t - Loca! and News In Brief Come in for Details of the $30,000 Prize Picture Contest Let us tell you how easily you can qualify for a major prize in this big Eastman Contest the greatest in the nistory of photography. Entry blanks and complete contest infdrma-tion are. available at' the Kodak counter now. Come to our store to fill any photographic need. We have a complete stock of camera and dependable Kodak film. And our trustworthy Kodak finishing makes the most of every roll of film. Jfic Pioneer THIHD AVE. fr SIXTH ST - I 4h I SELVIG BROS. MEAT MARKET ;! - 3rd Avenue - . ' MEAT, FISH A'XI) m- "OLD COUNTRY Our makeFresh every day. .. v. Superior Quality. ) DEMAND "Rupert 9 ippers la. m "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily Canadian Fisli & Xold 1'rinn- Kupert. H.. GLASSES that Satisfy 1- ;: - PERSONAL PRIDE 1 , v It Is no longer necessnry to wear glasses that detract from iiersonal appearance. Crafsnynshlp has eom-blnejftj tcience to ro-ilui''MsMSjyJhV nro becom- It us show you some of th' latest. Have your correction made Up In the new style, of we can check up to seo if your 'glasses are correct. John Bulger, Ltd. THE JEWELLERS Drutcistx TELEPHONES '- 1,20c Hi . .fil' - 1'honc 705 VEGETAliLKS i SAUSAGES Brand" by Storage .Co., Ltd. SUITS! SUITS! MADE TO ORDER Culling, Workmanship and Sly! All Guaranteed SUITS STEAM JAM CLKANEl CLEANED ANP PRESSED We Dflivcr to Any4 Part of th( City.. Ling, the Tailor Phone 649 Dr Alexander rilONF. 375 IlKSNEH Ill.tiriC DENTIST & Taxi Phone 4, Big 4 taxi tf Dentist Dr. J. R. Gossc. Phone 686. At the meeting of the city wsouncil last night ft was decided to grad: the lane buck of the Prince jtupert Hotel at a cost of S1590. A letter received last night' jfrom Mayor Malkin of Vancouver invited the city council to attend the Council rf Education at Victoria. The letter was filed. A meeting of the Fair Board is called for tonight for the pur-fmse of electing officers for the year from among the members of the new board which was chosen at the annual meeting .last week. The city council at it! meeting' last night granted permission to Adair Carss chapter of the I. O. D. E. to hold a UK day to raise funds for taking care pf the sol- ,UerS...PJt..at..the cemetery, the date to be the Saturday preced ing Ypres Day. Passengers arriving in the citv from the north on the Camosun today included: A. Gray, R. Water, John McLeod, C. HolHster, H. A. Kurem and A. Wlknic, from Anyox, and T. J. Shenton, Bishop G. A. Rix and father Leray, from Stewart. Tenders for payer to the reading room were received "by the etty council at Its meeting last lsigVit and t,he cantfaet to supply them , was let tp jHcRae tyros, for l&4.12. TK' Mine Orm -ot,the contract (or yriatiag the aedit- f.ttf)rtf for , A letter tnxn the ItafeJ Financial CofMMfeiirin offering to sell &ndYWWTef erred to the finance j coamittee by the city ceuacM at its iMtttw lust night. The Mayr,JjBCfm3teBoW to the council tW whajs they were reedy to purchase igMtdt ,ey advertise for tenders. ', ', The city' council at its mntiBf last night receJwA. word tint the Ontario Hydro-Electric Forfar Ontiniasion would make no charge for their services in connection with the review of the power charter for the city. The commission has been thanked for their courtesy. At the city council meeting last night Norrfe W. Prtagtc asked rar permission to transfer his house on Fourth Avenue to J. R. Tannock. The city has ' to be consulted becuuse there is a loan against it under the soldier's housing scheme. The matter wasU Ivft to the finance ctMAndtfc'e with power to act. Th0 MJetjlhfe r VaiIjSolJtJ ANblilNCEMENTS Street roftneclmt uratiam Ave. ye jlnurn . l.v .tli4t nrnnprtv ftwnimi. if a. aA .v .ni meeting last night. Out sf i8;nois Theatre, March 18 and 19. owners 8 are agaiost it and oet, of a total property valuation $11,780. $6,670 voted against iti The Provincial Government through Mr. Cathcart of the Lands DetMrtment, stgneu agawat oming the street. Awful Pimples On Face and Neck For Four Years Mrs. Mary Rail. Egsnville, Ont.. wrnes-"I am writinB to tell you thsl I suffered terribly with awful rompk, all over my faoe and neek, for foui years. 1 had tried everything, but (rot no 1 run unui unc uay a menu about 1 and advised me to uso it. I used four bottles and my face ia now completely clear of punplcs,," Manufactured only bx The T Mil turn Co, Ltd, Toionto, Oat. There's only one quality of MAGI BAKIN G WDER and thats the highest Jiade in Canada. NO ALUM E".W 6ILLETT CO. LTD. TORONTO. CAN. j . jgumt wo Miss Erma Erskine R.N., who , , has been visiting for the past .Charges Courtier, who has been tew -months, at Digby Island with appearing in the Capitol Theatre parents, Mr., and Mrs.' Robert here dttrjng.the past week, sails. !?rakiBe. .will sail Friday morning this afternoon by the Camasun-.0" Prince -.George for Vancou-on his jturn to Vancouver. ve,r .en route-to Hpnqlu. Uaiosiateamer Camosun, Capt, Adjutant illiam, Kerr, Sal-Jasses Stndlay, returned to port, atbn Army,, who recently under-at ii neon today from Anyox, as sparaiioln in the Prince Stewart.-., anal ether northern 'IJ"- '""ersJ UpspitaL is up points of call nd will sail at and arunl in the Institution and JkSO p. m ter -the south. ..xpected to return to his home within the next day or so. Passengers sailing this after- noon on theCamosun for' the' Capt. Ctcil Lang; former chief seuth will include: U. van C, WUcer of the Lthlort steamer Outt, W. S. Sherriff, H. F. S. ''OheJohsinj ''has left the service Wooiverton, Charles Codrtier, J. of that line 'to become skipper of F. Little and G. L. Salter, for "the-Union Oil Cos tanker Ollnda Vancouver, and II. McKay and p. Brown, for Bella Bella. HOTEL ARRIVALS ' Savoy W. O. Lapofnte, Pitt Island. Roynl it. Careen, eHy; H. Elvans and.Church 1 next next Sunday, bunday. A. Wppuhammvr, Pert Edward. Prince Rupert R. van Clare Butt, Seattlej'Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Jensen, Claxton. SI- St "Officer CGC" at West Wooe mgt Drlve and Dance, March 22. Presbyterian Easter Sale March 28. Good Friday evening-Baptist and a M- Simpeon for the rail-Church Musical Lecture, "The wnv- King's Ifefald." Refreshments. Sacred Cantata "The Way of, the Crosg." St. Andrew's Pro-1 Cathedral Augmented Choir) on Good Friday at 8 p.m. Quern Mary Chapter I.O.D.E. Daiiuilii Dance, April 1. Royal Purple Bridge. Whist and Dance. Elks' Home.. Anrll 2.1 Anglican W. A. Easter Sale, April 3. United Church Easter Bazaar, 'April 4. C.W.L. Spring Sale in Catholic Hall, Thursday, April 4. After- Inoon from 3 to 6. Social in eve-' ning starting at 8:30. Eagles Whist Drive and Dante, Thursday, April Hs -;! I.CJV :'. .... G.Vro Hoedown, April 19. T. J. Shentdn, Inspector of mines, returned to the city ori the Camosun this morning from a trip to Stewart on official duties. Bishop G. A. Rix returned 'to the city on the Camosun this morning from Stewart where he conducted confirmation services last Sunday. Mrs. A. A. Connon arrived home a few days ago from Van couver where she underwent an operation. She is making good progress to complete recovery. j 11. f. i. wooiverton, superintendent of the Silver Cup mine ;t Harelton, and W. S. Sherriff, who is in charge of the mine office, are sailing this afternoon on the Camosun for Vancouver. On recommendation of the Board of Works the sidewalk asked to be built to the home of Rev. Canon Rushbrook on Overlook Street was refused by the, city council at its meeting laif night. George Armstrong, keeper of Langara Island light, who was discharged from the- Prince Rupert General Hospital at the end of the week, left Sunday on his i return to his duties on the 'Islands. which h well known here as a frequent vfsitfcr to the port. Father Leray O. M. I. of Stew art arrived in the city on the Camosun this merntog from the north and will proceed by to-' mnrfA wrymtr9m 4H.ln T ' irace wnere he will conduct ser- jvices ,f the ftman Catholic . . ., ., On a charge of creating a dis- turbance onMarch.Dat the Ena, press Club, Edward rnh.rdt was this morning sentenced by Magistrate McGlymont to the ttee he had already spent lfl the lockup, lie was advised to Una Price. ' A debating society is being a series of contests and game formed in connection with the vere enjoyed and delicious" re-local Moose Lodge. Tomorrow freshments were served by Miss night a debate 'will be held on the Nancy Armstrong and J. Arm- subject as to whether a highway to Terrace or a railway to the Peace River would be more ad vantageous to Prince Rupert. Aid. G. W. Rudderham and Percy Cameron will argue in favor of the highway and A. R. Phillips Heart Palpitated Nerves Bothered Her Sleep Was Broken Mrs. Fred A. Ii(n!ey. East South-amnion, NJ8.. writes: "I was tiothered very much with my nerves and nalpita. Uo . of the . heart, and my sleep was broken at night. i uvciasa 10 try j j ! ant) after 1 had taken six boxes I found th 1 thev had done nn- no mwh good 1 - 1 gladly rerouMK-nd them to it tnm wit) are troubled with sleeplu4dw.'s c Aised by their heart and nerves." I Price SOc. per box at all dnijntini" and ! d !al-r, or tnaited dirwt on rweiirt of I r-tce by TU T. MUbura Cu., Ltd.. Horonto, OuU I rkiz rH.iK. DON'T TRIFLE WITjL CONSTIPATION Rid Your System of Its Disease-causing Poisons With ALL-BRAN Constipation gets its grip on a person almost unawares, it starts with such little things. Headaches, listlessness. Bad complex ions. Unpleasant breath. If allowed to continue, constlpai tion often leads to serious rerolts. It poisons the whole system. Steals the charm and beauty of women. Robs men of their vitality and ambition. " Don't trifle with, constipation. Rid your system of it by eating Kelloeg's ALL-BRAN a delicious cereal. It is guaranteed to bring relief to prevent constipation. Just eat two taUespoonfuls daily Edgar Provinse, well known Hyder merchant, is a passenger aboard the Camosun today rfoihg through to Seattle on a business trip. At the elty council meeting last night the offer of Miles B. Lemon of $150 for Lots 7 and 8, Block 16, Section 7 was accepted. Theiterday afternoon, ejected for jury clerk said there was $102 against the property for taxes. i mitted for trial recently by Magis- Passengers going through ffom'trate Hill of Ocean Falls. W. E. northern points to Vancouver aboard the steamer Camosun to- day include: J. D. MeDonald, M. Manning, V. Turgua, C. Tomlin - ' son, K. E. Bigham, Edgar Prov- inse and A. Scott, from Stewart: R. L. Healev. V. Larson. V. Lin- der, E. Erickspn and Mrs, Mc Karacher. from Anyox, and 'WI- Ham Copeland, from Port Simp - son. ST. PATRICK'S 'IGHT It was St. Patrick's night at the Salvation Army Young Peo- pie's Legion last evening. Thej program Included recitation's suitable to the ocecslonyrfjd m'4 freshments took the fgrjnjfjbfl Irish stew. George Almon occupied ' the chair. Next week there will be a debate. FJRFIDF PHIR HAS ST. PATRICK SOCIAL , ... .,,,,., . v. nj?f J Vtf MeHt 'h M ItS?1' X 1 "!1rtaing . .. Mi.,u, c. n-4-1.1... ciaTd laTt' n .hV bV Z Fireside Club of First Baptist' Church with Miss Bessie Dcrry ' presiding Alter W t!rc wan a' Wef prommXludIng VocSk los by Miss Beulah Mo KinleVi v. Houston tnd T. IHU- Tout. Accompanists were Miss Aletta McKlnlev. Miss Catherin? Mussallcm and llcv. V; P strong There was a good attendance. ,., MRS. EVA SAXON IS LAID TO REST Funeral Service Held This Afternoon With Burial in Fair- , View Cemetery Funeral service for the late Mrs. Era Saxon was held at 2 o'clock this afternoon in the chapel of tha B. C. Undertakers, Interment! following in Falrview cemetery. Quite a number of friends gathered o pay iheir last respects. Rev. W. W. Wright officiated Land ;Mi( jj A Woy prC8,ded ai ( rgati for the hymns, which were Lead, Kindly Light" and "Near?n nr.. r J ft. H ' Palll)eai-ers were Nobbie Clark, jJeck Tait, W. Sullivan, W. Murray. Norman Short and Donald McLeod. THeri' were a number of floral offerings. ANTICIPATE!) ROAST "Who is going to score the new opera you Intend to produce" "I'm ufrnid it's going to be the rltirs." Fun. chronic cages, with every meal Doctors renmend ALL-BRAN because it is 100 bran. It works as nature works. Serve it with milk or cream, fruits or honey added. Use it in cooking there are delicious recipes on the package. Grocers sell ALL-BRAN. Restaurants, hotels, dining-cars serve it. Made by Kellogg in London, Ont. ALL-BRAN INDIAN EECTS FOR TRIAL BY JURY ON STATUTORY CHARGE Jackson Collinsoji,. Klemtu Indian, btt appearing tefbre Judge F. McB. Young in countV court ves- , trial at the next assizes here on a charge of rape. He was com- Fisher acted for the crown, while W. O. Fulton appeared on behalf of accused. Collisqn will be taken shortly 10 "Kana, wnere He will await tr,al- Hi" is tne first criminal tase arising for the session of the flUPreme court assises to be held here '"June- I" " Alaittr of Ceremonies . . . responsible to the Company for your com fort, pleasure and satis faction . . . the Cunard Purser. Always making you glad you sailed Cunard . . . seeing that you know the people you want to know. . . . mak-lnfi you ship-wise. A CSfnard Purser, therefore a perfect Purser. , Scil Cunard I 4 . Book Ikrhutk Th Cunard Steam Chip OtL Limited, 611 1 oriinji wn ymnctvttr (ft. Seymour i-O. or ant tleamskipaienu WmMj' SaUlngs to Europ Pram May 3rd om M -ntretl (and Quebec I CUNARD V-v CANADIAN SERVICE V s-sos Cabin. TourtJt Third Cabht ind Third Omm LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano ana Furniture Moving. Garden Field Seeds FERTILIZER BULKLEY VALLEY HAY AND GRAIN Prince Rupert Feed Co. PHONE 58