PAGE TWO DAILY EDITION The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published EveryAfterndpnExcept Stfndsy.iby Pi ! J II. tSpUoIn W - Ha4?8g-Eaitor St Hf V SUBSCRIPTION KATES For lesser period, paid in advance per month Contract rates on application. Prjiice Rupert Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone J6 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations . . AU By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, I paid in advance for yearly period .t . . . Transient display advertising, per inch, per insertion ... Transient advertising on front page, per taeJ? .;V... kiu Local readers, per insertion, per line Classified advertising, per insertion, per word Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line Thursday, June 20, 1929. TRYING TO START THINGS There is a little story told in one of the Alberta newspapers about four people passing a closed factory and three of them commented on the waste of money. Then the fourth spoke up and remarked that at any rate somebody had tried to start something, which was more than the rest of them had done. There was a long silence. If we might be excused for doing so, we might ask Prince Rupert people individually if they have ever tried to start anything. Some have done so and have failed; others have done so and have succeeded. To make the effort is worth while1 even if three out of four of the remainder of the community stand aside and make caustic remarks. Start something. Perhaps someone else will, keep it going and perhaps not, but if nobody starts there can be nothing done. ('i i 0 T7 Relpful Baby Welfare BOOKS AST, west, north, south, In 6 city, town and country-babies. Everywhere, too Eagle Brand milk, the tate food for bottle-fed babies. Eagle Brand is pure, rich milk, obtained under perfect sanitary conditions from healthy cows, condensed and blended with the best refined sugar; spccially prepared for babies. On each can are the simple feeding directions, from first week onwards. More infants are successfully reared on Eagle Brand than on all other baby foods combined. Itisparticularly effective in difficult feeding cases. Would you like a lovrly Uitle record hook In whkh to keep your baby'a history on J our valuable Baby Welfare bookl TeSak Thtn . - r r? ADOkCSS.. mail coupont TlIE DORDtN CO. LIMITED, Dept. A. Ilumvr At cads Bldg., Vsnouuvsr PJe9 Mend ma rre Bab Book. VERY FINEST rnn HATinAV i run nvLiwu r . 3 ' J: : L .... v .... .. Mrfci lUJuut Jia upeur iv ...... V :,Mif at Tlrll With H Kouni ! The holiday season U here and many City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid tn advance J5.00 , J" " . reaihoiiday Her t. a eug- - . geaJon. Mn. Kajout n i a new farm home at trh on ww" 3 00 Charlotte Islands, and Is prepared to .',nirWeJe summer boarder. lA" Ttie new home to situated to the 2.80 ' midst f a flOO-eere fees of open .25 park -lite natural neew ttsum'srt, rv with bunj f ees. " 't strstw at ne aide aad St U3e! 16 Diva. n ue ottrr. Ia t Or four months for 1.00 tutktag is ocUmt, a&d eahaeo t. By mail all other countries, per year 7.50 f0" J" "f. Bj mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Em- ! TZJTZ irtfu m pire and United States, paid in advance, per year 6.00 tbc atone. Tbe food u whcce and i there is an sbuftdUnt supply of uw I and on am supplied ffqan rh farm jcow. Biter and turn bathing may be 'colored. A few Prtnae Rupert people Have beeti In the haMt of holidaying at tb Ra)out frn out the aocomcdatton wm limited Now ail that is changed . A fine new building ht been erected and all la In mullnex for the rMtora. KEEPING R1YER OPEN FOR OCEAN VESSELS Mo)trMl Ire ttxwrt 1U Tu Puaerful MiajtMU rr Hcbttag Ie la ht ljitr'oT MOBTIfAL June :-Tw; new rwaw tor figfcUng lee ro the River St. lAwaetm fry vrfcVah Or Bcwird T. Bancs, iae eapect, Jsepes to keep navlgatioai ope to Montreal for a lenser pastes ttoao set a u ntlw i:. the resr. as ia tave case at present, were eiplalced at a meeting here re-! -ently by a brother of the Ice ex-cert. Wilfred U. Bames. a painter ; wHo la familiar with hla br.'.her-& work and methods In the matter of p rotor) glng; navigation to this port. The two weapons are the thermit flare and aoltte. comprising the heat unit wttk wMeh tee-packs sere destroyed ditrtas; ' the high water this spring when floods were thus prevented The thermit flares It was explained, la projected from tihe bow of a ship i - 1 vO ii Free onRequest use Coupon Let the Daily News Classified Ads. work for you. THE DAILY NEWS pawlae through water in vfelcb there i drifting tee. and it no only glvn hot but Uaht which Penetrates fog so that photographs cn be taken' ho1n if there are any d lifting loe- In thj nU Of & ShlD. The ' other (ie-flilrtlw weapon. cUt. to a substance x-awn in i "i uid exdcdSt and It Is the only agent 7 F I . .1 .J known Will c :ane 10 w ensaoae. H0NEYM0ONERS ON COST STEAMSHIPS AND AT JASPER PARK JiSfm. June Coming It deem U Jwve, Xht inauguKtlen t the nunmer Alaaka rrlce la gret allure t boanyrafKxr recording to ftokert "?-lwan aafer traffic lanagef of tfc ChsadUn Nattooal RaUvaya. vho wa Ui Jarpr Jast Blbt on kda way mm 3 WUaarpr after enjorUkf the ffat trip rf tbe season IB ttoe Canadian XaUaatal steamahlpa aerrlec jtronl VancauMr to 8Xrt- There we no kM Uaae Hgttt honeyaaoaa eouplea on board, he uM. Three of them came to wm dded to the four already here Paaseager traffic to Alaaka would be very itttty :hi umm. Mr. Ctwelanan a!d the llat of -be flnt sailing was a good Indication The Interest of Call-'""-'"1 f the more northern porta of their co&st tu growing by leaps and bounds eeery Tear Uany of them took j .-jo naogle trip from Prince i;rt to iaaper and down to Van 'ur b- train URGES EDUCATION IN HOME ECONOMIES FOR GIRLS OF COUNTRY K SASKATOON. June JO-RecomttVll- Utr. that the jeganiae Mint's rk Of aunieylua h ni crunctnlc dusat'm in Canada be carried on until finished was reormaweiMlefl m the report of tfee Comnuttre of Household IVonomle by Mis. T. L. OuUd, naUonal con-i-ener n the FcderaMd Woaien, In utituUft f Cmada hese today. She 1ao urged that mere opportunities to study economics be given girls In rural -sections Prince Id ward Island laraache had asked for a more serlctaa attitude toward the dally round wtttrtn the house, toward the responsibility of -community wcrk and Jevtlcplng the aeatfcetlc aide H honv-malc!) .? thruugh inusla. pto-tuita and literature. Oatsri) Nova Scotia, New Bnirayt-wlck Mi" ' b !' Alberta had apon-scred extensive short courses la all trar .-!i 1 i.-.a- akes. Alberta hsd provided scholarship for girls attw a?rlridtural coUasjaa. Saskatahew an also offered a schclarshlp for the highest tai ding In home laanomlca upon graduating from Um Onivetalty. Iha Farm OlrlA Catap at the University, the luinmir five-weeks sh-jrt ocUMea for farmers' daughters at the University i all to the credit of 83karhewan British Columbia hid completed iu survey on the home ec-cncn-.lcs education of that pravutee. Ulchlgan has by far tf-i hut- : .i . '. ..tate. the greatest , Till: NEW IMPROVED Greater Y Structural y Strength y Takes Any Decoration HRE-PIIOOF H , SB! Mkmnai A I fLVPIO isbs& asBBi eaaask vs asa. vaza Fireproof Va 11 board For Sale by Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. (THE FORD CAR SIX-BRAKE SYSTEM I I ' I Grips with Silent 'Power THE greatest safety feature on any automobile the braking system has been developed on the Ford car to a degree that insures absolute driving confidence. Being fully enclosed, the internal expanding brakes on all four wheels are free from any danger of impaired performance from mud, ; land, road dirt, grease or other foreign matter entering the mechanism or between the bands and drum. The four wheel system is operated by a foot pedal, while the emergency or parking system of two brakes, one on each rear wheel, is distinct and separate, operated by a hand lever. This added security is made possible through the unique design of the Ford steel spoke wheels to which drums are fitted to accommodate two sets of internal brakes on the rear wheels. ivThe smooth, even braking of the Ford car yields more advantages than maximum safety at all times, since it makes tires last longer ami adds immeasurably to riding ease and driving comfort. Drive it it no Better Teit Ford Car Features CMrt tf refesrs II to It mitn Ur it'lm ptwtr FM aW l(r FB) tnehttf (fr-lre tytttm 4 UaUaiUt eneWslM saor stsarssrs '0 la 0 mOtt jer film l iifoliut Skitttrpntf j)lt viniAnlt ' rUl proaj IguMio, loth JUtaWUi ami lew Arrange for your demonstration rUe inthMjr&'l nearest Ford deafer -7 S. E. PARKER LTD. Prince Rupert, B. C. GYPROC -? ; :i 1 iit'knes$ New Improved in