;iH;,v, September 3, 1929 k7 F v.' rPTITTIJOn A V lanf if ID AY AND a mttnn A .J WEEK Three Days Only See Hand BilU for List of Articles 1 icusii Note : This is cash and carry ' No charge; ;.:. one orders. No deliveries. Si lc Starts Thursday Morning at 8 o'clock Qrmes Em 7fw Pioneer Dmocisls TM!I?D AVE. 6 SIXTH ST. -TELEPHONE 82&200 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Malllnts From ITlni Kupert i am l VKU. YlCTOItlA, Swanwn Buy, llutrilale. Alert IUjr, etc, Tue. ,1,1. , .1 I p .m. oi U.K. VICTOKIA. Ilutrdale. Alert llay. etc.. Friday mldnUht ,v i I. lt-M. ANYOX, HTMV.tKT, Stat Klver, Port Slmpooii, bun i . .H:IH) p.m. i I '.MI'SO.N AND WALKS INLAND, TrllirKT.1V. p.m. . ..'iti,' n. M. SMITH Agent 1'rlnce It u pert, B.C. . 1 1 'I'll ti'kH wild to Victoria and Prattle .and baggage checked 11- iiiiilinn. B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICES MllvOS IKOM riMNrK RITF.KT To Krtrhlkan, tvranrell. Junmii and Skarwar AUUt t. 5. 0. It, 16, 19, 23, 28. To Vancouver. Vl torla and Seattle Auut 3. T. in. 14, 17. II. 21, 2B. I'KINTIWX 51 Alt V Or run Kail, etc., Vancouver and Vli inrU evrrr Krlday 10 p.m. Acentt fr all Steamship Unea W. C ORfllAKD. fiENrilAL AGENT rliui- Uupert. II C rhone 31 Canadian National Qit Lnrgefl "Kflilioay Syflem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE -n ruiNcr itcrr.iiT (or yamoiw.u vicronu. heattlu 1: - rnrrdlate point, Monday, Thu.rnd.iji, 4 p.m.; Saturdaya, 7 p.m. Ij, . VON and MTr.WAKTMoudaif, 8 p.m. Frldaya, I p.m. ,4 k 1 -'it IM.ET I1IIITH. Monditya, 8 p.m. ' ( II ill Jt I.KN CHAKI.OTTE ISLANDS, fortnightly li . '.WAY, WwlneMUji, 4 p.m. I-ISMAUKK TKAINH LEAVE TKlNCL 111 ftltT I' .!: . ! M l.Vt SI NDAV at ll:3) a m for I'KINCE (1EOIK1E, EDMON J .. j IVINM1-EU. all polnta Uatrrn CaruuU. I'nltrd State. AlllACT ALL OCEAN HTFAMMIIF UtrS t Office. 528 Tltlrd Ave. Prime Rupert Phone 260 LUMBER .1 t : H' oughly seasoned Shiplap, S4S Dimension and KILN DRIED ' .1 :1;a Spruce and Cedar Finish, Ceiling, arid SPECIALTIES 1 x 4" Edgegrain Hemlock Flooring 1 x 3" and 4" Sitka Spruce Ceiling 1 x 4" and 6" Cedar Rustic CIS BAY LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Head Office, Seal Cove, Telephone, 3G1 Retail Yard, Cow Hay, Telephone 423 DEMAND Rupert Brand" "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD.". Smoked Daily by jt dian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd ! PRINCE RUPERT, .B.C. - i v II Hill AAUV pi " -g 4 a Taxi Phone( 4 i .4. Taxi, tf Ewart Lyne, teacher of pianoforte 5 Summit Apartments. Phone Black 345. (203) II. E. Minnehan sailed afternoon on the Prince for a trip to Vancouver. , iv, V. Patmore and son, Bill, sailed last evening on the- Prince Charlesi on a business trip to Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gregg returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train after a brief trip up the line. Miss Mary bougherty, daughter of Mi J. Dougherty, returned on the. Prince Charles yesterdav from a trip to Vancouver. Albert & McCaffery, Limited. Phone 116 and 117. Two scows of Nanaimo-Wellington lump coal arrived today. We are .now prepared to supply you with your winter's 'coal. tf "P. W. Baldwin, local auditor, C.N.R., Vancouver, and Mrs. Baldwin and family, were passengers aboard the Prince Rupert yesterday returning south after having made the round trip to Skagway. The Twenty Years Ago column of the Vancouver Province recal led recently that C. D. Rand con ducted a. sale of leasehold water front lots lots at Prince Rupert. Two lots each were acquired by i the fanadan Sulphite Pulp Co., the Westholme Lumber Co. and (the Union Steamship Co. Completing her final voyage of the season on the Skagway run, , C.N.R. steamer"' Prince Rupert. ;Capt. D. Dojiald, arrived in port at 9:50 yesterday morning from the north and sailed at 4 p.m. for j Vancouver. The vessel . brought ; 200 passengers south', including about 20. who. .disembarked here. iirs. cower ismay, sisier-in- m..j t Thursday of next week. ANNOUNCEMENTS I Premier Orchestra's opening dance. The dance of the season. Moose Hall, September 20. A ' whoopee I Coal? Goal? Take advantage of low price to put In jour winter aupplr, EPSON and C.VSSinV-WKLI.IXO. TOX 111 any quantities. Alto flour, liar, drain and Teed. Prince. Rupert Feed Co . , PHONES 58 AND 558 Dr Alexander '.V.' rilONB 815 DF.SNEIt IILOCK DENTIST 153 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE LOCAL NEWS ITEMS '.' : .. .... .:. u ' . T. , JOf nt8( J.; U. Gosse. Phonej 66G f 1 II. B. Stiles re'turned to the city , on the Prince Charles yesterday morning after a 10-day combined business and pleasure trip to Vancouver. Miss A. D. Harrison, newly appointed to the staff pf the high school here, arrived Jn the city from the south on the Prince Charles yesterday morning. Mrs. J. H. Thompson, who has been spending some time at her summer home at Terrace, returned to the city from the interior on yesterday afternoon's train. Eric Gee, manuel training Instructor In the local schools, re turned to the city on the Princei Charles yesterday morning after having spent the summer vacation in Vancouver. Miss Rose O'Neill R.N. recently graduated from the Prince Rupert General Hospital training school for nurses, returned to Mrs. Wallace C. Orchard, who left recently for a trip south, is remaining in Vancouver , for a couple of months. Mrs. J. Joy, sr. and daughter, Mrs. Webbefv 'Waited yesterday afternoon by the Prince Rupert Albert & McCaifery Limited, for a trip to Vancouver. Phone 116 and 117; Try our foot- less stove coal, W.e. .guarantee' Miss Winnie Dibb R.N. sailed satisfaction. , last night on the Prince Charles ' ' i to make the round trip to Bessehette, G. A. Stim-'art, Anyox and Massett Inlet. son's Investment Specialist, Is re-j " turning south on Thursday iifter Dr. J. F. Magulre has 'pur- a'busyweek; ' jhase'd twd lots on Fourth Avenue i jEast, near the Presbyterian Parents wishing their boys to Church. He expects to build a become members of the Boys' home there. Band, can make application in writing,, to Bandmaster T. Wil- Mr. and Mrs. W. Goodrick re-son, .turned to the city on the Prince t Charles yesterday morning after F. G, Dawson returned to the! spending their annual vacation in city on the Prince Charles yes- Vancouver and Victoria terday morning after'a brief trip to Vancouver on attllway busi ness. Owing to the Labor Day holl day, the regular fortnightly meeting of the city council was not held last night but will ' take place, instead, this evening. Norman Moorehouse, who has been on a two weeks' vacation trip to Vancouver, returned to the city from the' south on the Prince Charles yesterday morn ing. the city on the Prince George Rnv Saturday evening after' spending J a vacation at her home in Anyox !R C DVlH 111, nn... InlnnJ ttiA .1.... 1. I - v. una uv., JV1I1CU m v Kinuuctiu nursing staff of the hospital. The death occurred in Vancouver Inst Thursday of. Mrs. Georgia Isabella MorklJl, . aged 72, mother of Dalby B. , Mprkill. well known civil engineer, n,nd, Allan Morkill former "rpjihager, of the Bn'rik of Commerce at 'Anyox. Mrs. Morkill was also known personally in Prince Rupert through visits here. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Wlnsby and family, after spending a two weeks' vacation visiting here and at Tort Simpson, returned by this morning's train to Haielton. During Mr. WInsby's absence. L. G. Calder relieved as manager of the Royal Bank at Hiizelton. Mr; Cnlder will now promcd tq Burns! Lake and Qucsn'el on Ve,yf "dutyJ William Bunting, well known Stewart mining man, who has been on a prospecting trip to At aska, arrived in the city from the north on the Prince Rupert yesterday morning. Mrs. E, H. Crawford, wife of the well known Massett Inlet logging operator, sailed last vening by the Prince Charles on her return to her home on the Queen Charlotte Islands, after having spent a few days in the city. Mr. and Mrs.. W. 0. Fulton andf- Mrs. B. Walker of Booth Mem-family, who have been spending jorial School teaching staff,.wh'o the summer vacation at their, has been spending tho -summer summer home at Lakejse Lake, vacation in the south, returned -to returned to the city frpm the. in-1 the city from Vancouver on the terior on yesterday afternoon's Princess Charlotte ' yesterday train. Mia. MLril T?rvduJLltH lfpmnri.il' RrVinol ii r. ... v-. j morning, accompanied daughter. . 'Boothi. ' Goods First Ani'OX ana Mnssett Inlet nnlnt Dlr,,. rk..l.. ........ I... ........ i.t i . i' by her teaching staff. : Miss Agnes Steele of the staff Jbity on the of the C.N.R. local audit office. law of J. Bruce Ispiay, former i Prlnce Charles Vancouver, yesterday morn- was a passenger on uwcu. . u,c ue Ing after havJnK 8pent the 8Um. DOard the Prince Charles yester ' 8CCnpanied Dy mas mer vacat)Qn Jn New estmIn day going north to ifnake the D. K. Smee, c after spending a few ster and RegJna. round trip to Stewart, Anyox and u-JB . -8,,er i .wiii arrive, - Massett Inlet. She was acebm here shortly en route to Vancou- J. D. Galloway, provincial panied by her mother ver where they will embark for mineralogist and .formerly resld- ururaiia aooara ;ne Niagara on ent inlnlng engineer at. Harel- Miss A. Roode, who taught on September ID. ,ton. arrived In the city from the staff of the Indian School nt B . . - - ------ i iiiivc vuuiirs jcrtirmaj i emi 11-. laitinus. whence she will return here at ing to Massett after a trip to! ; 10:30 Thursday morning and Vancouver. Mr. Frost is store- Miss L. Hilliwell, Miss Mar- sail at 4 p.m. the same oy for keeper for the Langara Fishing jorie Shiel and Miss E. P. Gras- Vancouver. The Prince Charles & Packing Co. at Massett. ,sie were among local school will make one more round trip on " ! teachers returning to the city the present route. The. Prince Mr. and Mrs. Jack, Frew and on the Prince Charles yesterday John tomes out of Vancouver on daughter, Molly, returned to the morning from Vancouver after Saturday afternoon this week on city on yesterday .afternoon's having spent summer vacation in fortnightly schedule to the tra.in after having spent two the south. Queen Charlotte Islands, making weeks holidaying vtith Mrs.l ' an poxts and being due here on Frew's sister and brother-in-law,! Offifers of the steamer Prln- jMr. and Mrs. Robert Davie, who cess Louise, which was in port jnow are residing Jn North. Van- baturday afternoon southbound couver. from bkagway to Vancouver, re- 'ported that the voyage had been Dr. Victor Dolmage, formerly! the finest of the year. Hardly a identified with the federal gcolo-' cloud had been seen in the sky gical survey and now in the ser-lnll the way from Vancouver to vice of Stewart, Ratten and aa- Skagway and back again and sociates, consulting mining en-j passengers remained on deck day gineers, was a passenger aboard , and night, it was so warm and the Frince Charles yesterday : clear. Catholic Bazaar, October 2 and, ound fnr stewart- "BUILD H. C.M LtWpoHITfB "In trying to be loyal to our prov ince," writes Mrs. Qoodrich from a point in Northern British Columbia, "I always aim to patron-ize It for my houshold and .individual needs. In tne case of Pacific Milk loyalty is combined with pleasure. Once used Pacific Milk recommends itself because of Its uniform purity and richness." This is but part of a long letter. PACIFIC MILK Factory at j Abbotsford, R.C. TEe Secret of Coolness Is in Light. Easily Digested Foods SHREDDED WHEATS With all the bran of the whole wheat , Victoria on the Prince Charles Massett last year, and Miss Ellen : the Princess Louise Saturday af- nxrr, i n i C.N.K steamer Prince Charles, yesterday morning ea route to Mitchell, who has just been ap-'ternoon. He has retired from the V" i ii ? ,orrived ,n the interior. j pointed to the staff of the samel service and will make his future av iu.ou yesieraay morning : school, were passengers aboard home in Owen Sound, Ont. "(uu ""luuf saueu ai o nirs. ii. k. frost and child, the Prince Charles yesterday ui'iucn iaw ingni ior oiewan. were nassenirers aboard the loiinH from V,nr in vor u With whole milk, does not heat tho blood or tax the digestion. It It not only cooling but satisfying saves kitchen drudgery and ezpenie. Ready-coolced, ready to eat W. Willis, post office inspec- Mr. and Mrs. H. Roden Smith, tor, arrived in the city from Van- who have been spending several couver on the Princess Charlotte months in the south, returned to yesterday morning. t the city from Vancouver on the 1 I Princess Charlotte yesterday S. N. Christian accountant of morning. Port Edward Cannery, arrived in the city from the river on Saturday . afternoon's train, ' United States . Consul G. C. Woodward returned to the city on Sunday afternoon's train from a brief trip to Terrace. : .i 1 . Miss L. M. Ellett sailed Saturday afternoon on the Princess Louise for Vancouver1 and Victoria on her annual vacation trip. Mr. and Mrs. G. Huth of Chi cago were passengers aboard the Princess Charlotte yesterday morning going north to visit in Skagway where they formerly resided years ago. Dr. H. R. Ziegler, who has been relieving on the summer; staff of the Port Simpson Hos-: pital, left on the Princess Louise Saturday afternoon for Vancou- i ver en route to Toronto. i D. C; Schubert of the local staff of the Government Telegraphs, returned to the city on Sunday, afternoon's train after Spending three months In Edmonton. Mrs. Schubert and .family returned to the city on the Princess Charlotte yesterday morning from the Okanagan G. Herman Miller, for many years general auditor for the White Pass & Yukon Railway & Navigation Co. at Skagway, was H. W. Schofield, C.P.R. district passenger agent, Vancouver, was a passenger aboard the Princess Charlotte yesterday morning going through tp Alaska on official business. Yesterday moriing as southern mail was being unloaded from the steamer Princess Charlotte at the government wharf, six sacks spilled from a sling 'Into the water. Hardy members of the crew fished the sacks out with the use of pike poles. This accounted for wet Vancouver papers being delivered in the mail yesterday. ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. J. Uessonette, a Special Representative of the OLDEST BOND HOUSE in Canada Is at Present at the Prince Rupert Hotel Without obligation, and without further expenditure on your .part, he can Improve your holdings. For 46 years every bond Issue recommended and sold by- G. A.Stimson& Co. has paid principal and interest when due. Dysentery Is Dangerous And Should Be Checked aft Once "Dr. Fowler1!" is the remedy you should use. It is not an experiment, but a tried and proved preparation that has Urn ued in Canada, for the ' past eighty-lour ; all dibturbancra of the lowels. Don't accept a substitute. yean fat- It may be dangerous to your neaiiA. Price, 0 cents a bottte at all druggists or dealers. Put up onhf by Th T. MUburo Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. SCHOOL SUPPLIES ! ana Uirls All Make Uur Store Their Shopping Iuoys Headquarters for Their School Supplies ' WE ALWAYS CARRY A COMPLETE SELECTION AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES x , Big Specials SCRIBBLERS Per dozen 45( PENCILS-rPer dozen 5()c NOTE BOOKS-Each A 5C RULERS . . . . ., . . ? flpc, 10C, 15C BioTTERs-pmz . .m. 5C EiUsERS'SSW'. :.!t'. . . . .t . . :,5c mm School Bags, Compasses, Set Squares and All Other School Supplies at Lowest Prices Mussallem Grocery Co., Ltd. 417-123 FIFTH AVENUE EAST Phones 18 and 84 Prince Rupert, B . C