tho Dominions in the late Baldwin Administration, who .arrived in Canada recently on the Empress of Australia, had an his objective in this country tho climbing ol .the u,00q-bot Moffrtt Amery &n nv t after, urn, in the .Canadian- Korkies There is no official record of this mountain ever having been climbed before this attempt which waa undertaken with the fa nous Swiss i.uide Kdward 1'euz. Colonel Amery at once took the '2500-mile tri'r a"ro.jt Canada to Lake Louise whence In conypaay of Fwiz nnu A. O. Whwler, nonorry president of the Alpine Club of Canada, he net out for the peak located near the Great Columbia I'-etield.i near the junction of the Alexandra and Saskatniutwsn Rivers. Lay-Out shows ill the vast rampart of Mount Amery with the groat Icefield below (2) Edward Feui Swi s Ruide, nil set for the ascent and ( i A.O. Wheeler (left) and lir. lion. L. C. M 8.' Amery, chuttint: cKitxidu tho lianff Springs Hotel ju.st prior to letting gut north ii ti u pa. k train to locate and climb the peak. THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday Local Items . At 5:45 Sunday .evening ,the fire department had a call to Comox, Avenue where there was a brush fire which did' nb damage. G. A, BryanJ and party made a trip across the harbor on the power cruiser Harla yesterday and made the ascent of Mount Morse. . . . t Jack Kirkpatrick jr. left on this afternoon's train via Calgary aiicf; Banff for his home in Vancouver after having spent the summer here, with his father, J. A. E. M, Haynes, Post Office Inspector, is a passenger aboard the Catala this afternoon returning to Vancouver after a trip to Anyox and Stewart on official business. Dwight Rice and It. Smurth- waite, who have been working with a Power Corporation survey party at Stewart, returned home from the north on the Ca tala this morning. N. L. Freeman, local represen tative of the International Fish eries Commission, sailed yester day afternoon on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver and Seattle on commission busi- iiess. J. B. Lambert, assistant dis trict engineer for the federal department of public works, was a passenger aboard the Catala Sun- lay evening, going through from Victpria to Alice Arm on official duties. Conductor D. E. Murphy of the Canadian National Railways and Mrs,: Murphy sailed Saturday evening on the Prince George for Vancouver, being called there on account of the serious illness of an did friend of Mr. Murphy's. WILLIAM BRASS WINNER OF CUP Took Koyal Arms Trophy From H. W. Cameron In Shootoff Yesterday have fallen into the" clutches of ingly. The look' in his face, pale ao na,u "Purnea mem wnn gr owis ; shooting; off with R. W. Cameron following a tie two weeks ago, Wil liam Brass won the Royal Arms Cup at the McNieholl Creek ranges yesterday, making 22 out of a possible 25 at the 600-yard range,- while Cameron made 18. 1 Scores In the weekly shoot were as follows: 2Q0 W. Brass 28 L. H. Haworth 28 R. W. Cameron 23 Walter Hume ...23 C. ll-f? 500 600 il 31-86 27 2479 31 2478 25 2775 Changeable light and wind caused scores to be low. BASEBALL SCORES Saturday Scores A.mcrirnn League Washington ' 0-3, New York Kutji g,ot two homers 'In tlio second game, Philadelphia 9, Boston 4. Cleveland 8. Qhicagp 5. . Detroit LI, St. Louis "9. National league Philadelphia P, Boston B. New Yprk 2, Brooklyn .9. Chicago 7, Pittsburgh C. St. Iflyh B, Cincinnati 2. ' Sunday Scares Nntlona League riitKur"rr 9 Cincinnati 7. St. Louis 3; Chicago 10. Philadelphia 15-8, Brooklyn Zr American League New York 0, Boston 4. Phll.idcJphtaJJi Washington 12. Clevnnd 5,ThIcagofOf i ' Detroit jSt.Uffifr .; : JkjondV Scores' ' National League -'inntnTiU 7.R, Pittsburfth 5-9. t TiWs 7-10. Chicago 11-12. "Iiilndelphla 4-4: New York i" r Ros'tUn ?-0. B;ooklyn Arn'rloan I-cngue Washington 10-2, Boston 7-7. New York 3-5, Philadelphia I ': - Chicago 8-8 Dftlrdit 10-1 St. I-ouift 1-C, Cleveland 2-9. Advertise in the Dally News HAIN DIDN'T DETER THE ENTHUSIASTIC PROS. 1 t ' 1 1 biiuhui a vmtmstnttmmiSL.:.Mma..'Mr am. . . . ti Scene duri'f the qualifying round." of British opm jrolf tourney, pi. and terrific wind. Johnny Fun-ell, second place, is shown between triemU c Prize Winners j For Labor Day, Keen Interest Taiirn Yesterday in Various Events WItinPrc of l'iiw Boys broad jump, 16 and under Are hie Thompson and 'V. Mcintosh. Mens hep-step and jump W. Smith and T. B. 'Black. 00 yards dash open J. B. Wat-sen and P. Edgecombe. Mens high jump J. B. Watson The winners of the different and L Pierce. sport events were as lollows: i iunes egg ana spoon race GILFOIM' uini' o years anu unaer no- . hwuhh, -i. iser, air, iroilowifiir ;i rcnce.Gillis., Dprothy Cameron. ' 220 yards dash open D. Frit-; sell and J. B. Watson Sufficient Power to Am the World in Thtm. Says Inventor Puller, Jean Huat. 'death-dealing I I Mens broad jump Win. Smith wireless vwu XldVn Ci nnil lintlar IWivid and J. B. Watson - Aiinil u:i.. u' 'Houston, Fred Wardrop, Jim, Married ladies race llrs. Cor. etrmg eiu.u.-: IWangh. !nlsh and Mrs. Feasby. 'rBiies 01 n . I Girl 8 and under Georgln! adles walking race-Mrs. Ya- ay, in tu I Lamb, .Chlf , .. Nai&kye, Pelma er, Mrs. Cornish and Mrs. Nor- erful U mh-: muroer. inngion. aceoraing t. Boys, 8 and under Sam Cur-1 Union mens race P. Edge- John u f rie, David Huston, Stanley Ward- cumbe and T. B. BlaekT tfA. innooi rop... , ! Ladies nail driving contest--!1'' Lamb, H. Blaine, Haiel Smith Boys. .10 nd under J. Wardrop, Jack Lindsay, S. Dominato. Girls 2 and under Ann Welly, Hiiby Green. Ixia Ponder. Boys 2 and under Leslie Wil son. Billy Wllllscroft, J. Girls 14 and under II. Bom. Myrna Fuller, Dorothy Pritehard.l Boys 14 and undr Pete Fish er, Charles Hiekey, Ronald Wil son. Girls 16 and . .under Myrtle Rose, Myrna Fuller. Dorothy Pritchard. Boys 1C and undor Archie Thompson, Charles Hlckey, Pete Fisher. Girls 100 yards Myrtle Row. Myrna Fuller. B,oys IP. yards Laslle Wilson and Bill Wilson. Boys and girls ssck nice W. Vance and Bob Shrubshall. Boys and girls pofato race A.j Hardy and Joe GRlls. Boys pole vault Alec Walter and Premo Vaacher. Girls high jump Dorothv Pritchard and Theodore, PntuU. Boys high lumn Alec Walters and Primo Vaacher. Boys 220 yard dash, 10 and under Prlmo Vaacher and Archie Thompson. Boys hop-step and jump, 16 years and under Archie Thompson and Wm. Vance, OUR BOVS Auntie Do you ever play with bad little boys, Willie? ' Willie Yea, Auntie. Auntie I'm surprised. Why don't you play with good little boys? Willie Their mothers won't let me. The Busy East. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY with : Girls 10 and under Georgina Mrs. Bacon, Mrs. Gillie alW Mrs. '!rr "i, . . . ... 11 I . .. .... uoiuen. 1. at a buttur Largest family qn the grounds sums rr t Mr. and M. J. J; GilUt, Mr.! and Mrs. A. Murray. 1 Mile race P. Kdgecumbe ami Bob Irvine. Relay race Commercial tsam. Nor l ! ins h..- te fuird' -lUprr iru No actiui tew ma it IV ,hrrt vantor- -nb . t Ult "My .inoi.-fmn Of : waM." Mr lr. -Wfc-!. has lciif r.-1 Biati ran be too hltihlv ; to hear. v; 1 am alni:i.. "SllCh -i: vieeatioti' -r dnimi nixi fotKXlT T'.M FQR SALFrOi.e Chesterfield conn u ril IMVS ItOMnE TO.I..ITK STA"K!.MAX rs iC j .ire o V: . .' ' ,i:t 1 til " "! . rtm c I : Ui i r -si : t. i i i a ; ; i ' Srcn-t la fril r.. ML let U k- rati i A VS. Dr.-! suite, walput dining room! X1'" n":h;" ( suite, sewing machine, Sonora j r olItv'" , t phonograph, rugs, dinner set, mmu w!ii combination book ease and ,.3B .fti writing desk, bedroom furnJ- T n t ture, table lamps, dinner wag- t(tr '' on, Apply Douglas tork atifor' Stork's Hardware. Phone 143. ' tf It took seven years to sell the rirst two million pounds of 4 'SALAD A" Tea, but such Is the reward of giving public satisfaction that this quantity Is now shipped In seven weeks. Mr. Bymts - "I am ii' quency npi" be abl"'''v A anion''.' by II. Orlml who claims i ray which fire, di'rov action Daily Sex tlsemenfs ' i j ii 1 rai'-! ' :r.ia ! 1 TliM caiikei i.ir itm r.-raam. our yoari ai;j as 11 w oruu,,in cirtmony or i Up .!. Pun tu Ufh .1 ;n 'o.e -ideul A iti Nii' ionuii ' i.a new mu. iluum at Pltinr and " .