wie Friday, August 1 “THE WHIP” GREAT TUK DALLY NEwWs | a 6 Ot 6 Ont a On 6 OM OOS OOS @ Oe 6 Oe cms os Os ons + ents ttn gt bn os | 4 aily News Cl dvertisled lWond ; , n 1? w gaan. Ap ae ot os Ot Oe es es ers ses ees ete : erfu ‘eal Train rec i e k and | WanrED FOR SALE orse Race in Which the I cine soe anecneisititnest| seit Heroine Rides. REOUIRED BY LOCAL BANK }FOR SALI Exceptionally well - services of competent stenog- |! Dbuill V bottom launch, 37°6 rhe Whip” is the big pictu rapher Apply post office box by & suitable for either jthat has caused a sensation ua: ‘| 1714 Previous experience ne-| busine or pleasure Fast attracted immense crowds wher | cessary. tf | Large seating capacity Half ever it has been show It is i "ea ecabu nd standing aw bh | nh. i a | anding awnhihe,. hi lew of on WAITRESS WANTED With or] 4: . ;Play of action, of plot and cou ' ‘on : i ' gine under forward deck. One lterplat I was originally pro-| without experience. Apply B. ©.) man controls ill copper fas | . | : : sear . . ’ | duced at Drury Lane Theatre in a Second Avenue Phone i tened Gum and oak framed | i D. 4 |London and made the most sen a ” eee cael Hahoean shed Brass fil jsatonal success ever recorded WANTED TO RENT—Baby buggy| "8s, Including rudder equip ‘ ; na Pty _ bie train wreck for two months. Phone Blue} , “oppet rafts, belts scenes in The Whip, we 336. 765 ring rvs, tire extinguishers taged in Maryland for this 1 I bil whistl a an ¥ j j ist lmendous fl iis aeeetinnl MALE HELP WANTED niet. Susletode. Gent INFORMATION WANTED film drama, a veritali idee — iil | igh hior engine sensation was { se th | ‘ : viilnde ; ‘le ail es i : iused All tl ll you are out of employment| yele Dai country lk i : idintea j tie mae “f shy et ' ik atime . - n the tmmediate vi and want to make some clean, | : Dn ‘ bu ici \ ; i wree ' oO i ‘ sur list ‘ - ‘ almar Arnese) | , . ; ( eck, who had n honest, quick money, write at| ‘ Grea aes i ; ‘atas yhee ‘ 3 ns parka ror ‘ anle | y ' ol and Andere | ide : lat the catastropl wa once to box 12, Station “C,”} 7 7 q \ppl . stage just oO 16 ‘ : . > ( Vs itel ring \a Andrew Olson a sone 7 h Se South Vancouver, B.C, if ' ar . unning to the scene Doctors Hupert 177 egian Vice Cor ; T « were called, a hospital in : par ; rR ert. BR. ¢ on | ‘ pital in a nea | o>? ar > . : | lby city were notified and altogeth Mv 1 AT 8B PER a on build = Irrr ’ ; jer a huge amount of commotion D | ss ae Apply Prin Ru ara [re sulted. pe lousing Ltd. Geo. W 5 i 34 Secretar 2 a) a ry The t train wreck it Ihe Whi | a mi, Secreta a u 2 SMITH W MALLE I lby the way, is absolutely the miret Special via G.T.P. Telegraphs ! OR SALI eines don ain ; A lrealistic ever staged for the Queenstown, Ont., August 1 #8 , said ~ ; . \ eal Re ne i" t lm vies and is also the most eoat.| Premier Hearst of Ontario in a| hh Hherliess chet j ; PLUMBING AND HEATING lly single scene ever staged for speech here denied the allegi tiene Rains eed ' . i ‘ ba ‘ ; ENGINEERS i creen produetion rhe cost|Of Liberal Leader Dewarts thal ; Kstimates furnished. ;Was over 825.000, and it is but!" Hearst was seer tas — spasagqunss a ; — Jone of many mastodonic scenes against the Liberal party with Dioodhound pup Lp 8 i] , A ess, 3rd Avenue, head it rhe Whip the Unionist ivade: He chal latlow Street go 2 } ; of Second Street. lenged Dewart to come out into]... ALI Iwo t sf i . : - m sAl trunks, $5 eac ; Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 IGNORANCE REGARDING the open and say publicly where |" ia ‘ ‘ ; GREAT NAAS VALLE’ he stood on the liquor question | \ ‘| «| i enur tf | senses ee PUBLIC NOTICE Continued from Page 3. ' i! OR SALI Kight Leghorn hens : a | \ thitne hundred and sixty-seven h Ave enue nue kat jmentioned, and net if we i arent tug, gasoline launch. small | “phe Mickey nine hundred and Seed Drydock got the plum of Lie pi ee here log situated at Queen Charlotte | eight (968), “The Plato,” and nin Seard by Mor a . . B. ¢ dred and seventy v70 The Daisy i ith or Week. Phone Red 245 as indicated. | TENDERS are to be sent to W. El siineral Claims,” ali in Gioup Onc 4 . ; i *s ' . . : the sal ais . LLL LL LLL L LAN, Furthermore and first of all lot | Hodge be Reasivet sppeimied in, p sae salar Disiriet, si 6 td pO nenenenenns Sa ee jthis large district be properly o! | Bulidtias Hastings St, West, Van ention Mo lnaue after the expiration of . » da | not later than noon on i ! Loonth rom the firet pul atior House f R iganized and controlled, People |i 5 note : hereof, & fresh certificate, of tithe to the ig \ 5 r imto an ub PULL particulars and Condition “we | above Inentioned tninera claim im the s or ent ight aby of coming , and form of Tender may be Dtain ws ime of James Alexander, which certificats Ouses f S | organized district especially tf Mt) appication tw the said W. B. lode litle is dated Sed duly, 1948, and | | ine : o Abbott, Macrae & Co,, his 50 nbered 778-R L or Sale ibe an Indian country. Tha ene ‘oo Bank of Ottawa Bldg, Hastin x i. FP. MACLEOD fine people and! west, Vancouver, B. ¢ District Registrar of Title ots for Sale of thie ares are 8 : iu Kegisiry Offiee, Prince Rupert, B. ¢ good mixers But the fact that), oye supneme couRT OF BHITIS! rhis 22nd day of July, 1019 “umber for Sale jthey have grievance unt edressed | — NO makes it all the more important|);,y gHE MATTER OF THE “ADMINIS TH TICE Ss TION ACT " { t . r s@ sts should mere ” Can fur alnk that intending settlers and an IN THE MATTER of an application for hoi you with law and order well represented in iy) Tt MATTER OF THe ES issue Of @ fees Copitheate af Wille for! enough for a house aa se pl GUDMUNE ints aTATE nineteen (19 Block twenty-three | th tee om ae | he land. The Indians are | CEASED OTA eds tis | (23), Seetion five (b), City of Prince Au ' easy time pay- ; { . rAKE NOTICE — tha ert Map 929 . wen ifectly friendly to the white sete) op Men. Young, made | $1) | Det tice ian licen aiken thon ot th aunt tave o . ¢ : ois as i ‘ ’ . , u plendid rate rs, and that friendship should da July , », 200%. aud intention to issue after the expiration of | “eed ve ~ » | Administrator t ue — month from the frst publication a Ma oe ae | ” appreciated by the at ithoritie Johannssoi deceased and all part , che monte fram the Bret _peaieatior =o ren mouse » eccasion Of | ing ciMun ‘6 ° . 7 4 eri shove mentioned land in the name of is jand every possible occ hereby required to furnish same ‘Nay | kristian Sijilime whieh certificate was \\ . g iction carefully guarded against. | verified, | . m aD "e010 and 6 ued 6th Deeefiber, 1912, and is num- | ] . f septempe f . ~ require bered 2658.1 | " t JAMES B, MeGULLAGH fepied to the said estate are require H. PF, MACLEOD, ai _W. HART al Reg) toto » 1y the amount of thelr tae 7 District egiatras of Titles PHONE BL A veteran of the Koyal Hee ine forthwith ; . Land Kegistry OMee 7 ACK 454. es of Artillery and 36 years JOHN H, MeMUL LIN i Prince Bupert, B. ( : . lent uh all eou day of July 1918 10th June, 1949." 426 resident in se valley, ibated this 2500 y : A UOQUODEYPoee tA EHOOOATE EL : ; : HNAEAY ‘ pt PLT he . oe . eehee i = 113" DOOOMUEEUEEA ERE TH ‘ -WRIGLEYS The Greatest Name In Goody -Land Ravoun J ™® PERFECT GUM A Z WT pe Tete , , | | ea ae i] JUICY FRUIT CHEWING a, WN \ MWY SEALED TIGHT — KEPT RIGHT The Flavour Lasts PHMUUGALNGGUOORANLIL GATES GGGS MRR RT Dentistry DON’T NEGLECT YOUR TEETH! One Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your Efficiency ene ’ : ’ OFFICE HOURS: Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Saturdays, 9 to 12 only; Evenings, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, from 7 to 9 ; Dental Nurse in attendance." Phone 109 for appointment cMLGUULYUGAANOODEET ARLES 002A Section One Lots for Sale Lot 13, Block ¢ Assessed at $1,900 14 and 1 Block St al 6,900 I Block 4 7 at 1,800 Lot 2, Block 7 is al 2,600 Lot 7, Block 7 i Assessed “ 1,700 ind 1 Block 2¢ Assessed 7,800 THEO. COLLART REAL ESTATE NOTARY PUBLIC FIRE INSURANCE WESTHOLME THEATRE BLOCK a! REGLAR FCLLERS w WeLe nt NAME \ JUST CANT SEEM “Oo Love YoU ANY How —_ ’ - 1 ee é == =a : ee ‘ 2 o . ° > o> ‘ail a ( os -— 7s —_ See ee ae Cas —_ ee % Te SE Pes 2 TRS OP Ook “> "am. 22> Mave SO os ieee eae ae a ll