mm. 1 FA JE TWO THE DAILY NEWS Wetlnesaay, FehnWy 27 OH. YES HUT NOT sp EAy AS IT LOOKS In Th e World of Sport WHAT, SNOW IN AFRICA? i . t I ? Ifjii, mi LA. t FA rt'ick of Vancouver. Xa richest conteswd- v- eve Nearly 2 half & t& e J of firs4 i place, nlaclW be award award consist- consist,-1 -1 1 1 1 t tT ttt tt $ ir,ff m RANSWFRF not Sf suWect to challenge, a cash rflilJ If iiUL priie? ot 2JJj and. 'flper cevt 0( me net gate receipts. ; , t Sedahd pl'a(e wll I draw down a nrltt. to.t tfxn oJ itf. 55w"' I. iA -i dlri aIiiK fill! . tkiiti k.i'a i r J tjis A,rab is a club menyber of Chrea, near toe Atlas Mountain. CHAMPIONSHIP j'ilPABOUT IN BILLIARPS " 0fTmfcl, BIG FI , BOSTON, Feb. 27: Chas. F Adm' owner of t- Bos- ti Betting Three (o Five on Sharkey vpw. vnpv p.h 97 wui, r hK O.CK. Feb. 27. With Z rtruinn of the National iFxvtli rw. C,JMt.' nrirp mnnnv aiTirrpffiitinff armrnrt. i . . . Z I . .' r. . . r -r---r t uqcsey League, announceq raateb- Mkli the world's icto he consid plonsfrp. WW yer wag ! jU an t0 the club DISPLEASED! ijail?rM(f 'P cash ; ' ".I" Kr.?"Vdr "V. Threw Thing, at Heferee and 17 per cent of the net re ceipts: foWth, fJSOSndfclS cent; iuw yam anq7 pr caat:i Victoria Last Night During .Hojfkcw (lame ICTOItlA. Those contesting iYe EdiiiarO! ! y- ;ai id inwr i Miami Tonight Osteopath to Be in Southerner's ' Corner Lenl Color lo Jlanj- "Humors , , MIAMI BEACH. Fla.. Feb. 27. The morning of the Sharkey-StribUng fight pawned clear with little wind' ad yith. bright sun-shine at Flaraagino Park area. After a nlgKl of more 'or less , wild rumors of fresh ailments to jn ' both fighters, Jack Sharkey and ioung MrfbUnir. appeared in ex-celkBt cond;tio,n . Prior to weigh-irig'ln they each took short walks , A ...11.11...).. t ,vuc (-'tsLiiciiica mi ivwcu 37'Thei - ? ,ded another de- VTV "u'" c - . - WaS mv uau pvuc uawi iiurpmaiiv ni npiin m. rnammnn - fAo rrnnAn vti.tkMn'. Jak. Schaefet. Waiker JJg 'o and Erich Hagenlacher. fonner 1 hen thy succumbed to strlblrng.8 .tStement cnampions; r elix Urange, cham-l""1 " pion of Fra&ce, Kiorej- MaUu- wa. 3 to v . . yanla of Japan, world's junior Pace set by th visitors champion. iwa too fat for the locals. The Spqrt Chfct rei reporgu, by Prp- moter Charlie Brown to be nuite heavy. The. ten-rqund,. headllner between Dido dprv(ch of. mm-Rupert and Fred Parker of Toronto gives promise of beln? a lively affair unle? one or other of the boys gets busy too early and spoils the fun for the spectators. There is said to be a possibility of this occurjng. Fred Parker, who wHi weteh, li' around 170 'pounds, will win by the knock out' route if he' wins, observers believe. On the other hand. Dido is given a goocl chance to win on points. He will be five or six pounds lighter than bis opponent Frank Patrick; state in Moiit- , real he' was h,bt 1nterelef ih tvo ! formation of any so-calie,d "outlaw" hockey league. Reports from Chicago had ft that a major league was to be started in opposition to the H.H.'tfrtfh,d',fyH Patrick was anidflg' fh'dse IMW-' "t hay'i notbJet('apprba-'! cjie3' on the matter nnr wonil I Consider attempting tip Qrgantre a' body that'wfeuld run in com petition with the K.II.L U woulT be a foolhardy e,nternristj fn my my est! estimation," Patrick said. , tubs scored one in the opening that an osteopath, Dr. Cecil Ferguson, a former ball player, would be in the southerner's corner Despite the . strong influx of jperfod and the Eskimos two. The stHbllne osrtl-a'n. the ffriAl ita1 n UA U 2 I li J . was com tLt narouvely Ille fluctuation in the PJ" , , , , betting oidds as well as apparently Referee Ukiala who substitu- Httle actual wagering except on a I tad tar Mickey Ion drew the ire MtMly basis . Bookmakers quoted ol me cnasing piayer not more tftan seven to five on Ail i. ,t f. ,k , . after Player t0 tne b110" and Sharkey to win. with chances of 3, V1, a t clear the Ice of papers at one to three. Wg erwd of fans ft. apparently, and othtr th!nOT going to go. tonsiderable in- terest is being tatert-ln the ioua Uouts and or tickets fs i him. A ghowered showered upon upon Sharkey Sharkey weighed weighed in in at at 192 192 fist-fight or two on the pounds and" Stribllng at 1811 n added attraction. pounds. STAHT THEM IN VOUNG i Johnny Farrell, National open golf champion, showing thefie. Try a classified ad. In the News youngsters the A.U.i .'s 'if Ihr golf game at St. Augustine, Fla, and get RESULTS! His motto is, evidently, "get cm young." Only Eight More Hockey Games in National League this Season Canadians Look Like Winners TfmnMTO Feh. 27. With no more than eieht crames 'left on the schedule of any team of the National Hockey League, the lineup for playoffs is beginning toi become Imoii detinue me Canayiens, leautiS n m uin-u-' tional group, seem to head the best pdsition. They have played one less game than the New York Am.grican and by defeating Pittsburgh last night increased their margin ! The Canadiens clash with the Americans in the next k game,. ,,.,. The New York Rangers, leaders of the American group, are in a more dangerous' posluon' with six games to pluy. By taking a hard game from Ot tava last niirht they maintained their one-point lead over Boston, but the Bruins have eight more to play. Boston took one of the roughest battles of the season fret Montreal. There were 22 penalties. The defeat came close to puttini the Maroons out of the running foi; . roons. Detroit clinched third place the American group. EMPLOYMENT BETTER ' THROUGHOUT CANADA OTTAWA, Feb. 27. The employment in Canada on February first was in better position than on that date any year on record, according to the Dominion bureau jf statistics reports. From 6391 1 firms there is shown a total of 98S.948 employees, against 921,-! 404 on January 1- Manufacturing! und ! logging advanced, while ana iransporiaion were siacKer. STOCK QUOTATIONS (Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co.) Ike following quotation) were oid and asked: Bsjrview,' 3Va, 4. Bljr Jfissouri, 1.78. 1.80. Cork Province, 17V. 18. Cotton Belt, 59, GO. " Dunwell, 14, 15. Duthie Mines, NU, 55 Gepre Copper, Qp, 9.C(J, Georgia River. 52. 53 Oolconda. 1.22. 1.2, Crandview, 61 V, C27i. Independence, lO',, 10. Inter. Coat & Cek,e. tfl', 33-Kootenay Florence, ltt. 20. Kootepay King. 30lj, 4Ql I "& L.. 4, 5. Ukeview. 1, Ludgr Jim, 17, F7. Mohawk. C. Q.Yx. Morton Wool soy, 4, 4. Marmot River Gold,, 8 Vs. 8. Marmot Metals, C, 5. National silver. Nil. 21 Noble Five.. CO. Qrfgon Copper, 71, 72 fyod Oreille, 12,76, JXttO Porter-Idaho. 50, 0?. Reeves Macdoqald, iS0, S.55. Rufus-ArgenU, ' 87, Jfg. " ' Ruth-Hope, 4C, 47. Silver Crest. 9, QVi. Silverado Cons.. l.Qg, 1.10. Silversmith.' 182. IC'i. Slocan King. 7. Nil.' Snowf lake. NIL 28. Sunloch. 3.00. Nil. Topley Richfield, 40, 41. Toric Mines, 1.25. UO. "'h.iti'water. 1.10. 1.20. yoodbIne, 4, 4Mu u.utoirii, ltv. 2U. Oils. A. P. Consolidated, 1.89, Fsbyon Pet. 7Vi. 8, Home Oil, 18.G0, 18.70, Majrland Oil. 5MJ, ClfcO. McLeod. 3.90. NIL EaHlern Blocks Noranda. selling at'G2.0Q, FOCH HETTEIl 14)0. PARIS, Fe,U. 2,7: Marshal! rocp, nghti9t wtvat. his physician's believe Tl a i?sjng battle with death, stageil a slight rally rally todajr and showed some Improve ment over his condition last night. PROVIDEFOR THE TEACHERS VICTORIA, reb. 2". : The Minister ot Education, Hon. Joshua HinchcHffe introduced a bill to provide for the superan- third place. They are tied, wijn .imttog 0( school tWeljers, A Toronte. but the Leafs have two reserve fund Is being established more games to play tftan tne na- by the teachers and, this is ex- pocced to reach a total, of $200,- QQO during the ntxt ye"ar or so. iThU reserve fund will be sup-! plemented to by a contribution of $23,000 a year for a period of 10 years by the Province. POWER AGREEMENT TO there was a shrinkage in the trade, ...,1 .kt-u v.- communication on the prairies a substantial improvementin min- Co of Canada F for the turning officers will, txf XM'll Wilson Murray and Brnest Unwin. It is anticipated that UiereSvfl be about 800 votes cast. I MUCH HALIBUT; PRlCFSSilJMP Total o( 279.5PH Pounds Reins Landed Here fo3ay 10c and Gc is Prevailing " Price Ialibut landings here today totalled 279.500 pounds not includ- lin the catches of three American Teasels which either sold for : Ketchikan delivery or went on to Seattle. Prices were still lower today than yesterday, the ;hlKh bid for Canadian fsh being i 10.5c and Gc while IOC and Gc was paid in all jadjan halibut. cases for I ' Arrivals and sales were as fol lews: American j AJten. 35.O.00' pounds, Atlin Fisheries for Ketchikan delivery. 10.4c and Gc. ' ! Snnde, 21.000 pounds, Rooth hwtes, lOJc and Ge. j Chelsea, 30.000 pounds, Pacific Fisheries, lQ.5c and 6c, Portlock. 47.000 pounds, and j Western, 42,00,0 pounds, Canadian cisn a A)ia storage uo., 10.4c and Gc. ' Yakutat, 48,000 pounds, Atlln Fisheries, 10.4c and G. Eagle. 40,000 pound, left fry-Seattle. ' . - Explorer, 21.000 pounds Rooth Fisheries, 10.1c and Gc. Virginia. 12.000 nounds. Don 5,000 iwunds. Canadian Fish Cold Storage Co., I0o and Gc. Garland, G.400 pounds. Atlln j Fisheries for Ketchlknti delivery,. Shrrl(.f'.nr,1nn aniline' n fl firt 1 1'ftp nml Cu f -"V'j'H '4 WW" y I'-J .V"?t , , . Canadian Cape Reale, 20,000 pounds, At Iln fisheries. 10c and' Gc Cape Swain. 5.006 noundn. Southend, 12,000 pounds? I). S. T.. Jjoo pounds; - Margallee, l,50p mounds; and Tramn. adian'tlsh & !$. and Gc 1.8i0 pounds, 00 pounds. Can- Cold Storage Co., Mix.i Rockart. famous '.he ice-covered lake at St. ground. Kuikart has BE YOTED ON FRIDAY high-steppio,. City Solicitor E. F. Jones Will He in Charge of Poll With W. II. W. Murray and Ernest Unwin Deputies City Solicitor E. F. Jones will! be returning officer for the poll , FliNESIPOD . UPHN FIGHTERS oh Friday to authorite or reject Spiro (iurvich anil William , 1 At r ii al. L" , . it 1 1 I ' r . 1 1 . nSiLt1 t"afi0" a' better tween the Corporation of the City ' in ,Britih Columbia. There was nf Uri. T!lin4,r ,la ptt. ' ' I llclnaHnff trn Sundav Morning Fraca.' ; III and mutually qgreed to hive It out Can- with a flirht in the lane, lldth d- nied that there had been any noise or disturbance created. They had gone right to the busiitosa of fighting and had wasted no unnecessary words. Stuart said that, when things got hot and before the noise was started, he had decamped. Sergeunt Hannah testified that Gurvich had adndtted fighting to him. Constable Gilker testified that guests in the Prince Rupert Club had been awakened from their beauty sleeps by thn uproar and had called the police. Sergeant Hannah, before the fines had been imposed, urgei thi:t the magistrate inflict heavy penalties. It was n serious matter tnat men of pugilistic tendencies should csrry their, battles Into the highways and something would have to be done to stop l. The officer pointed out that It Q., 9,000 pounds, anl Voodrow, made no difference that there hail been no noise. It was unlawful to fight on the streets even silently and His Worship doubted if tfll: figt had. befin actually quiet. If this thing were allowed to con tinue, th-young men of the city would become a band of hooligans and peaceful people would be un able to enjoy quiet. Regarding! boxing, the maglstrnte said it was an excellent thing in its place, but could not be carried too far. Try a classified ad in the New. You will get results I fancy kater, cctting "nii Moritz, the European it all over a ltrodwa :i- I KJR, SEATTLE, DAILY PROGRAM (Wednesday, ' February V 5:00 American .-trK Francesco Sjoits: AKstna Tur city iydrO-efectric! Ringleaders in. timleJ whinfina C,l. Dtfnald Gra plant and 25-year franchise. I occurred in the early hours of 5:66 McMahon It!"' Hours of. voUng will-be from 8 'Sunday morning in the lane be ; Finance, KJR, KEX K A a.m. to 8 p.m. and deputy re-,ttvn Ko.-niwl mtA Tkivit Avanuaa 6:0(1 American Art 0 mth'-vMdihh StmU,nd wmbU. Soloists l' . r. ciibsoll contiderall. istlsBce soprano, and ! : as well as drawing a big" crowd i tenor . of tMhU tam.' iro Gurvteh and' -7:00 Kolsti-r r n William Stuart were found guilty i KEX. 'KGA, KYA hv MnUti;iit VrClvmnnt thll KDYL. morning in city police court on charges of r resting a disturbance by fighting on the public highway under the Vagrancy Act and were fined $10 and $20 respectively with options of fourteen or thirty days Imprisonment. There was quite a crowd in the courtroom to bear the case. Evidence was given in the Gurvich case by Stuart and Sergeant Hannah, accused also taking the stand on his own behalf. Gurvich and Constable (Hlkar gave evidence in the Stuart case. The sum and substance was that Gurvich and Stuart, having had an argument earlier in the eve ning, met later in a restaurant 8:00 Soloists: Dorothy L to, and Gordon ' " KJR. KEX. KGA 8:3Q "Over !.; featuring Liboriu-and his Parifi. Sal KJR. KEX. KGA KM I K, 7:nO"Great Am.-n.--r. App burjrs," comedy -k KEX. KGA. KYA. KMT Kr. (1 II.. KLZ, KDYL. 8:00 New l:w-n Pi&oo recital mid :'":' KJR.ftkX KGA. Ki RLfc, KDYL. 9:SO--Kenin,' N - ' ' BX,. KGA, KYA, KM l DVL. 10:00 "Sleepy 1 "ft- KGA, hW lj ;00 "Golden HeraMHl Renin, d r.' ' KEX, KGA, KYA, KJHR KDYL. ATTnRNFV.CFNFRAL KJl hll at. r.!l 1. ! -imsI : K A, Kun KMTt If You Take Cold kit ill a K4 HI HOOYER CABIMI WAqINGTON. Horn D. MitchfH, of the Unlt"d Si a!-the attorney-gi n. i United. States in inet. l'.,-;u. -'il1 . T I - JH'ii- Easily Yoa Are Vitamin-starved- Take 1 SCOTT'S EMULSION It Prole. , ....71 The Body ( Cod-Bet Vitanw t i