I. Ten Years Ago In Pi I tea Rupert January 9. 1918 At the final meeting yesterday to ofterate in the city. The clubs are worve loan the cabarets, he holds. f ngiueer of' the dirtment of ma-; nit- at Ottawa, who is visiting the on of the harbor tftweea the Mineral and i cum Clalma. and to the north of the Jack Pine Mineral Claim Lawful holder: BtJOINEXR OOLD MINES UMTTKD, IMfT Number of the hol4ert 'free miner oeruilcaU: measure. Cutting, workmanship, style, all guaranteed. Best materials and reasonable price. Ling, the Tailor Phone (49 W ATE II NOTICE tHvareluti and l'e house, FOR RENT Housekeeping! rooms. Apply Mussallum Grocery. tf. FOR RENT--Four and Five room, heated suites, "Summit Apr limits" now ready. Phone 9fi, II. (i. Heljo iHon, Ltd., or I'.lije Mr,, for it li imation. 25 A Daily News want-ad will Hrtef results, " iaxi .rt rf litentWn to Apply h nam ijtna . 'I vftB Ruj"rt l"d Recording DU-t. .ci of Prince Buiri. mid mtu&t at the juth nd of Italen island, ad limit to Ut U4J6. Kaimc-. , .i'fc. not'Vf th"1 BUUnor Bonier MlHa. I .United, at Vancouver. Bmiah Catiamhev. caeupMtofi. manularturtra. intend to upDly lor a Mast ol tiie followlnc or- t.c.-lbrd lande: Comment In at tle northeast comer 4f ot ants. Dm r. r n TCL, TVS: afternoon of th lirnunl nnllruJirlv 3 dexTMa 10 mlnutee nut MO feet. commission. Mayor MiClymont'weteriv uKUraWjBrk made wauc a a strOtlaT urouc fuwt uiaui ior for makinir nuiKing aioomt ,' of an 1ue unnamed eeat cn the island;- moat taaterly thence cleaner town of Prince Rupert. n?rtrl 1ov1n' the auiuoetties of the Inaad to the moel north arenerly point el lilt: thence la a ilftrthveetarH dlree- W. E. Thompaon, president of ft&VoM&SSK the 1 rades a,-'r "; tiw.r m northeaat-tu Si Labor ' Couacil. de- nVn a . T . Y"u"1"' u,rriV direction alone hlKh eater mark to Clares that he is not in favor of the o t.p iuiikv rirht-of.wayrSmce tilKitiv Lh. Iirenaa awuv frnm rulw ra,trrlv aoulhern boundarv of uiKiiig me iicenaes awa irom cao- ,d richt-of-eiv to the norttiweat iirets, while clubs are still allowed 'rner of Lot M3: thence followlna the wnumiurt ui jir Mia n ui ine puinv ui mnnwcement . BILLMOfl BMtUCi: UIUJS. UUITED. B t lioran. Arent. Dated Deoemtwr 2Snd. 1M8 uresis at a point asoui hair mie aie-Uht !raei 1U ewuUi and will be uatd for ' " " " V f t r tae n till. r a a''llt . MJU WIS I lltliai AIN 1 1IU11 1 :riei "You're a big what you ars!' lculaUr. crook, that a' Thl nauoe waa jo the SSnd da of on the xhnuted the irate ' A rODT ' ooMee and as annuo I Art" will be Med in the offkie Of the hn! said the astonished uro- .ohteruonr to the aUoattoo nuv he ker. "What do you meunr What 70L Dom? You advised me to vnce of thi notice in local newaaaper. i ... . . . .. . tnjwoR sraucx Mttxa. ui&TTED. ouy ima atocK on your ueuei Anoiicant l a . a . mat It would go up tins ninh m, gained .Tn- l ouwioatioii of a a month, month, and and the the most most it it was Northern Miner MIM KAL ACT (t erm fsrtitom n d NOTTCK OT APTUCATION TOR Ca,,.ii, iATa OF iatrnuvaManlb . BOB FRACTIONAL AND WANN t MACTTOMAL MINERAL CLAIMS lt-ut m the Atlln Mthlnc Divition of Caeaiar Diatrict Where iocatod: The Bob rracttonal Mineral Claim on Taku Arm IT1 I. MOBO AN. Atent. Tiotioe la January Ith. MM. NOTICE Or EJECTION PTiRI.tr MOTHI la harebT elven to In elector of the Municipality of the tv i r Prlnoe Rupert that I require vne tirearncr of the aald elector at toe w Ci rK ii Oflioe. City Hall. Prlnoe Rup-.t B f or. the ietn dav of January. 979 at ti Ire o'clock noon, tor the vur-dom ol rtecunt neraona to reoreeent i w.. mA ibannan anil ftrnonl net lain and Chnwan 'jC.'". " the Waiui Fractional "ii. l-mlnatloh of candidate Mineral Claim oaluu Blver. adtolnlnt hnll be v. ronow- TTe can-i'datea ahall be nominated IB wrltlnjr; thv wriunn ahaU be suoaor'nea , bv wo elector of the aTOnWoeW' M oroiviaer and let-ander anl haU he de- Hwnd to e Heturnlnit Officer at any ih. of :ba notice and TARE NOnrw that rNflTNEKR OOLD T " T k. m nnmlnatlan: the. UINBS UUrtmjriC. Pre aflnera " "i.rr In the form num-' Oertlfloate No. STOaO. Intend at the end in ?hr SrSiule of te "Munl- of alitv daya fraan the date hereol to 7..,b -rtom Act." tint! hl te the aMslv to the Mlaln BtfHMirder for Certificate of ImnroeaanenU for the our-boae of obtaininv Crown Grant ol the aoore c la Una iTli lion of oerh :ri troird. in uch manrer ae MirricientiT to iun.iu nrt In the event of a OOll And further Ua notice thaA .action, , neceaaarv. fUCti noil nhll be open-under aectlon 88 of The "Mineral Act ih h. of .lanunrt 1S. at muat be commenoM before the Issuance rounell Chiimber Cltv Hall. Frlnee of auch Bertlflnar- of improvement I'dDert C . of wh.ch event neraon la IXtad thla iat dav of Januarv. IMS. h.rhv reoulred to taKi notice and Rovern ENGINEER OOIMIN LTD INC frt.n" T "lail iiaaiaa aaeai an aa n w - - . Prlnoe IMtutn TaMlSa. i WHAT IS IT I that keeps you always look- j Ing well and smartly dresi- I ed? OUR SERVICE ; PHONE G49 j to have your clothes pressed j We call for and deliver to all parts of the elty. I For that Suit We have "fnWTTall. find-1 Winter Suitlngs.and pver-coatlnirA, on haiiuJ dome h) today and let us take 'your OTVKN under mv hand at ii. 6th dT of JanumlSSJ. Returnlna Officer. FOR SALr-Delco WANTED Girl for housework; to live in. Small family. Call Black 127. 10 WANTED Room and board for 1C year old high school boy. Apply Salvation Army. 8 LOST LOST Purse' containing large sum of money. Finder- pleastM phorie 19 or leave at 1 Dally News office. Reward. RESULTS COUNT;' CONSTIPATION, In,he majoritx ity and diatrict. announces t ha t 1 , ,ff. g?-iySrWfV , of casea, the cause pf that tired r,e ntend. to recommend to the aug-aa v-jguw. uepartment thai a concrete beacon uea iod.ow of waier out of aa uaaaaMd and electric fog alarm be eretted 'nTh. Setd "tlLJll lUrr.tt t Amm ,.t tho .nlnn.a mtte nOrttMaet of of Lot hn. aaiurt a. c.a. , , . --f - ; The water wUl be diverted from the feeling, headaches, , nerves, in aoniKLi. catarrh, rheumatism and. a number of ither troubles, Is I easily overcome by oiir new form; dietetic and spinal treatment Re-. suits guaranteed in every case, ! except thoae rwiujriiig surgical' " ' aid. ConsuR t t rvm penv it n Phones: ,)L 1 Ofice Blue 83. . Res-Ketl M&. MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon closing prices on Vancouver Stock Exchange on our stock-list board, dally. We can give instant service in buying and selling liJjlng Shocks on Vancouver Stock Exchange. We al.o have , facilities for accepting Wheat prder on Winnipeg Stock Exchange Representing Miller. Court & Co- Ltd. Vancouver. S.D. Johnston Colli 617 2nd Avnue Prince Rupert. 1LC. BRINGING UP FATHER T aTaeal A i ' . Or4e N'- 51 X - at 1 - II I 7H3 DAILY NET73 automatic ")t J IV on or under the waler we. non-battery plant 110 volt i!o It. lVt KW. direct current. One PIUNCR lUIPflUT SAI.VAGR & year old and In first class fOWINfl COMPANY LIMITED M'e- Price $300 00 cash Ap-. F , j for Wtl and ply Port Simpson Hospital. lr;,hB, Salvage Work. Mntn ntH Scows hf all deser-tJ- P&urth 1 POR SALE Seine boat "Hazel fins for Chtirte.n L, 44 feet by 12; 25 h.p. Lor-' w Coats and Onnoes for hire. ls engine. Fully equipped jtrtrKains in Gas Engines, and all In good condition Ap- ACBN1S FOR FOR SALE Sawmill, boiler, engine and planer in running order. Price $1,400.00. Would consider good car or power -hay press as part payment. T. R. Tomlinson, Cedarvale, B.C. WANTED PIANO TUNING PIANO TUNER Work gtaran-teed. Phone Gjeen G99. 31P WANTED Painting, Calcomin-ing and Paperhanglng. Phone Green C99. 316 WANTED Maid wanted. 30? 4th Avenue E. """m n.-i it l - uaiianiyne engines. Northern II. C. Distributors "oolidge Propellers Phone, Day or Nighl. 5CI P. O. Ilox ISC I ciiiROPUAtrnc CiUROI'ItACTTC VIHRATORY MASSAGE .iFRA-RRDRAY GET WELL ! 1 By the use . of these approved drugless and scientific methods' you will find that this office is Apply! fitted up to give you Jhe best of branches of DRUG LESS HEAL-i ING. Consult DR. W. a ASPINALL 6 and 7 Exchange Block Green: 241. -Phones Black: 283 Open Evenings CHIMNEY SWCEP H. J. Zumkehr General Handy Man. Furnaces and Stoves Cleaned and Repaired l'ho'ne 3 Prince Rupert, B. C. MILK MILK ! Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Dally. EARLY DELIVERY . , Throughout; the City. VAIMIN DAIRY telephone 657. IXTTLU IHIX COLLECTION'S AM. PJa orabam A AUln Art B OO Idl i.t arc. u eth st visi Ith Ave. dt Fulton 8. 8.10 Uh Ave. at Tbempaon 8L . . 8.15 Ilia Ave. it Sherbrook .... 8-20 Uth Ar Oonrad . 93& eth Ave. Haya Dot Ave... M lh Ave. Hay Outt Ota die 93i Btb Ave. m Cottrn St 80 6th Ave. a Oreea St. (HipU). v AO 6tb Ave. at MtBrlde St. ..... t.i ptot. nvt. vtttneing Bio Prpv oi V wharf u.4.r. nnari v t4v couuV' Jtvtmv WlFU AKJ' HER MUSIC TRACHERS ARC DRlViN ME DATPY M WITH "THBlFt PI AMO PLATIM' O lata, lavl weaiaafcMaaaiM aa a.TJ bUOob :1&m 'r i..' im tt Ave. At Snd SI. ........ 1S.10 Srd Ave. As Pu)tr 8V lXt irt Ave. A) 6lh St. 6O30 for the Kat CN.R. IKAINS 7M 7 At 7.Ai 7 7jm SW SSr Tin S.1I 8.1 SXj t. 8 8.40 86 A0 Mohday. Monday, wedr Wedneaday tad BaturHaye at 111SQ a in. trenl MieHM Sundtya, Tuesday and Ttvandty at 8:30 pin. OH THAT THE Hear isi TOOt ROWE'ST SHEET METAL! WORKS j We have moved' bn'r office and. showroom to 319 Third Avenue, ! where we have everything in sheet metal pipe fittings and fur naces. Phone 310. Wax 467. ( 3i9 Third Avenue COAL ALRERTA HARD SMOKELESS We keep it under cover, therefore you pel value for your money. ALSO LADYSMITH, WELLINGTON AND TELKWA COAL Sand, Gravel and Cement C. C. KETOIUM & CO, LTD. PHONE 771 SWANSON-General HandyiMan Side walksi fence' repaired. Grading or any other da Jobs, ' eor..ract or otherwise Phone 101 STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS tflservice and satisfaction in these ,' rncutef 7vaaiy-a. unni a.av p-m Frldaye-ee. Prlnoe Rupert B a xa. rrtdaye-v. Prtnoaw, Royal .. 10 pin Fridays-. Caidena 12 midnight Jan 16. m. Prinoeaa Mary n m. Jan. M.--at. Prlnceee Manr o m Irom Vanroiner Sunday as. Catala 4 pju Wedneaday -ea. Pr. Iluprrt 10M ajn Friday a. Print Royal 4 pjn rrtday ea. Oafdena pxs Jan. It as. Frlneeaa Mary Noon Jan. SB m. Prmoeaa Marv Noon tut 'irt-t Mmpoun and Naa Klver Sanday aa. Oatala .......... S p.m Irani "or. Klmpwn and Naai Elver Tueaday iu. OataVi il.90 axa rr Stewart, rrnnler, Anybi knd Alice Ami . . r I it Sunday -M. qatahv ........; 8 po Wd Deodar M. Prtore Ruperi 10 pin tYtMa Klewart, ITemWf'An)oxUnd Alice! .tnn , Tuesday at. Catala . 1130 am Friday at. mace Rupert -U.8 am er tjtteen riiarlotte ImBMids-fS Jan. lK-aa. Frlnee John ...alO D.m Jan. a- aw Prlnoe John . wilOo.m t-om QHren Cliarlolte ftlnl Jan Jan 10 at. Prlnoe John ..... 24 aa . Prlsce. John . . . M . f t Alaska Jan. 13 M Prtooeae Mary Jan . V -at. Frlneeaa Marv . f rnm 'ANtrta Jan. 14-HM. Frtnoeas Mary .i Jan soai. v aa, maaaaa rrmaeea Mar jaarv .a.m. .a.m. .NSon .Noon P m B.ia . ij MAIL SCHEDULE for the Fait t Moadayt. rtiaeadaya. Saturday, me. clone 10:80 ajn rem the Aunt SoadajMa Tueadaya and Thuradaya, mall tue IJ0 pm In VanciMee-Vte train Wrdaeeeteya and 8ater daya IS38 am. iweadaya i l nn Frldaya 8:18 aa. ay apm C P B - Jan IS nod SO rmm miu . S'tndayi Wednaadiy Prtdaya a.m. 4 pju ,19M an pn e 9 B Jan. Il'ial' tt1 . ....1 m. ITuim sirwafir (TnuVrr. (.tii J ox slid Alvee tr?din,.(,....V.v- vll 7 PHI T innrnaiji . ji ia pi l-reni Metrart a rrnnler j Tueadaya' ....... ,.. 1JUO in Frtdayi ..8 ua .. -. Klerr 'tMutk-a Sundayc 1JP fmm Klver Poei.-- Taeadayt 1140 km To Queen Charloti Jan. 18 and SB 9 s.M. Itiwi ()aeen t'llHllr Jan 10 and M a.M. TnAtatka rMnta Jan. 11 and ie a.m. IriMii Altkka I "neat" Jan 18 and SO .. ANNUAL MEETING OF RUPERT EAST CLASSIFIE D ADVERTISEMENTS FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOUND ? Various Reports Show Church lo THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND 01). be In Flourishing Condition Hoard of Management Elected i. The financial rcport'4isented by the secretary, T. Ilyaa Mackay, as well as reitrt from the Toadies' Aid, Sunday School, ' Young' People's Society and Mission Hand read by the jiastor, llev. Tv II. McAllister, who presided,! showed the affairs, of Rupert Kast United Church, rhieh hM its annual congregational mit-injr last nitrht, to be in v.n-.ottriw-ing condition. Thr' was a good attendance at the meet'ng, which chose J. II. Miiod. W. H. McAfee, W. 1). Skinner. Robert Wilson. 8. L. Paachy and Mrs. A. J Squires as nwrnlmrs of the l:ml of munagement for the coming ye;ir. AfU'r the bunine session, r-fnshments were served and the choir of First United Church, under the JeudersbH of J. S. Wilson, sang, U Mfaeii advantage, the Chrirtma c&M "The King " ' FOR RENT POR RENT f urnished housekeeping, roqm by the day, week, or month. Phone Red C07. tf FOR RENT Automobiles, pianos' phonographs and sewing machines. Walker Music Store. FOR RENT-Furnished close in. Apply 216 Avenue Kast. tf FOR SALE SALVAGE AND TOWING W3 I SHE CLEANS CHIMNEYS Mrs. Hannah Poole, Hollywood, Eng., does chimney sweep ing for her own livelihood and the support of an octogenarian father. EMBARRASSING MOMENTS a a ' 4 I I O iwa. VW Ft tj Hull, aa. ciariui.MM.a AT MTUTrVOUOrfr "TUftNS OUT TO TXfi PRfe Of "fak LAW Atxr to You r FOR A HEAL ENJOYABLE I0T0R DRIVE Rent One of Our HEATED CARS AND DRIVE IT YOURSELF Walker Motor Co., Limited Phone Rluc 380 2nd Ave. and 4th St. Telephone the office if your paper docs not arrive By George McManus TFM Ct5KTAWTrrrmKj i wm i kkjow rr- But i KtM I jHE'ULCWtUPTHB AUVE'. HH THROW A VIOUM OUT THAT' OFTMKWtNOOW- j '