DiU'd this Ath diy of eptAit, 93. RfiOINALD fivitti. Ant. Whin Hirhard J. Sandlands, I S. Prohibition Agent, met his (! itli oh John Heath's yacht in tin' Detroit Hiver, Mm. Heath w:n a witness of the struggle tii twcon her husband . and r,the officer, which ended in the lat-t.r having his neck broken. Ilr.ith. who is under arrest In Detroit, claims he thought Sand-i'nEJ ! i'hIs was a hi-jacker. Man in the Moon a -j.- i ,, i , j rt ff A hypocrite is one who pre-ti nils not to be what he is. We know the Hible stnrv nf ft.laam was true because we' l.:tw found that the as Is always ' 'Ik'ng. . , , , .mux mi it ail rjgnt ll It is, nf from a tender minx, This morning our wonderful M nation loft fnr'th Pane. Th. i, i. .i... n...t,.:TT.V: tuc I'uiiiiiimu wie rIlK- !; timan and the Scot. Hope they l"t)'t play games of chance or I t.N"W which will carry home the ,"ils. A delegation of four ' Tiiank heaven there no more, Or the people of the east Vancouver and the beast Will be sure to get sore. ! Juke says he think) I should W''ti an eloirv to thi weather. UlXffi! . The curfew tolls the knell ' of j parting day, ross the harbor Sl seems to ueiay, . going as he spreads his gleams around. l- 'T rainclouds have departed. ' joys aIound. Ten Years Ago t In I'r'ncfl Rupert September 3. 1919 The school board decided at a -! ml meeting last nflfht to ' I" n a new room at Swl Cove '"d also one downtown If- suit ible quarters enn be obtained. An additional room has already '""n opened at the high school. A dozen houses are now under "structlon In the city, Under Hi .Soldiers Scheme, I Housing IX OLII ClllVi .r v j asivrsl ! 11)11111 n i'ht. nml it t. nnt ti, fnnii of Hty that others ore not r....i i " u""er Onlv tMr..u nn,i nii.i . f. luired to make a great agripul-'".d district In the ceptral Jn-f '"'r. state R. C. W. Lett: 0, T. industrial and colonliatlon ag. who is In, the city. MINKIt VI, ACT f'ertlflcnte nf iinirtnnn'enlCli Imp B,"t'. rHctional Mineral Oalm. situ, f slsr ' 'he riinri. Atlln Uke Mining plvWon of uf ll4" Deiween the Xi4ay . 1 1. Mickey . . . , t Mineral . . . Claim.. , . noiuer: Gnglnest Oold Mine' 'iiieu ino ' ruM,?.,LfLnoldr', '" miner's rer. i Z?,M 1OICB that Bnglneer Oold Mines 'm . Miner's OertUlCite ,i , ',UM-Di intend at the end oX It i . v it,r",m l0 dt" hereof. 'to apply to MininK Harder for 4 Certificate of , - vvnienis ror the purpose til obtain' '"k Crown grant of the above claim. .a.'1" further take notice that action, mii list h!N",M,' 5 tUie"Mlneral Act", b (-onuneoced Veto, the Issuance. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOUND THIS IS THE PAGE WIIIClf'MdST PEOPLE HEAD BECAUSE IT IS FULL OP nUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YPUNG AND. OLD. Summer Resorts Where to pend an enjoy, able holiday boating, bathing, fishing, mountain climbing, etc, L KITSUMOALLUM LAKE LODGE Terrace, B.C. Spend Vour Vacation at Kalum Lake Good fishing, boating and bath- beautiful scenery; twenty miles from Terrace. Staire leaves Terrace 9 a.m., Monday, Wednes day and Saturday, $2 return. Rates, $3 . 25 per day . Write for special weekly rates. It. E. DIX, I'KOPWETOR Terrace, U.C. WONDERFUL TLELL Queen Charlotte Islands THE FARM HOME Fine beach and meadows for children's playgrounds. Salmon and Trout Fishing. River and Sea ltathinir. Excellent Cuslne. Port Clements. Wireless or " lu, far reservations. i MRS. RAJOUT TlelL Q. C. I. SUMMER COTTAGE AT BEAUTIFUL FRANCOIS LAKE For nent By the Week or Month Partly Furnished Apply Mrs. Henkel Francois Lake Lodge QUEEN CIIARLOrTE. PORT CLEMENTS STAGE A new 8-passenger stage is now! operating between Queen Char-, . ioe Uiiy anu ron uiements, over . it. i T 1 .1 .1. .the new Graham Island scenic, highway Rt'gular trips will be run every .Wednesday to Port Clements, mak Ing connection with the S. S. ;Prince Charles, returning the same day to Queen Charlotte City. Fare, one way, $5.00, Intermedi ate points in proportion. Special trips mado any time for three or more fares. Visit the beautiful Queen Charlotte Islands. Phone, write. or wire. It. G. McKENZIE The Premier Hotel Queen Charlotte City, B.C. LAKELSE LODGE AND HOT SPRINGS nnenofi . to cuests. The . lodge . Is situated on the shore at Lakclse Lake. Gocd fly fishing for raln- I trout. The hot springs ron-;ber lii 1111,1. lilVi is t ne for "h Ism. Cottages for rent. i TirnoA .Tnlinston. ManacerJ BRINGING UP OH TMtRt I "b 'MrVb- OK TOURVfE. She went to tof'a:'bHE. wv, KNOCKEO ABOUT TMtV0U3 ' FOR SALE FOR SALE Iron and wooden pulleys, also two pieces shafting. Apply Dally News ttoxxx. (tf) FOR SALE 3 sets adjustable iron hangers for shafting. Large size. $10 per set. Apply Box 00 Daily News Office. . (tf) FOR SALE Six II. P. 2-cylinder 2-cycle Wilson marine engine in good condition., A bargain. Apply Box 212 Daily News Of. fice. (tf) FOR SALE Fishing boat W. T.. 52 feet long; beam, 13Vi feet. 30 h.p. Frisco Standard engine; eight years old, in No. 1 condition. Phone BIuo 159. tf WANTED WANTED Hemstitching. Mrs. Chas. Edwards, at Wallace's. 179 AGENTS WANTED PERSONAL Christmas greeting cards Agents wanted to take orders for the finest line ever shown in Canada. Regal Art Co., Manufacturers, 310 Spa dlna Ave., Toronto. BOARD AND ROOM BOARD And Room $35 per month. Phone Green 21C. tf miuimi i owiuii onui For first-class hair dressing, per intanent waving And toll kinds of beauty culture. PHONE 655 , DHESSMAKNf, MISS E.,S; SMITH Experfancwl dress and coat maker, WeWtenhaver Block, Second Avenue. Phone Blue 701. THE PRINCE RUPERT SCHOOL OF MUSIC (Ninth Year) II. Aubrey Pryce, professor and tj,rhr nf violin ami rfnn win regume teaching for the fall term on Tuesday. -Sentember 8. ' For tenM etc phone G74 THE CRAIG SCHOOL OF DANCING PRINCIPAL, MISS NAN CRAIG Every Type of Dance Taught) Classic Character Tap or Step Eccentric Toe Tap Musical Comedy Acrobatic Ballroom Ballet Spanlih Limbering and Stretching Special children beginners' classes. Special classes for mar ried ladies and young girls In physical culturo. Classes commencing Septem 3. Studio, 216 6th Avenue W. . IMIONE GREEN 692 FATHER ABOOT EVEKX -THMC IKl IT-TOO FOR RENT FOR RENT Four. room flat with bath. Furnished. : Phone 547. tf. ( FOR RENT-Double or single housekeeping rooms, Fhone.427. FOR RENT Automobiles, pianos' phonographs and sewing machines. Walker MusfcBtore. FOR RENT Furnished and unfurnished h,puses. Apply 215 Fourth Avenue East; (tf ) FOR RENT Clean, well furnished modern two and three roomed suites. Palmer Apartments. Phlne Red 444. (tf) CHIROPRACTIC PROGRESS i The practice of chiropractic is recognized in forty states of the union. This recognition has been sought and gained by the people who have benefitted through chiropractic. It was not until 191C that legal recognition was ftrflt nfrtrrtrt ...... ' For your health's sake consult DR. W. q. ASPINALL C and 7 Exchange Block Green 211Phones Black 283 Open Evenings CHIROI'RACTOR GETS REMARKABLE RESULTS '-Mn Neuritis, Lumbago, Sciatica, Rheumatism, Stomach Trouble, Headaches apd Backaches. Consultation Free R. E. EYOIjPSON, D.C. G23 ThiAurtvlnue.Weat Office Tepfone Blue 85 Residence Telephone Red 589 EDUCATIONAL FORM BY HOUSE SCHOOL FOR BOYS Ganges Harbor, B.C. Sound Modern Education ALL GRADESTO JUNIOR MATRIC Boys taken for Holidays Moderate Fees Prospectus on Application THE STIRLING TEA ROOM Next to Prince Rupert Hotel Lisrht lunches from noon to 11 iO n.m. Reasonable rates for dinner and supper to regular boarders. Home cooking. Cakes and pies made to order. PHONE BLUE, 129 Queen Charlotte Islands Visitors When travelling between Port Clements and Queen Charlotte City, hire cars and trucKS from YOUNG BROTHERS Skidegate. B.C. Daily News -Classified" adver tising' brings results. AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART. We buy. sell or ex- change any kind or furhiluro or household goods, musical instruments, machinery, etc. General repairs, crating, packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone Black 120 and we will call. GEORGE J. DAWES, AUCTIONEER Federal Block SALVAGE ANH TOWING "If It's on r under the water we do It," PACIFIC SALVAGE CO. LIMITED Fully Equipped for Diving and General Salvage WorV. Boats and Scows of' all descriptions for Charter. Row Boats and Canoes for hire. Bargains in Gas Engine?. AGENTS FOR EASTHOPE ENGINES Northern B. C. Distributors Coolidge Propellers r. - .i j i i . aand and Grave, In any quan - tlty, delivered nnywhere by water. I'hone. Day or Night. 564 P. O. Box 155 Paints, Wallpaper, Etc. SILVERSIDES. BROS. Wallpapers, Paints, Glass and Art Supplies P. O. BOX 120 PnONE 22 EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME Dining suites, walnut and oak; Chesterfield suites, guaranteed; bedroom suites; Simmons beds, springs and maftresses. Watch our dollar window this week-end. McKENZIES, FURNITURE Phono 775 LWIl ACf Notice of Intention to Applj to LraKe Land In The Stlklne vnd Recording District of British Columbia, and situate about- one half anile Easterly from trJe mouth of the Tulterjuah River, which, into the Taku River about six mllea up-itream from the Alaska Boundary Line. Take notice that 1. James B. Btsp'er of Log Angeles, occupation, mining en glnerY, Intend to apply for permission to purohnat the following described lands:-- . , . Commencing it a post planted one half mile Easterly from the mouth ot the Tulaequah River, thence East 3q ohatns; thence North 20 chains; thenct West 20 chains; thence South 30 chatTvt and containing 40 acres, more or leas. JAMES 8. STAPLER. Dated June 10th, 1839. 330 EXTENSION OF TIMK NOTICE is hereby given that the time for the reception ol tondera for Fishermen's Klo.its, Prince Rupert, B.C., La extended to Wednesday, September 11, 1930. By order, 8. E. O'BRIEN, Becretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, August 9, 1939. TOO I 111 AW, MR.JlCCe,-! I TOO HAVE 1 1 l"TE. BUT V i oeutEve'? Beew away Ti?,2VORUD iM Ml T I POKJO- LZJ I "SHALL- fl v ' IBiJJ' HEARD- t -y-rr NtVCR MAO TO HOME. PROM V RACE TRACK 0 fou VOOLOMT f QAT THAT I, land Act Notice of Intention to Apply ' to! Leuse Land " In the Queen Charlotte Land District, una iwoorain? uisirici 01 trine itup-ert. and situate near Klaahwun Point. Or ham lalantl. Take notice that Eugene II. Simpson of M.issctt, B. Q., occupation, cannery.; man, intends to apply lor a lease of the following described lands: Foreshore. Commeneinz at a oust nlanted about 20 chains southeasterly from the N. W ' rnmu comer nf of Lot no. No. Q7SI 2741. nriom OraMam i.i.nrt- Island: thence west 10 chains; thence north 4 chains to low water; thence east 10 chains: the-ice south S chains to point of commencement, and containing 6 acres, more or less. Dated May 11th. 1929. EUGENE HUMPHRY SIMPSON. , Henry White. Ascent. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In the Queen Charlotte Land District. i Land Recording District of Prince Rup-. ert, and situate near the mouth of Na- den Harbor, on Maaorredo Island, Take notice that I, Author Robertson, of Masaett. B.C., occupation, mlU owner, Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted near the south east corner of Lot 2719. Mazor. redo Island; thence nbrthly 10 chains; thence easterly 5 chains to low wateri thence following low water southerly 10 chains; thence westerly to point of com- ) meuoement. and containing four acres. more cr less. ARTHUR ROBERTSON. By Henry White. Agent. Dated May 12th. 1029. SKF.r.NA LAND KtiCOKDIMl DISTRICT TAKE NOTICE tht the BrttiMi Co- lumbla Pishing Ac Packing Company. Ltd., of Vancouver, B.C.. occupation, fishing and packing. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described foreshore, situate fronting on Lot 10, Range 3. Coast District: Commencing at a post planted at the southwest cor- ner of Lot 10. Range 8. Coajt District: thence south S chains: thence In a south- easterly direction IS chains; thence In a south-easterly direction SS chains, more or less, to nigrt water mars at a point distant 10 cnains. more cr less, wesunj from the southeast corner ot Lot 10; tnence nurvnwnwnr. louuwiug uin water mark, to the point ot commencement, and containing 19 acres, more or less. BUmSH COLUMBIA nSHINd Ac ' PACKINO CO.. LTD. J. II. Bushnell, Agent. Dated 30th June. 1929. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In the Queen Charlotte Land District. Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Arnlston Point, North Dundss Island. Take notice that Langara Fishing Paeklng Company, Limited, of Musett. 11. C. occupation, canuers, intends to apply for a !eae of the follow- Int described lands: Foreshore. Commenolng at a post planted at the extremity ot land on Arnlston Point thence westerly 30 chains; thence nortn-rrly S chains to low water, thence easterly 30 cnains; thence southerly to point of commencement, and containing 20 arres, more or less. LANQARA FI3HINO A PACKINO CO.. LTD. By l's Agent. John William Moorehouae Dated June 7th. 1939. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In the Queen Charlotte Land District. Land Recording District ol Prince Rupert, and situate near the mouth of alas-sett Inlet. Orabam Island. Take notice that Langara Fishing A Packing Company. Limited, of Massett, B.C.. occupation, salmon eanners. Intends to apply lor a lease ot the following described lands: Foreshore. Commencing at a post planted near the southern end ot Hidden Island; thence northerly to chains; thence easterly 8 chains; thence southerly 10 chains, following low water; thence westerly to point of commencement, and containing 8 acres more or leas. LANOARA FIBIIINO At PACKINO CO., LTD Henry White, Agent. Dated Miy 11th. 1939. Try a Daily News want-ad. It wrjjl bring resuitss By EvyiOEKJTO BUT IT George McMnnus RCAUTt" WMV WUlUE 1 Wft TRAVEUINJO THRCXkSM EflVPX-l RAS ACROtrS TWO tAU. r OF MT CW1UORCM VWITHTHRIR K KERN A LAND RECOIimNd PISTItlCT' TAKE NOTICE that the British Co-I lumbta. Planing & Packing- Company, Ltd., ol Vancouter, D.C.. occupation, fishing and packing intends to apply for a lease at the following described foreshore situate xronunir on Lot 3. Range 5, Coast District: Commencing at a post planted at a point on the. southerly boundary of Lot 2, Range 8, uisiai,t udoui 3 cnaina rrotn tne south east corner; thence N.83'1. to the pro- uuciiun wumeny oi tne east ooundary of Lot 3: thence norther! to mean hiah !f". he.te.rlr M aoU. te'WmlitS rZVVZ.!; .LT' P.,nt of commencement, and con- tslnln g ten acres, more or less. BR InSU COLUMBIA F1SIIINO & PACKINO CO.. LTD. J. H. Busnnell. Agent. Dated 24th June 1929. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In the Queen Charlotte Land District, Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate near the mouth of Mas-lett Inlet at Seven Mile Point. ' Take notice that Langara Pishing A Packing Company. Limited, -of Massett; B.C., occupation, salmon eanners, Intends to apply for a lease of the follow-Inr described lands: Commencing at a post plsnted neat the northeast corner of Lot 22S9, Ornham Wand; thence westerly to chains; thence northerly 5 chains; thence easterly iu cnains following low water; "?!". ith.eJI 8.chA1"J. ? ?'? "'r"'' "gamine: acres. more or less, t LANQAHA rloHIKO At PACKINO CO., LTD. Henry White. Agent. ,. tW-ST- n.. Dt w w. LAND ACT Notire of Intention to Apply to Lrase Land In the Queen Charlotte Land District. I land. Recording District of Prince Rup ert. and situate at an unnamed point on the northeast of Zaves Wand, north ol ' eastern extremity ol the Uu named lake on Zaves Island, Take notice that Eugene H. 'StmpeoOi md Author Robertson of Massett, B.C.:. occupation, canncrymen. Intend to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Foreshore. Commencing at a post planted 300 feet south of high water at the extremity of the above-mentioned unnamed point: . thence east 20 chains: thence north t , cnains to low wster: thence westerly 31 cnains: inenr soutn to point of com ; mencement, and containing 30 acres. mare or less. EUGENE HTJMPHKM SIMPSON, t. AUTHOR ROBERTON. Bv the Agent. John William Mooreho-ise. Dau-I June 7th. 1929 MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone (37. S.D. Johnston Co.Ltd. Representative for MILLEK COURT & CO., Limited Through our connections we can make prompt execution of buying arid selling orders on the Vancouver, CaI gary and Toronto stock exchanges. Closing prices from these exchanges posted on our stock board twice dally. Orders from out-of-town clients, by wire or letter, will receive our prompt attention. S.D. Johnston Co.Ltd. 610 2nd Avenue Phone 130 Prince Rupert. ILC, ""miiiMiiliiiniiiTiiv i 111 II ' u II 111 II 1 1 1 1 IT III 111 II ii i i