r.. . . Wednesday, 1'eDraary 27, 1023 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE 11 I fivnfS kttn4 (he rout. Sinclair Canyon, (algary and the Locke of Saull St. Marie. Ccntru, a-, the Kmprraa Hotel at Victoria will appear, Vancouver, Chateau Laka Louie Dean 'Sinclair Laird of Mae rlonald .College, Ste. Anne de Dellevue' is better known as an edurationixt than a philanthropist, but lie ia really both. Some years ago he nude a tour of the Canadian wp4. His time was more or less limited and in planning his itinerary he was obliged to miss several point he considered worth while and to spend more time than hn thrwir.ht necessary in places leas interesting. While he made up his mmd thai this condition should not obtain if he made the trip again, he was greatly thrilled by his journey. The beauty and the womler of the Canadian west deeply impressed him and he re The "Flu" Left Her With fi iircicnea uouen r vsnp-'v.cr, U.I", wriU:-''Wtiym!;r. I M tha 'ilu twice, mid tlx iMtttais It 51 tne a wretched cough that rcd to ..tay rluht with mo until I r. Woorl'c Norway Pine Syrup uiat ifwiuu iisttMi siwinn TO Vrt .1. 1 . I al . r-"-'v y ii'tr ma. at .1 . ,. In. 'TrH,".v never be without i. . ttlo of pr. Wood's' Knan in Pri(- ' '.' .frl -, 1 ..a a a I'"'" )' n. I ta-iT t IA & ramilrt a,r.A all dniggiita and dealers. turned, as he says, with a more Sympathetic understanding of the western people and problems and more thoroughly convinced that the education of a Canadian can not begin until he has seen his own country. It was his Idea that if a tour COuld be organized at reasonable cost, to cover all the important cities and resorts west of Toronto, and the participants were assured of relief from all the worries of travel arrangements, enough might be interested to warrant the running of a special train. Thus the first "Dean Laird Special" came into existence and Nevtrs of the Mines AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Silver ( up Sow Running Ore; Mohawk Shipping Another Car of Ore; New Mining , Regulations Discussed . ,.ai.A. a- u..: AaawaVA Baf 1 , this year, for the sixth time, and in conjunction with the Canadian Pacific Railway the Dean is again organizing a de luxe all-expense tour which for a stated sum, affords the maximum of enjoyment and variety of scene and recreation that can be provided in three summer weeks. Dean Laird devotes a great deal of time and energy to his tour and each year goes over much of the same ground, but he now knows the high spots in western travel, and by carrying on year after year he feels that he is making his contribution towards a greater and more united Canada. Altogether, Mr. Laird has piloted some fifteen I chlm ftltiild Up next few days IturfJiels dHH-0pand work. th'-4(X)i-iooirtrainiineno are i, ilifc new 60-ton conccntratinfcinllon the Silver some the easterly ,cJaims of to near Ne-Hazeltoiwvilloon -startiBteiidily vtty, TW,;cpaf ,, .,,! treati,rp.-TRMVatcr a h ttf- V lili'l il.'l 11P11IC1 !.MJHllHUIia'llUicaiuiiuiv ivji aai n. ajlnta, . .; : .r,i- 'W-Jt , v iVT. n la.VAnn . . : ' . . 1 a,in . . .SK? and tha Pool at Banff where rnemhera of ths 128 tour ara aen d la porting tbenuelrea. hundred people through the great cities and scenes which lie between Montreal and Victoria Banff, Lake Louise, Winnipeg, Edmonton, Vancouver over a diversified route. He has found that, while the travellers appreciate having a special train as a home and base, they appreciate the Great Lakes and optional motor runs, so that the steamships and the motor cars are very generously used by him. The Dean is doing a great work and the only qualifications he demands from applicants for membership In his tour are companion-ability and the capacity foe 'with quur'-z and calcite increasing PRINCE RUPERT FIGURES iwith, pffrtti .mineralization. Snow LARGELY I ft CO., has iietm ijtdared from the portal of Jfa. :&3tUnnejl preparatory to driting tunnel by machinery. (i.-m aadiftil to beSng moved to the rrftetmorde to start the ma- Directors Rurjert. Rut ifct of -the company; attach little inv Ketchikan. W. WlV ; Jon given an initial tuTrufln&r Car several days wrlrifi was receflly filed against a. . u .1 . . m . 1 1 u if I w i.RWf Mian i Mmawit rwn . i w. ..jc'K.kfi.n.uKiiaih ... if.' ir.inu. ore uov -rs at die mill uUvady blocked d shipped from Iiupen iiuiuc w rne iiic ua: omi' vi q ure "raranirir utrnwiszti nixn i;jiwiie"ca i ovinia wu,ww nuic . "" nas ceeo eiruc vtv4 is paying a price ior naiiDuti ,jjr Davenport. Does Canada una " y - itv rfuva n Lhe iunnol mow baainr that is so hiirh tnut she would .ui a. 1 11 a the northwestern mineral survey ... u LIU. ia-Jtawiinrh UMr. Kergin declared that rieer could cover It alone, a.ai asingl official was .VT T J. l i' HTiy nil rwi lf"I raTTT. " v.,,., ii..avHnn a rut LRanred wJh the task. Mr. he. " - i il ! bo ready for .lajDiLMered new endments covering , i.ajse and drift. n ainindments to the A.-t i ijfiied to .further i i i'l' wild catting in tho -..Mi.-h were presented to aMin- l.iHt week by Hon. M' Kcnzie, minister of v, . hi-artily aiH'roved by IvTgin. Liberal 51. L. A .ng companies io oiioruus. t no-i felt th:it It was not fair to the mining men that the minister should make his office a clearing hobse ' for the Investors of the world. T. D. Pattullo. member for Prince Rupert, warned the minister to exercise greater care In handling company pnw-nectuses. If he took too paternal Mr. Kergln. coming 'an interest in mining erpris u whrtl. mh nir ndustry would suffer. No. 2 tunnel on tlu lii'li pen-deiwe property at Slewan. con trolled by the Kevenue .Milium .. fH'lng- (driven "tn ce under a aholng-f wllver on the surface, t nwri600 Peet nd it isthoupM that' the nAtivc silver on h.wing n tW surf AC may bo maintained at depth -Two crews nru now working on the proprrty. Dia-no;:d dr-:i:ng operation-, r sult of which wore satlsfactovy. wi:rn .tispended on account of unfavorable wealiher cndiiions, hut it i. the Intentlsn of the company to resume this work i" the pnng. Two crews with air drills arfi pushing the work on No. 2 tunnel and It is expected the objectivo will be reached within 20 days. No. 1 iuunt'l of the Marmot River gald Jiroperty at Stewart is now Iwttat" feet with a flow of i i a A 1 K f t fii S W 7-.wnbun, Co., "", - r .l norphyry u 1 f (Tie l"c last '""rjaWTTe Jittfe i JSjiaa mm thT shipped their product into this country in a frozen state, and' any curtailment of operations of the halibut fleet of the United! States will result in much more Japanese halibut coming in and will result in homeless men. At present our fleet employs 2,500 men who are. .dependent pxactir., aVJa V a. S . . . rusntinT that oaWociatioih UOtb De side how msfny? i to Prince ;jfr. Lokken. Nine million. in the " , : icaiiy entirely I'lipon' the hJnb'hfttfsH ncei ior exisitajce. mis proposal'"' 'would benefit Tint a few rnen onj,, ' one side; it i the Ketchikan ' business; an a on the other side jis the halibut fleet, the salmon fleet. Other cities in Alaska alio are opposed, tk) this proposition, i so that we ask , that no change I bo made at thtf jhreeent timdUn the system of imarki.-tlhg halibut. , Sir. Hadley. How many owners 'do you represent? I Mr. Lokken. Our association 'consists of 190 vessel owners. Their investment is over 1,500,-000. I Mr. Hadly. They are individual t(-rrtors who have an association to which they all belong? j :r. Ijokken. Yes, sir. JSr. Hartley. And you are rep . . i " Yr. Lokken. Ye. 'r. ' , ) ' Mr. Haley. And you say there f.t 2,500 . ' ..'Mr. Lokkta. Fi! ,Mr. Hvilcy. What are the op- prtunit:es for source of supply fb' . thi American fishermen? I tWr. Lokken. Where they catch. JM- fish? j, Nr. UatUey, Yes. Mr. IiOkken. They catch their fifth in Alaskan waters, or in! Kr'terr. from northern California! clear to Bering Sea. j Mr. Uadley. Is there an unlim-'tetf supply? Mr. lokken. No, sir, there is not. Years ago fishing was con-firuH ''(moat altogether to the Stte of Washington; but as the Punim operations Increased, the fish in the banks closer to Se ttle were deplete! and now thnv are going clear up almost to CONGRESS AT WASHINGTON Ilerlng Sea. and every year they zip going further westward. (Continued from page one) , ,Mr. Hadley. How many pounds Hkl you say are produced on The Ketchikan men propose ifa American aide? that the halibut be la.iue- at ir. Ixikken. Forty-four million being xvctchixan instead of at Prince qunds this past year Hf. 'Mr. 11.1... IIdlev. And A.J at on the other ,AIr. Davenport. A rather largi tMreentaire of our to till wai ipen snip- ianded at Prince RuperlT f ' Slates. It itf. IjjL-ben. Twentvnn mIIHMi ndling. It ,jlnd aria lan.lwl uf I'rinon price paid to ..!. i3.0OO,CO0 oounds at Se- ' t . I a tile. Wash., and 9.000.000 ootinds present time the house-jJ Ai.ka - .-- - ... uuieck au juur lauuiiiK nail ui 1 1 . i ..sa an tfflara will I . m u ..aH.iiA uiIani mminir ia . . .. . . i . n ... n V.Il.n ..t. t 1 ai-imi iiuiic, misav iiii.i.i. . driven on tne ueorgia mver goiu i .ic i uj u iuiiiti iimt. " p.-r day n a 60-ton, ?rinci!nl industry and having, M. al a deti, 0f over 100 "hirty-five cents a pound ia being i another northern tilmself an intimate knowledge of ' paid for haKljfit ''VWit heie ii. ! ..mi.ia mine comes un- the industry, congratulated the ' f"J;h L'nU rncrfrIm Washington, and rathW than iy " ' ...iMi. ...n.i.u nir. i. turns from samples range ironi ., , . wrr ... . .'kki 'u . r ui tvn v inn i n i . mm ning a ungni .aai the general polices 01 or the me i w 1 . --- - ..... -- A. . . . ....... a aaa a a I flPf irTSMtPH IM It Hiir IH I 1 n IB. II FOLLOWUI) SUIT j. v r.i no ex Editor of Farm and Home, a Vancouver publication, who has the housewifat I. hiis Deen aecioeo roiut William Sloan wouia &e ioi-r" 7", ,,"r:i,ira..Vu. or te some other lapital of the com- - J'j.-0,000 to 1375.000 ! ti-rg, president of the ill urrive at the mine iu r! this week. r g lontinu ... .. av UIOIV, imA nnrnvH of tha irov-l croM vein, in an proiMuimjr ic - ana - - T - . . - . rranent's plan to make changes in the boundaries tricts more imi tn annua nrhor Itlmi! nf t.th rtkluct. a lr . . a aouthwest vein. Drifting on this ine nsn snippeu ince man-v.ln U IwlniT undertaken Imme- ner that the Ketchikan men pro- 1"lm of mineral m'",r?' dis "Idlatelv In order to determine the Pose would be inferior to the "! ,-.?f exten of the ore body. ; Product that is now being sold The GOO-mile .journey halibu-t fisherman iha A t 1 t a that the jf to take . JpnVtheanVt to Prjfce. Rupert w.svtW' al?tWt' the ffsh can "So you deciI t6 fl7?5SiJ l?ll!ilS th7ourd in the stock jnwkft-.; jew j fetiJOetchikn-:fnti trans-you come outr iferiwl from cold Jtoraice. or the "I must have set a ba .mple to the market It took a w a nsnmg steamer ana wouia (ftp immediately afterwards.",1 exposed to.the warm air and Boston Transcript. would result ' in eterlorton. . I Then, after the 90-mil) Journey to Prince Rupert, the fish would again be exposed to tha air in the process of taking tham from the refrigerator steamer-, to the railroad car. and this additional handling would so deteriorate the fish that they would not receive the price aid for, the fish from othtT loinlities. if tli s is done, it will increase the conp-t'lion of Canadian fish and also '.Tapai'r'je fi8h'.; '1 At the present tfme the Amer- go thr iuch, it will mean that the hilibul fishermen of thu United s will receive less for their fish, an' sirne of them will be f'uvel to stwpend onerntionsj they will not be able to operate, und as a result, the Canadian fleet will increase. At ' the present-, ' time sy are .. 1iA....a.. Ml.l.i . . . V, I . . i ufeii iiiiuwiuu aycpuij. .uiinsier witnessinir the. entry ot-vapan if Agriculture for British Col- into jhe fish marktds r&A the umbia. Mr. Munro was educated United 'States. ' They haW exit the Ontario Agriculture Col- tensive 'bunks along th.'ir coast, . nnd in the last 2 years have Prince Rupert? Mr. Lokken. There has been nb'ection a number of times but only on the part of the Canadian aiMiermen alone. Mr. Davenport. If you had to land your catch at Seattle, would it mean additional cost of oper ation. Mr. Lokken. It could not be or.e. because the run from Se attle is something like 1,200 m!es, and only oaVtre occasions can that be done; that is, when a ' vessel will catch the forger part of its trip in two or three isjys and will have sufficient speed to come to Seattle - in- a short time. Mr. Davenport. Suppose they should shut Out Prince Rupert; whrt would you do then? Mr. Lokken. We would just have to tie up; the majority of the vessels would just have to tie up. Mr. Krmseyer. Your organisation wants no change in para-f.raph 717? Mr. Lokken. No change. llefore a diamond la cut or polished it resembles a rough, ;rrcgular gray pebble. Though it, contains a luminous qua. t wlion first inine he S- 'M -' " ;cun liai Una fleJ, , lanua an-lmd sparkle are ueveiopeu wnen ; vim-'Uly 41,u0P,ftQ0 pv.upds of the 7em is faceted. The diamond hii boi i.'r year and the Canadian '""a jrreat reflecting properties h 'Hunt fisharmea land' about nd advantage is taken of thii 9.0(ii),0i;o runds per year. .quality in cutting. j If this Treasure is allowed to i - - Pimples, Blotches Quickly Vanish Under This Penetrating Antiseptic Ton rai bate rlur. aaKiolb, teWrtr ata, If jvn will only try the put notlaa- ItwiM 1)1) 1. liiamlkM tb lliawaa ten irjare a war Mbihm. bloirbra Had alber blaailaaiai. mi i ixo snrs i.vstaxti.y. nu beeita waab iwarlrataa tbe abla kaUi no atala ama (be aurtaoe. A SSe bottle lt twrlt r ymir draaelat ll'ea roar nnnar lawk. tt.D.D, tha la7all. (VaoolU DJJ.BtfPl. W. 1. Miri'TrilKOV, 1)1(1 (l(llT. OltMUS I.T11. 1929 Examinations THE ENGINEERING PROFESSION IN BRITISH COLUMBIA THE following Examinations ta all brahclies of engineering will be held on the last Monday in April, 1929, in Vancouver, Victoria, 'Nelson, Kaiii-Ioops and Prince Rupert, B.C., in accordance with the terms of the Engineering Act of the Province and the Iiy-Laws of the Profession i Prrtiminaryi tor realatralloHa aa "KBglnaerlnn Pupil. " lor aludrnla IT to ii yw of ear with 2 or more rrararnalaror-ina eaprrlra.ro. Unlrrrallr atudrnto in Applird Srlrnre exempted from thU eaamliaatlon. Final or Proetslonalt To obtain a "lirrnae to Prarltro Knalnrrrlna. For engineers with S or more yeare engineering Inter medial ei For rrglatretlon aa "Engineer m Training." For aludrnla 21 to 2 yeera of age wltb S or more yeera eaglnrrrlng rxperlrnre. I.'nlvereltr gradaatre In. Applied Science exempted from thla examination..-' final for Vniteriity Craduatttt Foe englarerlng graduatr holding affiliation ae hnginrere In TruJnlng and poaaeaalng S. to 4 yeare engineering exierlenro. (Tneaia mnd oral only.) The scope of the examinations, with names of tc.t Itooks and reference Looks recommended by the Profession and other relevant information can bo obtained on request. Please give date of birth when writing. Address The Registrar: Association of Professional Engineers 930MKKS nblLUlNG VAJiCOUVEH, II.C Vary your dinners with fish and eggs by Women often tell me that their greatest difficulty in meal Dlanninir ! tn art variety Into the main dish. It is easy enough to build a dinner, once you have selected the meat, but it takes thought to get away from the obvious round of steaks arid chops and roasts. Why not now and then substitute fish or eggs? By combining either ons with milk, you have a dish rich in food valuesproteins, minerals and vita mins. There are any number of delectable ways in which these combine tkms may be made omelets of all sorts, creamed resn. Bouflles. creamed tuna, shrirr.p or lobster, scalloped oys ters, saimon sou!i:e. You must hcv a dependable milk supply In any cooking that calls for mfllc. I never take chances. I use nothing but Carnation Milk. I know that it it tbe purest of high grade milk frum selected herds. I know that it it ritii in cream doubly so for it is evaporated to double thickness. I know that I will always find it tweet and good, no matter how large the quantity I have on hand, for it is sterilized for safe-keeping. I can count on Carnation always for notably delicious results xtra cream-Iness, velvety smoothness of texture, fragile delicacy of flavor. The best informed domestic sdentistt agree that it it not only better in retultt than ordinary bottled milk, but that it it particularly economical If you want to know what a great new field of cooking success awaits yxu in the use of Carnation Milk, send for frre Cook Book. Address Carnation Milk Products Ca.Limited. 134 Abbott Street, Vancouver, B.C. Carnation Tuna Fish a la King 2 tbsp. butter. green pepper shredded, l hard-cooked egg, MCupdvapped mushrooms. 8 tbso. flour. 1 cud Car nation Milk, 1 cup water, salt and pep per, lyi cups tuna nsn, yi cup peas. Saute green pepper and mushrooms in butter until tender (about 10 minutes), keeping covered Remove mushrooms and pepper and Wend flour with butter: add Carnation diluted with water and cook until mixture is thickened, stirring constantly. Place flaked tuna fish, peas. enr. mushrooms and pepper in double boiler; add sauce: cook over hot water It minutes. Serve in patty shells or cp toast points Serves & Lttater er sTutmo may be used in nktce of tuna. Baked Eggs a la Carnation IK tbsp. butter. Ui tbso. flour. ( tsp. salt, X tsp. pepper, M cup Carnation Milk. K cup water, 4 to 6 eggs, Duiterra nreaa crumDs. Make white saxes of butter, Sour, seasonings and Carnation diluted with water. Pour into shallow baking dish. . Cover sauce with eggs, being careful not to break yolks. Sprinkle buttered bread crumbs over top aod bake in moderately stow ( 3'ii't-. ) oven untu eggs are tm Oar-nith with parsley. The Best of Milk Produced (a Canada Carnation Milk is simply pure, sweet whole milk, evaporated to double creaminess. Nothing is added; nothing removed but about half the water. Try this dependable, convenient, economical milk. (See recipes above) it a jrom Contented Cows Daily News Want Ads. bring quick Results. 2 aVja Mi -i