4 4. m i w I''' IE v. Saturday, January THE DAILY NEWS PAGE EIGHT m .J. ........ 1 Wli .11. I IIIIIIWWIIIIWHIIFH'I Pffl MM I "H II MI'H Support the Home Theatre and keep your Money in the city. We Canadian National Steamships Prince Rupert DRYDOCK 'AND SHIPYARD OpvrittiiiK li.T.1' 20.000 Ton Floating Dry Dock . tiii-tlncem. MnchlnUU, Roilermakern, HlackMinith. Pattern maker Founder Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDINU. jstblme Theatre FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, I AND 9 P. M. SATURDAY MATINEE 2 ;30 P. M. FRED THOMSON in "The. Sunset Legion" With Edna Murphy and "Silver King." LUPINO LANE COMEDY "HECTIC DAYS." AESOP'S FILM FABLES. Orchestral Number "Parade of Wooden Soldiers." ADMISSION, 35c and 10c; MATINEE, 25c and 5c. Child buyer of the lucky ticket at the Saturday Matinee gets one montn s free pass. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Ballings iram Prince Ituprrt. lor VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swaawn Bay, Itutrtialc. Alert toy, rtc TtifMlav, 3.30 p.m. , . . ., u For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Unt-dale, Alert tujl ftcAfrlclay midnight. lor ALICE ARM. ANYOX. 8TltARi. WALES.. IfLAM IMU iiAIIMN, . NAAS lilVLR, Snndajf, 8 p.m. itl Ind Avenue. U. M. HMkTII. Aeeni, rrlm-c IIiirt, 111 Tliroujh tlckfU sold u Vleturla nd heal tie, and narrate rhek1 Ihrovgti 10 dettlnatlor p!NADlArJ V B.C. Coast Steamship Services Sailings from Prince Fupert To K4'-lilkan, Wruntell and Skagwar January It. 20. To Vancouver, VlrturU and Nrutllf lanuary t, IB. 30. I'KINTEHH ROVAL For Butnlale. Etutt Kella ISella. (Ireaii I all", Namik. Alrrt llay, Campbell nier. Vancouver and Victoria, eierjr Friday. 10 p.m. ArjeniM tor hII Steanulilp l.lnw. Full Information from W. C. OiU IIARIi. IlKNWUL AtiKNT t'r:nr t f It Strrrt :ind 3rd Avenue. Prince Ilui-rrt, 11.1'. Phone 31. I an ad ian National Q7jc Large ft TKailway Syfttm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Hailing troll MUNCH MI PERT for VIVCOHKH. VICTORIA. hKATTLE. ami liiteriiudiate. olnU. each FRIDAY. 0:00 a.m. . . " . For 8TEWAUT and AN VOX. facfc UEDSESDAV. lO.On p.m. ';;,! lor MIKTII AND SOl'Tll (Jl T.LN CIIAIII.OT I K IM.AMiS, Fortnljhtfy. ' PASSENOER TRAINS- LEAVE PKINTE KCPERT -Earh MOMIAV, IVEUNESOAY and RATL'RUAY at 11:30 a.m. for PRINCE UEdROE, EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, all point ' Eattem Canada, ltUrd States. AOISCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave, Prince Rupert Phone 260 Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MAKING AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and SHS I I v ItlZ-tU-lllUO ULJ, BAOG: POWDER . -7 il isnerwi4 man ordinary brands Mr. J. V. B.. I : Fnt Stoni, VtMOuvtr, -Say "l ha.t bm hi Vtneaimr twtnty- itvlLW A IUt OA KJriJFjWDE (0rttal lttttr a Bt) : MASTERPIECE 'MASTERPIECE "RAMONA" SHOWING 'DAWN' COMING ' AT CAPITOL THEATRE MONDAY WESTHOLME The great British masterpiece "Dawn" will be shown at the Westholme Theatre Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. TO GET AFTER RADIO TROUBLE Meeting Last Night Reports on Activities and Arranges to Continue Work At the meeting of the Frince Rupert Radio Association held last evening in the city hall with Sid Reith presiding and. Laurie Lambie secretary, it was decided to make a big. effort during the coming week to locate definitely the sources of interference with local radio reception, particularly , in tthqjjdpwn town districts. Ma'nV ftuggrstib'ns were made aa lo whatthe trouble might be, buV theorily thing ' definitely agreed upon- waB that it was very bad and that steps must be taken at once to have it cleaned up. I The secretary read correspondence, mostly telegraphic, which had taken place in regard to stopping the interference at the C.N. Telegraph office. A number of telegrams , and letters were sent in regard to it both to A. R. McEwan, director of radio and to W. G. Barber, telegraph manager, and assurance was received that the difficulty would be overcome, although it waa pointed out that action was very slow. L. W. Waugh, the local manager, it was indicated, had done his best In regard to it. , Members of . the association were not MtUfied that Die Tel-jprah office waa the worst offender. The city power system was blamed and also the electric-furnaces, and a number of other possible sources. All of these will be thoroughly investigated during he next few days. It seemed that there must be a number of different sources of trouble because they were intermittent at times and at others persistent Some sections of the city were very little affected, but down town was the worst. After much discussion in the course of which it was mentioned that the present officers of the association had done everything that could be expected of them, it was decided to call another meeting next Friday night to re ceive reports from those trying o locate the trouble and to take any such further steps as might be desirable to abate the nuisance. It was decided that permanent officers should be elected next week. H.S.Wallace Co. Ltd, Cold Weather Comforts A pair of Under Hose worn under your silk stockings . , will b found a groat comfort on cold days . Puro Wool, Light Flesh Color, Snug Fitting. T i ' Third Avenue Fulton St. lHONE 9 COAL Your choice EDSON CASSIDY - WELLINGTON TELKWA Also Bulkley Hay nnd Grain. Agent for Robin Hood Flour. Phone 58 Prince Rupert Feed Co. , A "Classic" Reaching Dramatic Heights Never Before Scaled "Ramonn," a screen story that takes its place among the immortals and rates as "one of 1928's ten best," has been secured for showing at the Capitol next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. "Ramona," the-theme song which is being sung and played in theatres, restaurant! and dance halls, night clubhand from u-adio stations every night, will be featured by trie Rupert Capitqlians during the showing of af the great classic. Superb act- District News PKINCD GEORGE Prince George is now having i its first real taste of winter after . t rather mild week during which; Mr. and Mrs. 'h Christmas" holidays. Burden and two sons left oh Sunday on their re turn- to Victoria after spent the ChriHtmas season " Prince George. Mr. Ikirden stat , ed thai the government have five offers for the purchase of the Pacific Great Eastern Railway and he expressed con- v'".;c," that decisive action in regard to the road would be taken at the forthcoming session of ne legislature. John Harrison was killed on Monday in one of the Giscome fo.'s. logging camps when a tree Tell on him and fractured hi.1 kitll. An inquest was held here by Coroner Guest and a verdict f accidental death was retur-ed. I Dr. and Mrs. Philip Smyth nd children, who are movhtg rom i'ig Vajlt y, Alta., to Van-ouver, were tti quests here of Arthur Dca over and New Year NFy HAEl.TOiN ; Rev. T,. D. Proctor recently opened the new hall which has been built at a cost of 2300, by the natives of Kltammax. Indian Agent E. Hyde and R. S. Sargent also spoke on the occasion and there was a general celebration. S. II. Senkpiel appeared before ' Justice of the Peace William Grant in Ilaxclton last week and I was charged with assaulting a man named Smith. The latter j has gone to Prince Rupert for treatment 'and the case has been adjourned. Mrs. Dungate of Haxelton has been seriuusly ill with influensa. ' Mrs. W. H. Sharpe has also been ! suffering from the same malady. A Christmus. Tree was held tart Friday afternoon, for the In--iin children of Haselton and on Saturday afternoon Rev. T. D. Prcctor entertained the Sunday School children HAS HE A FLASK We have a good variety for the holidays at reasonable prices. Here are several : NICKEL H ounces, hsm- mered effect. .' HM LEATHER COVERED fl.00 NICER DESIGN Engraved $7.50 Better Come nnd See For Yourself John Bulger The Jewellers ; ing by Dolores Del Rio in a picture which carries its audience j along with its surging sweep and tense drama will afford a rare 'treat for Prince Rupert picture I lovers. CHILDREN'S DANCE dance 'was held in' the I.O.D.E. under the VERY ENJOYABLE wmm the thermometer dropped only j once below aeio and then to Successful Function Under Au three below. spices of Queen Mary Chapter, I I. O.D.E , Last Night IT Tl T 1 f ! ' J I r.aa, u. A very enjoyable enoyable children's ands, ana art "FRIDAY AND SATURDAY COM INC. JAN. 7, 8 AND D "RAMONA" RICHARD BARTHELMESS in "The Wheel of Chance" COMEDY NEWS. SATURDAY MATINEE AT 2:30 P. M. Pirat Shew 7 p.m. 35c and l.Mgeo. r,n r.irved during the evening and the and girl. witching hour of midnight came Robert Blance was m. all too soon. ; ceremonies and Mrs. Dlai... The excellence of the rmwic pre- convener , of the dance w t. vlded by Mrs. J. ,S,i Back's or- Jfuues Simpson assisted I. rhPKtm. consisting of Mrs. Black, William Brass and Mr . I Hall last night auspices having J'Achant;; impei-l. James Sturgeon, J'. J. Campbell Start In ch.rg, of frh, V1 V'r lJUhi S " Wilttr HoVa-th, called forth M R. V. G. L,Plnc.p,. il Delightful refreshments were tnren nearvy cnoere irora u An opportunity to invest in a high-class local security u; $55,000 Prince Rupert Amusement Limited ;' v v , ) 'i ' k l a. . 7 PERCENT FIRST MORTGAGE ,I QNl) Co. . Dalod Geptomljer 1st, 1928 puc.Septembcr Ul ltlfS PRICE: 98.90 and INTEREST ; ? Yielding 7.12 'lcr Cent lTjorStce:--Ionlrcal Trust ompanyj X - p Denominations 5500 and Vi,tf0rf 1 Principal and interest arc payable at any branch of the Royal Hank in British Columbia. Bonds arc callable at 105 on any interest date on sixty days' prior notice. A Sinking Fund of $3,000 per year will be paid to the Trustee who may invest same in these bonds if procurable at 105 or less, but if not, then it shall In: invested in Trustee Securities. The Prince Rupert Amusement Company was organized for the purpose of operating a moving picture theatre in the City of Prince Rupert. Up to the present the Company has operated in a rented building but has now completed construction of a very fine building on the main street of the City at a cost of approximately (including value of land) $109,000. This building has been leased to B. C. Paramount Theatres Limited for 15 years on the following terms: Rental $8,000 per year, together with one-half the net profits remaining after payment of such rental and other operating expenses. The Lessor also gives to the Lcsee an option for three years to purchase the said property for $150,-000. If this option is not exercised then the Lescc will, during the balance .f the term pay $12,000 per year rental in lieu of $8,000 and one-half the net profits. According to official records, five-sixths of the issued capital tff B. C. Par-amount Theatres Limited is issued in the name of Famous Players Canadian Company Ltd. Interest and Sinking Fund on these bonds will amount to $G,8f0 per year. This amount is fully taken care of by the rental to be received from the Lessee without taking into consideration any revenue lo be derived from profits. ' ( ' In addition to the above, the Prince Rupert Amusement Company will have a rental of about $2,500 per year from t hree stores in the new building. This will be more than ample to take care of all real estate taxes and incidental expenses. . THESE ItONDS IN DENOMINATIONS OF $800.00 AND $1,000.00. ROND MAY DM Pity. CHASED AT THE Ol l'lCUTOP, ANY OFrH m ROYAI L FINANCIAL' CORPORATION LTD. 810 Hnlfngs Kt W, TIIOS. McCLVMONT Prince Rupert, II. C. S. D. JOHNSTON CO., LTD. I'rihce Rupert, 1J. C. Vancouver II. C M. M. STEPHENS I'rlnce Rupert, H. a A. A. EASSON Capitol Theatre, I'rlnce Rupert, II. C.