''' DAILY EDITION l , . . , production while it has others News of the Mines AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Dalhousic Acquires Hi-meguard; Premier Declares A twif lint Titrirlnnrl UnivrtM IMrtiinrn. 1 I: Li The New Method .Coal and .Supplies Limited of Vancouver (M. YAivapff, Manager), will open a branch in Prinze liurtt-once under the local management of the Thompson" Hardware Company, Ltd. . . . Quotations given promptly on big or small orders for all kinds of building supplies and materials. It will be to your advantage to make inquiries. The Daily News, PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH GQLUMBL Published Every sAftei noon, except Sunday; by'Priiice llupert Daily Hews, Limited, Third Avenue. j H. F. rgLLEN l " - - Managing, Editor. ' nmencr rrospecis on upast The total amount of the present distribution comes to $:iOO,000, applying to ab&re, holders on record on pecetfAftr. ' H. 'Y-'is. ' : -.. "a The ani&ial laetinff. ! ihcQ, C. Silver Wqp trt th dirnetbra' renort and annual SUBSCRIPTION KATES statement was received. Share- City Delivery, by maSlforSa'rfler. yearly period, paid In advance 55.00 'holders ratmed the action oi we For lesser period, paid in Mvance. per month .50 directors in the expenditure oi By mail to all parts lr Northern and Central British Columbia. j $027000. being the amount of paid In advance for yearly period $8.00; money spent to date on the prop-Transient Display Advertising, per Inch, per insertion $1.41) erty, and authorised the further Transient Advertising on Front Pnge. per inch $'.'80 expenditure of $878,000 for ad Local Readers, per insertion, er line .,. .25 ditional development work. Classified Advertising, per insertion, per word w Legal Notices, each insert'on per airate line Or four months for By mail to all other parts ot British Columbia, the British Rmnir nnrf TTfriftar: Rlnt.a naM In aAvnrtra hap viu. I QQ Writing of the prospects of the establishment of a new smelter sr. on n this coast, E. A. Huggen, ed- By mail to all other countries, per yee jfr.a'tor of the Mining and Industrial, I Record, says there is hardly any Contract Kates on Application ..i Advertising and Circulation rclcphone 93 'A EdUor and . Reporters Telephone - 86 3ember of Audit Bureau of Circulation doubt thecoat u HuIHcwntljr1 rich in copper to double its production in a few years. Granby and Britannia are acquiring tww propertes and Consolidated Mining & Smelting Co. has two mine in Sunloch and Coast Copper a2Iw Wednesday. Jan. 9. 1929 that should soon be ready for i under development. To operate NELSON CENTRE OF MININQjDITRJCT. .. eM u ia prbb,! the Nelson is somewhere1 about the same size as Prince ir, converting, refining and Rupert, but there is little resemblance .between them. T Nelson is ihe centre of a mining district and most of its t wealth comes from Jthat source. It -is the distributing transportation of the ore from centre for a large area. the company's own mines m wii While Nelson specially caters to the mining fraternity a8 thM fronl c"80"1 shippers, and makes it pour its wealth'into her coffers, Prince Run- AlmMt evry hd ,B,e ia ert seems to take very little interest in the mining which SZ is going on arounu. ino special eiiorts are made to cap- the metal occur along the entire itmiie uie wuuan ui uie uibinci anu OUUU up tne City as western margin of the a result batholith for a length of coast 1200 We congratulate Nelson on its enterprise and feel mileB "nd onie at them may frljirl tVint it is mnVinir nrno-rnsai T.nsf vppr ito nmnm reasonably be expected to prove was a lnro-P nnn nnrl n rpppnt snPfinl niimW nf tlio Molann t.her uranly . na. W1' News indicates that there is considerable prosperity at the maLromSnDroroects!0 interior centre Brittanias has The time is now ripe for the industry ' of copper refining being estab lished on the coast instead oi shipping the metal to American plants. The problem is to make j the production of the copper mines available for that pur pose. That is essentially, coast problem for the copper. Industry has definitely ahlfted from the interior to the coast At present the province loses $4,000,000 a year on its copper industry throuffh refininv and marketing The Homeguard group, situated at Mile 14 on the Dollv not being carried out here. Brit- Yarden Railw ay at Alice Arm and owned by Geortre Bruir- lBh Columbia will not long re try and William McFarlane, has been bonded to the Dal- m,1 con to h'wer ,of housie Mining Co. of Victoria for the sum of $60,000 and la ZvSSi tSZ t'ul small crew has been put to work on the property for the i8 the only moul product of the winter. Development will be confined to drifting on the province whkh Is not carried to silver-lead ore ledge, which was commenced a short time refined conditon ruady for the ago, and, according to present plans, this work will be manufacturer. With the concen- carried on throughout the winter. trates sent out for smelting and In the spring the Dalhousie will penditure. The Dolly Varden Kail- rcfining and the blister copper . L ! l i . I . : make an exten ,ivP examination of W1,v cuts-througJb one end of the Z"Z nrovinee toST abioThe SoTnTe!!. t;rdtTteftr tt t"-!-- An adjoin- content of those prod ucU. Cop- mnin on bodies a copper ledge in tiuim ned by Charles Gor- 1r today is the brightest gem of having a width of about 14 feet don WttS included in Homeguard the mineral industry. Let the ,Ih i1 nrov!, -c have the fullest benefit The "Peratlon of the Home- which has been traced on the sur- fnce for a distance of two claim ruanl make8 a tolal of ve P"op- "f ts resources In this metal, lengths, a sample of which taken ,rlie Mnf Prated in the Kit- Premier 8. F. lolmb recognhws !ault the need of modern smelter be- Vul,y this winter. On Mc- a turns of five per cnt copper, $4. 0 ('rMth Mounto'n, overlooking ing established somewhere on the BcroHB a width of 14ieet gave r- In gold and 13 ounafoaiteer per Mkv Arm- the Bunrl-e is being coast ton; and at a lowr.IfWW an " y nnuiv-cunie ore ledge carrying gold, silver and sJv,'r M nes Ltd.. making a total lend values, this ledge being IB "f x operating roperMes for the lept wide and traced on the 8ur- dlHlrict- Jiveo for a distance of 800 feet, j nmpls across six feet of the ledge By the payment on January 4 giving return of 22 ounces silver, of another six percent dividend. it gold and 16 per cent lead, the Premier Gold Mining Co. pas-Tliere nre great possibilities of the sed the $18,000,000 mark, all of property being developed into a which was earned and dhrtrttiut- Lonoage tonnage product- proauct- or or considsrawe constasrame ed d since Btnce the the company company went went on on II. E. Pawaon, represenatlvc of the Power Corporation of Canada, which is purchasing the city hyd-o-ekjetric plant and franchise subject to the approval of the tax payers, returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning after having spent the post couple of weeks In Vancouver. He will now remain remain here here the the moot most or of the tne time time proportions without excessive ex-, dividend paying biwls In 1021. until the vote ba 'been taken. I mr n Atr v kivnra J fAGE FOUB inn 4. The crew of the steamer Ke ntish Coast, driven ashore near rescued with the aid of the bree ches buoy. mm Plymouth Sound by gales was Pembina PeprJuas Ejfg Pembina Washed Ntitt Alberta SootldaLaijjffili Alberta hooueje'.gjr Alberta Lump '. Wednesday, January 9, 1929 'ALL ASHORE, THAT'S GOING ASHORE" WAS COMMAND THAT WAS OBEYED HYDE TRANSFER NOTICE AND COAL CO. Phone 580 AND CEDAR JA&KPINK To Contractors Single toiid Double load Larfce sack 50c DOWN 1 . 4 . JfcjW&J? l$8l$fi I f 12.828,589 or 88.95 g yJf s fnf CJ he world FROM the cold, deep waters of the seven thousand miles of British , Columbia's Pacific Coast, comes a harvest of fish that the palate of all mankind enjoys! For over twenty years our Province has been a leading factor in Canada's fishing industry. Progress continues unabated . . . the markets to the ends of the earth demanding ever increasing quantities. ; The past ten years have seen this Industry grow from 14 million to 27 million dollars . . . an increase of 89. Our annual catch totals nearly half the entire Canadian production, and "King Salmon," our marine silver mine accounts for at least 15 million dollars a year. The distribution from our Provincial hatch-cries of millions of salmon eggs to renew the harvest that goes into the nets; the Treaty between Canada and the United States for the protection of the Pacific Halibut (March, 1923) providing a close season from November 16th to February 15th; modernized canneries, 83 in number, nnd sane Federal Fishing Laws, carefully administered, arc the foundation of an industry that will continue to grow. The fame of British Columbia's Whaling Fisheries is of long standing, and has materially Increased the value of the products fromrfthis Industry. The yearly catch, now about 40b, is taken between one station on Vancouver Island and two stations on the Queen Charlotte Islands. Much ashasbecn done to develop and conserve our Ashing industry, there still remains a great deal to be accomplished. The vastness of our water nnd the extent and ruggednofrs of our coast make organized protection nnd administration extremely costly. Hut the safeguarding of our fisheries Is a matter which now commands the earnest attention of our government, who realize the importance of conserving this basic industry. As the oldest Industry of our Dominion, fishing has been one of the largest revenue producers, and it is srftiUfcant that Canada's youngest Province, in VoM than twenty years, should secure n leading position in the world market. This nggreatdvo search for foreign business has been an asset which undoubtedly has created one of thojnpat amazing records of our basic industriesrWeli'iiiay wc bo proud (if our Fisheries! : 1 , Rtad thin unnountimtnti nd understand your province' i prtpfit . . ,,7 them out and tend them to friends. If you diiin intra tefies of tktu r,ur,mttti a matt in iAh IL iwipper Kill hrini them. Admtitt your Pntimi! $12.00 $11.25 $12.5Q $12.00 $13.00 Also all other classes of coal. Piano and Furniture Moving. Express and Baggage Day and Ntfbt Service 139 Second Avenue i r tj4