PAGE TWO THE DaILY NEW3 r News and Views In The World of Sport t .. GOLF IN CANADA ON CHRISTMAS DAY NEARLY TWENTY THOUSAND PEOPLE SAW 4 3 j A ; I 5 i L' "r""" si JIMMIE M'LARNIN WIN ON POINTS AT MADISON SQUARE GARDENS LAST NIGHT - I NEW YORK, Jan. 12. Fighting in his lucky ring,' immy McLarnin of Vancouver, B.C., stepped back .mong the top-notchers last night by whaling' Joe Glick, Saturday, Januan 12, ijjjj The A cme Imp Otters' - Here is a group of prominent Winter, were able to enjoy the if.i:. on. i ,;t. Cornfoot, Dr. G. II. Murphy, Tom BASEBALL FOR SEASON 1929 Changes Likely to Be Made In Major League Teams Are Forecast NEW YORK, Jan. K A if house cleaning, conducted with as much vigor as if the club in were a tail-ender, is putting the champion Yankees in readiness for the 1929 campaign. Four men who couldn't bolster two of the team's weakest spots in 1923 already hslfe gohe and others probably will follow. The deartees are Joe Dugan and Mike Gaieila. third baseman; Rosy Ryan, pitcher, and Pat Collins, ' ' " a catcher. This smacks of drastic action- - i iL.l V V IW lor lor a,ieaiu v.u inai uu uu ui; ? can League PennantJ"mf:ffKnrM of lts history in 1928 as in gni jeara .n " dath took particularly heavy a sweeping the last two world " . . . ' . n,. mim Ti.,n-in. v.n.,tO" " e ranks of boxing, has-; DCIICD. UUt .'II Ull WB""I ' " I, kee manager, countefwhfea no bluffing in his game and is stepping out to strengthen the. shaky positions. The YahKees" The Yanks hate not fully recovered from the scare late last season. At least they still have clear recollections of the team's collapse. The pitchers were blamed then but mediocre work nt two of three other posts prevented the great baseball machine from qukkly overcoming a handicap that all but beat the Hugmen out of the pennant So there will be a new man at third base next year, a fresh face Sit twt) behind the! bat, perhaps " " "J" Z.r .r".1: secona . coaiiynaiion, nu one or two new pitthers. Unless Koenlg is traded for a third baseman he twill get a trial at the position at- which Dugan, Oatella and Reberteon a failed last season.. Lyn Lary, coming up from Oakland of the x atiui' vubu ivbkuc, auu - ucu Durocher will try for. Koenig's old job at short, and Tony Laa- tari, whose full recovery from ' -., . . , ..... , a shoulder Iaii1J.. j strain I- 1. .1.J ... ' CRIB UIU VTaiTH RC UIVH XtmU a is anticipated. ton Mr, , but j,, will play second. Leu Gehrig,,. f ' of course, will do the first bae- ing. Ruth's Legs Meusel, Coombs and Rath will do their slugging, act again, un less Ruth's legs give Way. A long list of substitute outfielders now udes Ben. Paschal -and Lisa k, the latter recalled from Yankee farm at 8t Paul. Durst, a holdover, may be there. too. to help in the outfield and at first base. Some of the spare outfield and Infiejd help may go for pitching talent. In fact Ijuggin tried hard to use his unwanted extras in trades with Cleveland for George UH1e ancf ' with the Red Sox for Ed Morris. He failed in both cases. Consequently he in still dangling the spare men before the other clubs In the hope of prying loose a couple of pitch-era to work regularly beside. Heyt, Plpgras and Johnson. llelmach and Zachary, picked up late last season, together with as,,.-. Myles Thomas, all doubtful' pros- Maratimcs business m. n. who. festive season by playing golf at n, i T? rrn Knos McLeod. Cornfoot, Ashburn professional pljcts for 1929, may be used as additional ,bait for patching strength that is certain to be needed and to be needed badty unless Herb Pennock's arm can Und hard 1929 duty. Most assuredly there will be more trading news from the Yankee mart before the training camp splurge in February. And there will be a few S.O.S. flashes Pennock and Lassen find they cannot get rid of the lameness their throwing arms. SPORTSMEN WHO DIED IN 1928 Several Rather Prominent in Am erican Games Passed Away NEW YpRK, Jan. 9; The orld of sport lost some of the r,nJ.uous and colorful , lnm I The diamond mourned the passing of the famous Ee-yah Higi-ey Jennings, as well at Albert J. JReach, one oitb-gamc s plon eers. Joe Lnntn, JacK uunn ana Urban Shocker. Kid Lavhrne, former world's lightweight champion, pasted on, while the knights of the racing wheel lost a fam oos quartet Frank Lockhart, Dave Lew's, Norman Batten and Earl Devore, all in dramatic fashion. Lockhart died in his famous Stuti Black Hawk as ,t catapul-; ted into the ocean after roaring at 200 miles an hour along the sands at Daytona Beach Lewis committed suicide . in a lonely i 'cabin near Los Angeles, while I Batten and Devore went down with the victims of the Vestris disaster. Baseball, lost one of its nt unusual' characters la Jenntega, gleat shortstop with the fa as- Altai pfl niAltaa ' MianaaMii saaT a -C later aide to hia old-time teammate, John McGraw, with the New York Giants. He was 56 was born, died at the age of 87. Jack Dunn, famous as the discoverer of Babe Ruth and other stars, piloted seven International League pennant winners at Baltimore, during which time he sold to the majors some of the highest priced players In the game. Babe Ruth went to the Boston Red Sox for comparatively little, bat Rob Grove was sold by Dunn to the - Athletics for $100,000. Baseball, during the year, also lost Frank Wilson, the umpire, as wall as such old time figures us Claude Rossman, Marr Phillips and Tom Lovett, who pitched' one of the first no-hit fames in (the bit' le;-(rues. Annoying Bladder Weakness of Old Age KHIfird by SANTAL MIDY Hold by All !ru4U owing t. the absent of old King tin- Asl.l. rn ...u y;"; Dr. II. R. Mi-DournU. ','ltle Miss and Jimmy Spi,-, i-advv maater. SEATTLEWON HOCKEY GAMF Heat Victoria Last Night by Three to Two Score SEATTLE, Jan. 12. Seattle Eskimos finally chased the jinx 'hat had been on them for some time when they won a Coast Hockey League game from the Victoria' Cubs three to two here last night'. The locals took a one-goal lead in the second period and carried ft to the endalthough the Victoria Hubs pushed them hard in the final period to score two; goal'. -The Eskimos tfere equal; to thH occasion, however, and isa!rgl the net for1 two counters iaWW'W fast petfed. Victory - piK - tke lum m mkihmm in edoa paint for third place in the reasue. UJ KNOCKED OUT BY WINNIPEG BOY QUICKLY MINNEAPOLIS. Minn., Jan i 2 . Delf onta-ne . of Winnipeg ; 1 .1 TXJ.l. Y ,..1. Ul. neapolis in one minute and 20 see- .! Ik. atari a i.kajtnla 10..ound ,((.t fl M Daniels went down under a fimBn'n "t0" when he caught a ngiu ui me m. Delioaiaine weighed "Xft3 ' and Daniels 162 pounds. BASKETBALLTO u' sic i RESUME nrPTTWrTITrOr.AVr' TUESDAY . ,rl January nniv1 wu'1, 3Bourann i will be made up of croas-country Half of Season SlartlnK)r.cing, jumplng, gnowshoe rac - and Schedule Will Be Issued on Monday i The second half of the league basketball schedule will commence next Tuesday evening, R. S. Woods, secretary of the Prince Rupert Basketball Association, announced this morning. The teams playing will be Native Sons! f Canada Playars' Club In the ' Senior League and Toe II vs. Big Four and Navfl Reserve vs. C.' N. R. in the Intermediate. The full schedule for the second k.i k. Wtu Ka t.A ansa ui fr'io ovmvh r f on Monday. SomeMng elsetobe ThaiMil for 21 Shoelblish Trettrvtt Shot ough Brooklyn lightweight, into deteat m a Diooa tinging 10-round battle at Madison Square Garden. The stirring struggle before a capacity crowd of more han 19,600 re-opened the garden to boxing after Rick-rd's death . There were no knockdowns and the verdict was unanimous. McLarnin had the better fight in all the ounds but the first, eighth and tenth . OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL ; Lincoln 0. Leicester 1. Walsall 1. Middlesborp 1. Luton Q, Crystal Palace 0. Southampton 0, Clapton 0. Baadin 2. Tottenham. Bimumimm , -i t ,..t. t,,..J xrTVBie u, jiancnwier unucu . -i tr ; . Chelsea 2, Everton 0. Jlillwall 1 .Northampton 1. Darlington 2, Bury 6. ! Norwich 0, Corinthians 5. Bradford Cfty 2, Stockport 0. Swinton 2, Newcastle-on-Tyne 0. I Accrinaton 1, Bournmouth 1. Plymouth 3, Blackpool 0. Arsenal 2. Stoke City 1. Wolverhampton 0, Mansfield 1. Watford 1, Preaton 0. ! West ham 1, Sunderland 0.-Wigan 1, The Wednesday 8. Portraouth 2, Charlton 1. Exeter City 2, Leeds United 2. Aston Villa 6, Cardiff City 1 Briatol City Q, Liverpool .2. .. Burnley 2, Sheffield Uhiteii Bolton 2, Oldham 0. , . . x a nt x o A ! uneMru4a i. tiuaaersiieia t. Hull Cltv 1. Bradford ' ' . 9 -, r-m, sti Drby County 4, NotWvC5unty Blackburn 1, Barnslef 0. Grinuby I, West Bronvwkftr 1. Te played on games ... were ... the grenade of the first mention- d lub&.,, Scotlish Leagne, Division 1 Aberdeen 6, St. Mirren 0. Airdriea 2, Third Lanark 1. Ayr United 2, Hearts 4. Clyde 1. Motherwell 1. Dundee .1, Kilmarnock 3. Hamilton Academy 2, Falkirk Hibernians 1, Cowdenbeath 2. PattiekA Celtic 0. Queen's Park 0, Rangers 4. Raith Rovers 3, St Johnstone 8. i than any other major league out-" 1 ! fit but unless olanrs miscarry Sport Chat mh ?.lfbanH annual fniirnnmMt ... T ' I outstanding event The program i i u 1.. night a big concert will be stag- eJ and on the second evening here will be a carnival ball. An interesting interior bon-sniel will be that of the Prince George Curling Club for which January 24, 26 and 26 are the -'ted- PHiea having an WWte value of $750 have "ranged,, for- There will W aB 1 oth !trophis. TXtelve loeal rinks and ,et it from ouide Prince fflWKe are expected to be in ' , , - , competition. The committee making arrangements for the Prince George Bonsplel consists of F. D. WWtmore, F. A. Math-eson and Edward Opie, Imperial Oil Co.'s tanker Mlna iBrea, Capt. Mountain, arrived In r'ort at G o'clock last night from loco with a cargo of fuel oil for the company's local tanks and will clear this afternoon for San Pedro. Cal. Capt. Larr Thomson of the Federal Pilots of British Columbia piloted the Mlna Urea up the coast. RECRUITS FOR BIG LEAGUES Rosj(m Assured. :of; J,rg . est Crop of New, Talent - With Huge Turnover (By Brian Bell, AP sports writer) NBW YORK, Jan. It: At least 100 ambitions young base- IiaII nlavera will Hron In an haiu ball tralrfng camp of the eight National League crabs next pi ink i jing iv vmii mw unijor league boxscores. A score of men who have had trials before under the Bir Tod will be on hand for another chance and a few stars in the senior loop will 'be on familiar ground wfctMf strange uniform 1 i The Boston H raves, with a chance to make 19' changes in !.Jf"9P,9Sk, ? hav W WEtMnrowilW'aient. some cti5s of the .Bravee baseball wiwkvue Aaiv.i?on may oe --w."ymim they need Jt B addIfIbtiJtoi4h hard-hit- . . - igaria - yiie" " mmm ngaxwflji tihkj movea oy tne trtWe TtMlte, .the -Chicago Cubs TE MPTATION SALE Specials in Men's Underwear CEI2 TEK MEN$J7NI)EKWEAK - Ma4e of pure Australian - wooh -;TKMRTATION 8AU; PRICE STAN FIELD'S MEN'S UNDERWEAR TOft biMC pTe, wool. In tEJfl.-Ttoil fcALtfUHCK VIKING MEN'S Made in England, of pare Cashmere wool, natural color TF MPT A- TI0N SALE PRCE TUUNBUI.L'S MEN'S UNDERWEAR 88 per cent pure wool, natural drawers. TEMPTATION SALE The Acme , ' J 1 ; ' ! 1 i :j3aetelgaikMs . Greifn, ' 'Wnamsport, Minis',' Syracuse: and Baecht, Ropheater, p. Collins. Ditcher. uad Ballad from' New - - r brWins, v . ' '. ' Charley rhrT TtiTiiiifi Tbin. "thr tht Hi Trig in " ftifr rW baseman, will se hack with e gzmeg for Lc Angeles. Blair, nave romoeft wevoignways andiCuba after batting .81 in 150, beBges f tffe'wflnora for untried P'yer ana reeaHea n- iramoer. Ilikn V a&..HJ . AS -4 iwuu wanung least temporarily in other years"' Horiuby of course otsnes from it.. Tt j .' jr .uie uravos. rrea Aiaguire. I'ertr :;B2. " ana Harry seiooia are transient t uosten. xiwouunsn Kav uien nxnx f n tu. j tt. uiwmjjl Jul ,cn ICkVf ttIKi liar- ry Itloconda. Tommy Thevenow will take Heinie Sands' place t ,herUtop for the Phn0es Cardinals Fewest The. St. Louis Cardinals will attach fewer players te the club oof the infielders broueht from, Cardinal fartna, I shorUtop Celf lert and second J basemtn SeJfih, will find steaR' jobs a-waitlnir them. Tim Ahr Min- Hght handed pitcher, from Rochester. sr-:vr from ITflumittn a nil,nH ... In .H1JH. t , ! p,,h. rv?yiS - M1B'co i will be privileged to inspect the warea of many up and coming ;TOUBir.ter,. R. a.Jm a second baseman, bated .828, stole 80 bases and hit 16 home rune for Omaha last season. C. FiUber-ger, a first sacker, was recalled from York ahd E. B. Clark is on his way back from Providence with an Impressive batting mark of .373. Clarence Mueller, withi Toledo, gets another chance as does A. J. Moore, from Buffalo, G. V. Lev-erett, a pitcher, from; Indiana-polls, and 0. A. Perry", pitcher, from Wichita. R. W. Werti wa recalled rrom Buffalo and C. Touchstone waa nurchasAl from1 a ..... second baMWaavxtrteg fnwr'rt .... Chrtateftft twtfielder. frna aiutUe le Uock Kock anjt apjt Tom Tom AMlejaC Anglex, a, Atlanta 8 MnrWliv '"&innklr - - m "TIT riM. T. T .rk.r r TrO Worth. New outfielders inclueolumbas; Pyle. MeCook; Rmiw. Kern. WiHianport; Moore. Read lOjim,, and Taylor, Memphis. V. rhUn X J mum mt " rIJ iJZl if'ihi,"ta for th,td bawman Gilbtrl i' -d aecond y,J T H"TSortitop Bader. catcher Lop. mir. w S,mn!,;..J- ,V;. .!f.h-. ?"?-ftJ ontflelders Lee and Trern, Home, Jersey City Pittsburgh, long without a capable left-hander, now has two, n1" nd Lawrence French, the latter aurc based' from Portlan4, in the Pacific Coast League Half lnn ,.tHa nthAaM W.. MM n rial. inolnalac L. J, lrZom, Dallas; L Ch.gnon. Lynn; Erioi,,ia. Mfaato& 7 urobft ; G. SpenSet and E. S. 5" wiler. Savannah. . j nrkinr. a nn tin eoraea from Columbia; C. Tones!) vIuDDAULi uAllxLU shorUtop, from Bridgeport, d nminnm n n Claude Linton and J. F. O'Con- nell. catchera. from Deeatur .nrf Canton. Outfielder Carl Fray rrom Wichita and L. A. Martin, another fiychaser from Wichita Falls, will be given a trial. J. M. Sironer, a third baseman, purchased from Wichita, batted 407 and stole 11 bases. Variety For Glanlsi, The Giants have a wide variety from which to choose replacements. II. M. Thomas, second baseman, will be back from Buffalo and H. B. Jordon. third aacker, waa recalled from Toledo, j Mnrchall, shortstop, was bought irom fum0M ifeaumont and C i'- mills, "ow n out,d. drafted; irom iwcnesier. i wo other hard fitting outfielders are Price of Birmingham and Beltman of ; Springfield, and C. R. Crawford,! all-around infielder, comes batk from Toledo. The pitching re- emits include: Boney, Water- bury; Kelly, Memphis, Levy, Hart, Providence ouuieiaer, recalled from Toledo. t ... .... i- I .!i7Wn KaUfnvmh. former-pMhVr ni , "nn; . inv x uiiiiea nave nign hopes of Thevenow and some of the promising players developed last year striking a winning combln - ation. H. H. Peal, from Houston, has a good chance to take an out- field post. E. W. Caldwell, a pitcher, was purchased from llie rt-cBiiea pucn - Fifth cn uic ifecuiur, ocheBter,,.;nauanoogu; walker, Toledo. Annual - In combinations only Rrrulul $5.45 combinations or shirt and draen , CO OS UNDERWEAR $4.45 tm color; in combinations or fhi und I PRICE QQ At OO.I j Importers . Sotnainatti's new matenal it- dudes V. Shiell. flrnt bawmn. from MeCook of thp Nth run Wnlfc League; Bill LuUkp. third Wniiin UMeirnn, fmm from Newark; VrV I. L M. Dixon, caUher, from Baltimort lie XuUaS, catcbe: . from iiiif neapolis; Jack White. h.rtt Columbus; Shane. outfirldtr. 'thattanoega, and pitrhm , Xak -., .'r&vlm&k P fl..A.i . Il.vtm , ... t.i.ia. nv.k t.i.j . rv.. - jNarth Platte; Wykoff, Columbui Brooklyn reached out to At- irons Macon where all were 3W hitters. Frederick. outfielr, waa bought from Memphil NfrfUke, an outfielder recalN Puebie, aad Rosenfeld, outfielder, 'jught leani Birmingham. . N. ' ' W. Balleu, former Americsi SSJS.g 2 SXX,,! 1 "d ( 1 & Hh I II I V II h , UvllLUULLl UI January 14. Knights of Columbus vs. Canadian Legion. Native Sons of Canada Grotto. Cold Storage vs. Prince Rupert Hotel. Engjej va. a N. Operating. Mmm.Yp. New Empress A. C Oraptfe Lodge va. C. N. Mechanist v January 21. C. N. Mechanlaa vs. Canadian Legion, p riots , Rupert Hotel v. Grotto. Colt C. N. Oper atlnkl Knight, of Columbus va. Ne Iimpress A 0 Moose W. Native Sons or Can- ada, Eagles vs. Orange Lodge. .. . . ... Indian Agent W. E. Colllaon expetted back this afternoon or evening from Port Simpson where native eeunelllprs yesterday. uru, Kut'n. uunaio; ryie.he conducted the election of 19W