paid in advance for yearly period ' Or four months for By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid In advanee,'per yeart . . By mail to all other countries, per year Trntint dianlav advertising, per ineh, peririsertlon . . . .,i..v. Local readers, per insertion, per line Classified advertising, per insertion, per word Legal notiees, each insertion, per agate line Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Editor and Reporters' Telephone ......86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION ui ienn. wnere openea oy sur- Tnese tunnels, driven virtually on lace cuts, the owners state thatia mountainside, give a vertical they never failed to get an appre- depth of close to 100 feet, which clable return in gold, the lowest depth will be greatly increased on assay secured by them being $2.50 , the resumption of work next In gold and seven ounces In silver. I spring. The crew averaged eight It is a heavy iron pyrite In a men throughout the season and. greenstone gangue on a contact with a similar number employed Vitlf red amlwite. ,Term of the next year, extremely satisfactory hood .c&JIJor the expenditure of results are anticipated, preliminary considerable money next summer ; work such as trail and camp con-lAaprelteinaryjiexRloratory work. Istructlon having been completed ! Work, which it was expected 0,,eat M (would befariiedionthioughout the ftlhJK? L.Hl , ng a substantial cash balance coming wfer, has? hid to be shut ! dwS oi? 'the Meltln Mining Co.'s remaining in the treasury. rpropert adjoining the Prosperity , . . T , . . land Porter-Idaho on Marmot Rive? ,h?ayTp,orter, hal,J?0W completed because of the fact that very loose Jg fPfPi?,? ot af?,ther sVeAtxZ: groand was encountered ln the tun- , eue"i"3'n'?f tewart-neL not sufficient Umber having JJ1,??13 formerly the Mobile group been taken in to block it up. Thl 1 ?. flatos on Bear River. Only a season's work, which included sur-! d. number of units were of- Jface prospecting and tunneling, I Ierea Ior sa,e- disclosed very encouraging condl- t J L j. ;Uona on the property. The tunnel nhJ' iPanagLn?T,l,r.ector of was extended 170 feet, in the drlv- le?sd'amD0d d?11lln? con; tag of which two shoots of high- afrtv.ed at.8tewart tat week grade ore were encountered but in WeWe equipment which isuch a way as to indicate that the now 5" sft uPuon the Wood-' tunnel was passing Just through ! f P"Prty for the purpose of .their apex. Vhen the shutdown ! undertaking an extensive diamond Ibecarae necessary, the tunnel was dfiV Pf01?!0 Prov? aP den . facing in ore of similar character,""1? V"4 w5ai,the or5 bodies are to that ln the first shoot from ! on tnat much discussed property. .which six tons were extracted anJ . sorted in the course of driving the lJJ1 Ferguson discoverer of .tunnel. These samples assayed I t5ei???m..iame' na?,now tni-IweU over 200 ounces in sUver. The!cd SJWe after spending a season shipment is being forwaided to the ?ILtnewproperty .and rePt that a :Selby smelter In Canfomla. nr of sllver-lead-zlnc ore ! ' Necessary buildings have started as a cross cut. will reach .the intersection of the Mann vein And the high-grade vein at a depth :of 4W feet. Here the drift win be tswung to the right and the high-'trade vein followed, the present program calling for this drift to be continued until a depth of 1200 eet is secured. In about three weeks an uptalse will be made to connect the old Mann tunnel, thus providing a passage way and powder and also a manway iree fro-r. the danger of snow-lldes. When the upraise has been finished it Is the Intention of the inanagement to let a contract for! has been developed and now only . transportation facilities are needed. n i expected, however, tl 141. au- velopment of the nroDerty has been , S0"-- a J.r.l i0.?. SL1??:. iproceeding systematically and the'g'ivei sunriiisfS In futnrf Iplans for the winter outline a pro-1 oil so Jm he SEu, ; M gram to gain great denth. while ore 1 "le,i2,ne ,715 J5" bIater 'bodies al-endv InrHrnteri will h fur luii uauuig witn CM- SSrileSlf up." ? T SmS , raonLOn lnatead of Vancouver. Ten Years Ago In Pr'nce Rupert November 18, 1919 The Prince Rtipeit Amateur Athletic Association has let a contract to W. J, Greer to put the Agricultural nan in snaoe as a gymnasium. The cost of the work will be $1,350. The car slip which Is heiiw 2000 feet of tunneling or drifting bullt on the waterfront below fcrhich it Is expected will be com-1 Westvlew for use ln conneetlon pleted next May. Most of thexvlth carload shipments ot pulp money for extensive work being nd paper throughi . here fiKmt carried out on the Mountain Boy nas come irom Montreal. After the first season of development, the Bl-Metallic Syndicate has1 suspended operations for the year on the group of claims It owns on the south side ot Marmot River. The management Is well satisfied with results obtained and amount of work accomplished under the experienced management ot Clay Porter. Suitable camps have been established and two tunnels, approximately SO feet in length, were driven. One was on the Stimulator Swanson Bay to the east Is near ly completed. Shipments. It is ex peeted, will commence about De cern oer i. Angus Macdonald. suberinten dent of schools, reported at the sehool board meeting that there were many cases of truancy. The board Is determined to put a stop io h, even u ii, is iouna necessary to call In the, police. Dally News "Want Ads" bring quick results. Man in the Moon It was at the Cenotaph service Monday a little boy was sitting ou his dad's shoulde.a so that he might see' the hiahlanders who "''ier? -playing .the Jwnwit, while ennspoiiyrmv ft ATRfi I Vr--... uiwi , uu use ouikjkh .... ,11.: if -iy.ioo pi tne, cenotaph. ,Tne utue Citv delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance cnap looked and then he asked: Vy la.ur norlnrl nniil in ndvjinre. Tier month "Papa, are those Scotchmen or r ! -ii vTt. Pnntrnl Ttrlttsh Columbia. I soldiers?" uy man 10 an par oi iiuimnu am . There was a disappointing time l.w at a recent church social because itt-ere were not enough hims to gib 6.00 ! icyna. 7 fin 1.40 Transient advertising on front page, "-per inch . .. 2.80 25 .02 .15 Monday, November 18, 1929 News of the Mines AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Anaconda Enters Portland Canal Field; Work Suspended For Winter On Melvin ; Mountain Boy lias Biff Winter Program Heralded as one of the most important deals in the history of the Portland Canarcampj the Anaconda Copper Co., one of the most powerful of the world's mining organizations, has taken a working bond with payments spread over several years on the Good Luck group of four claims, situated on the west side of American Creek, three and a half miles north of the Mountain Boy or some eight miles from the railway survey on Bear River. The deal followed several months of search by Harry Townsend, Anaconda engineer, for a suitable pro- iSJnn?" loced "J1 own" average of about three feet In width J7 , am,ftj?(l' Fr'do?0Snce 1 carrying ore of commercial grade, and Carles JLtodtrom,, Showings, tne alues rig principally in on the property consist of a large' Eold whlcn u frequently encoun- lron cap wiin ' an 'aTerage wmin ox tered ln native form in the network irom tw w buu iee. over a muc . 0 vems occurring on the property A uiue ooy went to me uaiora ral or the first time recently with' his father and when the choir N marched in h whisp-pd audibly; "See. cuddy. tr.ey are ins to get their hair cut. The Premier came The, Premier went And riow we're wondering What he meant. He 'told, us how We'd progress make I wish twould hurry Up, land sake. Jake lays he got no holidays this year because his broker took him for a ride. . A woman who looks forward to matrimony should be straight as an arrow. Then she may get a beau. The sun was shining this morning- and I was wondering whether It was spring or fall. Thank heaven for the winter time And for the cold, cold blast, For then I know spring poets are An evil of the past. Jake says he likes the talkies Now his wife cannot read the sub-titles aloud. It was a sad day when the Household Hints" and "Your Baby and Mine" departments got mixed up: Q. I have difficulty keeping my jaby warm at night. What should I do? A. Use a greased pan and place n a slow oven for three hours. Clga 0 """ V THE CAILT KET73 fonday, November PAGE TWO ' The1. Daily News... PRINCE KUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA , w r i Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News. Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULLLN Mtnagins-Editor District News W By modem vaporising PRINCE GEORGE In a recent oainting contest WEN A IP Colg to each purchaser of 25c . ,"w7 ointment Just mo on conducted fqxbovs and girls by a local haritfari concern, the winners wejeBdna tpes, Ger- slderaBle trude Pitman, MathiliafVan Dyk.i shown in Roland Allen, Hubert Armstrong, : George. .1 W lit enthusiasm Hie sport 6KS VapoRub Is In ?h.iJ-i!pDS' H. V. Littler, accountant in the the .family, the substantial sum PHman IT TOWorl anrT Martin, loiUkl brench of the Bank Pptjriann Montreal soon as conditions will Orchestra supplied a fine program of music and, during the supper intermission, Miss Mary McKen-zie danced the Highland Fling-. The hall was beautifully decorated under the direction of J. A. Finnerty. After a visit of several months with relatives in Ireland, Mr. and Mrs. J. IL Byrne and son have returned to Smfthers. ' Word has been received here that Frank Tagvart and associates, who contemplate the es-t: blishment of a large plant for the extraction of by-products from Telkwa and CoDDer River m TSMlTM"! SBBH lH' XjO WW The NEW te Toot j fill rush (Designed by Colgate Department of Dental Education) WAY Tubes oS ate Ribbon Dental Cream 11 THE OFFER: To induce still more people to try Ribbon Dental Cream ... we make this remarkable offer. Only Colgate, .world's largest maker of tooth paste . . . could finance such a proposition. The brush This toothbrush the newest, most advanced type known to dental science was designed by the Colgate Department of Dental Education ... a group of den. tlsts who have studied the needs of thousands of men, women and children. Examine this brush. Study its shape. Us size, its bristles. It Is made by skilled workers . . . under the most sanitary con ditions . . . fronuselected, imported snow, white bristles, of finest quality. Every ' brush Is carefully Inspected, Handles, are j of lovely, transparent material, in 5 ex- t quislfe shades of gree, purple, amber. Bristles are inset by a unique process that holds them in a vise-like grip. TbU brush U idtnlical la quality, in size, in durability to nationally advertised brushes that sell regularly in better stores at SO cents. Now yours FREE with this unique offer. electric plant to supply light and power throughout . the district. It Is stated that powdered coal will be used for fuel. !. . i The little son of Mr. and Mrs, : W. C. Anns of this town hast lost permanently the sight of both ;eves as a result of a recent accident when playing wiih lime.' i This is the announcement of ex- betaff I perls "Jn tlltf' (fast where thtfcBHd prmCe, was taken foxaVexaminatlon. A l benefit riancfi Was stairpii last fweek-end by dray's Orchestra for of ; of $180 being realized left at the first of the! . . . . ,. week fnr Terrare where he will I irSl Prize Winners at tne an will be the same as last year. lease of the Smlthers skatiagi rime. ENGLAND BEAT IltELA.ND LONDON Nov 18: England de-; feated Ireland 7 to 2 in an ama-1 soccer match 1 1 t mi ... rouna lhe VVorlrJ With Sport Fans (By Thi Tnunp) Frank Patrick, craftv ql iho Vancouer pions of the Pacific Cast ffil S. i& J?lnd 011 Tuesday .12 Bp Phillips-, craqk rlpht 3 of the, champions. !, "rJ$ rwo nff for duty. UilL nnt VanWer on a "u Halt Moon Bay report to Vancouver -una To,.. u . it., u .v. nnnl seen shnw whlrh mi helrl I i ..n. . " 1 "' Wen! herewiuTa se V tto cE ! lTST was Tccomptnied b? , hero last "week wereT oatsTA. mTI ffft dton mail iU SCeatnwhteh n.aiJ at viuwo tev ..Mrs. Littler. iMjllan. Irwrnu, Eve T1lrnra- vn ,;. sprng .Iv wheat K.lo,, Ouy , the Lions to get their "A rrmro T. S. DePeneler officiated, ex-ser- I a Mlllan- field ma a m' vlct men from aU parts of the. The local school board Is con- ftn,"ir, ,leJjL J!?- Mff districting In attendanee. ANsWerm the advisability of estab-1 Vthy; J?h?,ri". BaTrre er the aervlee mere was a pru- ubimuk utmicstic science, ukujuoj , Bltw.ra. -i.n,.' ..,. cession to the cemetery whjrr training and commerelaf depart wreaths were placed or soldiers' meats in the loeal school, araves. m Uie evening, a smoker was held.' There was also a dance' at which Miss Ida Miller. Mrs.! nnrn Merer and Doc Cameron i Weather hre of late has been unsettled with rain and snow. The lowest thermometer reading of the week was 10 above aero. The Ladies' Aid to the local United Church held its annual Thanksgiving turkey dinner on Monday evening. There was a arge attendance which took up all seating capacity. The monthly meeting of the Women's Auxiliary to the Prince Georgz Hospital was held Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. K. Nichols. Northern Rebekah Lodge held n meeting Thursday evening in he Ritts-Klfer Hall First badminton na'mes of th reason were played in the Ritt? Kifer Hall here on Thursday. Con SMITHERS were winners ln a raffle. quantities ha been discovered for aussu4 wiittwivivi osssivc: vtu v ci . A. McMillan; certified potatoes. Hamlin Si Thomson. Terrace; i commercial Evelyn. potatoes, J. Owens. Railway tie contracts for 1930 , nrm tihno in h. Hef..t . i have now been awarded, and. as the Olader Oulch property near , ' was expected, they disclose a cut here. Assays from a vein at least WF,? ent, fr?m4 last V-five feet wide showed eleven Practically alt of last season's cent of sulphide and tellurlde of ?Pntractr? sh"9 u"? al" bismuth. It I planned to carry, though it 1 understood that many on development worK on tne pro perty as permit. rporw -iiunp announred thu ,X "f uip and was promntlv PTlllllDs tnit he lmmPfit-,f, east instructed ta r of fact three N.H1 ruTh. ere seektig Bill's services 6' bolnte Bill skipper of the team centre ice player of the Lions uS season, who Is trying out withZ Chicago Black Hawks Even thouIi Somers was captain Ct season. Philllpj did a dem f ,15 on ttT operators will not open up camps XuH; work that. "VSr should c. fall ,a" for for the the smaller smaller ouantltv quantity. Prices Prices the skipper The annual ArmiiOce Dav danc . Armistice uay serviees were on Monday night under the aus- reiduereu0nr,Mon,.?,.m H'f.V01" pices ol the local Canadian Le- ted Church. Rev. WWiam McKen- gion was a neat success. Theiw ,'1, r" resuU in more goa were about 4M Dersons in atten- ?.ev h f IIa,es ,.th Anglican dance and all parts of the dis-"urcn ln Jointly in charge, trlct were represented. Gray's. There was a parade of ex-service hymns were sung with ace'eom-panlments by Gray's Orchestra. r.'.-u. urc maion plans for the'teur international f.-'.ablishment of a large steam Saturday. National Hockey Leacue head, are feeling satMied with Z changes in the rules Thcv ty-iw tlat the new rules, which r? '.wvawni iai ucru urj 0.;:'. n are nr. satisfying .at.ivina the Dubh( n with due deliberation that 'he rule-makers accepted a!.i.(,.,t uhol ly the Patrick idea of the v. inter pastime. They had been critlrhed most freely in the nast the ah. The sum of $100 was realised !f"cfn0i,J SJ by sale of popples in connection , 8j?- Z'l" with the observance of ArmlsUee SVeJffi jftZ l b,ri'f he Day in Smlthec j fg& Tlia Smiths Athletic Cluh ha.!."0'1 opponents to !-to-n and a. Ua . ,.z o-i seoresv n is not i ke v uut "1" imu umil Jam,.),., will hannen amitn wm Wi0 a8aln Silver and Jaek Moffat for the; Hockey Scores N. Y. Americans 3: Ottawa 1 Chicago 4: Canadlen.s 4. Boston 6; Toronto 5 Montreal S; Pittsburgh 2 .00 value for 50c There is no -catch- to this offer. Colgate simply wants you to try Ribbon Dental Cream. To repay, you for doing this, we offer you a genuine new Colgate Toothbrush . . .value 50 cents. . . ABSOLUTELY FREE! The dentifrice Colgate's Ribbon Dental Cream Is the world's largest-selling tooth paste. More people use it . . . and more dentists recommend it . . than any other dentifrice. The reason for this Is simply that Colgate's cleans teeth better. Colgate's contains the world's best cleansing agent a penetrating foam that cleanses where the toothbrush cannot reach. Your "dentist win tell you that decay doesn't start on the, smooth outer surfaces of the teeth . . . but 'in the tiny crevices where food particles and mucin Collect No ordinary toothbrush can' reach these hard-to-clean places. They must be cleansed by the dentifrice. Hence the real test of i tooth paste Is its ability to get down into these crevices and cleanse them thoroughly. A recent scientific test proved that Colgate's lias grttter penetrating power than toy ot the hiding tooth pistes on the market today. This b the secret of Colgate's superior cleansing power. The foam of Colgate's carries a fine chalk powder ... a polishing material pre-scribed by dentists ... which polishes the enamel safely, brilliantly. The Colgate method of uientifu tooth brushing After years of study and thousands of experiments, the Colgate Method of scientifically cleansing the teeth has been devel-oped by the Colgate Dept. of. Dental Education. This method Is most effective when Ribbon Dental Cream is brushed on with the Colgate Brush. For the springy, serrated bristles, set at exactly the right distance, set in a way that applies the full, concentrated deansmgpowwolthefaraous Colgate foam. . . deep down Into the "hard-to-lean" places. Only thus can you be This Offer Is Good Wherever Toilet G The Colgate brush has amazing penetrating, cleansing power . . . because the bristles are scientifically serrated . . tufted ... to get Into the tiny crevices and hard-to-reach places where the ordinary toothbrush fails to penetrate. Brush tetth wHa tfcta 9-aad-4owm me-Hoe, advise 4atl-t(. Tka new Cetfate peetallr dee) nak actio eouolr SeoM. Do aui fcroaa direetlr acroae the taala. Tlsrt the saraa. When roe bmih your taeta an taa laW. ua an la-aad out atrel. Not near wall to arm brlallas la- sure you are cleaning these difficult spots where decay lurks. Start today to use the Colgate Method of Scientific Tooth Brushing . ,. and note the difference in your teeth ten days hence. KOTEl ThJe offer it strictly limited. The supply of brushes has been rigidly allotted to the stores which are co-operating- in this great offer. They will not last long . . . once people read this announcement, Thousands of men and women,, realizing that when Colgate makes such a proposition, it is worth grasping1 at once, will hurry to the stores and get their brushes. Many win lay In a supply for the whole family. ... So, act NOWI Sold 295R