Page . THR DAILY NPws ‘i oe. | BABY MARIE 0SBOR | AU SESTION AND in woman GRANDMA” | ne ‘0°STIPATION Sa: Nature Pictures. . Qui kly Relieved By There are ‘oom © of the | some more “Frulj-a-tives” popular nature pictures to be seer Royal Crowa Products : Rocnow, P. Q. tonight at the Westholme Thea “7 suffered for many years with eee eee ewes ERS ORS deo ful ecticle : terrible Indicestionand Constipation. fer those who.ere fond of outdoor amie an A neighbor advised me to try life prove the most acceptabl: > ‘Pruit-a-tives” 1 did so-and'to the offerings of the screen. surprise of my doctor, I began to The big play stars Baby Mari: improve and he advised me'togoon |“sborne in Winning Grandma, with ‘‘/ruitt-a-tives”’ I consider that I owe my life to ated herself into so many hearts “Pruit-a-tives” and I want to say to jis well known in a dozen famous those who suffer from Indigestion, |films. The child has a uniqt Constipation or Headaches — try personality and talent. She firs — “ — cl the child actress who has insinu PRINCE RUPERT WATERFRONT LEASE **Fruit-a-tives’’ and you will get well’’, won fame in “Little Mary Sur KALED TENDERS will be received by “WPINET @ + . , 99 ; tl ! Lan as ri B. C. CORINE GAUDREAU. shine’ and has kept to the fore up to 12 o'clock hoon on Thursday, 31st a $9.50. tri aii as a child actress. July, 1949, for the purchase of a iease of 50c.a box, for $2.% , trial size 25c. hil actr the parcel or tract of land forming part At all dealers or sent postpaid by — - oF 0 pe Lot “K,” in the City . ian siaall : ‘ v Prine pert, Provinee of British Co Fruit-a-tives Limited. Ottewa. _— ® jumbia, an@tand’ covered by water lying y in front of said waterfront Lot “kK” and DO ys j which may be more particularly described f |as fullows — so E CUMMENCING it a point where the northerly boundary of water British yachtsmen have passed front Lot “k" produced Easterly will intersect the Easterly boundary of the right of way of Grand Trunk j a resolution refusing to race| Pacific lhiathway; thence north 43 against German yachtsmen for deg. 47 min, east a distance of 175 One Reason W hy ; ten years. That will hurt, fos ft; thence south 33 deg. 28 m. 15 s ' ; y. . East a distance of 345 feet; thence Hun yachtsmen were rapidly com- South 43 deg 47 min. West a dis — —————— i , . ane ‘ ‘ tance of 175 feet to the Easter! ing to the front, They will have boundary of the said Right of Way NOTICE , no real integnational competitior of the crane “rome Pacific Rallway . | thence North 33 deg. 2 5 sec TTE . . because they have beaten all ex- West and following giona. the East un tone Gf 2 da ae ae ae Kdward Lipsett, President Harry Lipsett, Manag ; , . 5 . : erly be lary of s¢ of a S . . : ' : ; : , Gurney 8 commenced mak- ! ept the British. to ‘the point st eoumanermnens ba tf : pines eam. ihe oss). es Cdward Cunningham, Vice-President ; ing stoves in 1848. Still in a ne acres, more or less NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that it ts } ; . Phere was a fatal termination Term of Lease to be 10 years my intention to tissue, after the expiration t the same line of business ; ; ertifed cheque covering one year’s|ot one month from the first publication ° ° ; ‘ ’ to the lacrosse game between the rental must accompany each tender, the} tcreof, a fresh certificate of title to the ; 1919. Hundreds in use in National and Cornwall at the ee of = tenderers to bejabove mentioned lands in the name of Se = uni am ; Pri R : , returned immediately Donald Ross and Robert Mackay, which uw . ; rince Rupert. Nationals’ grounds when “Happy a aonamaat or any tender not neees-|certificate is dated 2ist day of January, ; tin 2 Tey. ot ey . we .. . 1915, and is numbered 7115-1 bo - He oe = d of he “k t failure # - g —o oe eat, what Dustne 8 H. PF. MAC LEOD, LIMITED } N SALE AT the end of the second quarter.” HC] eigeiy just whe - = Gesignate District Registrar of Tities ? JE r clearly jus Mat use they intend to make DATED at the Land Registry Mice, | FISHING ANN PMENT—m R : 9 did not complain of any illness eee how much they intend t ine Rupert, B c. thie oth er nti sae any agur = anne wanowa 7 > » ; e pend in improvements, in what manner} June, 1019. . ‘ r Stor s until after the finish of the open-|ond in what time. eee arttets einen’ Steamship Suppiies, Gas Engines and Accessories ing quarter, when he asked to] yi/"he imposed under the Leases WATER NOTICE Fish Netting, Twines, Lines, Ropes and Cordage ve ose oT e Lease rf 4 ; ' , Hardware have a substitute go in and re — prior to the erection of any wharf DIVERSION AND USE he property, ans ™ > 5 PR RT SHOOND AVENUE place him while he rested. Medi-| bmitted for the Vgpreval of the Minis. Sd en oe a ‘ . R ter of Lands rAKE NOTICE that M. R. Lillico, of Phone Black 114 cal attention was called and th That provision must. be made for the} O'l@wa, Ont, whose address is vare Wm Hegistered Oflice Prince R art OMe doctors attended him until he]overhead crossing shoWn on the oficia|| 5. Hood, Atlin, B. C., will apply. for a : oe moe . Tha 4 : : ,}plan of Waterfront Lot “K,” also access] Heetice to take and use four cubic feet 6a OW Sir ale NN . died. The = — gave as the]io and trom the water in connection wit! ber second of water out of Spruce Creek j ater Street. Telephone No. 05 cause of his death heart failure. | 5¢m@e. whieh flows east to west and drains int Vancouver, B. C P. 0. Box 1698 ° . That rent shall be paid in annual in| Pine Creek, about two and one half miles : ee! —— : = L'Heureux will be remembered as | staiments in advance ‘ar | trom Lake Atitn, 2 y . : 2 G. R. NADEN The water will be diverted from the - oreo : having come west with the Deputy Minister o ge [Stream at a point about 150 ft. below ne : : | fr Land ; : t} Frenchmen in quest of the Minto]? partment of Lande, — {Toe > oon Nedved's ground ‘ . ictoria 3 ‘ ai wil ve usec or placer mining pur i} Cup. June 90th, 1910 poses upan the Calder Bench Lease de ¢ ‘ =a sli scribed, as Hydraulic Placer Mining Leas« yy ; : . uN dad | b ] R. With entries from all Pacitic Ths notice was posted on the ground NOTICE oOo coast cities, the twenty-ninth an ms ie Se, oe See. See . ' A copy of this notice and an application d nual northwest tennis tournamen pursuant thereto and to the “Water Act moved to will open on August 4 on the Vim aimie::ClU ; arry ; i t t Water Recorder at Atlin, B. ( . 7 | hi courts of the Tacoma Lawn Ten. 7 w in th = Ww onan a T _— , ; ed i we Saic ater ecorder or wit! 21 id Ave. nis Club. While the tournament ihe Comptrolier of Water Rights, Parlia BOVIS GF CANCE i eee Opposite is supposed to be for the north- TENDERS FOR COAL thirty days afice the first appearance ot] NOTICE 18 HEREBY atv —— es © : ; } i at ¢ f u at eat o's r ' ' i The Em enn °H tel west players, players from any eta this ane & S : boca! he wspaper reserve ¢ —e > certain row ind W tenhaver's sbore nex rei 0 : : : ‘ ALLICO, Applicant mi Porcher Island, Range ; este ® i . part of the world are eligible to] SPBALED TENDERS addressed to th fiom “one Rotice Of whieh anpeared ts - Westenhaver office anata enter undersigned and endorsed “Quetation for By Wm. B. Hood, Atlin, B. C., Agent. | Columbia Gazette on the 26th March, 1 sublet part of this t& ‘ é 4l, Dominion Buildings British Golum The date of the first publication of this uncelled t} ' ] Meth CIGARS SODA ° ° ' ee pe received until 12 e’cleck neon, | aotice is June 23, 1019 G. R. NADEN ; : ier for office pury ' T At the practise game of foot- of cont hes nallic batten nemaiee 7" : Lands Dey wine ame : for show or sampl wo per cent. Beer ball on Wednesday evening the]'° Province of British Columbia WATER NOTICE 2 a ea Rent reasonable - Combined specification and Aform «© DIVERSION AND USE 1919 players had lots of running |tender can be obtained from ‘the Pur Minty site hon 7 ee . e , | chasing Agent, bDepariment of Publi TAKE NOTICE that M. P. Olse JOHN PELLICANO around. The number on each | Works, o4 te — HARR i rks, awa, and from the caretakers |4@(dress is Alice Arm, B. C., Will apply @z, vy naneon eres side was below what is required]! ,the different Dominion Buildings for a licence to take and use 10 second ms Soman a ee ! fenders will not be considered unless|feet of water out of Tumble gooul, aie j > > The Reliable Plumber ——— |to play the game so that the men]|maide on the forms supplied by the Depart | Known 4s Goat Creek, which flows west ~ Phone 489 P.O. b had a great deal more ground to n * — " seeveenee with the conditions }erty and drains mto the hAitsault River, fe tig . a t set forth therein. about 17 miles from its mouth at head of Z7 + JY Becond Avent cover. By the time the game was kach tender must be accompanied by | the Intet of Alice Arm , sig ~d Sik, over, all Ww I ry t i i it ali accepted cheque on a chartered bank The water. will be diverted from she | REY; ~~ Be Yr, a ere very ired and iljpiyable to the order of the Minister of ]Stream at a point about 20 et ly | =. 4 _ se for Public Works, equal to 10 pe . ‘ 5 ’ pains easterly | afforded great amusement to the » eq ) per cent of th |from 8.2. corner Lot 3196, Cassiar Dis- i 6 aiuount of the tender. War Loan Bbnd<}tret, and will be used for mining purpose NOTICE OF CANCELLATION casasacrse em, For the Garden spectators to see how easily the the Dominion will also be accepted a [Upon the mine described as the North Star | ; i . , — aes “curity, OF far Bonds and cheques if} Mmeral Claim, Lot 3634, Cassiar Distric _ ~ a sal players fell over when they] quired to make up an odd amount This notice was posted on the —, not OTHCE Js HEREBY GIVEN that th Specially Suited for Prince Fi clashed. By order, m the 20th day of June, 1919 SS ane a” teem See I Orie ooms hugest- ett St a K. C. DESROCHERS, A copy of this notice and an application| pies on escl er A Disteses a . E Secretary pursuant thereto and to the “Water Act.) jp “ ; ag ~ ae ™ © nn 6th A d F l S pet Sever ing parties hi Department of Public Works 1014,” Will be Mled in the oftie coe eo nS 2d, Gar enee Stree ra shing parti have Ottawa, Ont. July 7, 1 i Wat K ; ' H the office of the |B itish Columbia Gazette on the 2ud ; a ; oe et : _ Ottawa, 1 7, 1919 ater Recorder at Prince Rupert, B. C bua ts ata . 7 es FEED Ser the been organized for the past few pe ae a —wee—meeegonif | Ongonsions to the application "may be)" eres 7 weeks Me . Creek fed with the sac ater Recorder or with } CHICKENS we eks to go up MeNichol!l Creek BER SALE X 1719. ihe Comptroller of Water Rights, Parlia- | pangs te nepal Minist Land Nice large Furnished The salmon are running there -—— - ment Buildings, Victoria, B. C., within a a HAY, GRSIN & FERTILIZER , Sealed tender thirty days after the frst appearance of VietOrte, B.. One land the trout are biting fine. lt - ane Be pw! = _ sonata by the'linis notice in a local new ape - ance © thth July, 1019 ; Rooms for Gentlemen tiniste 4nds no ater 4n noon on ' ro makes a niece jaunt to hike up the|tve toth day of Jul : . M. P. OLSEN, Applicant ‘oO \ : ; ; P mse of Liven e x17 is. > reas gates The date of the first publication of this ; or Married Coup! & R.FEED ¢ | Se ee es ee ee Spruce and Hemlock, on Lots "6001 = —ee is June 26, 1910 . camping there all night and rce- [#4 6002, Kitimat Kiver, Range V,, Coast|~ ad . 0. tur District LAND A(¢'l Every Convenience urning on the followimg day lwo years will be allowed for re y ar é . -mova! ; —— : ; ‘ timber a arucusares PHONE 58 lishing all the way down, Sar Notice of intention ly : Gournsucarasuces rerererarererwr~ ' ’ ther particulars of the Chief Porest to Apply to Lease Land | . . . er, wieheess. Bb. ¢ or distric ster P. 0. Box 333 908 3rd Ave. F. Next year will sce a girls’ Ox. |'‘imce Rupert, B ~, OF District Forester, IN QUEEN CHARLOTTE LAND Dist mic ores? Ne) yee t i t X- eo ECORDING DISTHICT OF SKEENA, anc 7 . ves / ‘ ; ; ipeeiaindctett ford and © te : "ace as situate in the vicinity of District Lot 7¥s : aerweremeneececerenreneners| will as tl Saale neete atlas a TIMBER SALE X 1649. ou Masset inlet, Wueet Cavite lant | NOTICE OF CANCELLATION ee SSEENsS Voll as 1@ annual maie alla, it TAKE NOI i »v . s t | CE that the Watts ns Newnham College fans can man Sealed tender ies, Limited, of Vaneouver, Brition ee a NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVE) i — —— an me aied tenders will be received by the} bia, occupation canning eo intemis | reserve exis pF \ that tix L iipany rte ui ape it Minister of Lands not later than noon on}te apply for permi e gore gt on al Pe Over cortam wh lands the Univers of Britis : . . the 22nd day of July, 1919, for the pur lowing © described onde ~ acres more or less ae oe a ; ib Spier 7d eee “Ogang” in golf aeems to THE WALLAC ; NOLL onal regular courses mney ix ee ALLACE FISHERIES, LIMITED ‘OICE 15 MBREBY GIVEN ; a - . TE! resery . that bi ied without undue dim ' be passed away The younger Per Fred. Nash, B.C. L.8.. Agent © existing over certain Crown land et ie nw 7 MMSE Sealed tenders will be receive Dated Ord da . "Ton the Naas River, ¢ : , ams = : : rived by the ued Grd day of June, 1919 as iver, Cassiar District, notice Bs lgeneration does not seem to be lie’ cnter, later than nam on enatee aeneeres in the British Colunbia j . : ; the ay o y, 9, > ; ail » 25 bruury 908, is A is jtaking hold of the latter. lie }chase of Licence X 1209, o ons eeeaee LAND AC’ canceled, ae —e . ir inewspapers are tak 2 “f feet of Spruce and Cedar on ¢ res G, Rh. NADEN, . |hewspapers ar taking an active | [eet of Spruce and Cedar on an area ad PRINCE RUPERT LAND pistnicr—pis piper dealel or seen ss \w ene in stimulating lawn ten-|Meaage 4, Coast District . wee Oe QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Longe Departinent, o e VIC - : p nie ite 5 bi two years will be allowef for re j TAKE notice that E. M. Lauder 01 ictoria, B. ¢,, > R PE i} inis. The recent regatta at ‘len-Jor tmper mw Pe moval) setatiia Tite, Goosen oe lig 15th July, 10919 ur dill | - j\ley seems to confirm the fact that). va a gg - Dis Chief -oetees r owing oes ried land _——— TENDE Cy i ei ” » OF District Forester, | ' ‘ ved lands: Rs r FORBES Mitk this fixture is going to have ¢ /Vrinee hupert, B.C ears Gaepmencing at & @ost planted on th wanrse a Mrs i long lease of life, in spite of th: _ —~—www_-_},SoutD shore of Maude Island, about 70¢ SEALED TENDERS Mi) : P ; feet east of the 5. E. corner post P. RB. No | erectio if NDEKS are invited for the Hh ifact that the public is not taking TIMBER SALE X 1650. 1284, thence north 20 chains; thence’ east | behalf ot the qe at, Smithers, B.C. on — i | | 5 20 chains; thenee south 20 el we eas! | behalf of the Smithers Hall Company, Lid ‘ —_—--—- * : che Pree 4 io Here is the way Pacific Milk whips|a Very great ipterest and house- se 3 west 20 chains to point of Pr mec | Vians and specilications may be oblamed 7 : ealed tenders will be reeeived by the e ment |on application to the Secret; Ph ne GCreen 548 best; | boats are Conspicuous by their Minister of Lands not later than nose on Date June ge yea saiaaaes Hoskins, Smithers, B.C er eae 2 ; Put a small tin in water and heat! scapes . . tia the 10th day of July, 1919, for the pur une 14, A. 3 _A marked cheque for 10% of thy sieail P.O. Box 102 Office, Fraser >! jabsen Nothing, however, holds i amoun p to the boiling point. Then put on ice oe : : chase of Licence % 1650, to eut 886,000 ae of tender must accompany all tonders i} and chill thoroughly | hve interest of the people like west of Mayas and Hemlock on an area MINERAL AUT me. lowe t or any tender will p a ‘ , . | 0 a 505, Chuek alte » cessarily be accepte * It Have a bowl on the ‘ce getting cold.) horse cacing, All the raceemeets |itange 2, Coast District. — CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS Ail ‘tenders to hein the hands of We : Sell : Coal ie When the tin is chilled open tt and are a suecess although some of |, yh Pe na will be allowed for re-moval . LMENT! Kosvotery al apnithece BC.. on a | - . all % pour milk into the cold bowl, placed : Fue ? NOTICE, —_ aw wows Gs Se Come : ; , » entrie 20 yurthe : a 0 of Pare uke hoor (nee ner gre Sle r n |the entr ies would have made race} Caine ajar ae ihe Chiet Forest, Beaver, Sundog Fraction, Glark, Jimn rhe cheques of all ere Beat in the ordinary way and in les. |80ers before the war shed bitter | \rince hupert, B { — Minenel a ae he 7 derers will be returned to then eoncecaosorrrrrr4 ' — ae nn os 4 ’ Ma > in the Naas Mining Smithers, B ‘ae than five minutes you'll have deiicious|tears over the quality of ti |. Division of Cassiar District. —:.%» dune 14th, 1910 whipped eream. omnen. TOE PION CASSIAR LAND DIS-] | Where locaied:—On the west side of /SKEENA LAND RRCORDING FOR ELECTRICAL WORK If tt is not wo much trouble we . wy Sie eet a N. Clague er os Ot SEN CHARLOTTE Go to oa ; AKE ? 1E that |, i ‘ague o would be glad to know how you like it.! ; Paxe eh that I, Kobert Hyland, of |the eity of Dunean, B. C., acting as age ISLANDS Telegraph Creek, KB. ¢ oe “ wen We will furnish any other recipes Mr. and Mrs. Yager and son = ; occupation trader, | for the Granby Consolidated Mining, Smelt TAKE NovTH t intend tw apply for permis FIORE that Ne upon request, ft for Vancouver on the Grand] the following des ried land: oe ane doetthen he be ar a nee tee. machinist, intende i * 7. a e . Commencing at a po Lanter 8 avo, SOE permission tO prospec or « ‘oan ” a Trunk steamer last evening On|s. W. corner, about @y0 yard. 24, 08, the [sixty days ‘from the date hereof, to appl Som On the West conse, foal and: petro ® = about 250 yards below Deep |to the Mining Reeorder for a Gertifieate tin th waast of Graham Island : on 7 a awn oshe . [Creek and 2 miles westerly from Telewray ' ovemen ts Se oe ae me Vicimity of Weat Ri com ein "Pacific Mi Milk Co. jtheir way to eastern Canada, Mr. |ercak “fronting the Stikine five yi As on an the purpose of ob [at & post planted at the southens 336 2nd Ave. |¥ aver has been called home on ac north 7% ¢chains; thence east 20 chains "lea further telee motine hat act ae Hy a ee thence east "80. h in Ph thenee south 7% chains: then oat +2 ee a —. ere ae ener south 80 chains, t 1 ae ones leount of the illness of his father. |enains to the point of « lence west 20 lider section 85, must he commenced befor |ehains; thence nor maine, Week anette alan, 0-0 cali 0, the oint ot iwmiencemen aif te iaauanes of auch cortibead® ot tn |eommcacemoms *t 8° chains to point of] F LACK R67 --— GREEN 39% f . we ¢ ss | proveme | telat the Deity ae ale, May 90, 101e meet HYLAND Dated this 9rd day of July, Ab, 191% pen Hit MeL&oD, Save Money in Lamps , May 29, : . x atte Brow » OCD H. N. CLAGUE, B.C.L. 8 }Mated May 18, 4041 n, Agent ooet