4th -of a Scries k Fresh rom the Gardens EXTRACTS FROM VICKERS' DIARY 1752 in , ih-' i i : r i - i - i 4 "Yc courier doth again bring word from brother John, who is now soliciting the trade at Portsmouth, thatour great distillation -Vickers' Gin-doth meet with much approval. A foreigner, who hath imported lime fruit from the Orient reports that a pleasing beverage can be concocted with lime fruit carbonated Tothlt daytht Gin Rickey -Gin, Lime, and Soda is a most pleasingsummtr drink especial' iy if the Gin be Yickers', p. water, and our worthy gia" VICKERS FINEST IONDON DRY GrlM UTAMIS1EH IT JOSEPH U JOHN, VICKIM CO.. IU. This ndverWgement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. OldE inr Country Ale VOU will like the tang and flavor of these specially brewed ALES. They are of the highest quality and com pare most favorably with the finest imported English ales. Order a case today. The best is none too good for -you. Sold at all Government vendors. Free delivery. BURTON TYPE ALE AND OLD COUNTRY ALE , This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. SH PAGE POUR 7 '..THE DAILY. NEW3 ' Friday, Au?-j-,-t SALADA has the finest flavour is in the world and it costs emly ' Thrilling one-third of a cent a CHp Mystery Story EI ffl. (n 30 chapters Erl JrSI pekoeI M THE Gil E FKI U-N.W. Mix of Vienna and Budapest KA MOW .v.! i HEIlAUN LAN DOM INSTALMENT TWENTY-TWO Dale's fork paused in the act of conveying a segment of omelet to his mouth. His eyes nar- I rowed slightly. "That's curious. I'm sure there were no clouds wig J WAS i "NoT Well, go on.. What did you do after that?" "I was wide awake, so I drove around a bit, seeking unfrequented highways. Ever feel a craving for solitude, Summers? That was how I felt last night. So I drove and drove, and the first thing I knew the engine began to sputter and my tank was dry. At that hour there was J no service station open within miles, so I parked .the car along fthe roadside, snuggled up in th back seat, and slept. -And then?" "When I woke up It was too lat' to go to bed. to I took th ear to the garage and roamed the park tor while. Ever study tbe protective catering. Summers? Most fascinating study. I watched tbe brown little bodies of the wjulrrek scuttling bock and forth amid the brown foliage of autumn." "You don't say? Well, what next?" "Then then 1 went home. That was only an hour and a half ago. I found nay room ..la, aeat disorder. My man BUkln ni beside himself. Summers, old :deat.'teit line you wish to amuse ; yourself by searching my humble digging. I wish you wouldwt be quite so disorderly. I de test confusion. " "Sorry," said Summers sarcastically. Well, you've worked out a great little alibi. Dales. Barring the moon, of course. That "was a mistake." "Alibi?" asked Dais innocently. Summers chortled. "I csn't check up on you, and so I cant call you a liar." 'Summers. yotf ' wouldn't be so rude?" , , . Well, I'm not saying much, but '2 am doing a tot of hard 'thinking." He Ijewered his bead and gazed craftily serosa tne laoie. ine ncarcon cut loose last night again." You dont aayr" lie was In one of his queer get-up one I'd seen him In before." One of his fmous dlsguWi, eh?" "Well, It lanl disguise so much aa acting character stuff you know. The Picaroon Is great at that." "So I have heard. What time did It happen?" 'Oh. about the Urns you wert see ing tbe moon through a aky . full of black clouds." There you go, Summersl" Dale puckered his lips In motk disapproval. 'Always susploloual But tell me about the Picaroon." Summers did. and he studied Dale aa he Spoke. But Dale's face showed only frank asd hoveat Interest, wltn a little sympathy added at the end. "Too bad. Summers! 80 the scala- "It's' a poser. Summers. But wait I have an Idea. It's" Just possible that when .the Picaroon took the pearls he dWn't know they' were Ferryman's property." Eh?" Tb captain gasped. "What kind of rot are you talking? Why wouldnt he know? He took them off Mrs, Ferryman's neck, dldnt ha? Anyway why should It make ay dlf-! ference-'to the Picaroon who the pearly belonged to? I tfont see but you; ought to know. Dale." I "No, frankly. I dont. It was Jost a, fugitive thought." "Summer gazrd at. hLra, his brow 'puckering. "You're deep one. Dale. Can't make you out." I "Ob, Ifi simple. The quickest way to establish a reputation for profundity is to talk drivel with a mysterious sir " "If people csn't understand you they are sure you are a genlui. Well, too bad you missed your chance last night, old top. You bsd the Picaroon In a corner with, the pearls la his pocket. If you had only mussed him up a bit. stripped him of his false guise, then the mystery of his. Identity ould now be solved. But Its too ale now, of course." "The mystery Is -solved, as. fax aa I am. concerned." said Summers posi tively. "So you thing' but where Is your proof?" Summers merely squared his law and gave bis companion a black look. A wsKer appeared and placed ft. pac kage In, front of him "Fr jrou. lr. It cam 1 ,by messenger! J ' Summers gawd narrowly ' at the package,. That It should have been addressed to htm here was 'net particularly, strange, since be often took his luncheon at this establishment. 01wly 'he loosened the string and unwrapped theV. parcel. A small sheet of paper n uttered out. He read th typewritten lines: My Deaf Captain Summers You are at liberty to claim full credit for the recovery of the in closed article. I trust Mr. Ferryman, your superiors lh tbe police department and the newspspers will duly appreciate your brUrtant detective work, and that this appreciation may partly console you for tbe disappointment you suffer. d la&t night. THE PICAItOON. Th captain stared at the note a moment longer, then at Dale. HastUy he unwrapped something inclosed In tlstus paper. "The ferryman pearisr he ex- claimed. "Of all things!" said Dale. Quickly Summers put the pearls back in the wrapping and slipped them Into, his pocket. lie picked up the note again . and glared at tt " 'Full credit I Duly appreciate your briUlent detective work I" He tore the note. "Isn't he a sarcastic cust? Xlonumenial gall, la what I can It and nothing else' . "You're hard to please, old growler. Try one of these cigars. Tou are doing the Picaroon an tn Jus tic. He Is wag got away from you again? And merely trying Jo rub soothing oint- jto n7 ne kjok in ruy ui jimiji Tmjr wounded pride old dear. You will get him one or tbese days " You bet X will!" The captain's tSooth&f ' t) ointment?" norted". "vugsrr Bummers "Msybe he tnsd a mistake, and grabbed the wrong bottle. We all menacing gaae hung darkly on Dale's mai, mWakesi How la th tlgar? race. "And you u ce there to en- - Hummer hi r- rk wraiuiate me. 1 amswt had nun last im. nush.d. studied tbe labet "A night, but my mind slipped for a mo-jverona I see. Bv the way. thanks for ment when he pulled that stuff about the box you sent me. I like your Miss Oorrway on the caretaker. Axel. taste. Dais," Ht puffed appreciatively. n wu no ama i)H, bad humor gradually leaving him mm in tne nos. ana 1 wen. a mo. -T,n m( tnul, why in carnation ment was all the Picaroon needed." should the Picaroon go to the trouble He seems to have made good Use Qf Mealing a bunch of pearls and of It. You say he pitched Axelsou out then hand them back? Where'a the me winaow be aistraei your anenuon gere In that?' irom mmseu. uaie gave a clear. d sppesrtd to reflect. A little hearty laugh of sheer amusement, j ,,, tutgld t ht Hps. "Ifa. som( nua imo, upjJT. ne eiospea up little rlddl. UB't It? I dOISt know, me siurs ana over ing rooi. usie unless It ' laughed again. H, niUMd "Oh', lautht" Summers grunted. Well?4 -you naven-t many laughs left." ...... B.ibl mv little theorv "That's why I'm laughing now ,WM cm c thai the Picaroon dWnt ... ...v . jw..u (now the pearw oeiongea to rerry- menu while they last. But tell me.'m4n wn b. ,tole them." bummers vou don't believe tha Pica- Bummers bbndered heavUy. In the roon murdered Mrs. rerryman?". tIvS 0 lhook hu hwa. JV, too deep 8ummers' face knitted with hard for rae- he ooniessed. He fixed his ironxing. "to picaroon isni tne y,,, p-y tet on Da!c. "But you aina insi goM in ior muraer. 11 0ught to know." na never uua any violent stuff in, rj.1, p,f4 the check and rosa. "Tou the past. But every murderer has to -,, .nd wm. summers. a Degin some lime you can t ten wnat Wl,h .,., he walked alrUy away. ,, ira wiu, u ne gev panicsy ana tn p0turp of carefree and easy poest out or ou mind. What id like Koln. whtie had been cast to to know IB thllf the Picaroon didn't n brlrh, ttsm. But outside, .some kUl Mrs. rerryman. how did he know of uuntlness suddenly deserted where tlie rope of pearls was hidden?' "You might ask him the next tune you see bun," Dale lightly anggested "I'm asking him now," said Sum mers pointedly. htm. On the cpposlts side of the street a lackadaisical idler had stirred himself int-i inconspicuous activity and was now parallellnr hta course. Bummers Dale merely amlled serenely. A little hvln him shadowed, naturally pause came. "Well, what about Axel- jIe hld ixpecUd that. It was some- "' thing tlie that troubled nun. ror 1 "I-don't know. If a man ever whlle lMt niht he had thought him looked guilty. Aielson certainly looked , , . nosltlon to bargain advan that way for a moment last night. X taneou.lv -with Dr. Moffett. Then he tried to question him afterward, but had discovered that the pearU wsre " Ferryman property. That had made 8ummera ahrugged. "Here's another ,1, th. differene. Wow little thing that puzzle tnei Why did the Picaroon change his card?" 1 To Ua Taatlnurd Tomorrow advises a simple way to skin beauty laiJII., .i.lM KUSJMi Itignj Vitnns, uhtrt thi u-mtnarttiuksHliiiff M nma-Ik BuJjfet tbi Dank tbtrt is nt mmt h haul) (ullurt ubitk bat kttn rtttg-mud ft tnr 4 bundrtd yun -lb nam tf Paiif Ttdat, in lit olthatid ibtp actus fnm ill Optra in Vua, iJPttdfarriisui tbt traJttHn tflWtail tamt. " earnestly recommend to my clients thtit they use only Palm-olive Soa because its gentle actionleaves the thin in a healthy, smooth, normal comlition which is the very foundation of a beau-tiful complexion." VUNNA-BUOAKST Petti, of Vienna indBok MONSIEUR pot, hu one favorite borne tintmcai for keeping complexions youthful 1 treatment based on twicc-a-day use ol Palo olivcSoap. And all thegrr.it Ik j-:, (pcoit kt of Europe agree in this with PcssL "I should naturally have been It J Vy mr knowledge of the complexion dia ; 't r ,1a and ok've oils, to have invented a s up made exclusively from them," says S. Ptsil. "As these oils are already combined in Pslmolive Soap, I earnestly recommend n ay patrons that they use only this sotp." Pcssit "founoation treatment " i j it this massage the warm ruh lathi r . t pj-in. '.ut into the skin for 2 anMHua-tinsrwithwina, then cold water. That u all Yet rr.i.uoa bad tcnewed youth each day this way, n a as .r. ' m m tar sT sTK A Wi School Days Here i 9 Oh Boy Lets Go! It's Time To Think Of All Your Needs School children attention 1 This store Ss.your headquarters for all of your School Supplies. Every year we" make it our business to restock our store Viji new things that n$e,,'gchool days happy ones. Everything in 6twM3frQrn' pen joints to school books await your election. And the prices will surprise you for you save many pennies on ivv4-Vra r Sen r4-1