Ne ¢ Friday, August 1, 1919. THE DAILY NEWS Page 3 —_——_— SSeS: = | | - — a 5 — —— P — cy ® 7 a Ey Pe ee ON OS wr ' z —e aa or 8 Amma EY TTTUTTTNNATUUAUTUALUVRATAANNUGVTEEUTTTUTUATAADASEUTHNSESEUGHONSEANSEEUH EY HEE 73 WILFRID KELLY j D. W.. MORRISSEY Phone 6 { Pp, O. Box 1664, norance ar In rea aas a ey ® * ‘ ince upert rocery Rev. J. B. McCullagh V erwaltea O. Tells of the Country and its Possibilities i . catettieiesl oO FRIZZELL BLOCK, THIRD AVENUE ee g = & : =] He = Com ot 2 dds kk) Company Rev. J. B. MeGullagh of Aiyansh ov the Nas River, one of{]} New Times Demand New Methods Having more stock on hand than money in bank, takes this the pioneer missionaries of British Columbia, writes to tell of NO CREDIT. GOODS DELIVERED AT YouR EXPENSE. method in giving the public high grade value for their eold the wonders of the Naas Valley and of its possibilities in provid We have low-priced contract with local Express Company. cash. The prices set forth below will be maintaned until ing for returned soldiers. He tells of the rich soil. exte nding = Sera this advertisement Takes op aon a further list of good along the valley between Mill Bay and the Ground Hog mountains Gur goods are worth more than the price charged. If values will follow. rhese prices are absolutel for cash He says that fully half @ million people could find room to settle they are not worth more, or if they do not give you absolute over the eounter. No ©,0.D., or charging to account wil ‘i ae} : and entire satisfaction, we will return your money in full, command these prices. Delivery will be made by auto or ere. - without charging you for what you have used. the day succeeding purehase, \ll kinds of crops can be raised there, including ere . k 3% . » , Potatoes and tomatoes are a great crop, and all berri hirive m Pacific Milk, 3 cans for 35c. per dozen §1.30 per case $6.10 g olfee, Malcolm's Best, 1s ....@00. 25 ..$1.46 5s . . $2.86 well. There is plenty of fish in —— ee ere are 0 e 0 r ar alns rea (Amber) per ID, .......000. Vewaves rs os tag ee the river although salmon are|as is to say if another kind They are not Specials—They are Our Every Day Prices. “Raisins, 16 oz. .. e485 Oe a ee ree 2 for 350. being depleted to some extent./of bacon would suit? If so. would Dessicated 9 ate per ib 30c ‘ Potted Meats 8c i nmatoes zZ' ) cans fu ack : erant Fekvess TREE EA bake C5 8, 2 for 35c. To quote from Me. MeCullagh’s|we kindly rep ind they would 2 for 9Bc. if ag ae Se aes 8 Curran netiehe a ; eanut Butter (our own) 41 : bs. 900, quart sealers 60¢, 1-Ib Clarkes Pork and Beans, tomato sauce ........ 2 for 25c. article: ‘ send it on When and how? The cans $1.00, Pr glass 38¢ glass, 300. Ee , me. 0 ne vet , PAN es en nall glass c. New Season's Strawberry Jam, 4-tb Small white | in . tee eee ... 5 ibs. for 50c. ame follow yea Meanyygffil an Clark . Pork and Beans, 18, 906 cons 91a home-made quart Vinegar, pel gallon Ms e584 Flic tweOG es tev ic ce Tae In this country there is nojtire family had to go Without its 2s, 20c. j sealers 62c. 1-Ib, glass 40c. Fancy Biscuits, all varieties, per ib. ..... é teen ee paucity of gaine cither large or]/Sunday rasher for the whole win TEAS Jan Strawberry, 48 $1.26. Black Currant. 4s $1.00. Ker small. First, we have no deer|ter i consequence! We once Currant, $1.00. Raspberry, 45, $1.20. Strawberry and here, but caribou are plentiful. [kne Dublin “bobby” who, the We are experts. We import direct from India and i ipple $1.00. Green gage, 4s, $1.00. The grizzly bear is here in fine|Jackeens said, had never seen his Ceylon all our teas. We mix a special blend to suit the Purity Flour, 49s, $2.80. 24s, $1.50. 10s, 70ce. shape, and a small brown species.|feet, and British Columbia is like walter of Prince Rupert and district. We save you from 10¢ romatoes, 2%s, per case $4,860, per dozen $2.40, per can Black bears abound, also wolves,|that man in its way, and for the tu 25¢ per Ib. 2 for 45c. coyotes, lynx and all other smailer|sa reason, a plenthora of cor Uur Best” Overwaitea (be careful to use less) per lb. 66e. lomatoes, 28, per case $3.76, per doz. $2, per can 2 for 36e. fur-bearing animals. The Indian}poration in one place. Does not Popular Overwaitea, High grade, flavory, per lb. .... 66e. Molasses, Domoleo, 28,..... 300. 3s . eo. 5 60c. is not a great hunter, having given] Vancouy say Iam it? and Household Overwaitea, makes a rich brew, per Ib. .... Oe, Pollde BEROr, Wee FO cee A iis. cc eees ‘ + ve himsélf up entirely to fishing for| Victoria imagines the same. Hyson, a mild @elicate green tea, per Ib. ............ 65c. Suh “Se a Gee CUO 6s CWER ee CEs ; oe $2.00 the canneries. The mountains River Not Waterway. COFFEES are grand and very accessible. Many things are problematical, ts * Once up you are in a new world,}but the Aiyansh Valley one is We are importers and blenders. Prince Rupert Grocery Co. and if you want sport it is there*surely certain, it is this: In seek lyphoo” Coffee, best in B. C., per Ib .....00..,e00% 55c in the shape of mountain goat! i; to promote the development Bagdar’ a blend of South American and East Indian, 64e Q and groundhog, both excellent/of this valley we must eut the Ground as you wait. meat. The great blue grouse and river out of our calculations. We Pure Cogoa, tie very Beat, OOP Mh Wed ii vcr ic vee 20c little ylarmigan abound there} have been credited with the river | BUTTER also. A fortnight on the moun s with an asset, whereas it is s |tains in September gives the dust|a liability pure and simple which llighest grade Government Creamery, per lb 62c. 3 Ibs $1.80 to every other geegee that one} we can never hope to clear off. Ontario Cheese, per tb 40c Purity Flour, 49-Ib. sack .. $8.00 may mount in this life. Speak no more of cur “magnifi- lodgers Golden Syrup, 5-Ib, cans, | Candies and Chocolates at whole- Sait : : Se { te , it is a fraud. a 67c. i0-ib. cans §1.16. sale prices, rhere is no loneliness in the/cent waterway it is a Traud, % Moia=ses, 5-lb cans 4Be. 10-Ib cans | wrigiey’s Chewing Gum, 3 for 10c Aiyansh valley. Life and color,| white elephant, a handicap of the 8Se. : : si per box, 68e. , , Soaps at less than wholesale prices ; ‘eX Base Be . ® sight and sound alternate and! deepest dy: For six months of 1 Crown, 65 bare 25¢ owney’s Nut Bars ...... ; ‘ . ; busine Linen 6 bars 28¢ Lowney’s Diamond Eating Chocolate weave together. There is no stil-|the year it is o ene Big Bar 270 %-Ib, 200. ; ly night, music and pealing bells Continued on Page 5. s janen Week, oat in 10 a ee Chocolate, per seem to make the welkin hum, - Small White Beans, per Ib. 8c Turkish Delight, Fruit Jellies, Nut ler » “s . a : krinkle Corn Flakes 2 for 26 Jellies, ete., per Ib 60c. REET A RHEE Ree Ree and one lies under one’s camp- for Fishermen. Swivels, oe Cane Sugar, 20 Ibs. $2.28 Many other lines in faney boxes tree listening in wonder at night./509¢, dozen; hooks 3c each. Ful- 100 Ibs. $14.28. und bulk ° Birds are many, beautiful and just}jer’s, Ltd. Phone 45. tf We open at 8 a.m. on Saturday. See Us First a wee bit warbly. The humming 1 We are forging ahead because we apply to our business bird abounds in summer, and Synopsis of © methods to suit the times. We eut out all unnecessary ex- there are always a few ringdoves pense. We do not have any expensive bookkeeping system. Phone Phone about Aiyansh, and an occasional Land Act Amendments \ lo not give credit. We are importers and packers in magpie for luck or is it the as many lines as possible. We eliminate the wholesale os other ym : Fo = on ‘ middleman, é lowers ‘re is a Co ue eas : ae ge ke ee Mintmum of first-class iand | «.© San, We Do, and We Will Continue to Sell for Less. and many surprises. sgdgeed to an acre; second-class to owes: —— The Climate. On aus. : . Pre-emption now confined to sur- | 7 © \ word about the clitmate, es veyed lands only. . 9 pecially our winter climate, is parte wat be granted covestan euty | fe necessary. The snow begins to} ana which to cee tural purpesss | Vancouver, Nanaimo, New Westminster and Prince Rupert. Two Stores. Phones 44, 45 and 534 fall about the middle of Novem-| , Partnership pre-emptions abolished, | jf " . but parties of not more than fourmay (= ber. At first it comes and woes.) Sage or /adiacent, mrecomedons | UIINI/AN MILANI GGUAIOG0E) 0110 0 a a ts oe te Leach” | Bggeseary improvements on respective | — claims. | a depth of 3 or 4 feet during the _ Pare — —~w- =|winter till end of March when it] five years and make improvements to 7 7 s ; value of $10 per including clear- | evaporates. Thirty degrees below] ing and cultivation of at least 6 acres. ao : . . before receiving Crown Grant. zero is about our limit on thé Where pre-emptor in occupation not | down grade, and over 100 degrees] less than 3 years, and has made pro- M4 S e 2 portionate improvements, he may, be- i in the shade sometimes in suni- cause of ill-health, or other cause, be | al in ar ec ric 0 mer is our upward limit. We have] SPanted intermediate certificate of im- | e provement and transfer his claim. } little or no rain during the win- Records without permanent resi- | es : eather the t dence may be issued, provided appli- | ee “- ” LIMITED ter and in zero weather 1 al- cant makes improvements to extent of | Electric Eugiueers and Contractors mosphere and the skies are radi-| SOL P*S Sire make improvements | 8 ant, while the aurora enlivens the} or record same will operate as for- > , be: We carry a full line of Electric Ranges, Washing Machines night. Life does not cloy at all. fotture. Title cannot be obtained ta Vacuum Cleaners, Hot Plates, Grills, Lrons, al aa ta . wine , of $10.00 per acre, including 6 acres | ‘i . cuu eaners 0 i Spring sunshine begins to mak cleared and cultivated, and residence While our stock lasts we will Toasters, and Fixtures. itself pleasant about the middle] of at least 2 years are required istimates furnished on House wiring and Motor installation : \ ; } Pre-emptor holding Crown grant | of February, and in March the may record another pre-emption, if he | . : : : yy requires land in conjunction with his MARINE DEPARTMENT buttertiies are simply gay and farm, without actual cooupation, pro- a Agents for giddy as they come and go. We vided statutory improvements made R ie Li & i t trolti ai tefnite rain pell : and oar maintained on Crown } f R ll P ° ega asoline Engines for trolling may have de » re spelis in granted lan¢ r | 3 is i ai t fot ti n U d areas," not exe with every purchase of Rexall Preparations Caille Perfection Motors Titan Storage Batteries jthe spring aml ae. Now wae ncres, may be Teased 1 Romenttes, y 0 Doll I aie ta ‘ ef 8 . n in jus title t obt aft ulfill resi- re ‘ ° Mosier Spark Plug a n a bad year is thrown | Xe sate fe bes anak hee uldlling rea value ne ollar or over lhe Plug that was chosen for the Transatlantic flights to let us know. On the whole the For grazing and industrial purposes ; . . . - é aS ee 5 s 7 Our service department will help you to plan your iclimate of the Aiyansh valley | areas exceeding 640 acres may be > leased by o erson or © \ C h ce Lighting Equipment. A full line of Dynamos, fall that one can desire At any Mill, factory or industria "ice on | ome early and take your c Ol ; | : taints to timber land not exceeding 40 acres j Storage Batteries, Switch boards, Conduit, Cable, rate there are no complal ; may be purchased: conditions include | B 80 : , ha ial ate payment of stumpage oo ° Lamps, Searchlights, etc. jbe heard here. < Natural hay peattowe inaccessible Phones 82 and 2 3rd A posed 6th Street oe 7 : y existing roads may be purchased r venue @ We make Lighting Sets to Suit Your Boat | Geographical Ignorance ; conditional upon construction ef a read “torage Batteries charged and repaired (no time lost while i Geographical ignorance ts ‘ to hem . eS ee of cost of | wit ‘ . do uv ° 0 cee 4 a. of purchase your battery is being charged, we have one at your disposal! jbane of this province. People 6 ones, & lente “© Third Avenue (opposite Post Office) PHONE 125 jnot know what is in their own PRE-EMPTORS’ o free GRANTS | 1 ‘38 A Ibackyard. How many busine . & EES | bac kyard : thi The scope of this Act is enlarged to imen in Rupert KnOW aNYTHIDNE |) inetude al persons joining and serv- — {about this grand potential v } ing with His Majesty's Forces. The abou il Bre wees H | - Genie Se h the heirs or devisees ; ' garde of theirs? ardly | of & Geceased pre-emptor may apply a assé a i tabi arde n e | for tithe under this Act is extended one! If this be so up. nore from for one year from the death of | iwhat are we to expect down such person. as formerty, until one . , : re A r i i year after the conclusion the p i For the Salt Lakes f)eres 2 “iiend in Vancouver | ae Sse ahs conclusion ef ane present | Another 200 Ibs. of | Also all kinds of Pastry ‘ troactive —_—-— . : ‘° 4 | was asked to have 2,000 fet : No fees relating to pre-emptions are Sundays a.m, an : we to A due or payable by soldiers on pre- © . lumber shipped from the { . ot oe = nh oath emptions recorded after June 26, 1918 g ets ae P lrandale at the mouth of the Naas Taxes are remitted for five years e im akes ednesday . ; Provision f retur of moneys ac- i m. andevery 40 min- for us—a transaction red - i orune. due and been paid since August a Specialty ' j . 1914, o « mt of ps . 7 - utes. about six days. He telegraph or taxes : idier ore cuplinee we ai . Fare Return- - ape to enquire “wh®her we could nol s tatesens on agen vanes to porchane : ru e In rounding up your morning “het pa . ’ ) city lots heid by me Pre , Children - 25¢ more conveniently get it fl Allied Forces, or dependents, acquired | order, don’t forget ‘ : naalton ? direct or indirect, remitted from en- sais . : Port Essington or Hazelton stment to March %1, 192 ; i D B d J. Myhill Jones mS * which it would take| “ment 83 Sarem 78, tem. to be disposed of this omestic Brea Red 391 each case of whe < SUB-PURCNASERS OF CROWN cone two or three months to se LANDS. week at 30c per lb. The Bread with the Label oor weer i Again one Provieton made for issuance of So order completed, Ki ; Crown grants to sub-purchasers of ——- ——. ———— aa 4 » oI t ma Crown Lané acquiring rights from would suppose that the \ . . . . . purchasers who failed to co t nian TT . 90 ne order houses of Vancouver Wo ld purchase, involving farfelture satel. 717 Third Avenue Phone ! — elee the fillment of conditions of purchas ‘ know better than anybody e! coven and tax« Where tan aan - ! ss ne { e do not claim Whole of o ing 4 - FOR S E geographic al condition t " I n cel, purchase brice due ont co ae | Al ‘ matie contingencies Obtallills be distributed proportionately over | Lot | the various parts of the proyvinc made by May ee OF 9, Bloek 414, Seetiont @ $3,000.00 cash ss But : . . 2... & Fee > ea Bo, ° i covered by their busine GRAZING aa 5, Block ho, Geeneee 4 Oe es 3,000.00 no: their eirele of accu ate i Grazing Act, 1919, for systematk e meeton ea ooms 3 », Block ys UNIO Oe ire wt adccis 600,00 formation seems to be small: Ful Sthes fot an saing “4 rite and plas aurarurer 309 SECOND AVENUE ot 10 Block , Sect “ . J odie fol ; = By mg ; s : 5. i OO SE ke ae 600.00 : a i an ord adm ' ind mimissioner ’ pan @. } example last fall om 7 o—- > Seteeten’ Meee tees The Business Man’s Restauran’ RMEN, LOOK | winter provisions was on hun Ss raged, priority for estab MON Lot 16 Block 50, Wee Oc i we 100,00 : of these houses whieh ine! ¢ dy cae soeiatio ler pange tonnaae REAL HOME COOKING. BOARD BY WEEK OR oo aan ‘he good ’ ment. Free, or partially free, permite 50 Ibs. of bacon, “The goods a'-) monk, free, or partially free, permite Home Made Bread and Cakes Always on Sale. DAVID H. HAYS, 2nd Ave. and 2nd St. rived minus the baevon by r hal to ten head, . ‘ i a lett boat of the season, al