"". Fui liuay 27, il3 tit : - !T. VEWS '(iif rv 17 & I Ha 9 M V eav w U1 W I Ti ' 1 IM "so" tsu Kia Local and Personal News In Brief UCDllIClVT.r 8 war rer 1)0 NOT GO TO SEA WITHOUT A First Aid Kit , , . - Complete supply of first aidarliclcs packed' in a" ' cedar chest $3.00 Pionw.r Uruicists TI1lliDAVE.fr SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES H,20fl : . . ( 1 v SLaStMQ I Canadian Natipnal Steamships Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND Oar plant is equipped to handle all kind of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 3M RED'S Transfer Fifteen yers' experience In FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING We sell 8 kinds of Coal Any kind of Wood in any quantity CEMENT SAND GRAVEL Our price, weights and measures are right. So if our Service Phono us and Save Money and Time DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: 201. Night Phone: Red 317. .r(' SHIPYARD Operating ti.T.l. Stt.OOO Ton Floating Dry Dock Eniineers. iiachlnlsU. Boilermakers, Blacksmiths. Puiirrn makers, Foundern, Woodworkers. lc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Reliability How often you hear the expression "I deal at Bulger's because they are reliable jewellers." We are proud of that public estimate the re wit, we believe, of the endeavor of many years to give our customers the sasae valaes we would like to receive under similar circumstances. We have a carefully chosen stock for your In- spection. John Bulger, Ltd. THE JUWXLLEUS Fishermen SUITS! SUITS! MASTIilt 1MECHANIC . Shirts and Pants, .. . I Thof bcse rnd(To. and we can supply you at 30 por cent less! Montreal Importers THIRD AVENUE Culling, Workmanship and St)l , All Guaranteed SUITS STEAM CLEANED ANI5 I'lil'lOOMl' We Deliver to Any Part of h City. Ling, the Tailor Phone 619 4 a Taxi Phone 4. Big 4 Taxi tf I.Q.O.F. Whist Drive and Scottish Dance, I. 0. D. E. Hall, I Jack Berg, for drunkenness, :'!'.. i ''PVyPWle Hall, Tuesday. March 1, at -8:30. Ladies 60c. j was fined $26, with option of Dentist. Dr. J. It. (iosse. tMione wurvn o, ai b:ju. jUentlemen $1.00. 686. , l pa am1 T)ania I fV V Ahrfprann arrlvaH In Ewart Lvne Tparher of Piano 'Thursday, February 28. 'Good city yesterday from Anyox and and Organ. Phone Red 701. 47 prises, ,eri'shments and music, j left on today's train for Noranda, : ; Everybody come and enjoy a good the big Quebec mining centre. Walter Shaw arrived in the city; ume; amission 50c, 48 i n the Prince George thin mor .progmrn is In charge of Mrs. M. 11. flloft and Mrs. Shelford Dar-ton. Col. J, W. Nichoji, comptroller of the Canadian Pish & CM Storage Co., who has been on few weeks, returned to the city on the Prince George this mor ning from the south. r Capt., W- P. Armour, manager morning and proceeded tt the interior by train. DO NOT FORGET To vote for Power By-lnw on Friday. Do not be apathetic or consider that your vote will not be needed Remember that a three-fifth maj ority is required, and a sweeping victory will facilitate the passing of necessary legislation. If in need of transportation to get tn potting booth phone 7G or 381 43 business tn Vancouver and other Miss Hasel Cunningham R. N points in the south fw the pa of the Bulkier Valley District Hospital staff at Smithers ar rived in the city on the Prince George this morning after a month's holWav in southern cit C.N.R. steamer Prince Ueorge, jes. she is-paying a brief visit Capt. Harry Nedden. arrived in Mr. and Mrs. iohn R. port at 1:16 noon today from Mitchell. Ninth Avenue East, be-Vancouver. PoweH River and fore returning to her duties at Ocean Falls and will sail at iu Smithers on Saturday morning, o'clock tonight for Stewart and -, Anyox, returning here at c o- Frank M. Dockrill of Telkwa deck riuy morning and sail- arrived on the Prince George Ing south at 9 nop this morning from the south and n, proceeded by train to his home v. u. uetme, gremj upr- j , iful.inr . ,,j,,i Intendent for Dktrtet No. 6, Royal Arch Masons, sails to- trip to Vancouver and Victoria While in the south he represen 1 nrgnt en xne i nnw uewge ur th(J pentrj, interior flt the - Anyox to pay an oitkwi viv WegUfB Dakymen.8 Association Observatory ChsiptW. Robert , Vancouver. -and ulso attended Hiuiiie. head of the loea chapter, to fl numbw of matters both and other rnjwibers will prlvat ,nd publIc. pany Mr. Lel'toe and the party will return to the wty Friday morning. ANNOUNCEMENTS ' Eagles Whist Drive and Dance February 28. 1. K. P. Apnversry Ball Mirch Douglas Lay, resident mining engineer for the northeastern mineral survey district, arrived on the Prince George this morn ing and left' by train for Hazel-ton after a visit to departmental headquarters in Victoria on official business connected with the presentation of his annual report. On February 15 in Vancouver Mr. Lay addressed a public meeting tinder the auspices of the British Columbia Chamber of Mines and told of developments Women of Mooseheart Legion, in his district since 1928. It was St. Patrick's Tea, March 11, at the! the Innrpst meeting of its kind home of Mrs. Mussallem. lever held in Vancouver. Mrs. C. A. Stewart, who has .fen been visiting visiting In in the the city, city, tails tails ning from his farm irt thtfiPmsw ni VCifi r.' "'"""V tf.ii... of the rciflc Salvage Co., retur- Yv tho Prin'. Mnrv thl. nf. city on the Prince George this morning from Vancouver. Vancouver, being on hia way north. Mrs. E. Hyde of Hazelton, wh has been on a brief trip to Van- Capt J. B. Colthurst of will arrive in the city from the Interior on tomorrow after- C. R. BlgMrt. who has been'!IT!::.h:e!Jn,tAe city from noon's train and sail Friday on a trip south, returned to the 2,. ine,r"nce 're morning by the Prince George city from Vancouver on the "T .proceede(1 to,for Vancouver. interior by tram- ithe Prince George this morning. I . I J. Fred (Happy) Ritchie jr., TlIoTtey HIer. well known pow-1 .Mrf J-Macey and child. who left the city a couple of der traveller, arrived in the city wb" hW " hd t.r'P ear8 a- ls now identified with on tM -Prince George today from ' 'i "r1. . provincial police in Yamou- ity from tfce south the Prince on Ver as constable in the ifjinn- George this morning. : department. P. R Bush, who has be C;PI!: gf; imef ,Pnnt l.M,ary Mr. and Mrs. John V. Clyne south on a combined basing ' ll n wiI1 8311 Friday mornlni? on thl and pleasure trip, returned to the T!.8 , th,.R fternooa:fromjPrince George for Vancouv. , city from Vbncouvef on Prfnee Gorge this morning. the Brnest Lore, who conducts tin teltphene system at Stewart, is a mwenger auourd the i'nncf niunu mill win mm i i a n m . for Vancouver and Victoria. William Ouickshank, who was culleii to Vancouver last week on account rwff the death of ineorge toUy returning north , mother, returned to the ity from altsr a week's business trip to,M,e "un l"e in nee ueorge IVaneouver. l ils morning. P. M. Docker, who is transfer-' A telegram has been received red from Massett to Ocean Falls from the Mr. Mcintyre's In tie service of the Forest brother instructing that inter-Branch, arrived in the city from ment made here. Accordingly auspices. ' IT T Vi .., I. In where they will reside, Mr. ( Ivn jdining the staff of a law firm in the southern city. Miss Emily Davies, who h i his .been identified with the Bank or i Montreal staff here for some years, sails by the. Prince George on Friday mornihg for Vancouver enrouto to Honolulu. Thomas B. Lewis M. E. sailed by the Camosun yesterday after noon on his return tar Vancouver the south on the Prinee Grg;tne funeral will take iplace oniafter having spent a week in the this morning. Sunday afternoon under Masonic interior Inspecting mining properties in which he is interested. lehaske of the Silver ' Cnb mine ' H- ' E. Fawson, commercial! Union freighter ChilHwack, iat Haielton,. arrived In. the city on' nisnager of the Power Corpora- Cap. John Mulr, arrived in port tihe I'rincc George this 'riJorniriKiti0n of Canada, was the speaker, ; jm the Naas River at noon and iproceeded to the interior if- oeiore the t'rince KUpert Oyro j astettfcy and i how loading a . i.,inA.. u .tn v.nniiA 'Lino ax is reiru ar moniniv, ijfiran Af rattnnvrooa loirs at me Wl A 3 . ...... tV ' OTUWVM . w- ' O - ' I luncheon in the Commodore Cafe dry deck for delivery to the ' G.. E. Bancrolt M. E..: consul- (today. 'Thete was also a musicaLiLamiiwtKl Materials veneer mill tlmr neiner fer the Marmot proraiH. ''WiHIam Crulckshank, Gold, Northern Light and" ether fiident f the club, Was in the .Stewart mining properties, tfrtfv,., passenger aboJird . the Prjf jR ATOU I "V, George today bound north from I ." rren iwis oi omun-Vancouver. ' ijr'WD n ben vieiting in be- : jattk for several month fellow- ton merchant, arrived" 1 the cisy Uw. UH) death of her husband to ninerchant arrived in the city who diea oft injuries received in tDrtb PsinswrGefMsir this mor-,an accident at the Duthie mine Wif)f jHiicfeiWi the mter- last October, arrived from the Wr by tnnn niter navmg sj)entjoun on me ranee uwrst uii fthrer weeks on business in Van couver and Victoria. The Ladies' Music Club is holding a gaest day this afternoon in St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral Hall. Gilbert and Sullivan music is being taken up and the at New Westminster. The Vessel fmay get away for the sVhJth The Knox Hotel Ltd. pleaded guilty before Magistrate McCly mont in city police court this morning to a charge of failing to make Ittrtme tax return to 1926 and a fine of $26 was imposed and paiij. A. similar charge against F. A. Stevens has been journed until March 5. L. W. Patmore is acting for the De partment of National Revenue in the cases. TEA AND SALE BY W.M.S. OF UNITED CHURCH ISSUCCESS A succeesful tea and sale of home cooking was held yesterday afternoon by the Women's Missionary Society of First United Church at the home of Mrs. W. T. Kergin, 320 Second Avenue. Many ladies called and the financial result was satisfactory. Mrs. Afired "Wilson and Miss E. Elliott poured and Mrs. G. V. Wilkinson, Mrs. James Krikeysky. Mrs. P. C. Miller und Mrs. Cousins assisted in serving. Mrs. J. S. Irvine and Mrs. D. Santerbane were in charge of the home cooking table and Mrs. W. J. Kirk-patrick acted as cashier. SUSPENDED SENTENCE Six months' suspended sentence was imposed by Magistrate McClymont in city police court this morning upon Mrs. Agnes Bard who on Monday pleaded guilty to theft of $00 from Charles Haecker. j TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR RENT Furnished flat, four rooms and bath. Phone 547. tf WANTED Janitor for Westview School. AppJy.j. 0. William-1 son, lecretaryV ' 48, PAIN in BLADDER Prompt It r.nl bj SANTAL M1DY lie 'lire to get the Ornnlitr Look lor te word "Mill j thirty days' imprisonment, by Magistrate McClymont In city police court this morning. and William Sankey, Indians,' cnargea with (irumsjsuiess, were , . -: '. 1"J ! c,t' on 'the rri.;t6rnoon lor Vancouver enroute;C'?mnt j0.!.6' 1111. UIII1 ill I H. 1H1UV 1 I OJUU1 C I t 1 t . . " ' . ? uei ousmess tr to Vancouver of i T Vm . 1 1 11. p 1 Port Clements arrived In the, Andrew Cecil, Robert Sankeyi were six entries. of Sleeplessness 1 Mra. Aln. Oupulf. K.R. No. I, Kn-inm. Oat., wiiwr. "Smh twi f I Imcmm complMalr mn 4 own, was unabl to do aim twrit ind could not lnp. I u4 Or. CK' Nrv Food with such spLvndid 'win that I was toon aniferh acrongcr, abla ra era mr own work, klaop wall at mgfata and cat Top in tho morning raatvd and rafraabiX Dr. Chase's Nerve Food The Great Nerve Erttorttivc Moneysavers ! FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND remanded until tomorrow on: an- , . 'A'XtV SATURDAY paurmg before Maglrtrata Mc-iFlTsSrE SIDE BACON Machine police court sliced. ' Pei Jb. 1 52c CRISCO 3. Per tin 83c RED ARROW iODAS Mtu Shaila Rirlimnn with a ' PKgS. s..... 40C dance, was winner of first prize ERESH GINGER SNAPS at amateur night in the Weet-i Broken. 2 lbs 25c holme Theatre last evening. MALKIN'S BEST COFFEE Is. Master Donald Eby. with a reci- Per lb C2c tation, took seemid prize. There PUFFED WHEAT Per pkg. 12c "How I got Rid T9B MUFFETS Per pkfr 1 2c BUDWELSER AI.M.T & HOPS , 2 1-2-lb. tin $1.15 NABOB TOMATOES 2s. 2 tins 25c NABOB CAULirL()V.'::K 2 l-2s. Per tin : 25c 1,'KID'S SULTANA CAKES Each i 25c GOLD-REEF PINEAPPLE 2s. Fancy South African pack. Per tin 25c .FINEST JAP RICE 5 lbs. 37c KAKFEE HAG4-tb. tins. Coffee without caffeine. Per tin 95c BROOMS Made in B. C. by the j blind. Each 40c PURE STRAWBERRY JAM 4. Ti n Rln See Us fcr Your Fresh Vegetable Requirements. Everything in Season Arriving Bach Boat. Watts' Grocery Quality Right Prices Right PHONE S3 PHONE 66 WATERPROOFS 111 A Fisherman's Suit To Suit The Fishermen JACKETS .fit """I -Doubt. roomy innrr .Vutt piece I 10 a nSHIUtMCK SIMICIAL .u.12T3 size I CNtsr 43 eatiario laaa MAIC IS CAUDA wiuVfl- IrVot rcmevt Mjr ftU-'ibir.ty of ndi or latn caKhinj. IViU Ckucd tide pattern, very roomy and eVuble ply. Bo0 (irtpenta art reaie in yafcw and hire a very to-jh ?trin Mrfacc, KUdVfy Canada'i (orainat wttcrproof dotking umulkitumt, in mt JS to 44. On Job iy Fttftoman Supply merdianli Intist upon getting a genuine Tower's Waterproof TOWER CANADIAN LIMITED TORONTO VANCOUVER WINNIPEG HALIFAX MONTREAL u I Gut of Town Readers! The Dally News Shopper will gladly make purchases for our readers who live at a distance from a shopping centre. This service, nas seen appreciated, particularly by the women of the district. .There Is no added cost rind attention is tisonal. JUST WRITE TO THE DAILY NEWS SHOPPER in s n i . MM Kg