CLASSIFIED HABIT Boston Grill ; E Tyon read! th Clauin( Kit. it t iu lose, tdvertlM (or it. ;. u find, locate the owner. i Wtatcvw you need, advertise for It OCT TUG CUlHSItlED HABIT. n. 7. V WILLI tU, Northern Railway to stop on fla l the plans ar. finally approv- : in Undon. It is exported that signals a sm , ,x,wnditures will be made in A complaint from the jUhcroft m n.rVhbtwtood in ialBMrW;tWA marrufSctur- croft to points oil the prairies : ! .: for coking and i- Ia i-roducts. The r-presenta- were i,criM'ntt7TO"' , of the concern, who have with rate from othet Britiah COPPER i,uudu uLiivii ui tuiuwuy. i turn Vanarsdol Into Copper River of timber are held by ly before the provincial wiiy promoter will eventu- ment and the legislature in con- :.i l construction of the nection with their application for a timber road. It is not a charter. i hat the traffic from Cop- TXZfzH RAILWAY BOARD way to lw built at pre-.iprojrimately 40 mile in(. ml thla will definitely eon-i fnal coal uronortien prorKTiifn with wiw ISSUES ORDERS, 'i.i' ia,rrt. thrUh which port C. ... ttrk .... Mt Gl. ., IMttr 1 StrHw to Lake, I deal of busine is likely Hurnjtby llrln Asbcrofl H is not known wher , i.iHrrt. will be Dlaced. but: Appeal - the bu tinea going out Hoard of Railway Comimasioners largely on their line. It is yesterday afternoon ordered the FOUR KILLED IN ENGLISH TRAIN WRECK Accident Takes Place Only 30 Miles From Scene of Former Tragedy ASIICHURCH, 'EnRland, Jan. 9. Working all night by the light of flare, rescue workers recovered four bodies from the wreckage of a passenger train which crashed into a freight near here last night. From 25 to 30 pas 8cnger were Injured. The engineer of the express was killed and three passengers also lost their livej Tc accTacnt" occurred SO" mile from Charfield, wltre lajt October 10 persons were killed in a wreci. , vent connection of the 'FflRMFR PREMIER GETS ) . ,, on the coast, are now in Kng- L'olumWn rnnmng pftisjwi is T ithoriUtively li arned at Backing- 1.1 tin, iiui inpy win im iwn I I... ,. th. ir proiiosalmoredefin.te-.apiiearinK for th company. Four Immigration Schemes are Advanced to Solve Population Lack for Dominion of Canada migration ano tne coin.- disc ussion following have cleared I planted there, and perhaps en- the air and made possible a more couraged for the fur Bering or ii.t.'lllgent understanding of the certain purposes partly poiiw- situation. An improved general cal." ... .. . ......j .... iin - viow of the nrouiem whb io"" n0 rt0Ubt Mere are aw. v"- in the atattment the Investigation of the parliamentary com (0fitlM as Pre six.) RIVER Likely to Commence in Spring Prime Rupert Will Be Port of Shipment for New In- i a r m A 1 1 T j I ausiry ior some lime ai i,oasi nun Kilimaat Later Consideration VICTORIA, Jan. 9. It is confidently expected that 1 v. iil commence early in the spring, possibly in Feb- , y. on une cunsiruuuuii iu trie miiwav uuiiiitruunj; uiu properties recently purchased by th,e Melchett in- i i on or near Copper River with the Canadian Na- ! a' or near Vanarsdol if the charter to build is grant-1 .-. it is confidently expected it will be. The remainder ; . road to Kitimaat Arm is likely to lie in abeyance for i r. allhouKh the devel- " . SALARY OF $8000 the line will Columbia Electric Rail- i.M.Uble that British OXTAWA Jan o:Ur. J ..It of standard guag, ana in to half-hourly service Mmcl the newly manner aa to enable the O. na tha Burnabr Lake line ( in , , i: to operate the ouineaa or,- plce of an hour jr a.r ,irninmry work !..K from it and thus aave the bearing the application of the he rural credjt. credits mpany e exiense 01 prv- municipality 01 uurnaoy rnltwrnv eauinntent. Th Roarid also ordered the dailv trains of the Great ni 'i .1. i. v..n two appointed j farm loan commissioner, started , in organiiing system. Ilia alary will be $8,000 yearly. KING HAD A GOOD NIGHT; LONDON, Jan. 9. It was au- ham Palace shortly before noon to- , day that King Geo ge patted a fair nlht and hit condition remains ( uncb-angftd. The King's physicians eontlnue satisfied with hiaj condition and it was generally recof alied that only slow prog- rest could be expected under the; present circumstances. The 8:15 bulletin say a: "The J Kin had a oulet day. The local ! condition make steady progress and there it a slight iflCWW in United Farmers Hear Interesting Paper on Subject in.Htrength Is Reviewed by Speaker i Which Whole Situation 1.ItKS1IJKNT 0F sukvbyohs BRANDON, Man., Jan. 9.-(By the Canadian Press) j VICX0RIA; Jan;o:I)on.u, j. . . . ... .i i i i., fnnaHo c immiiraiioii . . . , .... on,t i.i. ... h.t hurl ln-pn carefully PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE UUPEUT. B. C, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9, 1929 x kUPERT NEW Restriction of In migration From v . Cental and Southern Europe Is : ' Policy of Dominion Government OTTAWA, Jan. 9. It is reported here that Hon. Robert Forke, minister of immigration, is planning to restrict immigration from central and southeastern Europe. The report suggests that the government will decline to renew the continental agreement with the railways which expires in October, 1930. The agreement enables the Canadian National and Canadian Pacific to bring agricultural and domestic workers from these countries to Canada if they are suitable. , , BRANDON, Man., Jan. 9. Renewal of the continental immigration agreement is impossible unless the department of immigration overrules the move of the house of commons, Hon. Robert Forke pointed out today. He indicated that the recommendation of the agricultural committee that the agreement should not be renewed had been accepted by the house following an investigation. Cessation of the agreement would be equal to a restriction of immigration from central and southwestern Europe. "The government has the situation in e its hands ana it can squeeze tighter if it wishes," Mr. Forke said. Premier Mackenzie King Replies to Labor Congress in Regard to Outstanding Questions of the Day OTTAWA, Jan. 9. The government proposes an ex- i.roblem were outlined before the United Farmers of WM chMen pnMtnt f penditure on the establishment of laboratories for scien-M-initoba todav in the report on immigration, read byith. corporation of nritish Col- ufic research which will exceed many times its contribu- manitUUH luuujr in mi. o Cnnris'iimhlB Ijind Surveyors. L i . i-t.: f,kMJ..olaliiritini- .i V,l.,,5 P,.oniai. Piiamier Manlrnr.lP Mackenzie Kint? Kmi? told told t,'' ii,.,.n uTiiYinna rnntVRHnLHLive iui ' i - HI If, i-. Iiuncil, 1 uiiixi. - .wr. 1 fVlP district. The report termed immigration perhra oru i the rmsi important question calling for public consideration offered in the four men-tionei comment was Virtually no nlg4t0xfrtdt:e report, but an improvement in thoMtnUffrMMi JltUallon . rrflected in the sUtement that mittec attack "has a so helpedto i,.. utiurk ..n the minister of Un-, remove from tnc puu.n d.. -r z unc lraurauimiJumH uicgo..u terday outlining various changes that labor, as representee: AFGHAN HKHBLS by them, would wish brought about. GAINING ground The nrime minister also iorecast aiiienuiiienus w ' I1I1IVI1 ninirlf ... m - 1 -i. lln ' aiiuuii.i uw iuiii -r uommion isiecnons ci i m .... .. ,, NEW DELHI, .1, I Tnrtln India, inuia, Jan. jan. l.n L1UII ItViilH".!! t,uuv.vra., - w m 1 1 T nVin AOnrraf inn vhoh wnitfill OTl him VG8- tecnnicai eaucauon. in . t .ui. this - coming sesefon. In eonnec- the said, that it ment mriiv felt, tni, premier ., ... n.,...!,, ... irin akri . th .L .. . 0: Mesaairet from Kabul. VT ' "T77:; n . j " .j i .i.. "nou,Q ev UMMrMritui ii rut i auuB aim baum t ...Ltmita Afghanistan, todav :oday indicate indicate """r - " . w""i . . hi Kr" fcranwio w v" """ ' from special . .. . , , tingreaa nao piacru iwi on iv- . . j, anv contriDutions . tney that the rebels are gaining A ..omnulaorv vot- lZ.5 u! 'a i-nt 4- arttund and nushlnir back :r;7": " " iu nou,a " ""uc ".mm" Kintr Ammandullah'i troot trooiM ?: , a!" , of the substdy payawe to u. .pn, In thp nAlirhliiirhnod o the capital. thh if nail not. i - MA.-AwnmAnr t i. inxi - inire. iiic H"1 "i"" The Trades Congress had re- the provinces had been given a . . , . i ? , t ... ..,A ,,.. In IVia mattur nf a. auesteu mat mi' uommion con- iirnvy a" tlnue grants to the provinces for technical education. LAHGE CAniKET Special Dlnneri Thuradaji and Saturdays Dancing every Saturday nljht from 9. to 12. Dance Hall for Hire Accommodation for Private Part lei Phone 457 PRICE FIVE CENTS RAILWAY COAL PRODUCTS BY C.KR. ' imam ... j, MOTOR OF WiLhINs PLANE BEIMi ISED IN THE ANTARCTIC THIS SEASON Provincial Government Is Asked For Definite Reforms at Victoria Returned Soldiers Have Their Demands and Raihvaymcn Also Make Number of Requests For Legislation VICTORIA, Jan. 9. The provincial cabinet yesterday heard delegations representing British Columbia's returned soldiers and railway workers. The returned soldiers asked: Aid for soldier settlers in interest payments on federal loans. Enfranchisement of Japanese whoferved with the Canadian expeditionary forces. Inauguration of a new Oriental survey. Provision for higher education of digabled or deceased veterans' children. Protection of the rights of returned men in the civil service. The railway workers asked for: Reduction of provincial income tux to the federal level. Increase in benefits under the Workmen's Com-pengaypncL... -,. - Free text books for school children. Elimination of level crossings and regulations forcing automobiles to stop before crossing railway tracks. Establishment of a public utilities commission and to put an end to alienation of waterpowers. Inauguration of a definite program of reforestation. Adoption of health insurance immediately. Medical inspection of persons handling food for public sale. Dawson and Orme Throw Hats In the Ring for Aldermanic Honors at Forthcoming Election ?. II. Linzcy Will Run Again and Tinker Is Considering the Matter, but W. J. urecr is Retiring Definitely "Yes, my hat is in the ring. You may tell your readers Vmf at thn iwnipcr nf snmp nf my friends. I have consented to allow my name to be placed in nomination as aider-manic candidate at the forthcoming election," stated F. 1. Dawson this morning. "I have made no promises or pledges, nor will I make any, except that, if the majority of the electors see fit to vote for me on January 17, I promise to keep faith witn inem anu serve tne cny to mc bett of my ability for the next two years. tne construction oi sawmiiis .w and ana have nave met bw with "'" many disap- reflect. indirectly, prosperity to , pointments. but I am ""t- "If the electors think that I can that the dawn .. interests their in any way further break for Prince Rupert The rf j am spade work carried out du-ing the past few years by the city coun- Continued on page two.) ell. the Board of Trade and the nA..n t llir cititent generally to produce re- DAWCD fnMPANY suits and the takfng over of the fUlf lA LUlllIiill 1 hydro-electric system ty me ower A-m Corporation of Uanaaa. wnicn imv mill Kill VI I pledged to the development of an- 1J llV 1 UUUlll aH-iTOSMTLY POWER "The taking over and develop-; nvnt of the Copper River coal VICTORIA. Jan. 9. -Under a fields and the construction of 40, ruling of the court of appeal to- miles of railway by the Lord Mel-i day the West Kootenay Power & chett interests, the activity in min-J Light Company is not bound to lrrg. the present strong position of j -supply electricity for Granby Con-and favorable future p ospects fori solidated'H operations at Copper the production of lumber, poles, Mountain and its concentrator and tie in the north country and .and other workings at Allenby.