TOMORROW Boston Grill Noven.t ail Stan LARGE CABARET Tuesday, 3:04 a.mN- rt. Bpedal Dinner Thursday and Saturday High 14:42 p.m. 23..i??r- a , DanHng Every Dane Saturday Hall for Night, Hire 9 to It 8:48 a.m. 7.3 fCV'.J' c Low 91 r34 n m 1 s ft I Accommodation tor Private Parti e NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PHONE 4ST Vol. XX.. No. 268. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, NOV, 18, 1929 PRICE FIVE CENTS Tahoma Struck Breaker and James Kenny of Seattle Washed Overboard On November 11; Not Seen Since - i Reporting the loss overboard in a heavy sea 18 miles ! south of Cape St. Elias on the night of November 11 of, James Kenny of Seattle, a member of the crew, the Ameri-can halibut boat Tahoma, Capt. W. Pierce, is in port for! sale on the exchange today. . According to Captain Pierce, the Tahoma had experienced considerable rough weather. On the night of the; fatality the storm seemed to have abated and two men i went on deck to straighten up some of the gear. Suddenly the vessel struck a heavy breaker- nd Kenny was washed overboard !4 "TTTr and never seen again. He was a young single man and lived In Se- J Tw0 scouxs HAVE J title ... J.-J-..I I 4 T-.-1 Alio n 10i wuay s kmc hi. nuitc a Rnncrt was the American schooner A Miadlcton, Capt. am Isaacson, whicn lost a .nn,Muwiuuin,;4 off ley Bay In the same storm. TAYPAYIS PASSED ON Famous Irish Member of British Parliament Enas career, Aged 81 WAS NEWSPAPERMAN Has Widely Known and Much Ad mired by very Large Piumber of People LONDON, Nov. 18. T. P. O'Con nor lamer oi tne House or commons, died early this morning at the age of 81. The aged parliamentarian was affectionately known as Tay Pay." He hid been unconscious a constdermble'rt of the last 48 hours. FOr ten days he had been confined to hlV bed by a septic conditlon'-ofibne of'hlslegs. Had there been more Irishmen of the type of Thomas Power O'Connor bark through the centuries of the Iran question, It Is possible that there would have been no such Issue Certainly, It would not have developed the acuteness that narked It at frequent Intervals. T.iy fay. as nfcwJBrrn&rr ra- cluarly known to Jhe mbUit always was a NationallsU-tniact, the last survivor of the Irish Nationalist Party. But he was not an ' Continued from page four) Investigation Industrial School VICTORIA. Nov. 18. Investlea- U :n Into the condition In the boys L.dur.rial school near Essondale aa ordered by the cabinet Saturday Eric PeDler of the attorriey- pcncral s department will conduct Hon. S. I. Tfnwo aalrt rnmnlnlnU tad been received regarding the 'rcatmrnt accorded the boys in the Bagged Seven Deer and Manv Ducks in Week Hunting Trip With a bag of seven deer and a rse number of ducks, a hunting party consisting of P. W. Anderson, u. attics, George Roger, F: O. ryie Aid. A. J. Prudhomme and Aid, Frank Dlbb returned to port wurday night after a week's trip flown the coast aboard Mr. Anderson a power cruiser Zenobla. They Kot the ducks at Kumeleon Inlet, jned goat hunting at Baker Inlet, out found the weather unfavor-Jb e and took their deer at Klt-ht .V."1 The trip was reported "y an to be very enjoyable. Fnrrl ish Duke Seeks Divorce nc IUd of "1 American me io marry English Girl NEW YORK, Nov. 18.-The Duke " ""chter, who some years ago h, , ' , M15S "eien Zimmerman, frn &7ln a.rrlved seeking a divorce DTwVs, annyoorbuyt reputedly beautifulEngllsh girl. PAIR HOARD ANNUAL MEETING ELECTION OF OFFICERS Wednesday, November 20, at 8 p.m. In City Hall Al Membership Ticket Holders Can Vote UNIQUE EXPERIENCE LANDING ON ROOF SEATTLE. Nov in Two bov scouta hart n .Tnin,,. Vi: perlence here yesterday when they landed on the roof of a dowrf town departmental store- In an airplane, the plane being smashed but cur- iously enough the scouts and pilot suffered only minor injuries. Bob Wark, the veteran pilot. was taking the boys up when his airplane engine froze when he was over the city The most likely looking land- roofer the' stored he? brought the plane down on TORONTO STOCKS (UcCaffery. Olbbou & Collart, Ltd.) Falconbridee. 0.00, 7.00. Abana. 1.16, 1.19. Holllnger, 4.90, 4.95. Hudson Bay. 1030. 10.G0. International Nickel. 30.00. 3050. Lakeshore. 18.00, 1850 Mclntyre, 13.50, 14j00. Nlplsslng. 1.80, U0. Noranaa. au. Sh'errltt Gordon, Sudbury Basin. 430, 4.90. Teck Hughes, 5.25. 5.30. Treadwell Yukon, 7.05, 750. Vent-; 4.25. 4.35. Mining- Corporation, 3.15, 3.20, Home Oil, 12.10. 12.45. Afternoon Close (Courtmv of 8 D. Johnston Un Ltd.) Amulet. 1.77, 1.80. Dome. 7.10, 7.25. Fateonbridge, 6.90. 7.00. Hudson Bay, 10.50, 10.66. International Nickel. 30.00. 3050. Mandy, 32, 40. Mining Corporation. 3.15, 3.20, Noranda, 35.10, 35.50. Niplsslng, 1.80, 1.90. Mclntyre, 13.50. 14.00. Sherrltt Oordon. 3.85. 3.90. Sudbury Basin. 430. 4.90. Teck Hughes, 5 25, 5.30. Imperial OH. 28.00, 28.25. Wright Hargraves, 1.24, 1.25. Topley Richfield Taken Option On , Three Star Group , , . - oK1 ! Official announcement of aoan- Topley property and the taking by the rnrnmnv of an ontlon on the Three Star Group of claims. 30 mile distant, may be expected shortly. The Financial News learns on good authority. It was found that, tne iopiey property wa highly promising down to the 200-foot level, after which results were discouraging to the directors. The new property nas an exceptionally promising surface showing of copper ore and has been approved by Lt.- Col. H. II. Yulll, M.E., as a worthwhile prospect Justifying expenditure Of $15,000 to $20,000 In exploration work to decide whether development Is warranted. Preparations are already being made to remove Topley Richp fi.iH-o nuinment from the orlg- lnai mine to the new property by motor trucK over me ggvcwiinci, highway which connects them. The company Is reported to have $150,000 assets In cash on call and about $50,000 worth of readily transportable mining machinery. F H Taylor, president of Topley Richfield, has a three-year opUon on tne mree own wk' " payments of $30,000 itov be made over that . term. , - , . Mr. Tayior " 'lULn,uc:,r;, the option by Topley Richfield 1 un less the property proves satisfactory and is retained INSURCBTAKEN AGAINST AIRPLANES mraMn Mnv 18: St. Alphonse Catholic Church has taken out an rftt;io insurance policy, the close to .the air OUiiaing building I being fhp r,os h?v" o danger to the "edifice therefrom. Late Hon. J. A.Robb Jhe above u a reproduce of iJStSST MARGARET LOST GEAR Decks of Halibut Vessel Swept Clear by Storm, But No Lives Lost . Most of thi. Canadian boat - are bfJUytdo have .weathf red safely the storms on the fish-Inr banks during the List few days of the season. However, the Prince Rupert boat Margaret I., Capt. George Fritz, was one that suffered. While returning to port with her final catch of the season the seas washed her decks clean and all her gear as well as a couple of dories were lost. The Margaret arrived in port yesterday morning and sold her catch at the exchange today. LADYAST0R N0TYANTED Says British House of Commons Improved Since She Arrived LONDON, Nov. 15 "I know what it is like to be in a place where I am not wanted," said lady Astor, M.P.; at a meeting held at the Liverpool Town Hall under the auspices of the Lancashire and Chelshlre Child Adoption Council. "When I first went Into Parlla." ment, . although the men behaved .4.u u: m. .i. cency, no one but a blind idiot would fall to see that they did not warn a woman, uui me House oi Commons has changed for the better since women came Into lt. "The world hHs come to a point when it Is getting much better In every way. We have got a lot of new and young citizens some who are only one year old and others who are only eleven years old. In the short time of our citizenship we have made an enormous difference to the history of this country. "I am very partial to the weaker sex, but I am one of those people who have always known that they are the weaker sex. Every woman knows that who has anything to do wun men. u nas iaicen us 100 years to get equal guardianship of our children. You have got women taking equal part in the Govern ment and making the laws which are changing for the better." PRESIDENT TAKES ' KEEN INTEREST FINANCIAL SCARE WASHINGTON, Nov. 18j ,So ken an Interest is President Hoover taking in the presents financial situation that he is in dally conference in regard to it. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Frank Brochu and family wish to thank their friends , for the kind sympathy shown during their recent bereavement. PRICE OF WHEAT VANCOUVER. Nov. 18: The prlce of wheat this-morning here was for spot cash $1.32. Government Liquoij Store at Oliver Robbed of Goods ahd Cash to Value of $1225 by Burglars Who Blew Safe OLIVER; Nov. 18. Liquor valued at $1100 and $125 in cash was stolen by burglars who blew the safe of the Government liquor store here early this morning and escaped in an auto. It is believed that they fled south' of the international boundary line. Entry into the store was gained through the panel of the front door. The safe was taken from the front of the store to the back room where the door of the safe was blasted off with explosives. ELECTION ! ' IN MEXICO , '', l Revolutionary Party Swept Into Power by Great Presidential Vote MHXICO CITY Nov. Is: Pasnial OrlU RubloJ national revolutionary party candidate for president, was swept into, office in Sunday's election by the greatest presidential vote ever cast In Mexico. There was bloodshed in several cities but no general rioting. Twelve persons were reported killed and many more wounded, both in the capital, and other cities. STOCK QUOTATIONS ( CourbMj 8, D. Joruuton Co.) f Bayviewr 2'A. 3.' ' , BI:Ml.ttourl, 70, 75i . '' CorlctProvlnce, 6, 6Vi. Cotton 'Belt. 30, 40l Dunwell. 5, 10. George Copper. 2.602.70. Georgia River, 1517k - . Golconda, 80, 85. : v Grandvlew. 24. 25. Independence, 4. 5. Tlan Mines, Nil. 4. v. Inter, iCoal it Coke., 30. 31. Kootenay Florence. 8, 8. . Kpotenay King. 11, 12. 71. .If A U Hi. Nil. MkHvlew, Nil. 1. Mohawk. 2, 2,. Morton Woolsey. 3, 4. Marmot River Gold, 21, 27. Marmot Metals, Nil, 2. National Silver. 10, 10. Noble Five. 45, 46. Oregon Copper, 14; 15. Pcnd Oreille. 3.00; 3.10. Premier. 1.64, 1.65. Porter-Idaho. 28. 30. . Reeves Macdonald, 1.10, 1.15. Rufus-Argenta. 9, 10. Ruth-Hope, 24, 25. Silver Crest, 5, 6. Silverado. 30, 35. Snownake. 15 17. Sunloch. 90, 1.10. Topley Richfield, 5, 6. Toric, Nil, 1.00. Whitewater. 25. 30. Woodbine, 2 3. Pluc'rd. 6, 7. George Enterprise, 10, Nil. Oils 'Advance, 450, Nil. A. P. Con.. 2.30. 2.31. Calmont. 1.53. 1.60. 'DalhQUsle, 1.81. 1.82. Devenlsh. 22. Nil. Fabyan Pete, 8. 9. Home, 12.15, 12.25. Hargal, 1.'12, 1.15. Freehold, 90. 93. United. 80. 81. Sterling Pacific, 153, 1.25. Mercury, 75, 76. FOR TRIAL Daisy Rhanos.s, an Indian girl who was being held bv the Royal Canadian Mounted Police In the provincial Jail at Hazelton. was committed for trial by Stipendiary Magistrate S. H. Hosklns of Smithers on Friday on a charge o' escaping from a Jail, and Charles Benson, also of Hazelton. who lt U alleged unlocked the jail door and let the girl out, was also committed on a charge of aiding and abetting. At the preliminary trial Inspec? tor William Splller prosecuted while L. W. Patmore appeared in defence 'of both the glri and, the y6uth who will come up 'later lor election. STOCKS GO LOWER YET .NEW YORK. Nov. 18: A steady stream of selling poured Into the market today and prices generally 'drifted lower, the declines rang- ing from one to nearly sixteen .dollars a share. '; EIGHTY BUTTONS , SOLD SATURDAY ' Chairman Collart states that on Saturday the Psaee River outlet .committee sold eighty booster buttons at one : dollar each for the purpoie of raising ttndt for the V ! gan!zatlon and to alve psonle a badge , which will Identify Ithem with the cause. ; Apprenticeship For Province Being Planned VICTORIA. Nov. 18,-To provide British. Columbia with an aared supply of skilled labor, tho Provln-1 setting up an entirely new system of apprenticeship which would en - ; fthlP 8nv tr annrpntlr.e themselves to employers tofa number of years. depending upon Oie trade, efttered; fixed and tne boy would be required to remain on the Job until the period of training was finished. I 1 1 v.iyiay Go to Senate I ! i ' I i I Joseph E Atkinson, publisher of The Toronto Stfir who, it Is rum ored, is to be offered one of the racant senatorshlps. Mrs. Agnes Gibh, Former Resident, Passes At Any ox Word has been received in the city of the death last night at An-yox of Mrs. Agnes Gibb,,a former resident of Prince Rupert. The funeral will be held at Anyox on Thursday. The late Mrs. Glbb arrived in Prince Rupert about ten years ago from Scotland with her husband. who encaired In the lewelry busi ness here for a short time, having died some years ago. Deceased is survived by a son, William, who Is employed by the Granbv Co. at Anyox. While In Prince Rupert the family lived on Bowser street m one or w. 11. wh- son-Murray a nouses Presbyterian Minister Dies OTTAWA. Nov. 18. Dr. William Herrldge, one of the best known Presbyterian ministers In Canada and for 40 years patsor of St. Andrew's here, died suddenly yesterday In London, England, aged 72. Pope Pius Bestows His Apostolic Blessing On Father Goccola During High Mass at Celebration Yesterday On Sunday morning at 10:30, Rev. Father Coccola, O.M.I., of Fraser Lake, sang, with a firm and strong voice, High Mass in Annunciation Roman Catholic Church,- the occasion being the golden jubilee of his religious profession. He was assisted by Rev. Father E. Godfrey, O.M.I., of Hazelton, as deacon and by Rev. Father Joseph Allard, O.M.I., of Fort St. James, as sub-deacon. Rt. Rev. Bishop E. M. Bunoz, O.M.I., was at the throne, assisted by Rev. Father C. Wolfe, O.M.I., of Prince George, and Rev. hainer Emu Leray, o.mj., or Btew- art. Rev. Father J. Hammond, O.M.I., of Prince Rupert was master of ceremonies, assisted by Rev. :? m. unartiez, ojw.i., oi mc-iiride, and Rev. Father S. Ouelette, O.M.I., of Smithers. At the opening of the Mass. His Lordship the Bishop in a few well-chosen words congratulated the venerable Jubllarian and read to him a telegram from Pope Plus XI bestowing upon him the Apostolical Blessing on such a great occasion. After the Oosoel had been read. Very ne- Rev. Father uief Grant, .wit01 O.MJ., of Pvi"?Lai .?L?"al' delivered an eloquent sermon. He explained what a religious profes sion meant and the reasons why so many were willing to leave the af. ! falrs and pleasures of the world and follow the Christ in order to give their lives for the temporal and spiritual welfare of their fellow men. Father Cocola, he continued, durln? the fifty years he had spent In British Columbia, had been most faithful to his Divine Master and he had won the respect, admiration md love of countless people who had had the occasion to meet and know him. Catholics and non-Catholics. Indians or white Deoole. all had but one word to say of the "f y.hJ. .,e th h. days f feast t Father "J f f,X"ff ?na VLrZn v 5e5J?rn:w, . ... "i0". wie uio ieuu- 5S, lPn' ifSl ?,rf? iMSf Sefif 22S ,."rr..r ." r . .... ".V"," .1' it. Father Coccola is now seventv- six years of age. He is a Corslcan, a f ellowman of the great Napoleon, He comes from a prominent French family and is a physician, an arch-! itect. a powerful orator, a great scholar and a Unqulst. D.D.MUNR0 HASPASSED Weil Known and Esteemed Throughout North; Long With Land Settlement Board Residents of all Darts of North ern British Columbia, throughout which district he was so well known and esteemed, will learn with feelings of deep regret of the death In Toronto today or Duncan u. Mun-ro. a resident of this Dart of the province for twenty years, during which time he was representative for the central interior of the Land Settbraent Board. News of his death was received at the Prince Rinert Club, of which he was a well known and popular member, In a wire from his brother, Charles C. Munro. Bom about fifty-four years ago in Glengarry County, Ontario, the late Mr. Munro came west as a young man and spent the most of his life In British Columbia. Many years ago he conducted a store at a rand Forks in the Boundary Pniintrv nnrt latr xvr pnrncrprt In tne land business in tne Fraser yal ley. It was from there that he came to this district before the railway was completed. He had farm land at Terrace on which he made his home, although he resided at Telk-wa and later at Smithers, where he carried cn his duties for the Land Settlement Board. It was In this connection that he became best known as an efficient and popular official. About a year ago, after the change of government, he was relieved of his duties with the Land Settlement Board. Mr. Munro paid his last visit to Prince Rupert during Fair Week when he ?as the guest of M. P. McCaffery. He had been in falling health for about a vear and a few weeks ago went to Toronto, where his condition be came worse until a few days ago word was received that he was in a precarious state. Deceased is survived by a widow, whTwaTwlth : lumTt the MTSS there Is another brother engaged in contracting In California besides the brother at Toronto. D. D. Munro, well known Vancouver insurance man, is a cousin. . MINISTER ELECTED ST.'JULIEN, Quebec, Nov. 18. Hon. J. L. Perron, provincial minister of ftcrleiiltnre. was elected in the county of Montcalm by-election Saturday over the Conservative, Dr. Levesque. by a majority of about a thousand. CHEAP FOOD SOUGHT BY f GT. BRITAIN Removes All Duties Against Importations of Cereals, Butter and Cheese BUENOS AIRES, Nov. 18. The rmrarntnttnt nnrtnilrtAt CI rH llpt inn tf 50 m the dutles on rabrics and artificial silk .rom Britain in ex- change for the removal of all duties In Britain on cereals, meat and butter impor vi from Argentina. Brought Men From Steamer Which Struck KETCHIKAN. Nov. 18. Coastguard cutter Cygah was here yesterday with 25' officers' and crew of the steamer Depere, which struck a roik near Cape Decision Friday night Capt. John Newland and eight men remained on the Depere. which Is beached not far jrom where she struck. HOCKEY ii Jiiouii-,:: isqeftoa; good start Boston Makes Best Showing in Opening Games; Chicago Gets Two Ties TORONTO. Nov. 18. The National League games so far Indicate .hat Boston Is In good form to play So another world championship, laving . won both their opening itiirts In convincing style, the only team tb do so. The rebuilt Chicago team has added Interest by battling two of the league's strongest aggregations to a tie. Sunday Scores Detroit 5; New York Rangers 5. Frank Brochu Laid To Rest Large Congregation Attended Last Rites in Funeral Chapel Yesterday There was a large attendance t the Chapel Of Hajmer BrOS.. undertakers, yesterday afternoon for the funeral of the late Frank Brochu, whose death occurred suddenly last week. Rev. Alfred Wilson of First United Church officiated and spoke words of respect for deceased and sympathy for the bereaved family. Charles P. Balagno presided at the organ, hymns being "Nearer My God to Thee" and "Lead Kindly Light-After the service, Interment was made in Falrvlew Cemetery. Pallbearers were H. Letourneau, J, Garon, J. DeMllle and O. Royer. Kingston Beat Varsity Rugby KINGSTC. Nov. 18. Queens won the senior Intercollegiate Ca- 1 SSlffffg fi ! defeating Varsity 15 to 5. i Scottish Humor Imported direct from the Aberdeen Joke Factory TOO MUCH WASTE An Aberdeen farmer on being asked why he never grew turnips, ' replied: "Neeps! No likely. It ayo ' braks my heart to see hoo mony 'yeWe to waste In the thlnnln."