The Daily News PRINCE RUPKRT - BRITISH COLUMMi Pubihed Bwy Afu, except S-nday. by Prince Rupert Dully News. Limited. Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN - - Managing Edstor. DAILY EDITION , . sir! : i !v MjJ " ': SUBC$ll?TIt .RATES, , 5 .T I ,t 'H perfedi ptdln advance ?5.00 carrier, yearly City Delivery, by mall or By mail to all part of Northern ana Ontral British Columbia. paid in advance for yearly period Transient Display Advertising. Pr Pr insortlon ...... Transient Advertising on Front Page, par ixkh Local Reartt's. per iriion, pr.!Ke y'v" Classified Advertising, per ioteifc word Legal NoMces. ac insH'cn per aaatc line Or four month fr :",'." t'v By mail U all other parts 01 Imttsh Columbia, the British Empire and United Stattsa. paid In advance per , ear 3y mil to all otaer Countries per yei Contract Rate on AppHeaUon AdvertMneand Cireuinticn Telephone 9 Ed'tor and Reporters TWefchane ... 86 Member of Audit Hiueu f Circulation Wednesday. Feb. 27. THE LIFE OF THE' PISIIBRmIvN $3.00 $14!) V? 80 15 S1.00 1929 Once again attention is drawn in a moat dramatic j manner to the perils which our fishermen have to meet which a Canadian boy may entertain, and the dolJauanarffii jo to Un 'ho sole emblem of dwtinetronjn this simoniptudii democracy. SELVIG BROS. - MRATMARKBT MIS AT, FISHANU VECETAHLES Specialty: 'f "OLD COUNTRY SAUSAGES" Our make Fresh every day. Superior Quality. Daily News' Ads. Bring Results PROF. F. II. KIRKPATRICK HANSON GET! mi T-i.l a. n-.11-i.J i1 iU .11 AFTER REPORT in earning thfeir living. .Thouwo hav.not.leen outi victoria, Feb. 27: Charge in n halihnr hnat ran hardlv understand What the life IS of untruthfulness, inaccuracies like or what hardships-have to be-nndergone.- Already m-statement of - facta - with a this year th.ree men have 23L2 "WS fishing vessels and none can tell when a like fate may,Jn Public ;ounte Committee overcome others. yesterday with reference to the In view of this situation every possible effort should 'Cameron drainage district be-be made to provide for them the.Dest possible accomoda- teen Nanaimo and Coartemy i tion when they are ashore, so that appreciation may thus under . 0miniM., be shown for the wrk they do ancfthe risks hey takei8l JJLJ?1I?Z When OUt. (report reading "that as nothing has been -received on the assess- QUESTION OF TITLES ments it seemed that the district was WaB not no held in very high regard ine nuuiuHivn iunc.ui .nca u; mc tuu3uo U41 uyiwn, tne owner8." TH statement of the granting of titles to Canadians. We do not agree' vW absolutely untruthful, Mr. with its agrument, but it is interesting. Our view is that; juawn said. The land was held no such incentive to good -workis, needed 4isthe granting-: fcr high regard by some of the nf tttloa 'Alan w ' rlMii .mian trifRll11otm-.fiUPffQStk ..owners. ' " i P nr,uUnmr.n4r na. HnnnnfUiao rVa-M ' S. PBrs6n Of ' NSHSiMO uiat uic mwiiucia ui iiaiia. ,tTf that the asstssnttnt is our own J . C . Brady we hone to defend. Following ,0 w McGregor was" the editorial: ; 'paid up. Other assessmenti Premier King and Hen. R.B. Bennett found them-'were paid up. solves in a minoritv the other day on a vote that parlia- c. e. soniey, of the land settle ment should appoint a committee. to "investigate and re-,,nent board who n j chare. afi port upon the sa sanding the address to,Hijrajdy the King, which wa3- Whim Mid it mu8t u ajmi8Ul adopted by tnis nouse m lay-, cieaung witn ine con-;Xhe two owners had met their,; ferring by His Majesty (if ftitlo&of liorwr or.titular dis- assessments ewry year, aome,: tinctions upon His Majesty's subjects domiciled or ordi-Were in arrears but had been .i narily reaiderrt in Usnadai" wn-othar words, a majority py Bawaw . rwiy, .f men who nmr byihe wildest stitch 0 MrZZJTSZZ 2H could be conceived as doing anything important enough to ' mititement of facta, deserve a title, decided that a majority of similar me- chairman George Walkem diocritie8 in 1919 said the last word on the question of the , promised a special meeting of tb advisability of allowing any mark of distinction to be con-!committe to go into the subject lerreo upon any tanaaian wno in any iieiu 01 action may render unusual service to his country, his race, or the world. Congratulations to Premier King and Mr. Bennett are in order, on being found the dissenters to that proposition. What does the titles resolution of 1919, thu confirmed by the present commons, amount to? One illuf&tation will suffice. It means that the parliament of Canadanakcs it FLYING BOAT impossible that any signal testimonial of public approval ! should be conferred uposhe Canadians who gave insulin Giant Amphibian ltuilt For u. s. to the world. AndinjgefiOTBltprmsitmeafls thatbyprderi Navy Winning Hcccnt of parliament there is to e no jncentiveeld out tO the; Competition youth of Canada, as &spur to hiA endeavor, sayo thif hope ; of accumulating money. 'To thEhdSsands of yourig men1 Washington, Feb. 27: Fly. who are attending oar umversfUA, who are devoting their ing with the grace of a gjant, lives to medicine, to applied science, to business, to art, to biraV a "ew amphibian fiyfnic literature, parliament says that the only prize attainable bot' cpw of carrying 32 paa.. is wealth. That evidently is (the only thing which this t and Tv majority of the members of the house of commons think iatlon enthusiasts alike worth while as an incentive to ambition. Had they thought it represents the winning de-otherwise they would have suggested some other means sign in the navy's flying boat for besto.ving a mark of public approval and apprecia- competition staged last year and tion, as a substitute for the forbidden title from the hands !WH" by ln,! Consolidated Aircraft" f iUn, Vinir Thav unrrrroctn1 nnfliinn nt fV, VJ,,,! m , Orpori'.tlon of Buffalo. Meut. VJ J. fcliv Hill. ouKaM'M'il lUMlllli: Ul bllK nillVl. I ll i ... r4 .... : u., i i ...i.iA. W. Gorton, flew 55 navy pilot who it on its first trial, and n of oxperts are puttiag the land and water ."plane ftyrfeugh its pnii; ki the Anaeo- tit naval air station priwr to its acceptance by the navy. Interest in th-- hip plane cen rrh r.rnund its potentialities aa n commercial transtort as well as a navy patrol. IJyintr boat. The tiassenger compartment It urd Avenue Phoiiop , U0 feet long, a length onjx dream- Ml about by fljrfhk tjttdt dtaitfftr lUMil the present. ahirX Avail puti in production. Although the navy's use of the plane never would involve its use as a transport carrying & large number of persons, the designers and aeronautical experts see in it an Important development which can be adabted to commercial use. , While the plane's speed will not be known definitely until thej test flights here are completed, the designers say that preliminary tests convince them that . it will have a higher speed for its load and size than any flying boat yet built. If the big ship can maintain a cruising speed, greater man i 100 miles an hour with its full load of "32 passengers or' their i equivalent weightgitwould be of 1 great value on Combined land land water hops suchas must be made to the islands' of the1 West Indies, Central arid South A MISFIT "Some of the English are so small that one does not get Into them so much as wear them," remarks London Cal- ilinir. And on another page it Who btvn selected among -ictures a stout lady saying to authors n public speaking to an auto salesman: "I'm so sorry: writf the t-eatise on that subject; I'm afraid I shall have to get for-the edition versity Library. of the Uni- vou to chance the car its so ELEVATORTO j CLOSEDOWN Steamer Sydland May Have Been 'The Swedish freighter Sydland which sailed this week with a full cargo for the United 'king-1 dom or continent, will probably have been Prince Rupert's final ship to load grain here this sea--son. It is understood that some of the members of tjhe stair oft the Alberta Wheat Poll's elevator may be moved to Vancouver untif next fall. Whereas there have been only eight grain ships loading here this season, there were a total tight over the hips.retrol Age. 'of. 27 last year. HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 Mine Head Alberta SootlciIidrgc'Eggi . . . . .$12 50 ' Mine Head Sootle$s Eg&vtfCv''. ; ..";.!. $12!()0 Pembina Peerless Egg .$12.00 Also all other classes of coal. DRY MUCH, JACKPINE AND CEDAR Single load j $3 Double load ... ... t $6.50 Larjte sack . v. . A' k . . . . . 50c Box wood cuttings,, large load . . . .$3.50 Piano and .Furniture Moving. Day and "kH Service Express and Baggage 139 Second Avenue i..- -.'I - Ml raTCtUXV ll',W . ' u . ' ,' " I VBSm I Huit in A; .... SQJ g. HJQ27 gn?mcT,?A,.;.M.M I AFTER all, there's no place like British Columbia in which to work and live and play ! Here, there are no long "off seasons" to cut down a man's working time. Our temperate climate keeps a man fit . . . enables him to produce more . . . earn more. The producers' average weekly wage In Columbia Is $28.39 . . . 49 higher than the rest of Canada. In 1926 seventeen industries Increased weekly waftcs by $12.95! Actually in ton years our annual payroll has grown from 78 million dollars to 175 million dollars . . . the greatest advance by far of any Province during that period. This, of course, docs not include agricultural workers, professionals, clerks and others. British Columbia's gross payroll Is cx, incited at 210 million dollars! Life is more enjoyable ... we have more time to enjoy the year-round pleasures and recreations at our doors, while our general standard of living Is very much higher. Taxation during the last four years has been reduced by two and a half million dollars , , . concrete proof of our province's sound financial condition. TiSH C0LU Construction, that outward evidence of the faith wc have In our province, has phtyvd a large part In the wage situation. In ten years British Columbia's construction activity has gone up ten times. In 1916 it involved only $2,800,000 ... for 10 months in 1927 it amounted to $27,277,000! This activity has an immediate effect on current conditions. Cash funds are disbursed for materials, employment is good . , . wages fairly steady . . . money in circulation. It Increases the capital investment In . our Province. And there can be no surer Indication of future progress than when producing machinery increases ... a sign of growing markets . , . a sign that British Columbia products are winning a place in the markets of the world. Rtai thtti hnounctmjtit nJ uwimtonJ ytur prmnte't nntfptptr Wl frirfWm, Jfarftx yeur pritmal urn 0j .Hi- Mi r