Wednesday, February 27, 1929 Man in the Moon 3 as a If you want to lose your money on stocks buy on margins and don't be afraid to extend yourself. Especially if you get a con-lidtjitial tip like the speaker o tilt; Manitoba House not. t bought myself sonic mining Rhares, (I thing thi gambling rotf, y J'or the stock went down soon as 1 bought, And 1 lo.Mt tin' bioouiiiiK lot. Jake says he never buys unless be is sun; the stock will go Oji. XJiat's right JHke. Ynull wiffif you do that. Sing a song of six bits ; Pocket full of cash; Pour anil twenty suckers All of whom were rash. I Hut when they placed their money safe The stocks begun to fall. W.-istrt that a silly trick To no and lose their all? Jake says if all those who eat r nt boarding houses were placed ' side by side they would reach. I The theatrical critic has hr:-.i n ' rnmfifee nines ye.'rtTctday Mii I It seems that the wrong words got into his report an! made Mir, look foolish. H luiys he'll read his own proofs next time. If this is not effective he wili take u eorrespondence course and do his own linotyping. Ten Years Agq In I'rlric Rupert - February 27, 1919 The fishing boat Saturn, t.apt. Porter, whirri arrived in port last night, was battered for four hours in a furious storm and finally went ashore on Dun das Island, being released b the rising tide. The vessel taken on the dry dacjc 8c; pairs. m W.l' l(a 4 ' ..' The..rrrnei Trade, at a mdfling yel RMLPalSir trriioiiii with President M, , P.Sfe- f al'frry in the cnuy decided to send a dclerbte to r mining jOeWr ventinn in Varvcoyver. IW! likely that A. 0. Garde wfll be the delegates, the hoice of whdffl has been left to the mining com-tnittcc. A burglar entered Bryant &. '.rcer's store last night and took S' ill the money which had icn left in the safe which was pcn. t PRINCE IUJPEUT TIDES t f O Vcdmdny, February' 27 j H;. o.lo . o 1 i 'Ph : a.m. ZI.l It. 1fi:01 n m. 1B.R ft low 10:00 a.m 4.4 ft. 22:08 p.m 5.0 ft Thursday, February 28 Hikrh jirj'H.m. 20.4 fi. ljUMl p.m. 18.0 ft. Low 10 MO a.m. 5.4 ft. 22.30 p.m. C.8 ft. Friday, March i Hifh . . . 1:52 a.m. 19.G ft 17r26 p.m. 184 ft Low 11 :23 a.m. 8.5 It. 23:10 p.m. 8.5 r n ft. I Your food doesn't doyou any good fou're lived Zi M? later of Public Worka at bli office in the ' City of Ottawa for approval of the said I alte and plana for leave to construct th , Kuld wharf as Rloresald DATED al Vancouver. Brltlah Colum bla, the 18th day of January. 1939. HOME OIL Dlb f KJBUTORS. 1 LIMITED. By Ita So, 'cl tors, ROBERTSON DOUOI.AS & 8MYBB. i 1 KNItMCS WANTEp ; Sealed tender rnarkfrd Seetlon No. & Main Sewer No. 1 will be received up to 72- . Miu.. t a aauaii V .;.rr.VBSrJ w -l. . ljoa Umi vt,tK W tMek. Vitrified Tile Sewer Pine: LOGO Lineal ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE HEAD BECAUSE IT FOR RENT : 1 "P1"8 F' W Hart 54 FOIt KENT Housekeeping rooms . , , ... single or double. Phone 427. VOV. RENT Modern five-roomed . (reen 378. tf . I . f 1 1 1 f iVm '" Vr.i" 1 i ' ' 'Hff .HV "use. near Presbyterian church. Annly phonographs and sewing mach- ips. Music Spre. FOR RENT rurnb.hed house- koning rooms by the day, week, or month. Phone Red 607. tf NOTICr. ! NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an' application will be made U the Lela- lauye Aiaembiy of the Province of Brit lab Ooluinbla at Ita present twaslon by the uorporation el the city oi Prince Rlinarf hAlnsf tar Mllarl tha rlti f -ir a7it eS tb. , 5 ?".5n5S!9 "J55 JS!.1?; It may deero fit. to the Power Op:- Feet 10" double thick Vitrified TUe PJafJ, 'f Canada. Limited. (here-Hewer Pipe; 11,000 l.lneaj Ifcet 8" double Pb the entire a- ti-. Uitt.fn.rt tii. mZZ. m. -Minnn eeta of 1U electric Uiht and Dower de- Uneal Pet 6" double thlflk Vitrified ; iiie oewer ripe, Dnlv. 13cS" Junntlona1 doubk! thick VHrined Tile: 34 only, mo" June, -SSKrti5?rSsIiVVr.SaSl ' Sr"i"- ittffge double Tihieic vitwirt tile : 3. ia only, laxio" Reduce, double thick Vitrified Tile: il 1 only, only, 10x8" low Bfi BH diirera double Chick Vitrified led Tile; Tile; 12 12 only 8x9" Reducer double thick Vitrified Tile. 4. 260 only, 8" Ions Bend double thick Vitrified Tile: 260 only. 6" abort Bends, double thick Vitrified Tile. 8 250 only. 8' Trapa, double thick Vitrified Tile. 8 lAOO Iba. Jute for double thick Vitrified Tile. Inatructlon to bidden and the apecl-neat ion may be aean at ttie office cf the City Eiunneer City Hall Prince Bur-crt. B.C. The lowest oi bay tender not neccwoiily accepted . , (Price f.O.B. P. lnc iRupert and earliest date oi eltverv to be stated). ' D. J. MATHESON, Purahaiins Anent, Prince Rupert B.C. -T UM A CI Notice of Inlrntian t Apply- ' to 11 Land, Prince RuDert Land Keeordtna' Dla- of PrtSce Supert. and lltuate at the end or Kami Wane adjacent to (W. Range 5. ? teal BllimoifiDruoe Mill. of VanMUvcr. Brttkh CoIumblZ Lltfa. manufaeturera. Intend O ttjt a ! of the tollowinn de-lliinda: menclnff at th nnrtl.aut enrnr nf CD. thence south- erlv 38 dea-reea TO avnutes east 000 feet. more or lea, to water mark: thence southwesterly folaowinn low water man to a DOlnt due east on the most easterly Dolnt of an unaamed island: thence northerr followlaw the ilnunltlfs of the Island to the roost northwesterly point of aunt: thence la a northwesterly direction to the northeasterly point of an un named iuera. tnence ooruiwestefiy to . hlsh water mark: erlv direction along high water mark to the O T P. Rallwiiv right-of-way; thence easterly atom the southern boundary of the aald rtgl.t-of-wav to the northwest corner of Lot 8538: thence following the sinuosities of the said lot to tb point of cosViMBCtotent . BILLMOR SPRUCE MILLS. UMITI:D. E Morgan. Agent, Dated December : i 198. i V.TMt NOTICE f alrasralnn m rA ff'avai ! Tak notice thai Wiioyor anruce Miiu umiwa, wause saaress w sii nawrrs Building, 470 OranviJe St, Vancouver C... yrUl.annly fpt alMehe to tike and out of an unnamed atream. which floara southerr snd drain into the bead of .rXiroofie Harbour, bait mile nortbal oeaat 01 Lot iah 1 som. . Range CD The water wlU be diverted from tb stream at a point about hill mue ' tant mouth and will be ued for limurTcoS? odit posted on the crount) Thl notice was . , aWS j. a t"v.-a. a v 1 OAd on.V5'T.a.2?:.rT''r.'AVi.... tion DUiMMt thereto and to the "Water am" win be filed in tnr omce 01 me Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. B.C. Ohlectlons to the anllcatlon mv b filed with the said Water Recorder o within thirty dava after th. flrat aopear-o nnee St this noUce In a local n. waper. BILLMOR SPRUCE MILLS. LIMITED. ADOMcaat BY D. E. ,Yr2tatemSt Tttfe nf t Haw thU notk U Januanr 5th BRINGING UP CLASSIFIED THIS IS THE "NAVIOAfllK WATERS PROTECTION ,2 ACT" ZP It. S. C. Chapter 140 UOm OIL DISTIJHJTORS, LIMITED, whose principal place of business 1 ai uwrrara street. Vancouver, BrltlsQ iuiumoia, nerany Rive Uvea notice that it h under taction T of ol i the Bald Act de tM4td with the Minister later of Public wor at uttawa, and n the office of RISSS? fifL,tT,r of th Ll" Registry CT.gteJsa.?'s: acMpfflon of the Site, ami the plan, of uuwwni sua wfcarvas wuarvos nroDoned to be Wt Jfctli Otrfxht of 1 Prlnn nnnprt Iri front of tot 3 of Waterfront Block rd". pnnce nuMri. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the ex- 2li 1 Fourth Avenue V ' it plratlon of one month from the date of T, "U)-"H A,nnjf li .the flrat publication of this notice Horn ..... . on Dintributora. Limited, win under secA;I'OR RENT Automobiles, pianos tiAn 1 nt ttu uM Ant (,! I K If In. . ' . THE DAILY NEWS PAGE SEVER Partment aa a oln concern, and tlng Room Suites, Redrooni Suites, " ". "". ciuaive riniiv, puer, uccuce aua prm- Jjw to carry on in the City of Prince 22S!Sr SSiJSi?."SSfiS "iHSfe ScV: "i Mer public place, poiea. conrtuiu. ;"s u".a.'?at "?! ."".ment " " r " "P ur "le xviwauuiuu, aisiuounon vu w trau puwtr ur iiriii, km nun rulrium. inn .mnnv.rlnir lh ' City to enter Into an agreement with the company for supplying to the City and ! ita cltlEen electric lUht. heat and power : upon auch term and condition a the' . "v "' 7 . 7 City may deem fit. and further empow- Shop, backed by twenty-five years erln the City to hereafter purchase or, . Ar,v trnnhlo with fnr-Uke wun iur-Companv'a experience. Any irouDie over the whole or any part of the , electric light heat and power naces, stoves, drafts, eave ayatem upon ueb term a may be agreed . . , , i ... upon, and to vilidate a bylaw iu a- troughs, leaks, or anything QBr. aeoted to toy th elector, to whom it to be aubmltted I empowering the City to eater into an agreement' with the Coo-paay autiioUlng the City to enter into the same and to validate the laid agrees ment 'and to grant and' confirm to the Oompaay all the power, privilege aro rtihu thereby cbnferred, ' DATED at Prince Ruoert. B.C.. thU f tn dy of February, A.D.. 1929. &. F-. JONES. Solicitor tor the Corporation of the city or Prince Rurjert. 67-w. M I.N KRAI. ACT ' (Form l) (Section .37 (i) NOTICE OP APPLICATION vEirriTjcLTE or improvements., j EUH fTtAVlIUNAL AIOD ' WANN FRACTIONAL MINERAL CLAIM 9. lt- ilali In th Atlln Ulnlnir nivlalnn nf oaaalar Diatrict. Where located! The Bob Ftsetlonsl Mineral Claim ou Taku Arm; Pr.,wrcPJP. oowui""" ?air!.".n I SI wiVfn nTJ VjSnT S Mljerti nm Otatoj on Wtoti River. dlolnln, I ami uw iruiiu ui iuc iu- i eral IICMUD. Claim. .. Lawful holder ENGINEER OOtD : mines limited. INC C. Number of the holder holder free tree m!aer mlaer certificate' 97020. ! TAKE NOTICE that ENGINEER GOLD f naptn. ' WlumbU, did on MINES LIMITED, INC rre Miner's 'the 18th dy of February. AD.. 1929. Certificate No. 9T020, Inteud at the end nlke an guttiorlred alfnment of all of lxty day frorn the date hereof to hi property for the benefit of his cred-SDoty to tie Mining Recorder for Itor nd that H. P. MacLeod. Esq., Certificate of Improvements for the our- Official Receiver, has appointed us to pose of obtaining Crown Orants of the , be custcdltn of the estate of the debtor above claim And farther take "notice that action uneer section 83 of the "Mineral Act" must be commenced before the issuance of such certificate of Improvements. Dated th'i lit dty of January. 1929. ENGINEER GOLD MINES, LTD.. INC. H. MeN. Praaer. agent. in' rrtouiTE In the supreme Court of British Columbia in the matter or the Administration Act and In the matter of the Estate ol Aaron Williams Sdg. Deceased . TAKE NOTICE that by order of HI Honour Judge P. McB. Young dated the 28th day 01 January, 1929, Edward H. Mortimer and Leonard M. De Oex were Dnotnted adminutrttor of th. E.t.te of Aaron W. Edjte. deceased, and all par- ties hrvlng claims agalhst the aald Estate are hereby required to furnish- same, properly verified to tee on or before the 7th day (tor of or Mitch. MTcn. A.D..tW. A Mid til um ViajBj is Indebted uigcuiCU to W t: wHV bwV (fj iX"- oulred to nay the amount of their In- debtednra to me lortnwiin. BDWARD II . MORTIMER. Executor. 324 Second Av., Prince Rupert. B.C. Dated the tth day of reb., A.D., 1929 33 FATHER FOR SALE FOR SALE English Pram in perfect condition. Phone Oreef) 279. 49 FOR SALE Universal Marine Engine, 45 H.p., complete with reduction gear. Practically new. Apply Dr. Large, Port Simpson. B.C. ' 47 FOR SALE One line shaft 18 feet long and 1 inches' thick, j One 20 Incji Hanger; Pour 11 inch bangers. Two large Iron ' Pulleys, speed 15 to 12 inch,, ' 3"2 inch belt. Two line shafts 8 feet long, lt inch thick, Three Iron . Pulleys, three . speeds 12 inch to 8 inch. Two Vooden Pulleys. Apply Daily News. tf , SITUATIONS WANTED 1,, j Can give two' hours in office, r,r clerical work.' in afternoon... APPly Box 180. 180, Daily Daily Nends. Nento. 48 48 ' ' MACKENZIE'S FUISNITURE , Deds, Springs, ' Mattresses, Din- Linoleum Rugs, "'""-' .......u... ""n", Furnture of all kinds. We will now take your old furniture in fQr we are now opening a used furniture depart- T4' . . a, Alril.IC 1 none lit"- ipiiwi irtwtiiueiu. , , . , ---r. .... i FIXING & UEPA1RINC. Wa o !- Ananiii rr o QlaaAf f afro I riected with Tlnsmithins or iratv eral handy work. Phone 3. ,A11 work guar'anteea. , ., ' PEim AND 7.UMKEHU T !,. , ' SHPI.T. FISH .... ' Crabs Shrimps J. Clawsr any Wilnrl kf 1iaH ! W :annrtliAiI m (H . ducii ibh lujipucu hrge or small nnantitt'es. , , D.isIrM Ordefs-' a1 Specialty HANSON & WALLACE Prince Rupert Phone: Hlk. 330 P.O., Box 8321 "THE HANKItrPTCY ACT" IN THE ESTATE OP ARTHUR J. RICH MONO, TRADINO UNDER THE "FIRM NAME OP RICHMOND'S LOOVRK. and n m -tln iirrwraittm a. .rno . wwi. w . "tvisw uiai Arthur J. Richmond, of toe city of until the creditors at their first meet ing snau eiect a trustee to aomuusier the estate of the debtor. Notice U further Riven that the flrat meeting of creditor In the above estate wilt be held at the office of the Official Receiver Court House. City of Prince Rupert, aforesaid, on the 2nd day of March. A D , 1999. at eleven O'clock la the forenoon. To entitle you to vote thereat proof of your claim must be fedied with ua before the meeting is held. Proxies to be used at toe meeting must be lodged with us prior thereto. And further take notice that it you hive any claim against the debtor for which you are entitled to rank, proof of such claim must be filed with ua or with the trustee when aopdl&teJd: otherwise the oroceed of the debtor's estate M be distributed among the parties entitled thero without' retard to your clslm. ninrn Mha. Dnnai n n this 15th nv of Fbniarv, A.D., 129. CANADIAN CREWT MENS TRUST I 1 ASSOCIATION: LIMITED. (49) Custodian Advertise In The News. FOR RENT, LO IS FULL OF HUMAN BEAUTY OPERATOR! miSs .Maky Ual: :y f i Experienced operator. mo..i h metnous in all lines, .of. bmu culture and hair Jrc.wi::a.. 5? Make appointment by ion.g Red 339. CHIKOI'KA rno ; r- RELIEVE HEADACHES? CERTAINLY This distressing malady ia very prevalent at this time of. the year, and as a rule ia u symptom of a deeper trouble, :;uch as affections of the eyes, liver, kidneys, stomach, etc. It may be also due to the after ef- i Is of influenea. (Consult the Chiropractor in -a r.tscs. Relief guaranteed. Consult DK. W, 0, ASPINALI 6 arid 7 Exchar.frc. Block Green: ill Phones II a'rk: 283 ' ' ' Open EvenWs , HESULTS COUNT "? 1 u ... .' . ... .. 1 ai" the side, Indigestion, Gas on stomach. Headaches, Hot- lTwn;t In"omn,a' CaJa"h dn1 Rheumatism are completely re- lieved by our new form of d etet- i ' ..t . . 4 Tfpml Niltlnnni "Art's" IieU our UUT lldlionai AU8, In in the Liberty Magazine every wck, then consult DR. EYOLFSON Phone Dlue 85, or Red 589 1 Ojjufri Evening .1 .. SALVAGE 'AN1J TOwiNGI lf il's'hn or under the walerSve cinPuyLyAGi cq,... 1.IJU1I.1J FuHy, uipRa fr-MvfrK T an lienem MaivaKa.wnrK. . hqaU .anil Scows nt Jill Mcrui t'ons for ("barter. Row EoU and Canoes for hire. .JJaiyains tn -Gs Knwns. .AuUMa-fl'U 'Bnllantyne Engines, - .ii 'i 4.orUiernaiJLV-iJiiuti North ernJjCDiirjhiitor8 P. O. Box 1561, Prince Rupert Auction Rooms 9 lAYI mm 1 On Friday at 2:30 n.m.. MarfliV Consisting of quantity Lad 'Dresses. Portable' Qralnoohd (Singer DrofJhead Sewirti? Mactrifee, lining Room Suite. Droplf Table. Kitchen Tables, tftctlftn Cabinet. Chesterfield Suite, Cr$st of Drawers, ' Wardrtibe, Bias, Dressers, Cream. Wicker Baby Car - rwge, etc. uat yxuir goods (or tbjs sale. GEO, i. mm AucHonec4: Phone Clack 120 r psinr-'avm t - BUSINESS INTEREST TO 1 EMBARRASSING MOMENTS mm- -fissssBsaas.'. i; C IMS. lie, rtwn tmikf. Im. OtM ku nW. nn 'lS x tarn . nzrtr.yti w . ! iBSMj MMUSiMa Raw f TaalcaViat awmatej 3 ' A-'" ST & FOUND BE PR0UDT0 BUYtPRODUCTS Early Ad. Copy is appreciated By YOUNG AND OLD. --ram ?- T"HFBF. u.-ere two crnldren. fi learning learning that life hods, fjbf th a promise to faithful sttidents, rewarding them with oppoxtAinitiesandsome times fame. Nowthee two children dreamed dream and made wishes ai they eaw the end of,.schppldayi ahd looked into the years ahead. Tfceir country was prosperous, because the products of the land and factory were the first choice of all the people. All the land and iu industries prospered and abounded with opportunities Lr the dhildren of the people. Each child began the battltot hfe with the occupation of his choice, and few there were who failed n after years. There's a moral to, this story The children of today are trie ration of tomorrow. Every dollar fPrteflsf for'a B.C. Prodtrct help certify the ndustrial rr areas and prosperity of British Columbia. Your dpler spent for Q,C. Products helps provide op; portunitie and careers for your children in the industries of British Columbia. After all, that is where "life" begins. George McManus .. z ill Jet'YrW I f Vvt 48RK) TRMN' tVEWY MIGHT- - ' fTl i "URRV Op MACClC "'' I feS W8t CANj'T 3dVN)Ft,YDePV-Ss ( WW OPT "TOVf fm)J.( niltS I B TO ESCAPE Cipi'TO THIS) PARTY I BtPOrXRTHlSCOUCAR $l juct phomeo AMD saiothV1? ' THSTW.PHOM&A A. o n kX' I AT DEPYTnu'.OOT I HAVETOr- . I Ufe CHOKE-, ME To ( HtS HOfeQ AO. 15, IUU 5Q Tta GAT 'tWKjVibM TfW wdrW Jl TXJ CO- BLAST fr, Infi DEATH- OH-WHAT A mi PARTY ft OF-leKJTTMAT V , Ui JHT