PAGE EIGHT Support the Home Theatre and keep your Money in the city. Westholme Theatre WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, 7 AD 9 P. M. William Dr. Alexander PHONE 375 nr.SNKK ISLOCK DENTIST IN Boyd THE COP" A Thrilling-, Melodramatic Story of the Underworld Jacqueline Logan, Alan Hale and Others MackScnnett Comedy, "HUBBY'S LATEST ALIBI" TOPICS OF THE DAY fcr the Championship of the Prince Rupert High School UNDER THE PERSONAL DIRECTION OF PRINCIPAL PEDDIE Admission 35c and 10c. COAL Your choice EDSON CASSIDY WELLINGTON TELKWA Also Itulkley Hay and Grain. Agent for Robin Hood Flour. Phone 58 Priiice Rupert Feed Co. MINING Stocks f f x-.f Moon and afternoon closing prices on 'Vancouver Stock- Exchange f on oiu tolUtboafddiily,4 i ; We canigie; instantt aer- vice In buying and jellfng Mining Stocks on Vancouver Stock Exchange. We alio hayef acjjUies to: 4 accepting Vleat order? 611 Winnipeg Stjck Exchange. Representing Miller, Court ft Co- Ltd. Vancouver. S.D. Johnston CoM 617 2nd Av-iiiue Prince Rupert. RC. Try a Daily News want-ad. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIJvllJED batllfcKt irom Irlnrr KuiwrL lor VAM'UCYKR. VICTOEJA. BHin I1J. Ilutttiale, Alert l, flc. TurMlv. UO p m " .' lot VASCOUVEK. VICTORIA, ttuttdajf. Alert t), U, FMj mldn)hl lr Al.tCV A KM, ANVOX. STfcABT. W'ALWH 1KI.ASH. IJIU lil.MI.M. .N.tAK ItlVEK, Sunday S p.m. I SI ini Atruur. U. M. SMllll. Ajmii. frtni ltu.rt. U.I Thrubjrt llrhrU told .o VlrtrU and r'eatlle. ana baccate rhnk'a through la draf matter ir B.C. HCAXADIAfU wane X? Sailir Sailings Coast Steamship Services from Prince Rupert To Kelrhlkan. Wraiijrll, Juneau and Skagway IVh. . S3; Marrh , 20. To Vanromeri VlttorU and Seattle February IS. 17; .Marrh IS, It. rKIM'EftM ItOVAL I'm itutrrial. Uu.1 llrlla IWIU. (Irerni rail. Namik Alrrt IVay. Campbell Klver. Vaut-ouirr and Ylrturla, ft. fry lrlJay, in p.m. .geuU lor all Steanuhlp Linen. lull Information from-. W. f. OKCIIAKI', liF.NKUAI. AliKNT turner 4th Mrrrt and 3rd Airiiue. I'rlnre It u pert. II.C. Plione St. Canadian, Nat, o n al Q7ic Largtft Kailway Syltm in America STE AaiSIHP ANt) TRAIN SERVICE Xalllnp trom I'KISCE nVI'EKT for VANCOLKll, VICTOK1A, fsF.ATTLri and Intrrmtdlate iolnU, rach UtlDAY. 9:00 a.m. lor STEU AUT and ANYOX, enth HEDXESOAY. 10:0n p.m. lur NOIITII AND SOl'TII QUEEN CIIAHlOTllJ ISUNDS, lurtnlilltlj. I'AHIsENtlEll Tit A INS LEAVE FIIINTE IttrEIlT iMth MONDAY. YtEDNEMMY and SATUlttlAY at 11:10 a.m. for flllNCE GEOHdK, EDMOSTUN, tVlNMI'EU, all olnti Eaiteru Canada, I'nltrd Utatm. AOnNTY AIX OCEAN STaMSIIlP LINES City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave, Prince Rupert Phone 2G0 III fl INTERESTING SHOW AT THE WESTHOLME There are many crook and underworld plays and pictures, but for sheer, Spine-tingling melodrama, "The Cop," starring William Boyd, would be hard to equal. The spectator of this ab- 'sorbing photo-play is given a real glimpse of the famous Hell's Iitcheii. 'New York'apCreolc colony. UoydV . reputaiujjii on the screen is in itself an assurance '.hat any picture he appears in is worth while and in "The Cop" he surely excels himself. Lovely Jacqueline Logan and Alan Hale, who will be remembered for his work in "Power" arc in the supporting cast. There is also a fine Mack Sennett Comedy and a gazette. At 8:40 p.m., between shows, the audieuce will have the opportunity of hearing the contestants for the oratorical championship of the Prince Rupert Hijrb School. The boys will Vive addresses, and unsuspected talents will be. revealed. The content is. under the direction of Principal Peddis. An enjoyable evening may well be anticipated. SEEDLESS RAISIN'S 7 lbs. 95c CHOICE PRUNES C lbs. ...95c TAULE FIGS 2 lbs. 45c RAIiLE RUSINSr- pit. . . ,45c " MANCHU1UAN WALNUTS 2 bsi .'.....'. .n ,..45c CAL SOFT'SHHLL WAIJs'UTS- 2 lbs 75c SOFT, SHELLS p ALMONDS 2 rbs 65c FILBERTS 2 lbs. 4ftc POPPING CORN 2 lbs :26c McCORMICK'S JERSEY CREAM SODAS 2 pkjjji, ,.45c BRAID'S B. L. TEA .2,114. $1;55 1 Teapot Free. BRAJ D'3, COFFEE 2 lbs. $1.25 1 Teapot iVee. FRESH ' VE(5ETAHLES ARRIVING EVERY BOAT. Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited 617-423 5th Ave. E. Phones 18&84 P. 0. Box 575. aWE3HTaVrOT Apptf I Mil I ii -1-1 who arrived In Canada before June 6th 192S may bring their WIVES end FAMILIES CANADA oo (chUdrtn'under 17 years free) 22 HattlnftaSt. Welt Vancouver. u.i. MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. vaiotIdairy .Telephone 657. A Dally News wsnt-ad bring results. will THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday, February 27, LONCHANEY IN HIS GREATEST FILM, "LAUGH, CLOWN, LAUGH" Hig Picture Finds Star in His (Ireaieja.Udje.; at Capitol " , TwoMBhts Only Lon ChaneyV iff his first clown role since his sensational success everal years ago in "He Who Bets Slapped," comes tonight to the Capitol Tlieatre, when hi will appear as the central figure of Her-, crt Drenon'fl elaborate product ion, "Laugh, Clown, Laugh." The new play, adapted by MetroGold-wyn-Mayer irorn the celebrated tage dram, sees Chaney starring ; in the role of the tragic clowu made famous befoi i ihe foo.lignta ; oy Lionel Barrytaore. j The new pietnre a vivid dra-j ma of backstage lite of the theatre, with Chancy in the role of u clown who, for the h:.ppiness of DEATH DDE TO NATURAL CAUSE Late H. D. jfclntyrc Suffered Prom Heart Affection, Coroner's Jury Finds That Herbert Duncan Mcln-tyre, assistant office manager of the Alberta Wheat Pool's Prince Rupert elevator, who dropped ueaJ in the public library on Monday evening, came to his death as a reWlt of disease of the coronary artery leading to the heart was the finding of' the oroner's jury - which sat yester-ay afternoon before Coroner .o"iBnn A. Wtt to investigate .Jie circumstances. The. jury, ronsisted of - F. A. Stevens, fore-san, 8atH Pierce, George Mcll-rnoyle, Jack Keefe, yllain. Sul-rven and V. V,. Pvle... Th were three wHnesser-Dr. Jon A. West, Dr. J. P. Cade and W. ''. KirkpaCrick. j I Dr. West tesified tat, In making a post-mortem examination, he had fotfntl a fiHeeimed coronary artery and other symptoms of diseased hert. His conclusion ' ; the woman he loves, makes a tragic dacrifice. Loretta "iourrg, new discovery of the screen, plays the heroine, Simonetta, and Nils Asther, of "Sorrell and Son," the juvenile lead as Luigl, Bernard Siegel, Gwen Lee, Cissy Fitz-Gerald and others of note arc in the cast. A massive reproduction of a great European theatre and other i laborate settings lend lavishnest to the tense drama. Chaney una the gamut of thespian art, ppearing as a ludicrous comedian in the theatre scenes, and in others Numbing '.he depths of tragedy. As an added attraction Evrart '.roe, popular pianist witit the " n'toMsns, will render two piano numbert: (V "A Slavonic Fantaaie." his tvn eompes'tion; and Ob) a spe-;' aringewent of "It Goes Like ThU." Unia' prices or "5c and 5c will for .njs uig nijfM'a show. Week-End Specials denlv Of heart , failure as a re- SVIFT'S IIANULATED SUGAR 20 Hn $1.35 MILK AH brands. Dot. $1.40 NABOB COFFEE Mb. tin $2.95 NEW ZEALAND BUTTER 3-tb. brick $1.40 .iOYAL CITY RED PLUM8 2 1-2 ., choice qualit)'. 6 tins $1.80 DEL MONT SLICED PEACHES 2 l-2a. 6 tips $1.75 QUAKER CORN 2a. 6 tins 86c KELLOGG'S C6ltrl FLAKES 6pkgs. 8D LX3tAT PO8TXM-' Largo tin ....60c vVEtHfc'Y'S MINCE HBAT 2 pkgs 36c HEINZ CATSUP 3 large bottles 85c LOBBY'S SOUR KRAUT 2 l-2s. 2 tin3 36c ! PURITY FOOD--6-Ib. sack 36c LARD 3-lb. pail 60c ealt of the blocking, of the dU- PRIDE OF CAKADA MAPLE eased artery, Dr. Cade corroborated Dr. West's theory of the eaute of death and told of having been called to the library where he found deceased practically dead. There was no breathing or heart action but a twitching of the lips and an apparent final effort to breathe. W. J. Kirkpatrick testified that, as he was going out of the library, he spoke to Mr. Mcln-I tyre who nodded and smiled. He appeared to be in normal health. As he (witness) was opening the , door to go out Mr. Kirkpatrick ' testified that Mr. Mclntyre fill against his le. Witness turned and found him lying on the floor. He was gasping and twitching apd witness testified i that deceased ftwiM his' eyes I and looked at hitfl ai If to speak. I The jury took about fifteen .minutes to arilve at l(s verdict. ' 1hs late Mr. Mclntyre, according to later information, was 52 eai-F of cire. A brother, James F.. Mclntyre. Is a farmer at Mount Pleasant near Brantford, Ontario. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68, Warehousing, ana Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialiee In Piano ana Furniture Moving. Bring Your FURS to Goldbloom He pays the highest prices. S. YRUP 2 1-2-lb. Mn ...... 80c PEARL WHITE NAPTIIA SOAP 22 bars 96c NAVEL ORANGES size, 5 dot Large sise, 3 dos. ... ModJum 95c 95c Aiberta Market P. GAMULA. Pioprielor Fifth Street. Phone 20 ri3-wra7rni-uriTV3MKim9jauMq i Why Hesitate When OUR PRICES AND QUALITY ARE SECOND TO NONE A Few of our Many Bargains ! LIFEBUOY OR PALMOLIVE ' SOAP Special, per dox. 98c i CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS ANDi APPLE BLOSSOM FINGERS' Per lb . 40,. ! CRISP GINGER 8NAPS i 2 bs- 43c 18 SWEET JUICY ORANGES for flr ,YOUR CHOICE CAMPBELL'S' ASSORTED SOUPS 6 tins 89c1 FIVE-POUND BOXES SODA1, IHSCUITS G5c SHKDKD, PUFFED OR SUL- TANA RAISINS Per pkg. 16c Headquarter for Fresh Frull and Vegetables arriving each ihobt. Give us a call. Bush's Grocerteria PHONES 211 AND 212 CLASS! COLOR! COMFORT! WARMTH? CAPITOL ii it.) TONIGHT AND THURSDAY ONLY LON CHANEY IN HIS GREATEST FILM Laugh, Clown, Laugh" The tdarn, the laughter, the joys of life, madu i , film maaterpiece by a great director with the great i ni' sewn character stars. DONT HSS IT! ;TRA Ewart Lyne, Pianist. , , 'at "A Slavonic Fantaaie," his owa i 'capipositi.-m . (I.) "It Goo.i Like This," special arraugtment. NEWS-COMEDIES " wo De I uxe Shows 7 and 9 p.m. . . , 3.c ;ri :, r. :! .'' rr-: You sec our used cars on the road every where. And they arc always running, and .running strong. Our used car bargains arc real bargains for the rca oti that they arc thoroughly checked and inspected before they arc sold. THE FOLLOWING USED CAR BARGAINS NOW AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION 1927 Dodge Sedan, leather upholstery W M " 192G Essex Coach . . .-.y . 1928 Model A Tudor I)emonstmtQr 1927 Po'rd'Tulldr, gooUiMWit' 1927 Ford Covered Light Delivery 1923 Dodge Covered Dclivdry .' 'I, '(n S. E. PARKER, LIMITED FORI) DEALERS 3rd Ave. East DOMINION TIRES Phone DEMAND t 1 "Rupert Bjran Kippers "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD " Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co, Vi Prince Rupert. B.C.