it: aWaaaaai N THK DAILY NEWS PAGE EIGHT Support the Home Theatre and keep your Money in the city. (if estholme Theatre SATURDAY ONLY, 7 AND 9 1 M. MATINEE, 2:30 P.M. " I FT 'FR TO JLelLj J lLii yi GALLEGHER" Junior Coghlan, Harrison Ford, Elinor Fair and Others. The New Sensational Jystery Serial 'The Masked Menace- CHAPTER 1 "AGAINST ODDS.' With Larry Kent and Jean Arthur. AESOP'S FILM FAISLES. Orchestral, Selection "THE QUAKER GIRL." Admission, 35c and 10c; Matinee, 23c and 5c. Child buyer of the lucky ticket at the Saturday Matinee gets one month's free pass. . j i ..... i. Canadian National Steamships Prince Rupert DRYDDCK AMI , . :.- SHIPYARD ' ' Operriiitir Ailt.V- mOOJLTon Pfontlm: lfoVPrJh Kiiriineera. Machinist Boilermaker!. IIIuckMitilli I'mtern maker. Founders. Woodworker. Klc EI.KCTKIC AM) .Cirrvl.KNK WKl.lMN't Our plant is equipped to handle all kind MARINE AND COMMKKC1A1 WOlth PHONKS 43 and SRS UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED balling irom I'rinrr lturl. tut VAM'OLVI.Il, VICTORIA, Swti-on Ikiy, liutcdale. Alert Ittj, rtc TummUv. p.m. Tor V.Nf:Oi:Vi:U, VICTORIA, liutilalf, Alfrt hajr, rlt. ItMajr mldnijlit. lor A LICK A KM. AN VOX, SThV AKT. WALUH ISUI, i")Ul .IMIO.N. NAAH KIVtK, hundii), S lint, ' 13 tni Avfnwr. It M..MlTII, AfrnL, f rlni llu.frtf IM . Ihrowiti I Uk flu Hold to Vrtm nJ Millie, and '-hwkMi llirt.uxli Ut ilfkllnatlkr uCAKADIAN pACinc B.C. Coast Steamship Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Krirhlkait. Wntnerll ami Hkacwajr Januart 14. tti. Tu iinroiitrr. htoria and Kntltlr Januar)- 1, 16. 30. ritlMT.SH KOVAL I'nr Itiitntolr. Ym lIU llrlla. (lentil I all. Nainu, Alrrt liar, Camitlirll ltlcr. VuiKtiuvrr and VlitiirU, rirry I rllay, HI p.m. Agnilh fur all SlntiiiAlilp Lliim. lull Infiirmatlon Irom . ( OKCIIAHI). (1KM:HAI. A(llT ( i i in r llh sirwt und Hril Atrimr. ITIm-p Kmirrt. ll.C. - I'lione SI. Canadian National Q7jc LargeSl ailway Sylcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Killlln Irutil riUM'K UI I'IIIT for VWCOUM.K, vitroitiA. WKATTIU 0 ml liilrrmrdlate Hilnt. each lltlllAY. 0:00 a.m. lur Hli:WAKT and AN VOX, nirh WI.IINKSHAY. 10:0 p.m. lor NOItTII AM M)l'TII ((I'llKN ( IIAIII.OTIK lHI.AMiS, I ortnljlitly. i'.hsi;noi:k tkainm i.kave i-uinm: lit i-kkt iMh MOMlAV. Vi:KSI)AY and SATUnilAV at 11:30 a.m. fur PU1NCE flFXtltatl, KIl.MOMON, WINMl'Hd, all Hlnt EaMrrn Canada, imliMl htnira. aoi:ncy all oc kas htramsiiip mnm City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave, Prince Hupert Phone 2C0 LET 'ER GO, INEW SERIAL AT GALLEGHER THE WESTHOLME Story of Newspaper Life Shown On Screen at Wcslholme . ; Tonight j To a reporter, there is no duty greater than he owe his newspaper. No matter how dangerous his task, or how self-sacrificing the deed, the reporter of a newspaper invariably is a slave to duty. N This is essentially the theme j of "Let 'er Go, Gallegherl" the( Kichard Harding bavis narrat-, ive of newspaper life in which aj bright office boy plays the atsl-, iar role, Junior Co;-hian, who! was featured in "The Country Doctor." "The Yankee Clipper" and "A Harp in Hock," is seen; in the title role and Harrison Ford is cast as a reporter, around whom the love interest cen- tres. Their portrayals, it is said, are excellent : Supervised by Ralph Block, as-sociate producer at the De Mille Studio, and prepared for the! screen by Elliot Clawson, also a! prominent newspaper man, "Let 'er Go, Gallegherl" ia one of the most exact stories df "the fourth estate" ever filmed. It will be Shown at the Westholme tonight. Elmer Clifton, who directed "The Wreck of the Hesperus," was the director, Elinor Fair, Ivan Lebe-deff and Wade Boteter are included in the cast of supporting, players. ORGAN RECITAL BY EWAirr LYNE AT FIRST UNITED CHURCH Sunday, Jan. 13, at 9 p.m. AJlergo Moderat e J'oaipson .... i . . ?h .Y.-. : . . . . .ahukteoe Iasloral MacMaater ' TWiAi .rfTWWTMffe-Taylor Intermeazo in D flat Hollins The Storm Bwart Lyne OffcrtoIrC In G . . .Lefebure-Wely COLLECTION IN AID OF ORGAN FUND Week-end Specials ROAST CHICKENS Per lb 42c BOILING FOWL Per lb 32c POT ROASTS Per lb. 20c CORNED BEEF Per lb. ...'.......12c, 15c PIGKLED PORK-Pcr lb. 23c COOKING APPLES Per box $10 A Mussallem Co. Limited 617-423 5th Ave. E. Phones 18&81 RED'S Transfer Fifteen years' experience In FUKNITUKE AND PIANO MOVING We sell 8 kinds of Coat Any kind of Wood In any quantity CEMENT SAND GRAVEL Our price, weights and measures are right. So Is our Service Phone us and Save Money and Time , DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: 201. Night Phone: Red 317. "The Masked Menace" is Mystery At the Wentholme this after noon ind tonight the first Bhow-ng is to be made of "The Masked Menace,", the new ten chapter Putheserfel adapted, from wlareiue Batimgton Kelland's .aturiay Evening Fost story, "Still Face." Wt'.suninater, a New England unilxi mill town, is the scene of the nmaaif, stnrtljag and en-thraling story written in Mr. Kelland's most utertaining manner, 'ihofe are two Interesting things happen almost simultan--cus.y -a eti.nger cornea io lown to live a id sets tongues wagging because his beautiful late never mot's; and Grandma Newton ..ecide- to attempt to recoup the family fortunes by running ihe old lumber null again. The stranger is known as "Still Face" and Lianiima's petulant ..nd apoileti ginddaafhter, Faith, object 10 throwtog what little m)pnjr they hve ;?HtO the nopelesa' taak of operating the iiiill. This att.tude makes her .uaurally taifu! to, Kaats Uodd, Ni.-.-i ma's" cii f support and a very nice young nun whom -Faith normally atuOiiu nave, failatt in H.ious and mysterious "Still Face" interest her far more, which is danytrous ! NATIVE LIFE WAS SUBJECT Canoa W. V. Itwthbrook Gave In- tereytiax Lecture Last Night at bt ' I'cter's Church A large zf the ring last night in St. Peter's Anglican Church. Seal iCove, listened with rapt attention to an interesting two-hour ilis-iourse by Ca':on W. Kushbrook,' whd had long experience amon Indiiuis, on phases of native life, ancient unci ipvitern, in this dis-HlI. Tiie saker dealt with th' history of th-.', aborigines and tohi I of tribal customs, home life and 'modes of living now and in tin pa.t. Many interesting examples were given and curios and reliis were shown in the way of illustrations. Legends between here and MetlakaWa, which are illustrated by carvings at Metlakatla, were referred to arid Canon Hush brook also mentioned the rock carvings :it HaU'ngs Arm and "The Caves f Sickness." ' LY.erc were hymns at the opening and closing of the lecture, proceeds of which Will be applied to the fund tot the purchase of quipment for St. Peter's Hoys' Club gymnasium. MEN'S $1,25 PER PAm Don't take a chance of wet feet vvhen you can keep them dry o lieaply. The famous "Master Mechanic" Shirts for mon price the lowest ,ver. If you want to save money, visit the Montreal Importers TIIIRI) AVENUE Dr. Alexander rllONK 875 (if.sxi'.ii mocK DENTIST MAYOR VOICES APPRECIATION Brief Valedictory by Col. McMor-clic at IJtst ;N1 it's Council Meeting "Inasmuch as this in all probability will be ttio laat meeting of the 1928 council," said Mayor Mc-Mordie, in a brief valedictory last evening, "I would like at this lime to convey to each and every mem ber of the council, the city clerk, superintendent of utilities and other officials my hearty appreciation for their work during the past year. which has been one of (he most important in the history of the city. Much important work has been done and many important matiera settlod. It may haw been that at times we did not all agree, but I am snre that even ourj disagreements were taken in goodj iart, and. let me say he.e. tnat l think each and every one of us always had the best interests of this city at heart. In my opinion, all have done their work well, and It is my desire to express deepost appreciation for the consideration"! and co-operation tnat has been at all times throughout the year expended to me. The mivors remarks were 'greeted with a round of apnluuu-ion the part Qf th aldermen. After 'We Meeting member i !th council were the guests of His Worship at the P:iiue Rupert Club. Passengers sailing tonight on the Prince John for l wen Charlotte Island paints will include: A. Ban man, Mrs. Herbert Hampton and Mrs. F. R. Ui- hardson. for Port Clfmnta. and -lolm Hunting and II. Stall rd. ior Was Bothered With Severe Headaches Is Hot Troubled Kow Mrs. James Rmasitpr, Hiverskta, N.B., writa: "l was twtlierrd with etvew lienH.irhes, for yeiini, nnd tried many (KfTprMit moiiiinifi, I .tit to tn effort. One dav a friend iM inf nhoiit and afUT I ha-l taken three rrittl' I found it had done mi- a world of good. Now I don't know what a hoadarhe to liko. I Mirtainlv hnve irwt faith in Burdock Blood Bitten. Manufactured only by The T. Mil-burn Go., Ltd., Toronto, OnU An Up-to-date Optical Dept. We pride ourselves on our ' compute equ pment for accurate testing of the eyes. No longer mu t we replace lens after lens in front of your eyes till wo find tho correct one. Our new automatic instrument can change to any combination in a second and dona not tire you nut Mr. .laek Huhrar took the full course required by ' law cover i: six months in 1025 and got his diploma with honors. We subscribe to the lead-ing weekly and monthly op tical journals and any new methods are nlways noticed und adopted if suitable. We are sure we can suit you. John Bulger The Jewelkrw LINDSAY'S Cartage anil Storage Phone 08 Cartage, Warehousing, ana Distributing. Team or -Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano ana Furniture Moving. I Saturday, Janunr t - II !i I ioftfg WillS TWO GREAT COMEDIES "TIIE BOY FRIEND" AND THE SKifWAYMAN" . n fe Frhi theVfj famous "liii ng Btorie:' ii Doy M:i AND TOi'i" " 1 Sat. Matinee . . . .I'.r.. ,, TONIGHT AT THE CAPITOL Ciiminif Monday and Tuesday COItRINE GRIFFITHS IN "THE OUTCAST Your Grocrr rjccomtiinulj It Oo Guard the Family Health The man who cares two pins for tho, health of 1 his family should immediately investigate the home heating question. lie will find WARM AIR the HEALTHY WAY of heating the home, and he will he led to the McClary Sunshine Furnace as the most efficient system of sending the fresh, moist warm air circulating through the house. It costs much less to install this guaranteed McClary Warm Air System than hot water or steam systems. And it snves a great deal of coal, as the "Vcntiblast" Ring ensures that ALL the fuel is made to glvo ALL its heat. Burns any fuel, tool For health's sake sec the famous 310 I1M Furnace GENERAL STEEL WARES Product Daily News' Ads. Bring Results t