PAGE SIX j 'i.i THIS DAILY NEWS cSaiurdav, Jaiii,m, PLAN NOWSTOP FLIGHT TO PANAMA HYDE TRANSFER NEWS OF NORTHERN B.C. (Mr AxD COAL CO. Phone 580 JACKPINE AND CEDAR Single load $3.50 , Double load $0.50 Lgtifac s&cl! 50c COAL PRICES DOWN m Peerless Egc $12.00 tin Washed Nuts $11.25 ttBerta Soofcless Large Eerpr . S12.50 Altferta Spotless Egg $12.00 Alberta Lump , SI 3.00 Also all other classes of coal. Piano and Furniture Moving. Express and Il.iggage Day and Nigbt Service 139 Second Avenue DEMAND ( aupen or ana pper: THE DAlNTIKST BKEAKFAST FOOD.' Smoked Daily by jGjiadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. rrince Kupert. B.C. AND YOl WILL MAKE THIS RESOLUTION. ONCE YOU HAVE RIDDEN IN THE v' FORD More Pep More Power More Comtort '4 Than Any Light Car Ever Built. They Are on Display at Our Showroom. S. E. PARKER, LIMITED FORD DEALERS 3rd Ave. East DOMINION TIRES Phone 83 Advertise in "The Daily News' ; ; ! 'tr f -NFW HAZELT0N"thfr!?1for'th-new'owner8,' """ .:r.dMn, Hat tie arrived in Smith- A 'meeting of the board' or airvpatfnfs 'week'. ' r " ' ectors of the Hazelton Hospital , . was held on Monday night at the Vera' Viola.' tkn vear old dautrh- home of the chairman, W. W. An- f Jlr. and Mr. Buchanan of jderson, preliminary to the annual ., .u-Ma,. uecumoeu to pneu- meeting which will be held next, ,iia w Monday. John Dore, district superinten dent of Government Telegraphs, was a visitor in Hazelton Inst week on official business. Dr. Leonard Wrinch paid a visit to Cedarvale last week on professional business. Dr. H. C. Wrineh M.L.A. will leave next week for Vancouver to attend the meeting of the Provincial Liberal Association at which a leader will be elected. L. .Celmonti is-laid .up with an Mack of the influenza. , : - The Felix Bridge Club of. Haz- ton. met thisi.week at the home Mrs. S. J. Winsby. Scotty McRae- arrived at the first, of, the week from .TelFwa -lid- will be engaged-in hauling .. from the .Kocher. de Botite r.lne to Skeena Tjrdasing. The first flu patients at the Hazelton Hospital are now quite well but two or three new cases have broken out locally. z Miss Jacquet, local school teacher, returned at the end of last week after having spent the holidays at Prince Rupert ' and Evelyn. Olof Hanson is on d trip along the line to his rarrous pole and tie , camps .before going to Van. rouver where he will attend the meeting 6f the BfUtsh Oolumbrar' Liberal Association. Mr. and Mrs.'. H. E. Thornton nd son,- Howard, will return at SMITHERS I The i Smithera . Farmers' Insti-utfl .iarL week, ejected officers foJlpwai president, ,.L. L. De- olnj.iie-prcaident, George Oul-on; iftcretary-treasurer, J. W. '. urnep, . . . Drf Hugh Dickie, Prince Kupert eye specialist, is a visitor '-re on professional business. Weather conditions in the Bulkley Valley are unpreeeden-edly mild this winter. Where radtr ordinary conditions, the wintry is -nt this, time held in the retaotlo3)grip of below zero weathir onndltion. Jt Is now quite-warm..; Autos ar. still able to, ttayerse:aU-'Partof the valley., ,vThi ,ymK Frank Oarroll iSSte 9.triPnW(pFns Wte to w ?torrmT nd Mrs. W. Wei ,300 imposed. .Hi during the INCE GEORGE The' 'retiring city council has left over for the Incoming board the matter of the erection of an isolation hospital here. The sug-gestlob is made that it be treated as 'a ward in connection with the existing hospital: Weathei'"coSitinue! to bt" mild TWrer Infa Huie of the year. ahnurfe4t thermometer reading) three above zero. Play is now flnber way at the! Inll police of ficers Here is the plane, North Star Yancey inset at leftx and Oli , owned by Mrs. A. U, Stillman.New York, whirh I er ('. le Houtellier (right), formerly of the Nritial Idpn pi Francp5Lake were vis- Corps, will fly from Roosevelt Fi old to Panama. tors in Siuithw's -t v They hope to make the trip in twentv Radio Association is Taking Active Stefs to Improve Local Radio Reception Situation Meeting Held Last Night Elects New Officers and Will Try to Secure Services of an Expert Here INSTITUTE MEETING HELD AT TERRiJ Small Number Present Lrrtl Postponement of Klciml of Officers TEBRACE, Jan. IJ -thly meeting of th T ; j men's Institute was t .. Terrace Theatre on 1 . -tcrtioon. Owing t' ' The Prince Rupert Radio Association at its meeting, crowd nresfnt. th lastnieht decided to trv to secure the services of an exoert ficers. which shuii 1 "jhere through the department of marine and fisheries to p'. w potpon..i ' olrfviCo. ' ''ther meeting railed '. v.Mn v, j: t 1 I. '..1!l,l.. v. ...ill t?nn TViotr nlcn AaniAaA fry unnfimia lnri1 inirnafSimtinnii Secretary T ilvZPfVtll r,r for?un!e" and to take further action in regard to the tolegraplt pIeU chndren'. hospu.i M&aI hJotif tf lift I'rlnr. CiTtrtta 1 :i.. t ." ...1. iL: -J .. r J r . . r '! end of this week from a trip assured ?i"U U" U,Vt V BUUllB. w"8 uww W4wm.iifw my auU of the "Mile f . Prince Rupert I TrL raer)n hr aIL! seems .II WaS an enthusiastic meeting and following it SOme tefit cheme by which eclaluon on . 'oLrTTiu f "Svere made with the detector st made in the Term . 1 11 1 - :.2iso donthn retirlne aldermpn ........... ..... 'Onie Moffatt and Griffith Th Vent 0oTe W l"e department or ig Parlors. A large number of wr or upi.r. ifcSiSato riffkul ,arin? " Vicfrfa U h,,d becn nd lhi- ' dn,tlon W" r" ' ' i prqmir to b oe aimcuuy,m y In get- Vart u.t nihi ii , tv, , The. Ladies' Auxiliary-to the JiiOtfJffi! JJ") thfee the Section of permanent of- the noise. .ice-president. Mr. J. Ucl SrW Ut . onald ; secretery. Sirs. H. WefchJ W$rid & BatTces if the treasurer. Mrs, R. C. Bamforo. Hay on a charge ThB Aiiuirv . ra ... of iellThg liquor and ? line of usful year in 1028. As th ui mnvl tiw . crtdH balance of mithets Hospital has elected of- r"01" on "c (ficers, Sid Relth and Uurie Lab- ward this cable the noise incrMw- Ac annual" report r. cers for the yr as foUowB: ! ' . . ; ley having stepped down ami their m) and the nearer thv wn Uw. .vork of ttie vear ,fna oi owiu hlo .. tnlcn , n r f. ...i.t.. I tv. ...v. I . l , f.wvvn ..nva. "f " - lltlvlol i ulTflJnr. nr 9Ulrin- KWU nuiR llitil Rae as president; .Earl Barrie. Undent of utilities is being eon- H will be regrettall vlce-preldent; C. G. Ham, secrt- municated with in connection with mowbershlp of over fir'' tary; and an executive com))Osd this line. fttitute will have to of Ray Love, Felix Batt, F. W. It was reported that H. f. Hon owirte to lnahilit Chandlur, Sid Relth; Norman Kr- Pawson, representing the Power new board of dire, t, lor and Tom Balllnger. In thfc Corporation ot Canadn. hud sLatd ... connection it was "decided that it that one of the first thinirs his local curling rlnK and devotees nmv uwn "r"v? 01 ,Bie ,n cn":iwould be better for the dealers to coimian wouM do n ukimr nv.r wif. un,,n "'IffriSrl. oooueugers. uarriA take active in In th. the onraniM- ..(.- .1... the ..... ... i .... .wl 1 are rapidly roufHHhg into for. Uter in the It is plan-; HftPMd 5500 ned to hold a bohbiel. f,fr .W" liluor on Tues for sale. L. S. McGlll,,V,tkettai,dL"mrtri,hM befn chr-B. Warner spoken aims And h?'e 'J"2lrTt,t ' ie.e,rSr objects of theJKattve Sons o Bl1d montf frtfe Hans U rgCr-ln Cnnada at a nnbli mtetinif whifeh : lK" rooBiinK house duty as superintendent W th Charts Falkif hlsloaand How I Was Freed of Hehforrhoids after 25 yeaitof suffering "I had prwruding pilti or hemorrboidt for f twiity-fi rtt," writei Dr. H. S, HumcIL Graduat VticriiUtr Surgeon, ot Upper ChaJo, N.B. "I bought from ail parti of the world and went under the knife twice at Portland, Maine, and Sherbrooke. Que. I had ipent hundred of dollar! and wai about to go to the hoipital at Campbell, ton, N.D., for another operation, but wai in euch a weakened con didon that the doctor adviied ma to wait ftv dajrl. "Mr wife happened to pick up Dr. Chaje'e Almanac and read about lorn tone being freed of pilei bf uiing Dr. Chate'l Ointment. I got a box, wai to much better net t dajr that I ordered tRree mora boxee. In one week I wai able to mum tay practice. .' It i jiow four fieri tine I have felt an 1 effect of th pilet, io I feel justified in beliering th relief permanent." 'Dr. ChateY Ointment li th tandard, time-proven treatment for pile or hemorrhoid!. Dr. Huiieir eiperienc li limilar to that of manf thouiande of people who bar been poiitivelr freed of pilet br this toothing, healing, antiteptic ointment. All dialers or Th Dr. A. W. Chat Medicine Co., Limited, Toronto, Canada. n. Hum, .who "will talce ov- fcommon, A&nfrt.., Bellos hit the lUr resul Timber, till uJS I "I Jfr1 vHh. y?i)natter) Mondffjr pnembe.s hud- joined' the -ooia-II o which he hid to goin,Kht. The exeJitive 'WM w forly hui ,t WM eImaled. Jiat- Jfeav to hospital. HAD BIG YEAR if Production I IIMUVIM'II e)Ua S.wlrrit 'JnerPfte Over 'ver an part plant was to clean. un the local tlon, as they were the moat vitally ituauon. Interested in the movement. M;uiy opinions were exprmaed Mueh criticism .was forthcorfi as to what was the cause of the Ing in rexard to the lack of action trouble and most of the blame was of the Canadian National Tele- placed on the city, althoufh th graphs and a drastic more wa C.N.R. ami the oil furnaces all! recommended. It was finally de were mentioned. Action has al-J elded, to wait until Monday, by ready been taken in regard to the which time they vyould see if the furnaoaa U secure a palUaflv. . company really meant to take ae- Othv aooroeaof troubleliavo beenj tion, and if nothing was then done investigated. meeting of the executive would It Was reported that so far S3 noise coming from the telephone cable between First and Second Avenue and passing the Undertake sam, pine and cedar following in the order mentioned. In the .production of railway I ties, the Prince George district also set its highest mark to date .1 t 1 flOO 1 1 1 4 , t A, jtiuriiiK iJi.o. uie vouii prouuciiun elng 777.C13 ties ns against 581,-Doring n 1 ma 1J28 1(M i 1097 n,i nnr. ii in iwc aia..41is. it,. ii. nuutlv, nv jnb jri 1 wins VM77 . hmost active to date in the.tim-' 1...- .( a.. 1.1... " tciinui iiuciiui t-: r..L.. .11.1.1- I- moo 1 rmte vic.y jsu uinmtl III Uio rlJgtWct urned In the1 largest annual log ' cale. IbV-I Wstory. The total cale for the four just past there' Capt. Neil McLean, Second Of-was 106,8999960 board feet pr fleer Harney McKlllop and Chlef v Increase of6,aiC.C17 feet over Engineer C. F. Havlg, regularly 'he record foe; 1926 which was "f the steamer Prince Charles, the banner y2tr to date. The In- ore now relieving on the C.N.H. crtiiHr was 80,988,889 feet over steamer Prince John which Is In 1927. flTjrnMrand ffr were the port from the Queen Charlotte prirfiint'VHrrrtler cut; -with bal-1 Islands. structed to communicate by wire there were between 200 and 800 tvltVi CM. tlonrv Thnrntnn onil uillti ..t. 1 .UL.....L J. Scully of Giseome has been ,0,i r tv, arar4. 11 v.,i . ' ..i-.. .... charged tec with assault oc. nientrat Ottawa In regard to thhi. jfor anything like that many. It casHMi.nK Udlly harm. It is al- Felix Batt reported on behalf .was suggested that every own, eged that he "n noth" mar. .that had oui of committee been 0f a set should become a member quamlled and Scully attacked , wIth the detector set lookinc for ,.f ih.. Kn, ;ti,,n him bed. The Prince George branch of the Employment Service of Can-Ma found employment during 1928 for 1981 men as compared with 1596 In 1927. PRINCE w. GEORGE Inte ference trouble. He said; The new executive promises np-they had definitely located a bad'tlve work to improve local radio reception and a further general meeting will be called whenever it it considered advisable. WHAT IS IT that keeps you always !M ing well and smartly ore till OUR SERVICE PHONE G19 to have your clothe r We call for and di-:. f ; ail parts of the city. For that Suit ' We have fine FaJ. ' Wintr Suitings and ' F outings on hand, t ' ' today and let us tuk: . meastire. Cuttihg, workmanship e'v all guaranteed, materials and able prices. Linjr, the Tailor Phone 619 FOR A REAL ENJOYABLE MOTOR DRIVK Rent One of Our HEATED CARS AND DRIVE IT YOURSELF Walker Motor Co., Limited PIone IJIuc ,189 2nd Ave. and Mi