THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday, September 3 19J, PAGE SIX Kill Dangerous mmm 2 Quicker! Clean traclllng Flit lpor, from the handr Flit .prayer, kills diet quieter! It contains more Inaecl-kllline Ingredients, though harm I cm to human! and ftalnfcu to fabrics. That' why more people use Flit. Money back guarantee. Better Pay "The Price More for your money In the f larger aixea. Don't be tempted tajchooso Jewelry or watches tSroneap . Far better io pay a fair price and know exactly what you are getting. That's been said so often that everybody by this time should know it and yet there's lots of cheap jewelry tn the land. If you would like quality come here. And even at that no person ever said our prices were un fair. JOHflgULGER? i TH STORE WITH THE CLOCN LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. Auditorium SKATING Afternoons 2 to 4 Evenings 8 to 10 Competent Instructors' to teach beginners. Phone lilack 119 Tit ytttow cm ' with th block bind ies ISUJi LIT JMyMm Bui CopttW 1MB Bum Tim. "Caterpillar Tractors" MEAN BETTER, QUICKER, CHEAPER LOGGING Sole Distributors for B. C. MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO., LTD. 910 STATION STREET, VANCOUVER B.C. Branches: Prince George, Kelowna, Nelson Extra Specials Local Items jBUhop..G. A. Rlx sailed last evening, oni,thio,,Pj.rirce Charles to make the. rountjJ,rp to Stewart, Anyojr, and Massett Inlet. lira. M. L. Stepp and child sailed last night on the Trince Charles to make the round trip to Stewart, Anyox and Massett Inlet. family sailed last evening on the Prince Charles for Port Clements en route, to Skidegate on a holiday trip. James Kuboff was charged In , city police court Saturday after-, noon with keeping liquor for 'sale, remand for eight days being 1 made in the case. i J. Hall, president of the Hydur Bank, and Mrs. Hall are paRaan-gers aboard the Catala today returning to Vancouver after a brief trip north. Herbert Dulan, Indian, for having liquor in his possession, wa fined $25 and costs, with 30 days' option, in city police court Saturday afternoon. Harold McEweh, C.N.R. divisional freight agent, sailed last evening on the Prince Charlea t make the round trip to Stewart. Anyox and Massett Inlet. Alfred Adams and son, who were in attendance at, the fair here last week, sailed last eve ning by the Pripce Charles their return to Massett. ing their families. on Albert Bigoff was found not guilty by Magistrate McClymont in city police court Saturday afternoon on a charge of consuming liquor in a public place. 1 The'cas'e of Matt Videck. charged wih keeping liquor for sale, was further remanded for I eight days on coming Up in city police court Saturday afternoon. FROM OUR I Mrs. W. E. Walker, wife of the manager of Arrandale Cannery, dale 1O1 uCn00I;5?. Opening oound for Vancouver, accompany Reidar Anderson was fined $25, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY: with option o.f.30 days' imprison- iM-i I In city police court this morn- 15 ONLY, BOYS' SUITS left in for drunkenness, on a simi- stock. Regular $15. 60. lar charge, Emil Wicks was re- To clear $7.95 manded until this afternoon. BOYS' SCHOOL BOOTS Sizes . ... 1 to 5. Sale price $3.95 ife appeal or tne prosecution youths' school boots y,:X:l".T" j,.Z7:::Y : Ol 1- nw O-l r .UCUIJHIUJIU Willi UlBIIIIBOrU it oueoiiioioys. oaie price .yo ua .,l.f' p.t,, nn,nn u a a v ufS"'it' v a - a v it vr uujs hu.Mi rA.-sia-ueguiar keeping liquor for sale is to j.w. aie i.o come up th!s week before Judge BOYS' RUBBER BOOTS . : F. McB. Young in County Court. Sale price $2.95 GIRLS' RAINCOATS Sizes 14 to . unasay. superintendent 18. Regular $7.50. ; Ior the uranby Lo. at Anyox, ana gal. $ 95 Mrs. Lindsay and family, who have ben " a r,P uth' e GIRLS' .SCHOOL SHOES-Spe- daily reduced. ,gc..Mi. u..u w. v.a , -n . Sunday evening returning from Ranging from $8.95 TO $5.9 Vancouver to the smelter town. Snecial reduction off Children's! Shoes and Rubber Boots and Rub- Miss Caroline Mitchell, Miss bers for school opening. We slock Mary Easthope and Miss Mar- rubber boots in knee and three- garet Maguire, were among local Numerous Other Bargains ' SALE CONTINUES TILL SEPT. 7 i Jabour Bros. Ltd. SUITS! SUITS! MADE TO ORDER monton to the mouth of the Mac kenzie River nnd thence to Daw son, ' passed through the city on .bound for Vancouver en route east. i Miss D. II. Neal R.N., who has been acting as lady, superintendent of the Port Simpson Hospital, and Miss K. Gibson K.N., who has been on the staff of the 'hos pital, are passengers going south Cutting, Workmanship and Style aboard th,o Catala this afternoon. I Ailf Guaranteed fWJ Jfl.Wd Xor Victoria jsy,d,MlssGjbs ,(pr jcr home tn SUITS' STEAM CLEANED AND PRESSED We Deliver to Any Part of the City. Ling, the Tailor Phone fi9 Kelowna. Miss M. Ogilvie. granddaughter of William Oiilvle, first gover nor of the Yukon, arrived In the city on the Prince Rupert 5-es-terday morning from the north after a visit in Dawson and proceeded by train to Vanderhoof where she will visit With her father. Morley Ogilvie, who is interested in mining in Manson For quirk results try a "want- Creek, before proceeding to Ot- ad" in the Daily News. i tawa, DADDY CAN NOW EAT ANYTHING lie dearly loved, a rich ti-lit. The pXt waa willing, but the flesh was weak. Whenever he ate anvthtng ricn.mi ! iMftl in uv. lw he will Day the penalty to-morrow." Read the aequel In hU own word ! " Since taking the regular dote of Kruschen SalU It is quite different, and my boys enjoy themselves aceing mi eat what I dare not touch before. .My Meat inn wu th nmf. but aince he Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Collison and ha taken Kruschen SalU he can eat and enjoy whatever is put in ironi 01 rum. Modern artificial mnditinna. errors of diet, overwork, .lack of exercl, and bo on, are bound to have injurioua effecta in the long run providing due precaution ia not taken. Kruschen SalU ahould 1 your aafe-guard. Besides cleaning the body of imparities gently, surely and painlessly, they possess a vital power of giving new life and vitality to the countless millions of cells of which every body is composed. That is why physicians never hesitate to recommend kruschen Salt. Local Items J. M. Hockln returned to the city on the Catala Sunday evening from a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Harry Calderwood of Digby Island sailed Sunday night on the Catala for a visit to Mr. and Mrs. W. W. C. O'Neill Mrs. R. Mi Winslow and family, who have been spending the summer vacation at Victoria and elsewhere in Ithe south, returned to the city On the Catala Sunday evening. Misses Betty and Nancy Brown, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brown, returned home on Sunday afternoon's train from Winnipeg James IJpseembe, who has been relievingIn the local office of i of the Government Telegraph for the past three months during the absence from the city of 1) C. Schubert, wiled Saturday en ning by the Prince George on his return to Victoria. Miss M. MeArthur, Miss M. Hartin and Miss K McKay were among local school teachers returning from the south on the quarter lengths. (school teachers returning to the ashipe, returned Saturday evening SCHOOL CASES-Up from ..He 'T""? Charlotte yesterday morning cess Rulers Given Free to All School after having spent summer vaca-Chlldren Accompanying Their tion in the .south. Mothers I Oswald Finnle of the Department of Interior, Ottawa, who re cently made a flight from Ed Catala .Sunday evening. W. E. Baillie, acting assistant aboard the Catala bunday eve ning returning to the smelter town after a brief trip to Van- a r ,,, c I - ., jp, 1L c . SUUtw couver on UH esuort eWdJll uuv;. duty, lie .v wffi " r Phone Ave. & th St. 6U3rd Pr,nce yegterdflr the Rupert accompanied by rg Smith an4 family who have been visiting, for some time In the south. Miss Helen McCaffery and Master Mike McCaffery returned to the city on. the Catala Sunday evening after having spent the summer vacation at Qualicum Reach, Vancouver Island. Irs. M. P. McCaffery will return to the city shortly from the south. Misses Marv and.MArKuet Mc- Caffery are' reuming'lh?rr studies in convent at Vancouver. With a list of some 80 or mor passengers including many school teachers and families returning north for the reopening of school, Union steamer Catnla. Cant. A. E. Dickson, arrived In port at 6:15 Sunday evening from the south and salle dat 9:80 p.m. for Anyox. Stewart and other northern points whence she ing and will sail at 3:30 this afternoon for Vancouver and Miss Tho'rt Pederson, daughter of' Mrs. Rasmus Pederson, left yesterday1 morning for a visit in' vjKiiig, .nii.ii. Mr. and Mrs. A. Stone returned to the city on the r Catala this morning from a brief, trip to'; Stewart. 3. W. George returned to the jity on the Catala this morning from a business trip to Stewart and Anyox. . ; Mrs. Armakitz, who has been a paient in the local hospital, sails by the Catala this afternoon on her return to Butedale. C. P. Hickman, hatchery liv spector, was a passenger aboard the Catala Sunday evening bound from Vancouver to Stewart. Al Small sailed last evening on the Prince Charles to make th round trip to Stewart, Anyox aix. Massett Inlet on business. Mrs. D. E. Murphy and daugb ter returned to the city on Saturday afternoon's train from Smithers where they spent couple of days. Mrs. A. Thompson. and family. wno have been spending a vaca tion in the south, returned to II.. J 4 1L. .1.. . '"WH'" -u . V. Catala Sunday evening, on the Catala Sunday evening from Vancouver after having spent the summer vacation in the south. Provincial Constable Tomeroy, , who has been relieving at Anyox during the absence of Constable Smith, returned to the city on the Catala this morning. James Jack, who has ben engaged as cook at the Port Simpson Hospital, is a passengsr on board the Catala this afternoon going through to Vancouver. ( Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Dyer sailed last evening on the Prince Charles to make the round trip to where thy have been spending Stewart, Anyox and Massett Inlet the summer holidays, Miss Yvonne Terrien, who moved a few. months ago to Edmonton, returned to the city on Sunday afternoon's train from the Alberta capital and will Join the 'staff of Mussallem's Stores here. Mr. and Ms W. J. Wakefield and family, after a visit in the city with Mrs. Wakefield's jar-ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Perry, Second Avenue, .sailed by the Catala Sunday evening on their return to Stewart. and may proceed through to Se attle to take up residence. Mrs., Andrew Sostrad, wife of the manager of the Engineer mine near Atljn, and son, Gordon, were passengers aboard the Princess Louise .Saturday afternoon bound for ' Vancouver. Miss B. A. Leitch of Booth Memorial School teaching staff, returned to the city from Van- i u n.t-i- a.. evening after having spent the summer vacation in the south. D. J. Hartley, principal of the Anyox High School, was a passenger aboard the Catala Sunday evening returning to the smelter town after having spent the summer vacation in the south. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Warwick and family of Anyox, who have been spending a vacation in the south, were passengers ou board the Oatala Sundiy evening returning from Vancouver to the smelter town. Miss Ellen Hart of Victoria, ...L. -1 I 1 L a. . . . . . r- wnp vuugni Bcimui last yar ni jT v l -i P51T c- l ort Simpson, was a passenger iiauiitii national was,. m..r. , , ,u r.t C3n,a ver, alter spending, a coupie oi days in the city on official Provincial Constable William Smith of Anyox was a passenger ning going throigh to KincoliUi where she will be similarly em ployed next term. On her final voyage of tho year to Skagway, C.P.R. steamer Princess Charlotte was In port northbound from 9 to 11 o'clock yesterday morning. The vessel had 100 passengers including 18 who disembarked here. Capt. Griffiths of Seattle was, In port' Saturday afternoon with! his yacht bueja in, returning south after a week's cruise t Alaska. Jarvis McLeod, Inspector of customs, made the trip north from here on the Sueja III. There were 291 passengers going south aboard the steamer Princess Louise which was M port Satilrtlay "afternoon southf bovlnd from" Skagw'ay to Vancou ver. Twelve passengers disem barked here from the vessel. L C. Jacobs, construction man-sger for the Power Corporation of Canada, returned to the city on the Catala this morning after a trip to Stewart on Company business. and will be here for a few days before proceeding to Montreal. He was accompanied on the trty to Stewnrt by d. U returned here at 10:40 this morn-J Henderson. Our S ..yy TUESDAY Two snowi 7 and 9 p m Douglas McLean 1 'ivorce CO?IEDY PATHENEWS IN Made Easy" "SAPPY SERVICE" SCENIC Admission, 15c and 50c Mpment of Caps as Arrived You are sure to be able to make your choice in this new fall shipment of G and C caps. PRICED REASONABLY AT $2.00 J. A. Kirkpatrick 6th Street Since 1908 Prince Rupert FURNACE or STOVE WOOD Inside Spruce and Hemlock, Cut 11 and lG-lnch $1.50 VEll DOUBLE LOAD BOX CUTTINGS, $3.50 PER LOAD HYDE TRANSFER 171 3rd Avenue East PHONE 580 . Heated Storage BAGGAGE COAL CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD . ..WL' OPERATING G. T. P. 20,000-TON FLOATING I)lUi Engineers, Machinists, IloHcrmnkers, Hlacksmlths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. y ELECTRIC NI) .ACETYLENE WELDING ' ' Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 furniture for sale. Watch the classified col"'""5.