PAGE SIX Mj4 3K CORN V FARES ROOMS TUP TO nrNVER nt. OMAHA... 1.M KANSAS CITr ST. LOUIS... lll.M CHIC.;0.. 11S.10 DETROIT CINCINNATI 110.40 NEW ORLEANS. tW.II CLEVELAND lll.M TORONTO lll.M ATLANTA llt.U PITTSBURGH.. lll.M WASHINGTON.. 1IS.M rillLADELrUIA 14.n NEW YORK..... 111.70 BOSTON M7.7S UNION Union Station, Seattle, Wash. IT JU Ovn-fr$h I CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND OPERATING (i. T. P. 20,000-TON FLOATING DKVDOCK Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ' ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 DEMAND "Rupert THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by 'Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, IJ.C. Coal? Coal? Take advantage of low price to put In jour Mtntrr supply, UisO.N and C.MS)V-M:I.I.1N(1-TON' In any quantities:. Also I'lour, II.i,, Drain ami reed. Prince Rupert Feed Co. PHONES 58 AND 558 mmjukm m ETFECTIVE MAT XX TO SEPT. SO RETURN LIMIT OCT. 31, 19X9 Reduced fare all parti of east; liberal stopovers. Fine train; modern equip ment; iplendid service; icenie route. Short tide trip, enable you to yitit ZION NATIONAL PARK GRAND CANYON NATIONAL PARK BRTCE CANTON NATIONAL PARK YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATL PARK Information and Booklet en request PACIFIC can't be described. It can't be copied. But it's the flavor of Kellogg's Corn Flakes that makes 12,000,000 people demand this "wonder" cereal every day. CORN FLAKES In i he rJ-anJ-grttn patkagtt SHIPYARD Brand" Dr Alexander IMIONE 573 IIF.SVEIt niOCK DENTIST PRINCIPAL OF HIGH SCHOOL , GIVES ADDRESS d. ii. iiartncM spks to notary club on Ainu and Ideals of Education The school should promote the de- ;velopmnt of a broad social oonsclous- ncM," declared D. II. Hartneas, the nw principal of the high school, In addressing the Rotary club at ita luncheon yesterday, -improvements la TIIE DAILY NEWS Friday. Aufrjft 16 29 eomMCa. radio anrF gramophone, has gone W. T have crowded, wh es It were, the whole i-u i ',.. e to demonstration of world into a single parish. If we would nrtno a. e new radto-electrola to the live, we must live in peace i amity res-with cur neighbors, for without exg-;idents f the northern camps, geration. it mav be said that man A full evening's entertainment today is able to destroy hinweif, or at will be given at Stewart Saturday least Impoverish life to auch a degree night and at Auvox on Wednes-that he would not care to preserve it. day, similar to that given here in kU1, 1 .mV 18 cfntltu,M tod,! Prince Rupert last month and hrough training and education, we wMeh o.u(,i are forced to eirwert. th.t h -nnt be expected to live in peace with his peace, or else he wants those thingv nas een snown . it is such a which are only compatible with war. great improvement over the ordi-The school must teach ita pupiis'nary phonograph or over the o di-impartlally the history and achieve-; nary radio thai it ha this effect menta of their own country, and alm-'on moat people -it makes vou UilZL r T JTnt!L, wont one yourself. You can. too. heroes of war must be eclipsed by' :i t, 4. ...... tbwe less arresting figure who have made the positive oontrtbutlona to stvlllratlon the statesman, the re formers, the prophets, the scientists. the inventors, the physicians. Indeed, a spectacular heroism will meet - the perils of war. but a iteadfast heroism! must meet the perils of peace. An;fineat reproduction of granio-TXTP. "cord-yet accomplished. large spirit cannot fall to lead an in- c "easing fraction of our people to that vision of the world and that feeling of true klnahlD wtth mankind which in the past have been vouchsafed only me prophet." Mr. Hartnees dealth at mrtrm lnrth with the trowth of modern Dhllosoohv nd thought, particularly In their re lation xo government, scientific development and education, urging that the wcrld we miwt seek la the world In which the creative spirit Is alive, In which llio Is an adventure full of Joy nd hope. The TOUnff ahould he edu cated to realize fully what our iosti- ui'"ns nave cost in human energy, travail and blood. He urged ,hat new nrobiema be approached' with tin tngle-ralnded desire to learn the truth. Tolerance should be cutlvated and a receptive mind dereloDedHe noke of tbe brllllairt . t.mll Xt Blrttetn and its effect of phllowjphlcC 'renew ana auated at some" length 6h the uew clvlliratln which commenced !n the nineteenth century and Is the heritage of tbe present. Week-End Specials BLUE RIBBON TEA Mb pkg COc KELLOGG'S ALL BRAN Large pkg 20c CAMPBELL TOMATO SOUP 2 tins 25c CAMPBELL VEGETABLE SOUP Tin 15c PERFECT SEAL JARS Quarts. Doz $1.50 EAGLE LOBSTER l-ls. Tin 25e LIBBY'S PREPARED MUSTARD Jar 15c HORSESHOE SALMON . 2 tins .45c EMPRESS NEW STRAWBERRY JAM Mb. tin C5c ROSEDALE SLICED PEACHES 2Vi3. Tin 80c MALKIN'S SLICED PINEAPPLES 2 Vis. Tin 35c E5IPRESS JELLY POWDER 3pkgs 20c CRISCO 1-lb. tin SOc HEINZ FRESH CUCUMBER PICKLE Large Jar 30c SOM-MOR CAKE FLOUR Tkg ,30c SEEDLESS RAISINS 2-Ib. pkg .25c YELLOW SUGAR 4 lbs. .25c GROUND SPICES All kinds. Tin 10c SHELLED WALNUTS Halves, lb. fVfV 45c We Sell Fresh Fruits and Vegetables at the Lowest Possible ' Prices Alberta Market P. (JAMULA, Proprietor Fifth Street Phone 208 D. C. MRAE TO GIVE CONCERT W TOWNS NEAR Stewart and Anyox Citizens to He Given Opportunity to Hear the Wonderful New Radio-Electrola Sailing for Stewart and Anyox U the C.NiR. steamer this after- noon, D. II. McRae of McRae Bros., Lttl.j. agents for the Victor "'"r" " . Ff"-valcu The new radio-electrola has' created a sensation wherever it " ".V r ine whob wiereu, 38 v.e a? th Pnce P" this new combination within the reach of practically everyone. Mr. McRae is affording the people of the busy mininir towns the ODDortunitv of hearing the iana tne finest reception of radio yet possible. MANY GOING TO PEACE RIVER Prince Rupert Delegation Not Yet Quite Complete; Three Hundred to Be Present The complement of members of the Boa.d of Trade who are expected to make the trip to Edmonton, Calgary and the Peac,e River with the Canadian Chamber of Commerce ia not yet quite complete. It is hoped to send a large representation and the secretary is hoping that several more will offer to go,tto rep.eaent Prince Rupert. Thjere is one lady talking of going and possibly more may yet join the party from here.. The secretary oi the board has just received a commupication from the secretary of the Canadian Chamber of Commeice which says: i Indications point to at least 300 registered delegates from across the Dominion at our fourth un-nual convention. There are at present 100 reservations for the western tour from eastern Canada. There will also be a delegation of between 15 and 20 from Great Britain, including members of parliament representing the Labor, Liberal and Unionist party. The Chambers of Commerce at Birmingham, Nottingham, Manchester, London, Aberdeen and Delhi, India, will also be represented . I There will be a special car of j delegates from Manitoba, at least, two from Saskatchewan and three from Alberta, while the Vancouver delegates are joining the eastern party at Edmonton in ti special train. The Canadian Chamber of Commerce delegation will proceed into tbe Peace River by two special trains and are assured a most hearty welcome by, the local Boards of Trade. The t:ip to the Peace precedes the convention, proper, which commences September 11 at Edmonton. Special entertainment has , been provided for the visitors at both Edmonton and Calgary, the sessions concluding at Calgary on1 the evening of September 13, twelve sessions in all. 4 m l l I l II i l l l ' taaVC 's ! Daily News "Want Ads" bring quick results. SUBSCRIPTIONS CENOTAPH FUND About $100 more la needed to wind up the fund for the cenotaph. Following are the amounts icceivcd sjnee the last names were published: Big Bay Lumber Co $50.00 Power Corporation of Can- ' ada 25.00 Dr. W. T. Kergin 25.00 Imperial Oil Co 25.00 O. Besner 10.00 Lindsay's Transfer 5.00 Dr. J. Maguire 5.00 J. II. Thompson ..' 5.00 M. M. Stephens 5.00 R. M. Smith 5.00 J. B. Scott 5.00 II. L. A 1.00 SaSESStEaifl!.' BUSHS' rocerteria Keep the Flies Down by Uslnfc W II I z At These Special Prices Regular 10c tin 36c Regular -10c bottle . . . .36e PUMP AND TIN WHIZ Regular G5c (Mte ' EUREKA BLEACH ' Quart bottle ...Ilk P. & G. NAPTHA SOAR. 20 cakes "... .$1.00 HEINZ VINEGARS ' Small bottle 26c Lare bottle ............. .40c SINGAPORE PINEAPPLE 2 tint 38c NO 5 PEAS 2 tins 35c QUAKER CORN 7 tint ...$U0O NABOB TOMATOES 2. 2 tor 2tc 2 Vis, tin 15e NEW POTATOB8-7 lb. ..26c HOTHOUSE TOMATOES Basket 75c Bush's Grocerleria PHONES 211 AND 212 WE DELIVER Economy Store Cash & Cany 319 3RD AVE., PHONE 360 Our Week-End Specials FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND MONDAY SLICED PINEAPPLE Ss. , 8 tins 35c SEEDLESS, RAISINS 15-oc. pkg ,15c STROH'S MALT SYRUP Hop flavor $1.00 ENO'S FRUIT SALT Large bottle 02c McLAREN'S JELLY POWDER 1 dot. with Wedgwood plate, special $1.00 CROWN BRAND SARDINES In pure olive oil. 2 tins :25c CLARK'S VEGETABLE SOUP Per tin 12c BRAID'S BEST TEA 1 lb., with cup and saucer free 75c FRESH DATES 8 lbs 25c SWEET, JUICY ORANGES 3 doz. ...4...C5c Fresh Fruits and Vegetables ut Lowest Prices Arriving Every Boat Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited 417-423 5th Ave. E. Phones 18&81 P. O. Box 575. mmm i GREAT DOUBLE BILL HOOT GIBSON in "Clearing the Trail'1 "CHARLATAN" WITH AN ALL-STAR CAST COMEDY-OSWALD. Admission, 15c & SOc; Saturday Matinee, 2:30, 10c & 23c ii ill lrnett's -SO . BURNETTS 13 oz- S1.90-26-6 oz- S3.50 ESTABLISHED 1770 This advertisement Is not published or displayed by th Liquor Cmtrol Board or by the Government of British Columbia ai B& A A mi ik r mjr j m SCOTCH Ifffl DISTILLED. DISTILLED. BLENDED BLENDED ( I AND AND DOTTLED DOTTLED IN IN - " i SCOTLAND. SCOTLAND. 4 "ALWAYS RIGHT N .J ltllHIIIIIW .A jAati Buchanan I Co.. Ito., Cuicow a Ionoon . AkM MWIIIIMA M BUCHANAN a LIOUI UN) This advertisement is not Liquor Control Board or British Early Ad. Copy Two SIiuwn 7 and 9 p.m. and , ii j j glISEia7 ! a ,'mr m k mm m m mm II I f . a Li inrr. I" WHISKY published or displayed y by the Government of Columbia. is appreciated ByfipajPJ89BtpJsS fSP flBf,'styffwajaay BBffT 'fWaaFaW,W'W apya jSNajayaa; MBMVPMaB(aBaywiMa.aaapvB t , . , tmaB