I PAGE EIGHT THE DAILY NEWS Support the Home Theatre and estholme Theatre TONIGHT AND WEDNESDAY 7 & 'J P.M. i 5 i i Ify&iJ Thorndihe IK THE MOST DISCUSSED MOTION PIC TURE V?lh S'ai1 Thorndike, the greatest Englieh cmotion-a! actress, as Edith Cavcll, the martyred nurse. SPECIAL ALL-BRITISH MUSICAL PROGRAM also wiih1 keep your Money in '.he city. CP Admission 50c and 15c. "The Street Angel" Steamship Services EVERY PERSON SIIOU LI) SEE THIS WONDER r'UL PICTUItE. Fo:: News Coming next Week, UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED feafflne Vrom l-rlivrtl l(Jn . ' liil tar VAM1H VKW. VICTORIA. ajM:i lb, ImtrSal. Alrrt lUy, etc. Tnr-ilav. jm pjil. rr nc'm Vr.fc. VHTUKIA, , iitf 0lt Alrrl J'rjr nildnlKlil. XAAS KIVBK, hinliif, H .ni. VU Slid Avrnue. It. SMlTIt AfrtM. Pr(fir Ki.rrt, III- rhitiujti ttrtfiM wl ymwUl wl Iilr. and httCf rKrfVnl lltM,Rll 1l (ICkUlMttal B.C., Coast 'ry Sailin gs from Prince Rupert T KntrhiV.Mi. H'raaKFll and Muuwar January U. SB. T- aiK-ni, VlrSarla and HrltlfJnorjr t, !. . I'KIM 'tS KOVXI. t'it Itiililalr. Knl II!h IVrlta. Utuh KhIIk. Nuniu. Alirt llu. Ciiiplr!l Ulvrr. VMiN'iivrr and Vlria, rttf trUta), 1 pay. Kr..u lor all MtnunMilp Lint. I'"H lfrmatk.n fruni W. C. OIK'IIAUIl. UENKKAL AOENT . rm-r lUi !! and Srd Avrnue. ITlnw HunH, B.C. I'lionr 31. Canadian National QTjc Largeft Kailway Syflem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE sullh,-. fri'.m 1'KINI'i: HI I'lvUT fnr VANHlKH. VUTOItlA. SEATTIX. utid lincruniUulr mIiiIk. tii I'lllltAY. 9:M) a.m. I itr Mli:WAI5T and ANVUX. nuh ESEMAY. 10.M p.m. I .,r XIKlll ANI HOITII 11 KEN C'llAltUTltl lMS. I orllllhtljf. fAMHRNOKi: TBAIN LEAVE I'KI.ME Kl'I'EHT U MOMV. VEINESIAY aud MATI'KI) V at 11:30 a.m. for rni.M'E UCiHMlt:. EDMONTON. Wl.NMl'Wl. tl taU Bantrrn (Snada, tulU-d MtM. AOKM Y ALL OCEAN RIRAMSIIIP LINES Hf Ticket Office, 528 Tlilrd Ave, Prince Rupcrl-Phone 200 -r J HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Mr. and Mrs. Coorge Eailcy. Hydcr; Charles E. Illetsoc and L. 0. Lycett, Vancouver; Robert F. Urandt. Seattle; S. H. Davis, Cedftryajq; Mrs., P. Eptom, Smith-' ers; J. jkeileti. Winnipeg; George Keep, and D. E. Stevenson, Prince George; Dr. R. G. Large, Port Simpson; Mrs. H. Doll, Terrace. Savo. Mrs. F. D. Magar, Charles Toombs and II. Jacobs, Port Simpson; J, Quinn, Kwinitsa: Mrs. BallacJni and Miss liallici :i i. Houston; J. Peterson, Shames. Central J. McKenzic, city; J. Wei Quebec. Royal II. E. James, Hyder; II. II nw aid. C.N.R. Wbek- net f Specials,, EGGS Pullet fresh extras. 3 doz $1.15 NEW ZEALAND BUTTER 3-1 b. brick V..$1.C0 PURITY FLOUR 49-1 b. sack $2.36 NABOB SLICED PEACHES 2 l-2s. Tin 30c MALKIN'S COFFEE Mb tin 60c ROYAL CITY PURE STRAWBER- RY JAM-4-lb. tin 75c SINGAPORE PINEAPPLES SHeed, 2 tins , 25c SEEDLESS RAISINS 4- lb. pkg 50; SWIFT'S PICNIC HAM lb. 24c MALKIN BEST TEA ' 1-lb. pkg ggc BRUNSWICK SARDINES 4 tins Sic SHREDDED WHEAT I 2 pkK CHEF BRAND MOLASSES 5- lb, tin 4te WAFFLE SYRUP- 1-B. A Tin 60C ROWNTREES CHOCOLATE Caide Mrs. Inreborg Wing-BARS Assorted. 8 for . . t25c ham. ' ' ENGLISH PURE MALT VIN- Assistant fuide Mrs. Thora EGAR Bottle 25c stW r t,,rT,t,r,r, r..,v,M 8entjsjs-Mts ; Ha iaiine Ohne- 2 lbs t5e '1 NEW STOCK HALLO WI DATES' 3 lbs 6ei MALKIN BEST HONEY I George Keep of the C.N.U. in- 4-lb. tin 75c vertigo lion department arrived in WILD ROSE PASTRY FLOUR 1 he !ty from Prince Gr'e on 10-lb. saek 55e yesterday nfternoon's train and ROME BEAUTY APPLES Un- returned to the interior thi mor-wrapped- Bx nin'J- ' SUNKIST SMALL ORANGES 4 doz. 'Joe Alberta, Market IV GAMULA. 1'ioprletor Fifth Street Phone 20K Ml InSMPi M IB I I'll1 An Up-to-date Optical Dept. We pride ourselves on our complete equ pment for accurate testing of the eyes. No longer must we replace lens after lens In front of your eyes till we find the correct one. Our new automatic instrument can change to any combination in u second and does not tire you out. Mr. Jack Bulger, took the full course required by low covering six months in 1025 and got his diploma with honors. We subscribe to the leading weekly, and monthly oj-tical journals and any new methods are always noticed and adopted if suitable. We are sure we can suit you. John Bulger The Jewellers MAYOR S. McRRIDE Recently re-elected head of the 1i)iito t'ivii Government. ! NEW OFFICERS I MOOSE WOMEN Iitetallatnei Herc:grs Last Night Fallowed by Enjoyable Social Evening Installation, of 1929 officers of the women of the Moosfcaeart Legion took place last night, after which a Mcial evening was held for members of the legion. and their husband. s Prize winners at whist were: Ladies' f'rst, M's. F. M. Crosby; second, Mrs. P. Wingham; third, M-a. Thomas Elliott; men's first, S. A.-"Swanson; second, Ole, Stegavig; third, Sam Hougan. car, refreshments were srvfdJuld dI?c-njr, fo"4 w h orcheslr b'Uiu VvlHo l'iati"s Hi Ilia Pnvor was master of ceremonies for the i Moose Hall. t The Officer The officers installed were a folkrws: Pi;t regent Mrs. Helen HabIap raaeni lira. Mariruret Laraaa. -Iwdm :eirent Mrs. Millie CWIafs M. Stefta Bartlett Beorder--lirs. Bessie Ryan. Treaaosw Mrs, Agnes Skat-' tehoi Argus Mrs. Julia SlatU. Pianist Mr. $. A. Swanson. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 Cart ige, Warehousing, ana Distributing.- Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialise in Piano ana Furniture Moving. MEN'S .$1,25 per pair Don't take a char.ee of wet feet .hen you can keep them dry so cheaply. The famous "Master Mechanic" Shirts for men price the lowest ever. If you want to suve money, visit the Montreal Importers THIRD AVENUE BRAND NEW SHIP HERE If!r-Wtw1i Wlonmnr Irnrr f iU. fn Port For Grain, is on Her Yiaiden Voyage The British steamer Gracefield, I'rini" Rupert's fifth grain ship I the , .isiii airived in port from ihi Old t'ounlry. The Gracefield s a brand i:uw ship and this is ,or fir:-t voyage since being com-i ted l:i.t August. Cupt. Cooper her in ist r. She is already lined ,i:nl, nt requiring fumigation. . go. ii on berth at the elevator U- ihi.s 'dternoon ta start loading a full cargo for the United I inj'dom or continent. '! he Gr-u efieiii picked up her jpiiot, (apt.-J. R. Klfert, off Triple Klar.d about 8 o'clock this mor-! ning. The r.i:th shio of the season, the ilindpnol, if expected to arrive Friday, the seventh, the jAdra, on Saturday, no further word nnving ocen receive.: irom cithor of these vessels since yesterday. H.S.Wal'aceCd.Ltd. jj Cold Weather Comrorts A pair of Under Hose worn under your silk stockings will be found a great comfort on cold days. Pure Wool, Light Flesh Color, Snu!( Fitting. 85cPAIR Third Avcpuc FdlU St v IldME II T m rl IWfl tAi V Nauuimo-Wcllington Screened Lump. Nanairjo-H'Hington Screpn ed Nut. N.in:iimo Wellington Mine-Run Beacon Hard Sootiest lump. Boacnn Hard Sortless Egg TeJkwa Lamp. Of 'he above there is ONR th.t is particularly suited to your heating equipment. We shall be glad to advise you Albert & McCaffery Limited Phones 11C and 117 STOCK-REDUCING SALE STOCK REDUCING i We arc taking stock at the end of thin month and we must clean up the bulk of our stock at greatly reduced prices. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE PRUNES 60-70, 2 lbs 26t 25-lb. box 2. 6r, PRUNES 40-60, 3 lbs 50c 25-lb. box $2.95 PRUNES 30-40, per lb 20c 24.1b. box 3.50 RAISINS Seedless. 7 lbs. $1.00 StVlb. bx 12.85 JAM 4-lb. tins, strawberry, raspberry, black currant and kinds. Per tin 75c Mussallem Co. Limted 617-428 5th Ave. E. Phones 18484 Wednesday, Janua II II I WITH DOLORES DEL RIO SEE and HEAR. PADDY McCULLOCH Singing and Dancing Comedian Tonight at 7 1Uoiq Breads MY KITCHEN NOTEBOOK by TKorvy TblaJu. Domattfe My Secret for Finer'Textured Cahet I must cantos that I haven't always hem soccestful In the making of cave. I toepKt that I pnefessKl irre aeal than skill Oraraighneai rather than defines. But when I learned to exercise my baating prodi vitiet at the start in the creaming together of batter and Mtsar. and to exhibit remraint at the finish by Mining only a moment after the final ingredients were added, my calm improved. But the greatest improvement I have ever made in cakes has been through the -use of Carnation Milk. Besides bemg evaporated to doable richness and sterilized for sattkrepiic t i "hornogeniscd,' the crean content broken up into minute particles and distributed throughout every drop. As a result, cakes are not only rich with this unif(jr.nly diauibvted, double share of a earn, but brcaute of the fineness of the part idea the texture is exceptionally smooth, fragile and fine. Carnatiun gives similar results in all cooker)', a creamy smorthneM to esuuec candies and ice cream, a richness to soup, and a delicate texture to puddings, take; and waffles that even the best of bottled milk cannot equal. Try this convenient, economical and depends hie form M milk- -it s just pure ukU nulk with about half the natural water removed and nothing added. Write for the free Carnation Cook Bonk "My Hundred Favorite Recipe." Address Carnation Milk I'rorliicts Co.. Limited, Hi AUk.U Street, Vaa-couvrr. U.C. It Makes Better Cake Troduced is Ctsada the CAPITOL P.M. BdM' Bimd. i Scitr.c Connialor feu Carnation Date Cake H cap shorten ng, 4 - . egg, S tbap. Carnation V enongn wbot to r ake a U cups pastry flour, S t r. powder, pinch of salt. 1 Up. cj h tap. vanilla, h cup dwv i cup broken nut meats. C rea -ening; add sugar gradually rv tinue creaming; add bea'ci beat mixture hard until it Ui a very hght color aid creainy. A i cup nour ana stir untu wen i:m Measure nour after sifting on v. 1 -, -nut and dates with a httle ol Diet! r and add to mixture. Last, silt in tc : of fiour, baking pou-der. sa". a:i-l r:- -namon; add dmited milk rt ui. -ing all at once; stir vigorously fur l i 2 Poor batter immediately inn rnn which has been oiled ami du -ci w , i thin film of fiour. PUiie in 'V i . (slow) cr.Tn far first 10 minutes. n elevate to 37F. (mcW-taie,. Iiai c about 45 miniite. r! i:. ,t shrinks from rides of pan audspru. when pressed with Linger. Remove from the pan, cool and ice with Carnation Icing. Carnation Icing lKcupeconfectioijers'tJi'ar, 1 tbp. butter. 2 tbsp, CarnaUun 'llI. : ,.. vanilla. Cream butter and b."i I sugar, add Carnation and -,1U.. Ifcat tnorouaWjr and spread on cake. THE perfect cake ii the take of perfect texture. And the way to get perfect texture is to me Carnation the double-rich milk with the cream evenly shared by every drop. Addg wonderful smoothness and flavor to all cooking. (See recipes above) Carnation 'From Contented Cows" Milk