THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday, March 19, 1029 fAGE F.OUK The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIj Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Limited, Third Avenue; y Jj ijaUjiews, IF. PULLEN Managing Editor. '" DAILY E t, by by mall mall 'SUBSCrtlPTION KATKS ... - mm gr City Delivery, or carrier, yearly perloa, paia in aavanr f o.w For lesser period, paid ir advance per mcntn " By mail to all p&rU, of Northern and Central British Columbia. paid ?n adrante for yearly period Transient Display Advertising, per inch, per insertion 11.49 Transient Advertising on Front Pjse. per inch V'.fO Local Readt-aTper iiwerUon. per Use Clarified Advrflaftgvpinsertton. pE word " -2 LpitaI Nr'ifw. t-hth inrtton per airat line 15 Or four month fAr 'Sl.OO By mail .to all ether part or British -Columbia, the British Empire and Ualtet States, paid In advance per ear .... JCto 8y mail to all otiver cwuittries, per yea Contract Rates on Application Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and neportera Tefeptione - 2'ember of Audit Bureau of Circulation dit6n 99 86 Tuesday. March 19, 1929 CLOSING THE PORT the budgJL made by Prince Rupert's member, J. U Brady.j in the hoUse oLcomBjons, the only report tq be PV,blisheHpc nere. IIS QjOOU caiiK oil wie rtguiai vrfnavuan i iko news service ah(f was given the premier position in the! paper as berne the most important news of the day, NEWS OF NORTHERN B.C. TERRACE Mrs. C. C. King and son CorMn left on Saturday on a trip Jasper and North Battleford. Mrs. J. B. Celthurst left The part of the speech which proved of greatest inter-; on Thursday for Prince Rupert i est in this office was that in which he mentioned the f acili-' hre Mr- otr , ties granted the American fishing boats in shipping their; nospmi ,or ope"uon- , fish in bond to the United States. A public meeting a few Mrs. McKinnon of Vanandol in Prince asked that this privilege be years ago Rupert wa8 j town on Thursday. rescinded and from the trend of the remarks of the mem-. - ber it waB gathered that he took the side of the halibut' The lady members of the local fishermen in the house. It seems that this was not Cor-'hoo! uffs were l a rect, for telegram has been received in (he city stating J!nDrt v? ofjITlS TT that Mr.'Prady is not in favor of shutting out American XV A ng it in his The.Dal News oi part as The United minister ed inde governI an the competit muaon. Prince Ri rm - i; f-a j. t T" - . lb a. ... eecn. ine uanaaian t ress reixiri. receiyea ayi Mr, ih Mrs. rnomas r. smith iemand published oh Saturdav iri'llie naly"iia tte son of TelkwV who jiLjvhkb he arra:gR?d t'.i: nment was in aTe .'tti , ,n i Mows: iu l?r, nrLg. rr. resent government was givmg a bonus to the s.,, te Mnu smith's! tes against ine very spirit oi me worus oi ine parents - Mr. and Mrs. Robert 1 finance, p. he Mtttltatesnrrn'emment work ; Chrfnty. ?Wmnd justf drlthfirgopd; oFtheSmtion-'it rrBrttev'said. ltsesiTefltf) giw arV accouht to llaroldi Agar, who has spent the iches of its industry arid assist f hemdp'their ! M u.rL. wasinsUhcedlrrthe Pacific coast iishirtg sit- rt.v fnrlt. B rinr. 1& allow MMmds ofhalmutof a 23.000.000-rk)uliaiialIb"ul calch ahfltX. (whi'-wia spent the hip it free of duty to the United States. Canadian fish ?9t 'ew BOBh in E1a r paid duty on entering United States ports. Yet the gov-;turncd to Terr,cc on StBUr ernment members had balked at the suggestion of retalia- -tion against the United States tariff. It was not a case of ! VANDERHOOF I A. i! II.. Tl J 1 i i retaliation, out. oi seu-preservaiion, xur. uraay saiu, to as- The Vanderhoof and District SUt by legislation home industries." Board of Trade has sent a 1023 word telegram to the minister of DAILY NEWS REPORTS ST. in the estimates this year for The Daily Jfews makes an effort to give its readers! SfthTii l2 as complete drifts as possible of important events and a jdistri in order that minMt- uuu(iiv spcrcM uitkiie aicw was nut nnyuiinv lju uf .j-.ts nfjly be traasoorteajnto shat omitted. It matbred not tefvs whether it favored our own aectidlt rety4om am . S a.t - 4 .a. i I t 0 X ' j. A.La- 4 1 . t iAi.' . views or opposed them. mentioned before, flits is?er stasyih.Jnutrr hi rs- tir nnlv nanpr trt dHvp tkh mnnrt if Mr Tlrnflv'a ahAcoh fiving mstwntfen.' Later it may filter though into others, We shall en-' An eMmlnatJon for deavor to contiftae to give te much news as possible and f(Ht ranyers was hsW4l b-as impartially as possfiole. We are told that Mr. Brady derhoef today. "V , will be in the city soon and will hold a public meeting. On i that occasion we shall give as full a report as possible, con-'; T Hush, w. Ilonner. T. Wniie sistent with allowing space for other news of the day. It ttn1, G- Mel'haraon left here last ia fmnnrtjint that tha nonnlp nf Rkann rlietfSof km,- oC w'k for the 0lnc oW nearly as possible what their member is doing and saying. A RLAST. UPON TIJK PIPE 'Usfla Ijohn mv&cd nCENERAL MtRCKA-NTS Tl.t PI'.inilx r: "That tool Sal"smanship is what's wanted for th;f; li'i t. . . .(in and t'i'tch it Bill." i The Prim-i" nf Wuli-s, in connection with the British Intiu-trirs Knlr, recently opened, strongly advocated more up-to-date methods of sulestnanidiip by manufacturers.) From News oi the World, London Mr. and Mrs. James Silrer an- Urtaineil a number of their friends at a card party last Wed-ncsday e-ning. Mrs A. O'Maara Is a pationt in the Prince George Hospital. Arthttf De Uiad the niisfortuiM." to break his i?K while euttiftg ties recently. ' ! ' A. H. Brean was soloist at evening service in the United Cliiarch here on Sunday. A son was born last Mondav Id Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Burdette of Vanderhoof. j Mrs. Henry Stranfebye, who ! underwent a serious operation In the Prlnee George Hospital last week, is roaking a satUfflctory recovery. C. E. Scott has been laid up for several days n a result of ;an injured hip while loading tW. I District "C" Central Farmers' i Institute has elei t-r officii-,, ns j follows: president. C, Prmir; vice-presideht, William Lockyer; secretary. C. C. Kalljr; directors, R. Blackburn, E. Van Buskirk, S. to W. Cocker and P. F. McGregor. j Mrs. II. Reeves entertained a '"lliir rinmhor of frfimls at a Thursday for Vancouver where jbrWBe 0Q Thursday eve. sne win join vph voiinum, whdhaa In oth fW some time. 1 Mrs. C. L. M. Giggey returned to Terrace on Thursday after several months visit with friends in Regiaa. Mrs. D. D. SmHHmm An rung. BURNS LAKE District visitors In town during the week have included: N. Van Jde Veen;Tintagl; R. M. Carrol, Decker Lake; P. L. Mulville and Muaro arrived from John Bostrom, Grassy Plains; Thursday to look rtPn urnww, auma . after her property interests here , PP88' Princ Gere- and is the guest of Mrs. Greig. T . . n.. . . Mr. and Mrs. E. Hunter left I lac liurns uase ami iutrm Mrs. W. Sins nd little daub-!k"ni o Tn6e hm fccted otti ter left on Tk.raday for PriasV 'Pr " lowj: .IJ A. OIJ S- i 1 ' Runert when, ah has -.cored oianey viwwin; v.ccpiw employment Constable McKeaney left on Thursday on an official trip to ra. Darnee Qfl town on Thurs- idenL A. Shftlfsrd: secreAarv A. R. Brown, P. Brunell, J. Bog- In a few weeks' time by Mrs. Fun trom, B. A. Smith, M. F. Noursw. nell and family. C. ' D " Haven, ' II. J. Jewell and P. .,.,..,.,. , . , .. Robert W. McGowan, principal V" Ia"on- of the public, school, has rc- . . , IA ceived the appointment of stip- The Burns Lake Community. y itrate here Hall. -Association liaSlected1o-$ ViUi Ticers as follows fbr the .yiat f'.XWl V8 a attendance president, A. M. Ruddy; vice- at a' St. Patrick's Dance which president, Mrs. K. M. Godwin; Avas held here on Saturday night. secretary, Mrs, P. V. Tallon; 1 treasurer John J. McKenna ; ex- UNIED CHURCH YOUNG here with Tallon. ecuuve, .Mrs. A. n. E. r.. aibwkk, j Brunell and II. Linton. Francois Lake is in a very dangerous condition now and It is possible that no further crossings may be made on the ice this winter. Mr. and Mrs. P. V. PEOPLE HOLD MEETING Gathering Last NMght at Home of Mrs. T. Ross; Paper by Ilron-'' ' son Hunt The Young People's Society of First United Church held its regular weekly meeting last night at Mrs. Gordon S. Wood of Prince the home of Mrs. Thomas H. Ross. George is paying a brief visit Fifth Avenue West. George II. I RETIRES Stocks, president of the society,; Lieut,-Lol. r. O. Loggie, MSc, occupied the chair and the feature ! ". who retired from the post, of the proceedings was an Inter-. tion of Deputy Minister of Lands The Omineca Ski Club is plan-'esting paper by Bronson Hunt on and Mines in 1925 after 54 years ning to build a ski jump which the paper-making industry. in the New Brunswick Govern- will be one of the best in British 1 Games and contests were en- ment service, had his long pub-Coluofbia. ' joyed and dainty refreshments lie service recognised in the C8th ' I : ' ' i were served by the hostess, who annual resort of the Department W. ' I. Funnell has left for . was assisted by Miss Phyllis of Lands and Mines, which was Prinee Rupert where be intends Lamb. There was a large atteaaVtabtod in the Legislature last treasurer, Ilobfcjt' jliowe; cuJJIttt late. He wii be Joined there "rnce t . Jwtkv Greatest Mem in1odd. TO those dear to you, you are the greatest man in the world . . . the wisest and the most far-sighted. They trust you to protect them from hardship and privation. And to the best of your ability you would do so. Yet there may come a day when you will no longer be here to shield them . . . to provide for their needs. Will their faith in you then be justified ? You realize that their confidence challenges you to greater vigilance in their behalf. Have you made the provision for them that you know to be necessary? Is your Life Insurance sufficient to meet their needs? Do you realize that 5,000 invested at 6 yields an income, of less than 6 per week? For the sake of diosc who love and respect and trust you ... those to whom you zre the "greatest man in the world" . . . take pencil and paper, and figure how much you have done toward the building up of an estate. Then call in the rcprcsentadve of any Life Insurance Company and learn how little is the cost of adequate protection. 7prn ove ThaTTKV 111 Mmvr-f Dim. M!lJI ass etnee