FACE SIX Kill Dangerous Quicker! Clean untiling Flit vapor, from the handy; RiJjprrovVHIi diet quieter It contain more Init ialling increJAp(i, thgujharm- v lest to humani and ctalnleM to fabric. That's whj more people use Flit. Money back guarantee. More for your Better Pay The Price money in the f larger tlzea. Don't be tempted to choose jewelry or watches too cheap. Fdr better to pay a fair price and know exactly what you are gettingi ' That's been said so often that everybody by this time ".Bhould know 11 and yet there's lols 6f cheap jewelry in the land, , If-you would like quality come here. ,. And even at that no person ever said bur prices were cJEwELLEKp ltlC STORE WITH THE CLOCA LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 Cartage, Warehousing, andf; DIstribuTfng, Team or ' Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Moving. SKATING Afternoons .'. 2 to Evenings 8 to Competent Instructors teach beginners. Phone Black i 19 4 10 to uriih H block baiuf ies PftfcFLIT ConyrtaM Wit RUaan Im. "Caterpillar Tractors" MEAN BETTER, QUICKER, CHEAPER LOGGING Sole Distributors for D. C. MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO., LTD. 910 STATION STREET, VANCOUVER. B.C. Branches: Prince George, Kelowna, Nelson iiiWWWIPIHftlM 1 1 HI I - 1 ! Extra Specials FROM OUR Sale for School Opening FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY j 15 ONLY, BOYS' SUITS left in stock. Regular $15. 50. To clear $7.95 BOYS' SCHOOL """" BOOTS "U"'" Sizes THE DAILY NEWS Waterfront Whiffs Biological Station Staff Off for Smth.; Hunting Sea- son Opens Soon; Haltibut Landings . Holding Up ,,. ,. of Pacific coast Workers of the biological board at De-'parture. Bay biological' station, Vancouver Island. Mr. i Brocklesby will proceed soon after the conference to Aionmai, where he will spend the jnext year at McGill University though he may yet be a rival to I tv,,,ng L"S d4ree f 8. Doc,or of Mr.1 Eckener. . I Philosophy. He will be accom- pained south this evening by Mrs. The specially called half-holiday Brocklesby and family, who will , ft, connection wilh the exhibition spena tne year in Winnipeg. Ail was well observed along the watcr-of the staff with the probable ex- front and' few of the places of ception of Mr. Brocklesby will Ye- business there were to be found turn to Prince Rupert in from ten open on Thursday afternoon. Most days to two weeks' time. During 0f the hallhut flppt has hppn nut aVUI.1 r If 1 . - bers for school opening. We slock He was accompanied by his wife parme U1vmrp Cn ' nnwer tint- rubber boots in knee and three- and family on the trip. Red with Capt- Charlie Lar- quaner lengms. , kin in command, left last Sunday been SCHOOL CASKS Up from ..65c Rulers Given Free Children Accompi .Mothers - i. tiLv..-.;?,... MADE TO ORDER Ling, the Tailor Phopr fill flL '.L.. For qulek reultR try a "wi ad" in the Dally News. haa gone on the rocks off Johnstone, master 0ff Island. The Red Boy was of the Union coaster Cardena,1 thereupon despatched north and, had his first experience in an 0n going inlo Juneau for orders, airplane on Thursday afternoon, found that the Theresa had been m Timni Twmis Airways flying boat engaged in oUlly Ull' shery patrol. The popular skip Verne Dalv. brother of Mrs dated Mining & Smelting Co. board. heavy gale off .Cape Cod. Tagging the Halibut (By J. P. Babcock) on Yacht Depnts 'Th palatial 91-foot Los Angeles power yacht Debutante left Wednesday night on her return south after having spent two days in port. '((The Debutante i; arrived here on Monday and her owner, ,a There will be almost a complete exodus of the staff of multi-millionaire Los Angeles the Prince Rupert fisheries experimental station on .the tJlh'S hSbut'decifi steamer Prince Geortre this evenincr. when D. B. Finn. Lthprw- whPn hp fn..n,i ti... '.-. director; H. N. Brocklesby, assistant director; and R. irn a little late and weather con-H. Bedford. D. Denstedt and L. F. Smith, members of dltions getting rather unpropltious ,tne scienimc siaii, leave to attenci trie annual conierence.1"1 l."c ,,ult" Capt. W. P. Armour, manager of the Pacific Salvage Cq. here, purchased this week the home of Doug Stork on Atlin Avenue and was engaged the last day or so in moving there from the cottage on the salvage dock which he has occupied for the past two years. The house on the wharf will probably be occupied by one of the members of the company staff. Doug Stork plans an leaving the city shortly. " , , m v onie Dann during tair week mis j. Buck Lodge, foreman for the iuai ciiKimrci, win ue in cnarge oi year and their absence was no- Pacific Salvage Co., and Mrs. st.tl'n' . ticed. It gave others engaged in1 Lodge and family have taken up At the same time as the others, the busines of servicing the ' residence in the living quarters Peter Black Jr., who has been on fleet, however, an opportunity to' on. the office float which was for- the summer staff of the station, enjoy the festivities is leaving ior Vancouver to re If y,'!" f theUniversity . Another two kg w,n k h merly the headquarters of Frince Rupert Boat House. the oi Dnuin uommpia. I opening, of- the der hunting sen-' Halibut landings at the port of u. . .. , 'son, an evenf which many nimrods Prince Rupert for the 1929 season Plans for the large new annex are ,ooking fofward to T,med rcached a tota, of in to be erected in with conjunction nicely at he week.end hunting pounds yesterday, or about one pie Prince Rupert fisheries ex- mfly eommenc.e on September 4, niillion rounds ahead of last year r Jr , l uuu " i ir remaining open until November nr a similar dale. American 0. new innovation is that one landings, totalling 13,784.500 mi i in a VrA , m d o' Ot- f.'.0..8',?, Canada Jn doe may be taken between Novem-! pounds, are largely responsible n I ceItIie" ' e"ue ber 15 and 30. It is the first , for the year's gain, while Cana- .uuu uc ur u. time n (hat te km, of dian landings, aggregating 5,824,-struction of the building, which doe8 ha8 been ,9gIble but th 1B0 pounds, are standing at aboul nas Deen designed more partlcu- i..ii u" i.. u Mh "X n v 5?5 l" rfTr p-evailed upon to believe that at! , During the past week, landings ed actively in plans, drawing up the II . B. Stiles, chief of Ihe Star Welding Works, is expected back nn Afnnrlnv mnrnlnrr offo. n woaV'i -"''least one female of-the species were ralher lighter than usual Bineer oi me ioca. siauon, ass si- may bfi Q each nuntsman. i totalling 597,300 pounds. Ameri We are willing to bet that there1 can ares stood up well at 525,000 are going to be a lot of surmised I pounds, while Canadian boats , . does hereabouts after November landed only 72,300 pounds during ua0.KB w,. ,,wW iug 15, when bombardment on them: the week. Owing to the scarcity :". v.apv. jume. nun, wJ1, gtarl t , ftg of fgh( priee8 went q &n leu rrincc uupen weunesuay on ugual, three animals, Including the usually high level on Wednesday 5 ,11 Chartef t0, the , one doe.' The season for ducks when 19c and 9c was paid for the muuiK "u and gse will open October 15 12,000-pound calch of the Amri s sr"e";;3rln ,ary31. opn unU1 Janu . Ncchako Rebuilt combined hnslnea, and nlAa-mr The wel1 known ,0al Power trip to Vancouver. It Is the first "u,8er Ifccha0'. so'd r!cent,y can boat Anna J., and IS. 2c and 9c for the Canadian Toddie's 8000 pounds. Low prices of the week were 13.2c and 8c for Canadian fish and 12ilc and 8c for Amer ican. I' iij this Z 7 industrious J i J George Arnold to U Suea. will win something unusual m the teler-holiday and popu- f fi.ht,rn,(, rmen was .. ..idtii,! related by (ar citizen of the waterfront has ha.rdlJ to her old gce friends now. Jblloving an exten- aPl- Ambrose uean, kipper or had In had in manv many jears. vears rehuMm :jftb wh,ch hjU the Boston schooner J. M. Mar- . , . . . , Ibeen carried ofct on the vessel by shal'. when he returned from a final I foiling Trips hc new ownei From the wateri trip to the Georg, Bank fishing The coming Labor Day holiday ne up, the boat has been re- grounds. Captain Deon said that week-end will be marked with modelled and rebuilt and she now when his vessel was about 70 miles l 1 U- l-.i !!.. 1 IL. . . : . . A t 1 I.Ll - I 1 to 5 Sale price $3 95 luuul l"e ,aBl ir,i'5 ol u,e appears a neat raised deck ?nBl Ul "usl" ijsiu, a Kre. ' ' fiUTUV qrunnt nnrvri Pre9ent 8eason- A few ParUe8 are cruiser, apparently as sound as the 8w"rm of mosquitoes swooped Panning to go forward to various day ,he took fo the water. The down on ! cra. The Insects ap- Sizes 11 to 13V. Sal nrir. 2 bizes 11 to 13,. Sale price $2.95 tL.t hauntg M- Isaak u-alton's ii . narently were n need of nourish- JJUlb L.UIM1 1'AM 5 KeirUlar dliirlnle. Aftpr n mimmpr whlrh i i-j mpnt. for thev Immwl Rtelv saUImI to j.uu. nn c bale i $1.9j i nr has not been aspicious as far as hub jn the utreii vessel conipitneij ilihe same reiiuvaii:'!. old 12-1C on the ' crew. The men escaped BOYS' RUBBER BOOTS weather conditions have been con- automatic engine, which also has the attackby taking refuge in the Sale price $2.95 cerned, conditions along this line h-n rolmlU iMlnir rnw nrark forecastle. The mosquitoes hov- GIRLS RAINCOATS Sizes 14 to now Promise to be improved . for piUK motor nBtead of make-and- ered over the schooner until a il f t til mt r " -1.1 t il 18. .Regular $7.50. "e "nai anve on me nnny break. As far as can be learned. 81,11 oreOTe oiew inem awy. Sale $3.95 beauties. Sufa piam on kping the vessel Captain Deon declared that he had GIRLS' SCHOOL SlIOES-Spe- " fr his own private use. At any ev" ore mosqunoes so daily reduced. . uien ueu' foreman oi me ai- ratet he does hot appear to be in'" uv 10 sea. ne oeuevea inai n.i.i nr to e n- ..v., nv nurrv atmiii se nnif. a inoUk?n. . - j - . , , , , , ' ; 7 . pernaps, no body nas Did quue Special reduction off Children's absence of two months visiting j, enoUKi,, ' Shoes and Rubber Boot and Rub- his native heath in Nova Scotia. , ' The racial study of halibut has tm trranHir nlrlart Kv lairtrlnrr n-.in. r.-..i- vt..i n r- , . "V - "J xiV ,c-. Vy,e. . .T. . 8 with a salvage trip in view, but Tagging was first undertaken In in Ml School t"K Chief lain, wjiich plied between returned on Tuesday night after: Hecate Strait in 1925. The fish .nvlni ThMr her? ?A Port Baalngton in the what had ed to pretty taifKed were caught b AeU ineir anjing rly d vg( aived ,n port from much of a wild se chage wlth chartered by the commission. Numerous Other Bargains SALE CONTINUES TILL SEPT. 7 Jabour Bros. Ltd. Phone 615, 3rd Ave. & 7th St. the south, on Thursday morning, 0 saivaKe available closer t. They were caught in regular gear naving in iow iwukow ucl hand, call was sent here for a boat and taken in lines over the side witn ranaimo coai ior AiDen a to K0 to the assistance of the of the vessel as usual. They were McCaffery. Capt. (Juneau halibutter Theresa, which carefully removed from Ihe hook and examined to sec that they had "ii ot been fatally injured, then laid in troughs with metal seals al(fng the centre from which lengths were secured. Scales were taken when he made a brief flight successful in freelnir herself and and records made of exact loca from Butedale with, Pilot Neville proceeding to port under her ownitlon. By means of special plyers vuiiuutuBo in a ucoiem vanauit power. a snort metal strap lag, with an ni'n In nna nnrl nnrl rintrtt mm tlin C il unv Vl(4 UhU 'V I W Ull HIU !VJ olhcr, was securely fastened to per is reported to have 'been p. Armour and skipper of the Salt the upper side of the cheek and finite sold on air transportation, Lake ferry boat Naas River, his the fish put back into the sea, free even at the expense or his old purchased the pollbe boat P. M. Lulling, Workmanship and Stylt Bteamboatlng love. He has not L. 2. which was offered for sale AH Guaranteed mitie up his mind, however, that by Ihe provincial government. no wumu ime 10 iuiiow u per-, me vessel is to be repiaceu uy a - nasnus un m i ru.v.u. mil rAVAniV Hnn n I 'lTjU.V.U.ioab,too M a. .tt i .i .r to do as it pleased. Each tag bears a number, the letters I. F. C. and Ihe year, p to summer of 1928 some 8338 fih were tagged. anu SUlTS'rEAM CLEANED AND) m''rtcBliy- A "Hfe boat still looks larger dlescl-powerefMwst-whicliJ liberated. As each tagged and ' ' - r better tq him than a paraqhlhp Jieen built at the Yarrow yard.1 liberated, , fish, .was wprth$1.50 tj PRESSED I j : , , in Victoria, and whlchMs expected. $2. CO, their value was consider Wc Deliver to Any City. Part to arrive hero early next month, able. A reward of $1 Is paid fish-The J'.M.L. 2 Is forly-one feet ermen for the return of the tags long and powered with a 20-25 and Ihe date of capture and loca-Buffalo engine, Hon. Two dollars, is paid for op- , t ' 'portunlty for examination, of the Power tug Blllmor, under char- fish, with tag attached, for growth ler to the Pacific Salvage Co., records. left last night for a week's trip to Up to November, 1027, 1000 Stewart and- elsewhere in the tags had been relumed. In 192G north with D. C. McKechnle,' over fortythree per cent of the , field engineer for the Consoli-fish tagged at Cape Chacon In 1925 FW- AND SAT Two 5howk 7 and 9 p,m, THE MIRACLE OF THE SCREEN "UNCLE TOMS CABIN" WITH AN ALL-STAR CAST OSWALD AND SCENIC Admission, 25c and 75c ; Sat. Mat. at 2 :30, 15c and 50c FURNACE or STOVE WOOD Inside Spruce and Hemlock, Cut 1 J and 16-Inch $1.50 PER double: LOAD BOX CUTTINGS, $3.50 PER LOAD HYDE TRANSFER 171 3rd Avenue East PHONE 580 Heated Storage r BAGGAGE were recovered. The main object in tagging was to determine the question of migration. The re turns to December 27 show that. jsouth of Cape Spencer, ninety- e.ght per cent travelled less than '100 miles; ninety-five per cent less lhan fifty mtlea; eighty-fivo per cent less than twenty miles;' and seventy-five per cent less. than ten miles. That indicates that Ihe great majority of the fish remained on its own,bank. Tagging experiments in the Gulf of Alaska were not undertaken until the winter of 1926-27, 88 per cent of the fish tagged being mature. The returns have not been fully tabulated, but the rate of travel shown Is very much greater than that shown on the ' southern banks. The average' travel of seventy fish was 301 miles; seven, fish traveled over 600 miles, and onc?fClostf tp7 9p0 miles. Only three of the (Ish re-, covered were taken outh df Icy Straits, indicating that the Yaku-(at fish do not mingle with southern fish. This last winter the commission has tagged additional fish In .Alaska, the , recovery1 of which when tabulated. nouldbe. illuminating migration. as to northern : O Corona Burns in North Word has just been received hero of the destruction by fire last Sunday night near Cape Addlng-ton, southeastern Alaska, of the American halibut vessel Corona, well known at Prince Rupert through many calls in the port. Capt. John Courage of Seattle was owner of the vesel and was aboard at the time of the fire. The Corona was a vessel of 19 net tonnage COAL CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOGK AND SHIPYARD OPERATING G. T. P. 20,000-TON FLOATING DKYDOCK Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern Makers,, Founders Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 with crew of five f was her home Prt visited the port of I'r, once this season. t; !' 4 l l t l I. lnir tmir 1 -iiin"'v - "llirui'HIUI . rlorilles hare ilcflnlU'J eslablisIuHl Cliomplon as IM better spurk plug. Tint B why Champion oulsrH " others throughout ihe worW. SI'AItK FLITCS WlnWr, Onlrl A. CANADIAN. male rnoPi"