iiVay. January 12, 1829 SAIL? THE N2T73 PAGE SEVER H-- Man in the Moon I don't know any place where ilu.v (.N't ns much weather as they ,n I rii re Iiupcrt. Judging by . coriverHBtion on the street,'' there Hvenut to b little else here. v" A Winnipeg Free PreM humor-1 a. a a k 1 1 1 vr in' so unit 4M to be pract a. Vd !IVe to nwi n mine n: i'"T a irrwi hr'ek. Ten Years Ago In IV nw Rupert Janvary 12, 1919 Thomas l. Clymont, S. M. JrJJS . ,:tw been ni i .i!n:iii;ite.. Kunning .inmniK i . n ..re O. W. Kerr. C. C. Perry, h It. hrkiey Mrs. E. C. Klrk-i M'rirk. .1. C. Si l-ennan, W.. G. 1 irrie. Johw fur, Thomas Mc-M-.-kin. H. r! Ito, hester, G. B.) a y. (I. W. Rli.lderham, P. p. M Uae and1 D. W. Morriney.j ne (ironre Hill and Cmnre 'Lwk Uarttd, for the school board, Mrt. iVc V.. ('. KirKfftrfc, Fred aid I.. V. l;t:fnore. (iinii'la. when ( onUilles Adams and Slo-1 ui! rai'Iod a ( hlnese laundry on! Ninth Avenue. 1 iTm? or ii r. wTnr.K l.tlH I.K IJMITr.O ( AattrrHtiel twirnar) TT.NDEHR wi;i ho rerrlved hy the lm-' : i nn !:. Noon on MonrJa. I. ra. ,1.1 II. . f... . ... ....... n Ih IIOI II Oil M'TTllVrea 4 tr'lr srroanted. Kiir ile'illi or ''in'irr Informstkin . ap- nlv to the TtU'tfi- PO AIJtK A CONNON. ?7 Prince Riipeft. B O Dally News ela-isified 1 in i nj r hrinirs results. ful. , . adver- Nanalmo-Wellington Screened Lump. Niuvolmo-Wellington Screen WUicMhrt vMIne- a. a ... . ,r JW Of he above there is ONE that i.o particularly suited to your heating equipment. We Hhall be glad to advise yoa Albert & McCaffery Limited Phones 116 and 117 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS. INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. FOR RENT A ;;te new iiand.some brass r'OH HUNT furnished house- . . t iias een ougnt for the clove oi pracf a' rhe city hall. A sofa Anartment." now m.. LOST Purse containing large , . ..w ivnuj, . nunc ' rsi i 9. II. fi. irlr. ia of money. Finder please Rlue 84. for Information." 25 ' one " or 'ave l L1MI ACT o(luf f sfralkin to Adi.1t- --" to lyase l4nd ... i WW, WUW V. Wk h learned the selling Limitl. ef tnck. that BUlmor Senior Min. occupaUoa. nMulaeturen. Intend to 'ertv SB derreea IS minutes east SOO feet, oythikrti IbUowhu low water mark ! to Botat u mm a Um mot Mateflr iZSlVt Ukato?norihwlrtT point of Mfltt: tMMa la a nortliwaalari dlNe- Shaw atrMm. JL"V mm; thaoer ta a narUiaaat anUcaiton mmr be filed wltt the aald Water Wecorder or vita tKo miaaaailnilliii of Wei tear Rlarhta. One hundr.d snd tWrty bottl FarriaiiMoar VVctoHi. bjT. , ... . , . . , , . 1 within tsWtr aafa after the first aooear- if whlxkey wre sea lea last night at f talsaottar la local newspaper Bn UM'W M'lWVI M1IU. UMI1SU. MIST.RAL ACT (lrin l' (.titl.ni SI (d) Aooiicant. nr n. t. mohoan Agent. The date of the flnt fMIMtlon of ililt natkat la Jaaoarr Sth. 1MB. MOTKS Or APPUCATION TOR ClRTIrTOATt Of IMPROVBINTB . Pnrrr Huu.-I. J C i 111 Ll'llndaUm. as ntACTIUrrUj uinsuuvi. : foll.ut: jVtal Aii conslstlna. of uaU In tht Atlln Mining DlvWon W K x k.ln.Tr, ia',nrrKim:iMt SlMOMi. CfaMlsr OMrtct. Wbare located: The IWb S'nn. W"e:,.e.. ...4 r.n,inm..i i anmii . , nvctional Mueral Claim on Tcu Aim. m. inv i-V-aoe. a irt Book Afrounta iaw Ift'Ki'ewttlTSXWJll'aJtSl1 t r xlm-telv !0K!ftT)O, or lids will n an the ttaaa K.clve l niule;y for .llal Ofcelaw Tap Wa RWfT. f.. , t. .... ir'ei.iiwo land to the ner.n or me ji at IK Ttt- -ji-uti: nr Teims will be len , oertintyeSTWg- , --aata-.l-aAArW 1eV VvfVHwSTav Jack Ptae Mia- Tbo Dia. i now rr-lrt earned on ( Uwftil hOder INOIWEER COLD, iv it Tr.lsftre own or au tender jUlWUMiTiu. '"h..-. . ,... "x-uritv i..IntV 7HVM,"1ff',rrl"iPi I n eua a -a Ffl I m IT 1 aaa vi ww , iffefl OtViufioawt Mo. 970M. intead it the end of sutv dara from theaaur Nro to 'oose of obtaining Crown Orante of the I ! a.Wnae w1aT.llfAl ! Jesse rSStiSM1fr Sllrt be emameocetl befora the Issuance of sucn cemiiri t iuiwi-... Dated hH 1st da? of January. l. ENOINBER MWW. tJD. il imWSt WANTED lHAVn TITNIVfi kaehing rooms by the day, weekjprAtfO 1 UN Kit Work guaran-r month. Phone Red 007. tfi teed, Phone (ireen 099. 315 ( in h;.v. a chance to lie down and " ,JLNT Automobiles, pianos' WANTED Painting, Calcomin-n st, as he expects there's a pretty , Pnonofiraphs and sewing maeh- ing and Paperhatiging. Phone hard vcar ahead of him." ! irU!8- Walker Jldslc Store, i Green CSO. 315 In I'rincp Riipn-t there Is no iu i '1 for a ci'. jro for the dove. It i.-. tam- and flop around all the i;rai' during council meetings. !'V(,iit KiWs should have pads When ' nrin is sick and has to .'v' iierfec! uiet, the doctor jfives his wife a sleeping dratqrht. POK IIENT-Furnlshed " house,' close In. Apply 215 Fourth1 Avenue East. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms. Apply Mussallum Grocery. tf strapped to their kneus on Sunday FOR RENT Four and Five mai wnen mey pray mey may , room, heated suites, "Summit In then davs of live trfra H hrin remllt. spi-n" queir that woman's Olbth A Dally Newa want-ad will WANTED Maid wanted. 803 4lh Avenue E. LOST a TtfpAttnntf xfV -' 'W V , USED iAIlS Apply tf Daily FonCW AttW chasl1925; .$100.00 IUadt"elivery-1926; $100.00 1 Portl TTrdor Sdah-1927, 875.00 ' Terms can le arranged 1 KAIEN G All AGE WRECKING SERVICE DAY AND NIGHT 14 RESULTS COUNT CONSTIPATION, in the majority of cases, the cause of that tired feeling, headaches, nerves, in- COAL Your choice EDSON CASSIDV - WELLINGTON TELKWA Also llulkley Hay and Grain. Agent for Robin Hood Flour. Phone .58 Prince Rupert Feed Co. MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon closing prices on Vancouver. Stock Exchange on our stock-list board daily. We can give Instant service in buying. and selling 'Mining Stocks on Vancouver Stock Exchange. We alio have facilities for " stcepiing Wheat order' on Winnipeg Stick Exchange. Representing Miller. Court St Co- Ltd. Vancouver. S. D. Johnston Co.Ltd. 617 2nd Awnue Prince Rupert, B.C. BRINGING UP FATHER FOR SALE FOIl SALE Sawmill, boiler, en-gino and planer in running order. Price $1,400.00. Would consider good car or power hay press as part payment T. R. Tnmllnson, CedarVale, B.C. SALVAGE ANU TOWING , If It's on or under the waler we WANTED Position, day work, ,0 i narJng, cooking or housework. PRINCE HUPERT SALVAGE Phone 61. 11 TOWING TOMPANY LIMITED Fully Equipped for Diving and General Salvage Work. Boats and Scows of all descrpi- tfons for Charter. Row Boats and Canoes for hire. Bargains In Gas Engines. AGENTS FOR Van Blerck, Easthope, Hicks & Ballatityne Engines. : Northern B. C. Distributors ' Cool Id ge Propellers ' Phone, Day or Night, 564 P. O. Box 1561 CHIROPRACTIC CHIROPRACTIC VIBRATORY MASSAGE INFRA-RED-RAY GET WELL 1 I By the ise of these approved drugless and scientific methods you will find that this office is omnia, catarrh, rheumatism and fitted UP to give you the best of rNtln ilnu hMi ntr nut In 1 1 number Of Other troubles. i8!rvt.a anrt ttfiHnn in ttip A'. II. Montgomery U O.T P. Railway rlant-of-way: thane . , ,. nMMirlT atone Um aouthara boundary of """'J """""" "J v u'"torancnes oi uiivulmo iinrtti- "nning former- H-nS5ffl W WKljgval treatment Re- ,NG. i or aiuvr- .imHuitin lnuomtic of i ,h the said u lot im to the k. mini point of ( suits sulta guaranteed iriiarnrftMMl in in pvbi-v every enf. case, Consult .,.lt SOLMOfi 8PHCCE UltXS. LIMITED B. E Manao. Awot. an umaHt una. n WATER NOTICE ilittmlsn and l'e tau,mUnQT gtruoyMUN. M awttMas w Si 1 fKSPW .amaviuc a., yaaoouvar. oaiactMHU to the ror a iieraM to un ana cut of an unnamed I which fiowa outhrlT and drain I into tha head of Ponolae Harbour half unlit port h il of Lot Si35. Ranaw S. C D ; " I Tin watar will br dltartod from the .a .. . ... mut at a naOaft. ahnul R&lf mil riift. . Ma lajor J. H. HCMttllln pretMa .inttrnii tb Mantli n w"!! k iiierf fnr nt ,n -nlhuslastic rne,tmg .n the SJft, "Bf iHirt House today when ft was .nt -l.,-i .led to rrocwwd -lth the or- USTZV JTSS.W e-aniution of local branch of tl ? the Arrav and Navy Veteraaa of Act1- irtTfe fa in thi office of the am. ' ' " Cbnsnlt 'u ' n. n. nYpLFQND,,c.. rh.c. v ;; ,PH6nts: J i Off IrcwRIue 85. 4 nevrKed .589. . J. ' Jl'...' : mt jz DR. S C. ASPINALL 6 and 7 Exchange Block Green: 241 Phonear- Black 28.1 Open Evenings , . C111MKEY.: SWEEP II. J. Zumkehr General Handy Wan. MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Dally. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. valenthTdairy Telephone 657. LCTTLU aJO. ttnJXCTIO.NS Or.hsm c. AtltQ A.M. ...m 1st Ave. ikllth 8U 6th Ate, st pulton JBi, ' . . . . J 4th Are. 4 ,Thamp?on,'"8t. . tith Art. H SMrbrooke Ilth Ar- Oonrsd . ... eth At, alt Hy Cove Ave. Ait. PM, 9M TJO 1.03 7JS 9.10 7.40 8.13 7.43, 7 JO Btr. AV. At Hl Cote Circle B 5 8.03 tth At. Csttrn St 8.00 7.00 5th Ave. a Oreen St. (Bsptl). 9.40 8.10 Sth Are. It KtcBrld 8k 9.4J 8.1S Prov. Ooyf. rjulMlnt . 9.S0 80 Pror. U.n Whtrf ......... SM 8.3S O.T.P. Wharf .. 10.00 SJ0 a.T iarauon abt m mm Sad Are. H Sad St. ..a..... 10..0 8.40 3rd Ave. A lMlten 8t 10.18 8.45 trd Aya, ah Ith St. 10) 80 jROWE'S SHEET METAL WORKS i We have moved our office and showroom to 319 Third Avenue, : where we have everything in i sheet metal pipe fittings and fur- j naces. ,. Phone 340. Box 4f7. 319 Third Avenue COAL ALBERTA HARD SMOKELESS ! We keep it under Cover, there-1 fore you get value for yourj money. I ALSO LADYSillTH, WELLING I TON AND TELKWA COAL ' Sand, Gravel and Cement C. C. KKTCHUM & CO LTD. PHONE 771 ! SWANSON v General Handy Man ; ' Side walks, fences repaired Grading or any other odd 'Jobs, contract or otherwisl. Phone 101 STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS For V enim Tuedaj m. Catala 830 pjn. Fridays as. Prince Rupert 8 ajn. Friday v. Princes Royal . . 10 pm. Fridays . Cardena 12 midnight Jan. IB. as. Princes Mary D.m. Jan. 30 bs. Princess Mtrv .....D.m. Iroro Tinrativer Sur.diy a. Catala 4 pm Wednesday ss. Pr. Ruprt 10.30 am Friday as. Prlnceaa Royal .... 4 p in. Frtlay as. Cardena pin. Jan. 1J as. Princess Man ......Noon Jan. 21 as. Princess Mart ..... .Noon for INrt MrupMin aud Nsas Hirer Sunday ss. Catala ........... S p.m. ttain lf. NlmpMin iind Naa RUer T Tuasdsy ss. Catala ror Stewart, Premier, Anyot and Alice Arm Sunday--s, caiaia ..v,"t;W, VednelJ ss. Prlhre Wupeft I0"fc(- from Ktewart. Premier, AnyotUnd Alice Arm ' Tuesdsy U. Citata ....... Fridays . Prlncf Rupert for Queen Oiariotte lnand- Jan. 11 aa Jan. J-- nirnaces and Stoves Cleaned ind I'rwi queen Repaired Phone 3 Prince Rupert, B. C for Ala.ka Charlolte Islands MAIL SCHEDULE for the fcast 11 SO I D 130 am 6 ajn. Prince John ..11 10 P.m. Prince Jdrtn ..'llO o m. Jan. 24 as. PHnce John Feb. 7 . rrfTrce John , . a.m. lV-..a.m. Jan. 13 sa. Princess Mu-yi-Jan. 2 m. Prlocesa Uart kP. rrinil Aloaka ' ' Jan. IS sa. Prncesi'tliry . Jan 30 .' Prtnceu Mary ,(. .Noon .Noon .p.m. .n.nu Uondsys, Wtinesdsys, Saturdays, mau Closes 10:30 am Iroin I he Cast Sundayat Tuendsy and Thursdays, mau due 840 pm To Vancoure- Via train WedbesdtTS tad Satur days ,1030 am. iTjcadsfs i.U pm. Fridays '.SilS am. Fttdsrs - 11 pm C.P.R.-Jan 16 and SO ... i...n.m. I rum Vanrouti.N' , S'iridayi J. 4 pin Wednesday .. , . t . lu.30 am Fridays .......v, ... pm' . CP.R. Jan. 12 and, 28 .',.11 . . .a.m. From Mr wart, Wrniirr, AnjoxLind ' AlTte Ann-,, ,. . Sundays i,sv.,iV.'..Jl 7 tun ' Wednesdays tf:15 pm 8.83 7.58 Itom stew B JO 8.00 TuevlaTs nidsys M Mi Rl rT tolnt- Eundayt sra am, . J. 7 pm mm Naari alter Pol Tuesday 11 .SO am, Ve Queen Chart otit-a Jan. 12 and 3d ...9 D.m. rrom Queen Charlotte" Jan. 24 and Feb. 7 .....m. To Aluaka I'ulnt Jan. 12 and 38 s.m. From Alanka I'tilnt Jan. 16 ana so .....p.m. h YOUR Eyes Tell? Tnr a reeular dairy rouraa & FOUND What Story Do 1 . w n4dM haing indifjve of rhar'tr and disposition, ey tell tht orr f JWit hwUl. Thav ho. t!'e c ndai m ih, blood. dirion. '"' nd th organt of liaMnatiaB. Do vm.r blue rv-s indidte the ume roburt health o( your aturdf ancsaton? If not: does a yr!low xnt tniicat a dtiordered ajrataasf Don't apoi! the faacination of your eyes if the white are not bright and dar( with 'a pleleing dnge of blue if a yellowtatl onga robi them of theit beauty, it la , warning of aluggjih hew aead inteaunaJ inactinty, BeiiS the Yellow Tinf wilk for a ahott period. B 1 B ggBW. W Tour yaa anil ten toe uory. Jtttd ajwl Chattrltr Irom I hi E.r'l M futmre EMBARRASSING MOMENTS A Vetrt'btt Won 1.7 lit txtf v. j gWIU.f..-V-.altV.--l 1 IP-J - - - tw-1&lW0r - lUt&om uKFs- (jobs tiro ftAve gve& a 5aeV2 Ue, By Qeorge MclVianus - - ' '" '- ' '' ri-ao - - - 1 in i a , , , irl CO0LOJO6TSNI6AKIM I . l -V BY COLuY 4H , ' wjKfflBH Lna 9 HOLD OP HER POHfi I f Ml CHANOLTOC1TM1 I I RJJ Q Ar rr,-- I ' 87-7,: a ' vM Y 9 z rrr S ltl . v . i tv I II I r 1M III! "IWsiH T sTIJ II W - I IISmJ l 1 IT. 17 I IT I Vsl4H5HS:0 sua&p UKE. THAI WmM I TRY ttvl NtOHTb- Ji