f p Tuesday, March 19, 1329 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE SEVER Man in the Moon Yosd rday Jake lfot so enthusiastic ovi-r the coming of spring tti i.ii' .)i-(l(,'rd a number of seed i i.'.li j'iip.s, ; l suggested, that he cp Jii- local Hued Btprtji first. II. tbey did not advertise o how was he to know what they had to sell. . ... i ..II , If Wo uim: n iijns '-ai) a spaae. a I mlli": iii - i ijition on some tombs. Somi girls marry and others n(i'r tell men how wonderful tin y are. !. !;' is that superior feeling on i'ii when you refune to do-natf mm a niatU-r of principle. Prince Rupert has only iiartly learned the art of making money (nt nf tourints. There are curio oliris jttMj whero Yukon ' may be purchased but no b(-.i i'.ii tiooi - may be. sola for twin- their value because they it it ed by the man-eating chief Muyomiomoo of Fort Rampart. One of the bU'ssings of an edu-; t ion in that it gives tired imrcMM a happy respite during at least part of the day. In the east they are having th-ir annual floods. But who wants to live in the east? i t swatted. 1 1 P.rnins We right but money .iJko j 'ut4fil. ' -i SorviHinwfU Is Veil to' keep your ibnnr bom: up 0ur sleeve'; -4 Ljn Is a" rnuslenl' Instrument and It l tHernther of a hal.y bnfr'rrtrti,pHt that!Wdy. "" 'IC1'1" "M1 -i t - '' Ten-Years Ago In Prince Rupert March 19. 1919 The provincial government has i i riiiiiniended that the federal . u inmt nt aid returned men to ii 1 1' r the fi.-hing industry on this '.i-t liy establishing a trawling i hool at Ksqulmalt and fishing, packing and marketing, schools ..t Vancouver, Victoria and I'i ince Rupert. I'i'IisYfttlonrtlfrre Mng made by a joint enmfniUe of tha city I'Uiiftrj'fh'eiitVVnr Vtterans As "i intii nrid Ur4nit Associa-'mn for' ii snitWte" reeption to Lo ut. Col. c. W. Peck V. 01 who pxptcted to return to he cityl in April, There w.MI.be a publiM ! i nAioi) m Uie Exhibition , Hall in I many othar. functions to liMiior the distinifuishwl local -iiMier on his return home Three baseball teams are being f' rmeii at King Edward School, Manag rs are Principal A. M., M Donald. Miss Mills and Miss I!"'hwell and captains, Willie Mit, hell, Alex Mitchell and Ho-i'aee Toltermill. RED'S Transfer Fifteen years' experience In FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING We sell 8 kinds of Coal Any kind of Wood in any quantity CEMENT SAND GRAVEL Our price, weights and measured are right. So Is our Service Phone us and Save Money and Time DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: 201. Nfghl Phone: Kcd 317. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOUNJ THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN TUTSTWF.SCj tntfrrgt th vniTMr; Awn mn H ATER NOTICE Dlvrnlon and Vkc TAKE NOTICE that Alfred H. Bryant. I'- but others after they have Bcotia Building, Vancouver. B.C.. wUl! it ll;dy,all it a blankety l&ft tiuJ?ZtL2!lau"t0V. blaul. rlumny tool. I water out of Buck Oulch Creek, which 1 flows northerly and drains Into Deaaef ThMlr ahnitt mIIah rt.... wimin tniny days after the first sp- prarance oi tnis notice in a local The date of the first publication of this Match n lfred iftBhYA$ CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Western Region Scaled tenders wUl be received at ttu Office of Chief Engineer. Winnipeg, un- ui iweive ociocc noon Monasy. April I, IMS. for replacement of one hundred twenty-five Wooden Box Culverts by Coji- cieie ripe ana construction or live Ke-lBferced Oonerete Bon Culverts an Alfcm. am auDaivwioa on ruunioops fHvlalon and oh toe amitners uivumb. flans. spectfleatlOQs and form of eon- tract may be seen and form of Tender wMunea at unices oi District EaurBietfs at Vancouver and Edmonton: Dlvlalem u Engineers at mv wasp went aDOUt Ills and Oalary; Acting District Earn more quietly and wore more 6SsS ii i ..Linn, lie wuuiu llUfc 1H) Prince Rupert. Kamloops inclneer. Agent. Prince Tenders will not be considered unless made on form supplied, by the Railway Ounotny and accompanied bt an ac cepted cheque on a Chartered Bank equal to tree percent of the value of the work MMsli to the order of the. Treasurer of ueauaian jxauonai naiiways eet or any Tender cepted. W. A The low- not neceesarUy ac- KINOSLAND. ; ii uenerai Manager. W1jirpe. Man.. Maroh IS, 19S9 (88) I rilOIUTE In the Supreme f'ourt of llrltlvh Colum .Uli, In the matter of the AilmlnKIra tlon Art. and In the mailer of the Miair oi nan .norm, orceaneu. TAKE NOTICE UisX by order of His Honor. P. UrB. Young, the 21st day of December. A.D.. 1938. I was appointed Administrator of the etat of Dan Mc-Nettl. deceamd. and all parties havlnx cUMM against the said esute are hereby rewired to fumtth same, properly vrrl- ned. to me on or before the Bth dsy of April. A.D., 192i. snd all parties Indebted to the estate sre required Ut dst the ameunt of tbelr indebtedness to me lorUiwlth. JAMES MeNULTT. Prince Rupert. B.C. Dated the 8th dar of March, A.D.. 1929. I'KJNCE RUPERT TIDES Tuesday, March 19 High 7dR5 ajn. 19.0 ft. v HIM p.m. 10.6 ft. Low ...... 1:38 a.m. 9 J) ft. 15:01 p.m. 5 2 ft. Wednesday, March 20 High 9:18 a.m. 19.2 ft. 22:0 p.m. 17.6 ft Low 3:09 a.m. 9.8 ft. 10:09 p.m. 4.C ft. Thursday, March 21 High 10:26 a.m. 19.9 ft. 28:29 p.m. 18.8 ft. Low 4:2 a.m. 8.8 ft 17:05 p.m. S.8 ft. Try n Dally News want-ad. It will bring results. ' . - - - . f Vrf .- i Uk . m. 1JIUU A XUUlfU iti.li VlJiJ FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING Rooms for rent Apply Mussallem Grocery, tf FOR RENT Furnished flat, four rooms and bath. Phone 547. tf red to the Memory of a ""16- . I' UK JJivM Automobiles, pianos , 7 . I .Tn wltCT wm 08 diverted from the and' Rowing marh. dollar i ii pconograpna nr-nnnirranha ana sewing macn- should be the trem ' a 'xlnt about three-quarters 01 a miie irom Dease crceg and will bo int-S. WalKer MUSIC Store, (used for hydraulic mining purpose upon (the mine described as Heady Money FOR RENT rurnlfihed house- claims Daisy and May suom. kiepmg rooms by the day, week, Water to be diverted from Buck Oulch at a point at lower end or canyon of mid creek and carried by ditch and flume over benches to mint of use. Thla notice was posted on the wound ! on the 21M day of December. 1928. A copy of thl notice and an application pursuant thereto and to the "Water Act" will be filed In the office of the Water Recorder at Telecrabh Creek. B.C. Objections to the application may be filed with the said Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rights. raniament Buildings. Victoria, B.C. or month. Phone Red 607. FOR RENT Modern four roomed flat with bath. Bank Block. Apply Westenhaver Bros. tf. FOR RENT Seven room house with bath, near Auditorium. $20.00 a month. Phone 7(5 or 20G. tf. FOR RENT Furnished modern range, $25.00. Apply 215 Fourth FURNITURE SPECIAL PRICES on LINOLEUM & BEDDING All This Week A. MACKENZIE. FURNITURE PHONE 775 PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART. We buy, sell or exchange any kind or furniture or household goods, musical instruments, machinery, etc. Gen- " eral repairs, "" crating, packing and shipping. ' Workmanship guaianteed. Just phone Black 120 and we will call. GEORGE J. DAWES, Federal Block. MOT ICE NOTICE IS IIEREBT OIVEN that an application will be made to the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Brit- isn uojumbia at its present session uj the Corporation, of the City of Prince Rupert (hereinafter called the City) (or an Act empowering the City to sell, free from all encumbrances upon such terms as It may deem fit. to the Power Co:- poratlon of Canada, Limited, ( herein- after calleu the Company), the entire as- 1 sets of its electric light and power ue-, lege to carry on In the City of Prince SuDert the buslnm of a lliht. heat and power company, and for such purposes to lnstsl. eitend. operate, repair and maintain In the said City's streets. Unas DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C BRINGING UP FATHER O0"t THIMK- PROfBMOR CU6P, THE. CRUAT MCiir4GTeACHK.K Wv MtLE AKlO HtAKD r-V VOICE AMO VlO I HOUUO CO TO tTAUV ficiH-r SHOULD rtO ALOMaOTMA,T I coulo ct r right imto it 'm COiMC TO TAKC Ht ADVICE" this 5th day or February, A.D.. 1920. n. P. JONES. Solicitor for the Corporation of the City of Prince Rupert 07-tw Alter selling two hundred million pounds of "SAL AD A' Tea In the thirty-five years oE Its ex lstence, the Salada Tea Company has lust estab llshed a new record by selling over two million pounds In the last seven weeks. FOR SALE FOR SALE Four roomed house and two lots. Apply 1040, 10th Avenue E. tf; block 7, sec. 5, McBride St. $1000 for the two. Lots 7 and 8, block 14, see. G, on 5th Ave. $1000 for the wo. Lot :8, bloek 9, sec. 5, on 6th Ave. W., $250. John MeRae, D. C. Mc-Rae, Executors for the Estate of J. C. McRae. G8 FOR SALE One line shaft 18 house. Harbor view. Monarch! ft long and. 1 inches iluck. One 20 inch, Hanger; Four 11 'PfflleysT'spee'd' 15 to ir The Z fnen belt "Two ITne sWfi 8 feet long, 1V2 inch thick, WANTED WANTED 32 ; $ot boat hull. ' Amilv Box 187' DaiIv News Of WANTED Contracts for makrfg surface and underground wires, cables) iusdiys miu mil i p,uiuui(m luu iuuiin I for the transmission, distitbutlon and V..ti" lawns, terraces, balconiss, roc I'or the Eaxt and otner publlo places poles, conduiti. i days A nartment as a going concern, and to jresaavs. oainToays.nw.. grant to the Company the sole and ex-1 close .i ....... loao ajs elusive right, power, licence and prlvt-1 rtotn thr Eat tSundajra 'fuesdikya' and Thursdsys, " To VanroMVer Via imu Wednesdays and Satur ssle of electric power fir light, heat and! ' power purposes, ana empowering the C.P.R. Mar. 24, Aar. 3 City to enter Into an agreement with the1 From Vaiiroiiirr Company for supplying to the City tndj 3':no) Its citizens electric light, heat and power Wednesday upon such terms and conditions as the City may deem fit. and further empow- rna"T" ertni toe City to hereafter nurchase or' C.P.R. Mar. 20. 30. April 10:30 ajn i.l pni .8:13 am. .. u p P . . 4 p jn 1030 am . ... pjn 10 am take over the whole or any part of the, I'or Stewart, rrrmlrr. .tnvux and Alice Company's electric light heat and Dower Arm , system upon such terms as may be arreed . Sundays . . 7 pjn wv" j 4iim b ujiw iu mm' i weanesdsTS u 9'lf Djn mint tA h fkm alu-tm n knm 1. I. JT ' '.T B-T! to be enter nAMH .llltuwlBlna . m.wim.m I .A ! the same and to validate the said agree- T.'.0". -m ment and to nut and confirm tn th. i i".aat Klin roil!! Suuasyr 7 pjn Ironi Xa Klver Points . Tuesdsys 1130 am. To Queen Charlotirs March 23, April 6 and 20 9 p.m. from (Juren Charlotte March 21. April 14 and 18 am. To Alanka Points , March 20 and 30. April 10 Noon I'm in Aliikka I'nints March 24. April 3 and 4 p.m. CN.R. 11?AINS For the East-Mondays, Wednesdays at 11:30 am. -'mm the Hast and Saturdays , J JSg l CAN'T SEUEVS ii i riii.iii. in i i L SALVAGE ANI TOWING "If It's on or untter the water wc i!o li." PACIFIC SALVAGB CO. FOR SALESlriger sewing mach-j - ine with all the attachments CeneraI 8alva(e Work. wica. iiiui iicu wi. n. .,! oil .l...T.nf. FOR SALE Small general store. Interior. Post Office. Apply Box 184, Daily News Office. 07 tf FOR SALE Lots 15 and 1G, tion's for Charter. (tow Bnts and Canoes for hire. Bargains in Gas Fngines. AGENTS FOR Van Blerck. Rasthope, Hicks & f5llantyne Engines. Northern B. C. Distributors rViHdge Propellers Phone, Day or Night, 561 P. O. Box 1561 CHIROPRACTIC L. .REIJEYE.lIFyPACJIJ2S? CERTAINLY WIXUJJfiiUejJt.,a this time of Vi vMr nH na a rule 1 n Three Iron Pullers, three "''7 . " .CI BUCII its ilUClUUIIH 1)1 II1C : 1 .0 1 , x of 1 rr . CJfCa, speeds 12 inch to 8 inch. Two,.. kJd stomach etc It' Wooden Pulleys. Apply Daily lver VI. J ! ! ' uiao uue tu mc aiucr ci-j NeWS tf itn:i ui iiiiiueii&M. Consult the Chiropractor in all eases. Relief guaranteed. I Consult ! fice. ' 69 6an1 GRADING, Excavating, Concrete, foundations. Nels Rokkjar, Room 9, 623 Third Avenue. Phone Red 025 or Black 700. 81 DR. W. C. ASPINALL T.recn: 211 Excnnnge Block -Phone Blaek: Ojen Krenlngs RESULTS COUNT -itiif ii .-At. .i.-i i i ,af i 3:90 run "r vannnifer i Tuesdays as. Camoaun Prtnays as. Prince Qwente 2S-i, Pain in the side, Indigestion ih. Headaches, Ner-1 vootnasa, Insomnia, Catarrh ;ard, kery, paths and drives; land.-j flbeuou'"n are completeIy.,.re-scape gardening, also " beautf-11 our new fora of dleieW fjrlng and Knral ,flMrtlaIntr.:ic Vl..J.'itreatrrent. A. Baxendalo,.2gCtSevantb.Ave. - ;our ft'onal "Ads,r in West. Late with Q NJl. Jhone ; lJe erty Magazine every avH(. MAIL oLriEUUU Phone. JJbie, 8S. or Red 589 1 Open Evenings ; STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS 30 pJU. d mm Prldav- v Prlnoem Royal .. 10 DJU. Fridays as. Cardans ....12 mktftleht March 24 os. Prlnoeaa Mary pjn. m April i-es. Prlnetas Alice . ." .'pjn.' P-m. irom Vanvnuter Sunday as. Camoaun 4 pjn. Wednesday . It. Oeorge 100 mm. Pnoay P'ujres Royal 4 jjn. Prtday as. Cardeoa pjn. March 20 as. Prlncesa Mary Noon March SO ss. Prlnseas Mary Noon . April l(h-aa. Princess Alice a.m. tmr Jort jlaipmn ma Ttm Rlvrr- Sunday as. Camoaun 8. njn. submitted 1 empowering the City td ' Arm . . .. t-amomin llo am. Into an agreement with the Com- Tuesdays liia am ' . "'""'WNWHiiTer, Anjot and Alice suthorUlng the aty to enter into! . Ann Company all the powers, privileges ard rights thereby conferred.' TOBdsjess. Oaenosun 8 tun. wsanssdat-aj. Pr. aom ...10 tun. rrm Mrwart. rremler, Anjox and Alice I ...Mf"!- . - Tuesday at. Caoaosua Utt SJn. nwysa. Pr. Oeonrs 6 ui far Queen ( liar Ml e KwniH-- March April AnrU !lir Mika i March 30 as Match 39 s ! April 10 as. I'mm Alaska April AprU 1 Prince John ...lO ui AnrH J as. Prlncs John 10 p.m Apni ao as. mnc jonn is Intra ijurea rnuMte Iflautl March Jl as. Wnnoe John Prlnee John Prince John Pitne oiO Yoo -rata. JHOULO CO TO TAUT AO-OfvlS. Sr,'y w Mar? PrUMlss Man Princess Alice Prlnetas Mary . , . Princes Alfa . .ajn. . a m. .a.m. . .Noon , .Noon ! ...ton. i ..pjn. ..p.m. i(j.: EMBARRASSING MOMENTS IKh 3? 4,tral Ism Crrvn 9t4it Pf rvwrvrel ' ' ' ': ' !' vit ,'e u :., it..: OIO- tT,THa TV nl OMLf WAV M. M pypiu can 'jtudy ' )mW - it I ' , rPHERfe' A (SPLASJI . '.' .' tfe jiladd waters 'cf 7 '' "I ' ihe cryitil. tool fiWKtt as the 'pebble ' ' ' oi J. i' -ft: .u-a II':.- uuJiJUtJis. I iii a (.nut. inrii iwu iutii sis.. 1 then twelve, as if by magic the rippltj tact over the surface of the pool to its furthermost edges. The stone that stirred the pool to life was one of your dollar bills, the pool is British Columbia . . . B.C. with its industries and natural resources, you, me, and everyone. The ripples are beneficial disturbances set up by your dollar ... all the elements of B.C. industry responding to replace that commodity purchased by your dollar. What is the moral of the stone in the pool?, ,. Every dollar you spend for B.C. products " ' ' helps sustain B.C. labour and all its depend- ent sources of production and distrJbutiori. .' Your own ' prosperity is dependent da four interest m those articles raanii : i fiurchatfng actured for yomby your fellow men and-women. Every man' employed earns wages, spends wages, and kevps. others employed. . Demand the B.C. product! It is an expression. . of faith in yout local industries anJ pride in , ' the products of your Homeland. TAt eVrcWMtfwnif if IS mcm m rit 4rtntmtl rnmtmmrmtd hr ' B.C. SVWucSJ Itm rmm tami ml Trmdr Im iarril UtnmlMlutm ml tritilk CmtmmmU. BE PR0UDT0 BiJYPRODiJCTS --LIAlJSui-ln the Newfli Advertise in "The.Dailv IM.W By George McManus' I i snilMsW i . ir. i (an'the oav i -yy 1'Ut.aiVB.TOO WrJPSfc.j .:.... '.'