i.-IJ -i : i P1 jPj J PAGE SIX - , f '. Wilbur and Orville Wright left , were Honored at Kitty JJavk, N.C., on anniversary f;heir fir-t flight, by the unveil ing;'t a memorial. Right Amel a Earheart, transatlantic flier. i' aND YOU WILL MAKE THIS RESOLUTION ONCE YOU HAVE RIDDEN IN THE dm. fS More Pep More Power More Comtort Than Any Light Car Ever Built. They Arc on -.'Display atOur Showroom. , t : ,. , a S. E. PARKER, LIMITED .FORI) DEALERS 3rd Ave. East DOMINION TIRES Phone 83 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" -Kippers- THE DAINTIEST HKEAKI'AST rOOIJ." Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Kuprt. B.C The outstanding features of reports submitted to the Library' Board at its regular monthly meeting last night, with James Black presiding, were that the library is increasing its usefulness to the community, but in order to keep up the good work an assistant must be provided for the librarian for a short time each day to help in the routine work and that steps must be taken soon to provide a new library building, where the books will be properly housed and protected. In presenting the seventh annual report President James black said that during the past year eleven meetings had pied about half of all the avail-been held at which attendance able time mornings, of. members was as follows! James Black 11, V. . flao-Uert lftffiJV!?Xt, , U, G, Wilkinson 11, II. F. Pul,, Vff Wft ! librarian for ien &. Mrs. J. W. Kirkpatrick (7. Alderman F. Dibb 7, George Suth-rlajfid 3 and .Miss Cruikshank 10.' During the year the library .oaned 45,555 books, a 'daily average of 180.8 for 240 business days, an increase oyer last year,, JuJ-ing the year 675 volumes vvere added to the catalogue and '2i withdrawn ns unfit fnr lisp. ,ry. The number of borrowers now .egistered is 2,734 as against '.582 at the beginning of the ar, an increase of 152. r'or the coming year it will be necessary to'lnstal one more floor base and to add shelves to those ri Iran n t? In t Vin ArvtntmiTinff t . : tnV. month of December showed that 3,y)0 books had been loaned .made 'u of fiction 2,500, , duplicate' bay 21&, non-fiction 997 and juvenile 880. The average for the month wait i90 volume a day. " Dbring the month 21 new borrowers Were registered and 13 cancelled, making a net gain of 8. There were at the end of the makij a net gain in the number j mo"th, 2'74 borrowers registered, f 446. An inventory was taken ' Reived dufmg the .uring the year which shows that montLh we hi'?m 1 and ,Ly there are 6,533 books In the lib- Purchase 71. There were dis- varueu au ma King a nei gain oi 42. Four neW out-of-town subscrib ers were added to the list. An offer from a man at Hazel-ton to sell a bargain lot of books was not entertained, as it wasj though be ttfr to pu. chase, the' bert Rulam of the provincial library department in regard to making" out smrtial " reports; to whiclUie aegcetary-will attend. ! An offer from a binding firm In VaouverivYni. better rate thTj at preiJni pn(i forf rebinding bo5ks will t cbrtsfdvredi when the text shipment is ready i WOMENOUT Suhjecl Discussed at Annual Gathering of Farmers at - Brandon ' BRANDON, Man., Jan. 9. Urging every' local of the United Farmers of , Manitoba to make a study of peace, beginning with the constitution of th League of Nations, the report of the committee on peace read yesterday, at the farmers' annual gathering -sup ported thip world's PtDposed of operating plans ' f!pr the prevention of war. , 1 4 once: ' -"mis .daily mm W4MfUo, ROYALTY IN THE EARLY EIGHT IES NOR ACCORDED FIRST FLIERS Ussrsanf Librarian rr.T-rm'i' . . fo i in i i ii u ill i art; ' - S !. ? A!.. B'!J' I Mm WTt M H f IV H I SW I a K I M m m m m m m m m m MM UMU ITCU tSUMUllfg UIC : Needs of Rupert Today i Annual Library Report Shows Much Good Work Done but Handicap in Too. Much Routine for Miss Cruickshnnk to Handle 1 ! X Offered Mr. T -V.p eeiel.,('$djKMKS AttK land, dlreet6rf the tvomn s Fro- ADVAKyjJD TD ROLVK 1'OP-vencher 'district, the report I 'Wat .UlXt1Q lCll FOIl DOM-coupled with the report on educ lsm fa cADA. tion delivered almost concurrently on behalf of the committee on ed-; (SAini front page one) hranrh of inunigration has oused wider interest." the rjort read, "and there is none for which the citterns feel m stronger resionsi- bility There s ii w ' rn ' from Halifux twe ( . r formfnr part of the r.i.i press. This m iil wa- ! the 8.S. Arabic. R ! -One enr is b I1hJ f r from Montreal. in uli "Thsro mrm tinn.lHula nt knva In rOnSlgnmentS for T"o'lt I A remrTktilc old !ih(itn ) aih tnktii o.i the steps of th' i;-iy. SCRIBES MAKE HUMBLE PLEA Copies of Council Reports Would Mwt With Their . Hearty Gratitude Long suffering reporters of city, council meetings are ask- iloor whilst taking of care space a letter as revived f rem Her- -in the won t. be elected new .ie e increasing mcreasinir number number of of volumes volumes . . . .. . . . P . .. . . , . each section. Provision will .so have to be made for .an assistant to Miss Cruikshank to help in replacing oboks in the Selves and doing routine work ath as placing slips In the books. A suitable person 'who could devote about three mornings each week to this work would allow the librarian more time to attend to cataloguing uttu repairing books, thiis keeping a greater number In circulation and relieving the congestion n the office. ; The -necessity : for a new1 library building should also be borne in .iind this year. Estimates for the coming year were attached together with reports on circulation, classification and expenditure for the past ytar. Miss Cruikshank, the report 3uid, has done good work and Was given a great deal of time and attention in addition to her egular hours in keeping up the nice work of the library. The retiring members of the board this year are Mrs. J. W. kirkpatrick, G, , Sutherland and '. Wilkinson and, Ihe council rep .-esentatire Alderman F, Dibb. 1 LihrarUn's', Report '"'fhe Librarian gave a detailed tcount of the work done darinp .hf year in which it war shown tiut of the 45,555 vqlumes loaned Juring the year, fiction compris-C9.41 per cet. Juvenile 223 per cent, philosophy-.42, religion . ..u.ugy .Ut. lapgUage .03, rr nmim am '.za. iin cfly fathers, for no golden chairs, Neither do they request Inat the1 1929 mirjror and aldermen confine themselves to subject matter and de4t from polghsnt and strategic remarks designed principally for'the'eari. 6i" the aresrt and the eyes of the vbters. Nor do they Itwrcli ta be relieved from the burden of rponii-bility In hflrtlng the drow from th gold and reporting what theideunan abould "have said instead of wht he did arV' ISut if the municipal councillors would gain the hearty goodwill if not the Mipnort f the patient Mribei. they would prumixe here and now to nee that, in future, extra copies of all reports of committees and such like are directed to the press table. A lot of trouble would thus be saved for all concerned and a real good turn would have been done for the fourth ( estate. Now don't prom! all at in the report read to the fanners as reasons for the visit of Swedl'h ! officials to Canada in June with a ; view to selecting land fur cvlonita-it Ion by their countrymen. ! An outline of th- Lovat scheme under wtoiti a thousand families will be assisted to purchase land after they hnve acquired some ex-pcr ence of Canadian comlit on was included in the statement from the immigration committM. Suggeatioa of pawtibie "undesirable adverttsln" resultant from sending back to Britain harvesters, inevitably including incompetent and work-any indivi late King Edward, with the late Duke of Clarence (left), hu t-ld ftt on, in the early eighties. and Kiny MAIL BUSINESS Many Car Load Am c i Atlantic Slcumc"- NEW VBSflKIS M fi. Products of Cans linn Go To Vet Indie- urn I Australia duals, found exoresioa in comment on the mifwr-b&rvesUr . xperi- MONTUKAL. Jan ment. It was pointed out that erable increase in th- fewer of the miaer-harvesters who aail fnm ti.e Uriu-i came this'yenr shonild be expected theContiiwm af En -! t make good sine they were col- is noted by U.e Can .di. lected at shert notice. Railways. t!.- n'im' -t "One good wy of aeruring a 'y 'i"ed nn.i! c:.r- tv satisfied and contesod immi- wrd from HalifaT grant" is by the iurenile immlgra- season show g de l tion Acheine, in the opinion of the or th' umlwr muv. .1 farmers' retwrt. refe rliwt to the 'spondini' ! ri i.f I settlement of Br'tiah boys recommended bh inmiranta. ."No all parts of the Dominion wne 'awa. and one rsr is I, were brought to Canada and who Winnipeg with distrilnr are now fanning their own land." that and all . ther ..., concludes the lengthy review of " Nam-ouver nt 1h iuvrniU immigration svstem. Another In :' con n'" Aimrnvul mt th Modleal lnspee- r,, " tion to which BHtiah Immigrants Friday on Hoard the S.s i.re eiulred to submit is express- Cunard Line ..a k.., hk. .... i Artwtiw ftu Already duHnr 'he iofpeeUon Sraftf praawrty fairly imuXry seven mr ef m:. ntjff." Attention is cUed to the landed at Ha'ifax wh error in conlofinf rglatlona aH in Dec. mr 20 cirs ,,l ri U. assitteJ iwaiarraaU wftii lved at thav po t awl egulat'ons covering all th Brft-ewrd f .r ditr1n-ili..n ut. lmml(i Citnadisn National l.all. I "Do we want incroamd immi With cargo of fir.iKi tm The' TB?tert accepted by the sons who are quite sure that the rration? Are w taking the right Mdan vai,.Iv.(i Hti'Mmei couiidl of the United Church last jwlicy of the hnmigra'.ion depart- line to encourage the type of em- yrtor i, jrm n.(i fall wan characterized as expres- ment has beon to delluerately dis- Igrant required 'n dastada? are wwk fwr Autrali; n p .r; sive of the general attitude toward courage British immigr.ttion nd U the cloning nuesMon suggested hy panBlna rsnsl . The war and peace, appreciation was encourage continental immlgra- tne aamineaiy aisapuoinung w (BPU(jeH juitomohiles. . arts .CO, literature J.73, travel 'expressed for the efficacy of the Hon," the report continues. But donee of the report. Encourage- ..j ..ugrapuy .at, history These percentages were much the same as for the previous year, in all 15,715 volumes not classified as fiction were bor rowed. The financial statement show ed that the expenditure had been kept within the appropriation, the total expended being $3,213.01, whereas the appropriation was $3,250. Miss Cruikshank explained how she was handicapped in be ing unable to attend to the proper mending of broken books ow ing to the pressure of other dut-i. les. urders bad to ue made out for new books and shipments for rebinding prepared and all new books had to be catalogued and classified. Books should be re- paired immediately they began to show wear. The steady Increase in the amount of work made it Impossible to keep up all departments properly, and clearing away books occu League of Nations, nnd the Kel- evidence go to prove to the con ogg treaty for the renunciation of trary, It adds. war was discussed at length and in a markedly favorable spirit. With the" comment that Canada is the only North American nation listed in the League of Nations, It was stklH; "'Canadian polity. Ca nadian attitude, has a marked .effect on world policy." It was added that Canada is disinterested, impartial, experienced in sane set-lenrnt of International disputes, and con point to" more than n-pri ment of immigration through emphasis of Canada' industrial at- Thp Immigration nlan advanced tractiveneas as embodied in the by General Mcliae. M P., for plan of Hon. E. C. Drury was North Vancouver, is commented on mentioned at a "different solu- parts, t actors, pla ter . n 1 freight. The Can:idi:in of the same line luileil ' i fax with capae'ly 'cnc for the British West In Demerara. The new Cun.; as "perhai the boldest" of the Uon" in the concluding section of t(na, ,ner Lmdv r.k quiirtette -f systems enumerated the report to lue farmers. In the Immigration report, which points out that under this suggea-! w jj jtfeCeMnm. Wxal Insur tion two minion people wowu oe finpfl -..n ,l, by r,ul. the fleet of five steamer- oh" the new Canada V sevice, is now loi.li'u: Halifax and will nil " brought to Canada In ten years at , malmrAmv nn a husi. with a lanre number .1 p 4 't u:-i.. million I1I ,l..ll dollars njr ' ' ' ... .1 a ttpstof thirty per year. Hoik of . LieutafianKColonel uryeftce wiin ineneajrsv na..gbard VYilUhirearm station, tlon- ' ' ; f?ommandaTit, bringm? lirly-fiv "-J .j.; jthohiand- immJfr4nl to Canada 'NVw I'hrase For WallStreet leoch year wftrfe indicated as an- - , t I other of the plans calculated to "How,, goes it, Bill T" .aald one 'solve the immigration difficulty. wtock trader'to another. I hear Colonel Slebard'n plan, the report vou hafa got rid of a lot of your, mentions, concerns men who leave stocks. DJstress selling?" . (the army each year fo civil life. "Oh. noij thank Heavenl" re- ;A small party of these ex-soldlera marked iiift other cheerily, "Fin- came to Canada last spring. mha wiling! mv boy. I'm now fill Itestrictiona on irflmlgration to Slipping the bestPnf,jMon 'or rise?' ithe United States and ncute un Brokers Ne' ews. employment in Sweden were listed jness trip to Vancouver. COAL Your choice HDSON CASSIDY WKI- MNGTON TCLKAVA Also Ilulkley liny and Grain. Agent for Bobin HimmI Flour. Phone 58 Prince Rupert Feed Co. wT?f?Tiai I for the sunny pouth Or. Alexander rinivt: '-7 inwixrit m ora DENTIST