i H.I. In Scientific . Experiments on lifnast Beings Kellogg's Corn Flakes are by far the largest selling ready-to-eat cereal in all the world. No others have such flavor. Such delicious extra crispness. ORN FLAKES A Beautiful TEA CADDY VOrni an exquliite tweet pea detlgn V lithographed in . many dallcate color., llic new 1928 airtight tea-caddy li eitremcly attractive. It It packed with one pound of the famous fragrant Malkin'a llest blend. The lupply It limited. ORDER YUUKS NOW! Sold at all Grocery Stores THI W. N. MAIKIN CO., LTD. w; 4 VANCOUVld. . C 1 I an amount of BOVRIL, proportionate to the small dark circle, added to the diet produced , an increase in muscle and energy corres-x ponding to the large light circle, proving the Energy - producing Power of BOVRIL This also explains how BOVRIL provides that f )' store of resistance necessary to ward of! disease . nrA ma1 tfAo anil InfliiMiT4 caA4 ivvi turn miuuwi 1A Try I Arm with hontyt WW Containing llb.net" MALKINS BEST TEA ti STEWART The Stewart Board of Trade (has elected of Jicers for thfk'.year as follows: president, II. P. Gib-, son; vice-president, Howard! Onmpboll; secretary, P. S. Jack; council, R. T. Crosby. W. I. Crawford, James Morrice, II. I). Rochfort. W. R. Tooth, D. J. Mc-: Lean, W. II. ,M. Rolstqn, 0. J. ! Hulchings. 0 W. Smith nnd Ernest Love. Father Leray O. M. J. has been spending a few days In Tenace where he conducted servjees 'on Sunday. Advertise in "The Daily NewsMlnl ,,aV" " a tr,p i ' 'THB BAttYTNEWS NEWS OF NORTHERN 8.C. SA11THKRS I W.3njfic, E. Hawaii and L. Hudaoln iwiv amomr arrivals .,i nrn.m.l ih Hnrv iraraire. : WlirWhf Nottie, real old timer Antan Thomas W. Brewer of the For- victoria where he attended a re cent d'parlmental confarence. VANDERHOOK of whicjt. (jrder (lecaed , fw a member. The fuiiensj aemce was conducted by Uev. A. W. Itobhisan, .md the cburffh was J. D. Moore, government agent fnied wtj, gymrJUthixing friend at Fort Fraser, was in town last ti.e family week. Mrs, Moore has gone to interment was made in Kit-Edmonton to undergo a medical 8Urakaum cemetery, the pall-examination, bearers being all Masons. They r-r-- I were; Cant. J. B. Colthurst, Uev. I Among the Smithers visitors to Wm. Allan. Constable McKenney, (attend the hockey games last E T- Kennev. A. McLeod and J. week were J. Silver, Cliff War- Utmtarrn ner, J. M. Graham, J. H. Gro-! Ab the last riteg were perfor-ham, G. Smith, F. Smith, F-ygol at fii' grave the coftin was Johnson, R. McDonald, P. Steele. 0ered under ' flags, a mark1 of jP. Steele, O. Hosklns. S. Robin- mmtarY reapect. son, G. Robinson, Kenneth War- Then, were mativ ' beautiful1 per. J. PeVoin, W. Lewis and jigj tjfbubs fr'ltfrnpathiting II. .Gazeley. 1 ftWA?&nd frafeYnrtlJs. ; : , ! ""i The lite J6hfi" li. RaVen, who Owjng to 111 health, A. St. C.. 1 away inhe Prince Rupert W. Brain has been compelled to .HognJrni on Saturday following: reitnguisn me leaaersnip oi wie fflnofwfa0Bj:'vm born in wrin- unuea inurcn cpoir nere anu 4hem. Suffollt. Jinifland in, 18G1, R. H. Moore has charge. invaiiueu noine on avcuuui l kjv ehrht '.' He came to Canado'i In lDOGi and after a 'feAV j'ears'took up-a W. C. Ferry, Alex Wimbles, rft.mntlnn nt Kalum i.;. William Bexon and F. A. Math- he Vuring the reent war re, eson have been elected to the Lnlltte, in thc 102nd In 101G and board of directors of the Prince ,tfter ,hort tIme ,n oeorge tiospitai mis year, hot- : pn.p tran.ferrei to the ernment Agent George Milburn MB nft- tn iM,nn her he is the representative of the pro- remaitMKj untn demoblllied In vinciai government on me uoaro AuKU(,t i jqIO. He returned to white Aid. C. C. Reld is the ap- the ye4lT ami wag polntee of the city council. join(Kj here ,n mi by hii wife and family The third annual banquet of During the past year Mr. Raven the Fort George Pioneer's Assoc- has not enjoyed good health, latlon was held Wednesday nigni an Hince Christmas has beeTV tor in the uanaaian Legion nan anu Vancouver and Prince uupert there was a large attendance. Reeking medltol advice. An op-,George II. Williams, pref ident of eratlon "was. deemed; necewary the AocaUonPC$,upIed the ann this w apparently succees-"chatr and speakers included Aid. funy performed 0n Thursday A. B. Moffatt, George Pooley, n tr,e Prince Hupert Hospital. Dr. R. W. Alward, Mrs. J. II. je .eemetl to rally from the op-Johnson, Mrs. Jack Adams and eratlon but his heart was un-P. E. Wilson K.C. A dance aDie to stand the strain and he followed with M. Dayton as mas- fussed awy on Saturday, iter of ceremonies and the pro-; Resides hi sorrowing wife, gram Included dancing by Miss two daughters, Mrs. II. C. Creel ing Anderson and vocal solos roan ,,f Topley. and Mrs. K. Hun-by M. J. Kenney. 'ter f Tetraee. nnd one to. Chss. Raven of the Ukelsc Hatchery The Ladies Aid of Conntught gtaff. are left to mourn his Hill entertained with a sleigh jiaminy. ride party on Thursday night ' A Single Sip and Throat Feels Fine t Bulli. tpkTl tnd J1 who puf. fr from throt irln nJ IrrlU-It. fln4 BucVWy'i MUtui. a prlrl bltr. IU1UI U la-tunt and iIUk A ilp nlghl tnd nvrnln fer Urwit and ch h..lth an4 tuur.no. M.lnil cpUUmU Colda, Couth., Uron. chili. "Flu" and I'MumoiiUv, Jo.tr "BockWjr"" ataadru iur- 1I M.lMl 8U Ttr.aU 1 H Aciltiotah- a tingle ilp prove It 75c and 40c BUILDING BASE BAY OF WHALES fiafe Situation for Hyrd Expedition ! on Lip of Glacier 'fwraviirtrwir. TWrKTVieW. (: The I Bay.,.af WJraJes. vhere the Hyrd ireirc expedition is. building .'il'e lenair department is being StA ivtmned to town last ft base, actually is on ,tha lip of moved to the building formerly occupied by V. F. Buyer and the old Henry building will in future lie conducted entirely as a storage Mid display room. Tie contractors are well alow with their order and ties are now being landed at the Sniith-ers yards in large quantities, hauling being facilitated by re-vent warmer weather. Stanley 11. Rutland of Smithers ar, recently registered at Rrit-Columbia House in Iinndon, iland. week 4ftpr having spent a yea in tynucouver. iiwufly; a glacier 300 milee or more wide. Sec mindly one of the met pre- - I carious spots for an explorers The -Hovi mmoiit THjfraph headquarters, It nevertheless is made ja eul record last week hi on of the nufest sites. in Che wholi-trnnsniiaaioii of Btessages be-, Aritarclic . The story of this tw'eeiv bwe "d Vancouver. Aj.gjacier, iu the ctfUtu'ry that men message was filed at 10:50 u:mJ.Mw.knowii it, in itsolf an epic, and a reply wus received exactly : (Jt ft by thousands of times half an hour later. largest glacier known," saya ipr. ilMbort Oushmnn Murphy of RflWrU A I (lit !he Ameriaan Museum of Natural lUIlLiIlnL Ui fHHtary. Irtawolf an Anturfc vet- lernn. "The ice oomes down from IMfl P Dliiiyf'high land tn the M-HUl) from th Jllr. U. illfLll direction of the pole, and spreads , out ovor trtc uasin ieiieveu to ue 1errfl M" l,u"wl iwler Slas- , form -a ureal it gulf v V ith a number of now business (inlc .,t kJtgum. l Z It th. rlrMnK -0U miten o.ii m, vu in, 'ocKs and homes contemplated. ... Whn, hhWn (nKrtwr water and f.Hmg the prospects are that 1929 will ipyosed 1 Sea frm hore lit . : , u.. m: i. boin of Htm ' : PrifM year for buildias In tvb. 7: The fu- h , m ... ,.,. mu mithers. hclu from she Aniriicuii Churtihji "Ffnally it bpe.1ks off 'ipto tlie rsf Rrarich has .returned from foH0witjt; ihe arrival of the U)m, Ryrd hi.H hte lse. but !- trdin',. iJrraiigeamiiW 'bditui ONM)(vfiusi this alaoior is so different by a iCOftuniUve ,of local JlBons f fru otTjcri fhe tiny sclerttific city ua 'the .edge "f the ice wrnii s.ife. "One puiiar feature Is that at at iboy the abore line has TO-,v.t, ji i n i r jut. i .u.,TOrK. puineu lixeu. " (ins ioriuii me Ms breaks off along about the name contour year after year. The reason is not vet fullv understood, out may bt- due to the configuration of the ua Iwttoni. Thin bay !s comparatively close to the eaat-"rn shore of Hoaj Sen "Th tata on tho bergs east ulrift from the 300 or more mile ea front of this glacier reveal another of the peculiarities which make it . different from other glaciers. 'Hie breaking off of the fee la rbvttitnfc thai is, it proceeds ,um0. wnortfly in. some years ine vottme:W ;beTiis .fs 'much greater than.at"tti other end .Of the cycle. Tho glacier -moves forward at a ftittlc1 lets. than 500 feet annually. . seme oi tne uergs are ueaonueu as whoppers. so vast are the again taken ie,0jnil. jtba Imperial Army, of fee 'drpJpff thto the Royal Engineers, Chatham at the I Antarctic mwbi that their mclt- iage bf Si 'arttl erveo througout i ing exerts a profound effec un The'spring meeting of the i ?. Carl- ithe'Sewdfen wf.' In 1889 he was weather vn Influencing rainfall boo' Presbytery of the United Vappuitfted sergttiiitimi'Jdrt .mill-L0f tparta of the tropics, as evi- v!iuil-u ui vairaua ui',cu f" 'Q'8"1"" o worics in ngjrpk i ufeeu oy ine . rnyrnsiic ccang today. PRINCE GEORGE After 18 year service, he ; was t ij.ivi i-A-L'i-J'l! 4 r ': paralleling the changing ice con ditions in the cold southern seas. AM) SAME TAI.E Teacher Come here Henry. This essay of your"s on "Our Dog" is word for word the same as your brother's. Henry Sure. It's the same dog. Humane Pleader. 17 biel L ITS annoying to ityntlrd by a donkey Bl TW engln..butit'iagrand 1 jsM game, inn nntnor- I IU13 I)onalJon Deck ' Oolf, UH in a brrcte, at bracing at the wind that twerp the'Old Courte at St, Andrew. Plenty of fun and hotpltallty when vou travel Soil Anchor-Donuldion I Book ikrouth Th Cknkrd Slum SI..W., Vancmvtt!$il S,ymnur 3Q4H-Q), or any ikumlifitent. I WMMyStninotiftxti Mwir ir-- lind Qub) to IMtnd, fa 8eotlnd and Extend In H coniunction with Cuntrd ANCHOR-DONALDSOH LINE Cibln.Tourltt Third Cbln tnd Third Out. V'e1n.-.v. F i,,.. ENDURANCE RECORD SUFFERS ANOTHER siiqcr BobL.c :tou., 1. lx Angel . , .tiwtntly rey ...), enHurnnre flitrht rerorrt when 1i remuined n'w minutes and 45 seconds, I hour aore than h'tim r ... . ii 1 Ambition nwke " TffvK uecefi'l men ''JStS JwJK out of barefoot 'yft'.'f- i mi 1 lURN your visions into realities by means of a Bank of Montreal savings account, hs. thousands of other Ca nndians arc doing. BANK OF MONTREAL Established l8l7 Toul Avxtt In eiitxt of foTu.OuVXX) 5 erve ru'h -n,l nssimllntc io" ,.rfoKtive orK . ;:0uW burden -