NATIVE SONS RETAIN LEAD INBASEBALL vZ sami11 ntout a mile out of i Dc fen ted Elks In Plve Inning (Jame at. Acropolis Hill i Last Night The Sons of -Canada, retained ti( ir hold on first place in the cih lliiseball League last night yKn tfiex defeated the Elksjn a livt- innlnlf game,) flvjf lq thref . V,, Menzies' started for the Sons und pitched effectively for three a!Hj one-third Innings, holding ti,.- Klk to three hits. Downie relieved him in the fourth and, af,T making o wild pitch on the fust ball he threw, which allied (Josee to tie the score from third, held the Klks down for, tht; remainder of the game. Lob-j hurled for the Antlered i.w und was nicked for nine -M.tif.s altogether The Elks stored One run In the firt inning. Harold went out, 'I W'eiidle to Mitchell. Arseneau hit mic past second -and then stola . und und third. A. Mitchell hit mUea fft,m Terrace. Stage leaves left pnd Arseneau se ored. Terrace 9 a.nw Monday, Wednes-I,,i,iiek then hit into a double, day And Saturday, $2 return. J WenieM io uownie 10 nnicnen.: Tl ir other two tunsame in the r urtn. i-odiick- .was saie on Wcndle's error.-Jle stole second; l was hit on the head by the throw. W. Mitchell dropped the' itn' V. from Smith on Gurvich's ('thunder and Ioblick took third.! (,n-se hit post the pitcher and ! i Miek scored and Lambie's1 tlnow-in cut Gurvieh off at tha plat1 Gosse taking third on the i lav Downie then went into thsl children's playgrounds. r.t. and after wild pitching Doc'Sajmon and Trout Fishing. sirucn out aievens ana, I!iel;nich J Tim VmIIvo Sona uiarteA thlnira p.: .!(.- in me secona. amun ana Mn7.iey singled. Astoria fanned. tut Phillips hit one at Stevens, which bounced back Into the In f ield and filled the bags. Frizzell 'ruck out. Mitchell then drove nit into right field and Smith , Mi-nzies crossed the plate. Phillips ended the inning tryljig -u-nX third. In the fourth Mn- .,. Smith had .truck out. He w. to second on Astoria's hiti Hr Mole third as Phillips fanned,! .siored on FrineU's hit U i.K'ht, Astoria being caught at plhte by Moore's throw-In. j Thoy got two more In the fifth.) M viiell hit to left. Lambie was1 when A. Mitchell threw his' l,i ' f '.ut at third. Wendle hit Mr Downie then smacked v a rlr.vo over Mitchell's head and Wendle and Lambie scored. vTi th fanned and Menzies hit nc to left which Arseneau grab. bed to end the Inning. The score ! "Mi Ms: .... 0 2 0 1 25 U .... 1' 0 0 2 0-3 Box Score v 0. P. ABR II POA v. W Mitehell, lb. 3 0 2 8 0 1 ' '"''. Cf. .. 3 1 0 1 '0 W . ri.tlo. ss. .. 3 1 2i 1 1 " wiiey, 2b., p, 3 0 I 1 q - ;"nith. 3b 2Lv I 0 Menzies, p., Zh ' 2 0 p. Ailirt, c. ... 2 0 C 9 r,lilil'H. If. ..2 0 0 0 0 l''"'el, rf. ., 2'.0 1 0 0 Totals. ..;24 v0 0 15 3 M.KS- AB R II POA K ,'""l'1. Sb. ..3 0 0 2 1 0 'tleaU. If. 3 1 0 A, Mitchell, SS 3 0 0 '"'liek, p. 2 0 0 ('U-ich, e. 2 7 0 cf. .. 1 0 0 S'''en.S, 'lb. 2 4 1 Kl"lmich. .'Sb. 2 1 1 M rf. . 1 0 0 Totals.. 19 15 2 "unimiirv Innings pitched by 3 1-3. J)ovyTne. 12-3: winnig pitcher, Mcnilijs; base on "ft Ithmici 2; struck out J)v I- 'lulck, 7, Jlenzies, 4, Downie, i"uble play, Menzies to Dow- Me 1 " MitrVinll. ,ll.l ntltioQ ''ICIli, Downie; passed ball, "a. Gurvieh; stolen bases. ''"'irk, Gosse, Moore; umpires, 'W'hford, Laporte. ' ,: NEW ISLAND LUMBER MILUNOPERATION 'ant Established by II R Renv Pn Near Port Clements Is I laced In Commission I'-? K Beavon, Queen Cliar- 1 l'y. now Vina In nnarnMnn n 1 1 1 - ' ."tf " " i" u r. FOR ' SALBSnap. Modern''-sIx roomed house and household 6triijftsrlple-rTiirror-iltfWftr. card tDle, small desk, tables, lino rugs, chair, electric hot plate, electric fixtures hammock, chair, set Booksi - of Knawladm. bookcflS. Mfln'irch! range, sleighs, wagon efcci'jjU Lipsin. Phone 359. . Ui. Residence Telephone Red 589 rr WANTED WAITRESS Wanted, Prince Rup-191 ert Hotel. WANTED Hemstitching. Mrs. Cbas. Edwards, at Wallace's. 179 WANTED Cook for boarding house by September 1. Two meals daily. Apply- Box 21C Daily News Office WARD-J home for high school girl In return for help In home or would" pay part board with light ddties. Apply Box 217 Daily News Office. 191 . Land act Nolle of Intrntlun to Apply to Imm Laml . i In the Quen ObarlotteilAnd Dtttrlct, Tjind HfoorilBK Dtotrtct of Prince Rupert, and ntutc at ArnUton Point, Norm Dundan UIod. Take notice tnat Lanaira Fiinins Packing Company. Limited, of Maawtt, O. C. OCCUpatlOQ. CajlfjefV. l:lT!Iiaa . to apply ror a lease o or tB tne fniw,w. - Oommeoolng at a post planted at the extremity of land on Arnlston Point. thenoe westerly 20 chains; .thence north- erlv S chain to low water: thence easterly 20 chains: thence southerly to point of commencement, and containing ',10 neres. more or !. LANOARA riSHINO & PACKINO CO., LTD. By Its Agent. John William Mdorehouae. Dated June ?th. 1929. FATHER 0ET-AN' MACGV 'bO H HID tX tSOMfa. V.UO IMb-3 SO 1 KIM GlX illV Iittll in rE. W ni!?nvtfattvUamei,of . tbe wll 'AH .'miU(il b.Uflllilii i "I FOR' RENT AUCTIONEER j FOR RENT Four room flat with PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION bath. Furnished. Phone 547. MART. We buy, sell or ex- , ' . tf, change any; kind or furniture FOR- :RENTvFurflished suite,1 or household goods, musical fn-Summ'it Apartments 'Phone atruments'raachinery, etc. Gen-Blue 345. (tf) eral repairs, crating, packing nTiH. Z and "hipping. Workmanship FOR RENT1 Modern house near guaranteed. Just phone Black business section. $25.00. Apply 120 and we will call. GEORGE 215 Fourth Avenue E. tf - J. DAWES, AUCTIONEER FOR RENT Automobiles, pianos' Federal Block phonographs and sewing mach- ines. Walker Music Store. ZZ77ZZ SALVAGE ANH TOWING FOR RENT Furnished and un- . 1 furnished houses. Apply 215 -f I,' r mfor tne waer we Fourth Avenue East. (tf) dolt" FOR RENT Clean, well furnish- PACIFIC SALVAGE CO, ed modern two and three room- LIMITED ed suites. Palmer Apartments. ,, , , t . Phine Red 444. (tf) Fuly EqPP Diving and General Salvage Work, Boats and Scows of all riescrip- BOARD AND ROOM tlons for Charter. Row Boats and Canoes for hire. BOARD And Room $35 month. Phone Green 216. tf CHIROPRACTIC PROGRESS The practice of chiropractic Is recognized in forty states of the union. This recognition has been sought and gatned by the people who have benefitted through chiropractic. It was not until 1D1C that legal recognition was first accorded. For your health's sake consult DR. W. C, ASPINALL 6 and 7 Exchange Block Green 211 Phones Black. 2Sl3,- ' Open Evenings 11-. 'T "7"'" CHIROPRACTICr : Adjustments given accoramg to our new Spinal .Indicator, produce better results. . . Coqs'ult R. a EVOLFSON CHIROPRACTOR !' ThfrH A von no t")f(ice Telephone Blue 85 1 v,, Established 1924 EDUCATIONAL FORM BY HOUSE SCHOOL FOR HOYS Ganges Harbor, B.C. Sound Modern Education ALL GRADES TO JUNIOR MATRIC Boys taken for holidays Moderate Fees Prospectus on Application LAXD ACT Notlre of Intenthrn to Apply to Leane Land In the Queen Charlotte Land District, Land Recording DlHrlet 1 of 01 Prmce rrmce Ruu kuu- ert, and and altWto uraate near near tbe tne n mouth of Mu- eeti Inlet, Oranam Island. Take notice that Leng&ra Fishing A , Packing Company, Limited, of Massett, ' &?2-?&cPgb: Ing deacrlbed lands: Foreshore. Commencing at a post planted near the southern end tt Hidden Island thence northerly 10 chains; thence east - 0 '0,3e ur ".'S.-ill , vadium, vmvw..m ww. ,n."v. westerly to point of commencement, and containing containing Sacres more or less. LANOARA FISHINO St PACKINO CO., LTD. Henry White, Agent. Dated May 11th. 1929. Dally News "Classified" adver- Using brings results. DUtJAKI O'JCWT TO BE 1 MERE MOW IT ii JU'b'" TOWM-rU BEdUTlrJ -v IlMt rtK i-c S.) CHOWDER 1- V . OA.m--v "ill IS. OF HlfIA BJL7SJNESS, , INTEREST TQ .tiff $V '5 periBantalns in Gas Engines. AGENTS FOR Van Blerrk, Easthope, Hicks , Ballantyne Engines. Northern B. C. Distributors Coolldge Propellers Phone. Day or Night, 564 P O. Box 1564 Paints, Wallpaper, Etc. SILVERSIDES. BROS. Wallpapers, Taints, Glass and Art Supplies P. 0. BOX 120 PHONE 22 SOME BARGAINS IN CERTI-' 1 FIED USED CARS CHEVROLET Sedan, .....$500 CHEVROLET Sedan . . j . .$150 FORD Sedan J..$275 Good Terms and Sixty Days Ser vice on AH used Cars ROSS & xMOORE. LTD. Chevrolet Dealers FURNITURE EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME Dining Room Suites, Chesterfield Suites, Simmons Beds and Bedding, Linoleum and Linoleum Rugs, Ranges and Kitchen Hardware. We invite you to call. Mckenzie furniture PHONE 775 LMI ACT Notlre of Intention lo Apply to Lease iJiid In The Stlklne Laud Bfcordlng District of British Columbia, and altuate about one half ulli Eastrrl from the! mouth of the TuUcquah Rlter. which, Tku n,r aK .U n.,.e. up-atrevn from the Alask Boundary Line. Take nvUce that X. James " B. Stapler! l' I0 ... Anjfelea, .,, oceufktlon. ,. mining .-.--Tl- en- V' .JilV .r '." J!.! w u.vuw Mic kUt'V" uv(iuci4: I an us. Commenoing at a post planted one half mile Easterly from ttuj mouth of the Tuleequah River, thence East 20 chains l tiiene North 20 chains; thence j ' West 20 ohalns: thence South 20 ehalM and containing 40 acres, more, or lee. I JAMBS B. STAPLER. Dated June 10th. 1S9. 220 Jr. rcLCfTHE6? THE CLOTHE6? THOUGHT f OU WAMTED GLC7VCS-TWATfe A L.AUGM- PAGE FITO i ; ; , ; : W . - ILASSIflED iilIh lSTHE it Summer 1 Resorts Where to spend an enjoy, able holiday boating, bath, ing, fishing, mountain climb. Ing, etc. KITSUMGAM.UM LAKE LODGE Terrace, B.C. Spend Your Vacation at Kalum Lake Good fishing, boating and bath- n-..utifn ....,. ivir-nU. Rates, $8 . 25 per day Y:itc for gpCcfaI weekly rates. 11. E. DIX, PROPRIETOR Terrace, n.C. WONDERFUL TLELL Queen Charlotte Islands THE FARM HOME Fine beach and meadows for River and Sa Hftthlnir Excellent Guslne. Parties can be met at Skklegate or 'Part Clements. Wireless for reservations 4- MRS, RA.IO T Tlell, Q. C SUMMER COTTAGE. ..... AX nEAUJIFJJL FRANCOIS . v it LAKE For Rent Jly the Week or Month Partly Furnished Apply Mrs. HenkeJ Francois I-ake Lodge Queen Charlotte Islands Visitors When travelling betwoen Port Clements and Queen Charlotte li 1 i r ,lJ' ",rc cars "u'u YOUNG BROTHERS Skidegate. B.C. " LAKEI.SE LODGE AND HOT SPRINGS Is opened to guests. The lodge Is' situated on the shore at Lake)e kake lioca "y Tn'nK or ra,n boy-'trout The? hot springs ron-0 tatjtnlawhfch is fine for rheumatism. Cottages for rent. J, Bruce Johnston, Manager. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 Cartage, Warehousing, ana Distributing. Team or Motor Service i , Coal, Sand and Gravel i We Specialize in Piano and I ' Furniture Moving. 1 i BRINGING UP ChAV DlrJ-TV- TDU KMOW 'M CJ -rMifs EiGHXEEtM DAf vftKl'T LET ME OOT P'eR TEAR I U. i OAT "eOMETHlMG I III jjMaBBl II XV XV o. ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR PAGE WUICII MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT FOR SALE FOR SALE Studebaker coach, mechanically guaranteed. Burns and Co. Ltd. . tf FOR SALE Iron and wooden pu'K leys, also". two. pieces shafting. Apply Daily News, Boxxx. (tf) FOR SALE New house furnished. Lots 8 and 0, Section 5. All for $800. Box 218 Daily News. 195 FOR SALE Four-roomed modern house with batli and pantry. Apply W. Stewart, Ninth Street aM First Avenue. (192) FOR SALE 3 nets adjustable iron hangers for shafting. Large size. $10 per set. Apply Box 00 Daily News Office. (tf) FOR SALsV-Six H.P. 2-cylinder 2-cyclc Wilson marine engine in good condition. A bargain. Apply Box 212 Dally News Of-flie. (tf) FOB SALE Twenty-three-room apartment nouse, completely ; - fumishtd. 4pply Mrs. Geo. B . White, 130 Fourth Avenue East. Phone 427. (191) FOR SALE Three-room house and two lots, corner Ambrose and Sixth Avenue. Apply Ms. Geo. B. White, 139 Fourth Avenue. Phone 427. (194) FOR SALE Fishing boat W. T., 62 feet long; beam, 1314 feet. 30 h.p. Frisco Standard engine; eight years old, in No. 1 condition. Phone Blue 159. tf FOR SALE Heintzman : pianos Wilton rug, 9x9; kitchen table and chairs; smoking cabinet; oak table; small rug.! Apply J. J. Muldoon, 3S9 Fifth .AveWJir I I OOT M V RENT, LOST LAND ACT Kotlre of Intention to Apply to LeuMe bind la Use Qaetn Charted Land niatrtet. Land Recording niatrlet District of f Prince PHn Run- S.m"2 ' altuate near uunwun roint, i ura. ' JakeVotihat Euien. H. Slmoeon man. Intend to aDDly for a leaae of the following described land: Foreshore. Commencing at a mat slanted about 20 chain southeasterly from the N. W. corner of Lot No. 2741. Orarnm Island: thence west 10 chains! thence north S Chains to low water; thence east 10 ; chains; the-ic south S chains to point i ui owBJnvuornicjm ana conuuBiuft p acres, more or !eu. Dated May 11th, 1029. EUOENE HUOTHRT BIMPSON. Henry White. Agent. LAND ACT Notlre of Intention to Apply to Lease land In the Queen Charlotte Land District, Land Recording District ot Prince Run- & FOUND ert. and tuau near the tnojath of Na- packing Company. Limited, of Maakett, den Harbor, on Mawrredo Island. B.C.. occupation, salmon camera, In- Take notice that I. Author Robertaon tc, u, apply tor a lease of the loflow-"L"1!1- B.C., occupation. U , iUg deaerlbtd lands: ?U2t52JliSJf'??L',I?ralMeo,tbl Commencing at a post planted near follcra Ing described lands: ' the nortferaat corner of Lot 2259. Commencing at a post olanted near l thj.south east , eorner ol Lot 2719, Mszor. redo Wand: thence tjorthly 10 chains; thence easterly 5 chain to low water; thenoe following low water southerly 10 chains; thence westerly to point of com- menceraent, and containing four acre. mote or less. ARTHUR ROBERTSON, By Henry White. Agent. ' Dated May 12th. 1929. ! SKEE.VA L.M ItKCOUDIXJ DISTRICT I TAKE NOTICE that the British Co- lumbla Pishing & Packing Company. Ltd.. of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation, fishing and packing. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described forechore. situate fronting on Lot 10, Range 8, cobh DUtrlet: Commencing at a poet planted at trie south west cor- ner ox JjOI iu, Kange o. uoat uistnci; thence Uth 5 chains; thence In a south- easterly direction 13 chains: thence In a south-easterly direction 25 chains, more or less, to high water mark at a point dUUnt 10, chains, more or le.saieterly from theisoutheaet tcorn;. Wf Lot 10; thrnca uence porwi ttrUiweateMCr- westerly. folldinf (Quoving hleh nign water mark, to the TftmVcrf commence- .M'.WMOi'n n, Xvai' . " " . BRITISH COLUMBIA FISHINO tt . CftCKINQJCO . LTD. i J. Hr Buahnell. Aze'&t. Dated 20th June, 1929. SPECIAL THIS WEEK! Surplus WaDpaper 33 1-3 DISCOUNT REMNANT ROOM LOTS $1.60 to $2.00 A. W. Edge Co. Wholesale and Retail Paint Distributors MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Dally. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 6ST. '- By I Y$JJNG , AJVjQ, jQLD, '"'.y:'ic.-' 'f-' 8KEENA LAST ItECORDINO DISTKICT TAKK NOTICE that the Brttlh Columbia FUhing It Packing Company, Ltd., of Vancouver, B.C., occupation, i""", flehtng " and J"DS packing Intend to apply PPI7 " imiwmg aercnoeq foreshore, iltuate fronting on Lot 2, Range 'I, Coeet Dlrtrlct: Commencing u?. ' UFl" bELFb east ctmer; tihence N.65'E. to the De duction southerly of the east boundary or Lot 3; thence northerly to mean Mgh water mark; thence westerly and south- to the point of eommencement. and con- talnlp? ten acres, more or lee. BRITISH COLUMBIA FISHINO tc PACKING: CO., LTD. J. H. SusnneU. Agent. Dated 24th June 1929. LAND ACT X'otlre of Intention to Apply to Lease Laad la th Queen OsMrloHe Land District una tcecpraios uihmi o: Prince Rud- .li". i.i.. .. oVTr t.v. rmhm T.ini- th,nn watri in ,ttttint: atmce northerly 5 chains; thence eturly 10 chains following low water, tbtnct goutberly 5 chains to point of commencement, and containing 5 acres, mat or leu laKOARA FISHINO PACKINO CO.. LTD. L, Sg" Am' D,V!C MIT ,4tn I4MI l9a- . ,I.J..'!L'!L.1. - 1 - I LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply i to Lease una .' ," . . ,h. . .,.. . VS""" .o,!?.1 1 J,?,1? D1f !J7?.! n , "i!'.tuu. -?.UJS.lme P?i?i iS' "7? ,fr,' ,". "3 ' lake on Zare Island. Take notice tbat Eugene H. Simpson Au"f wvctih w. MMevb. occupsMon. csnnerrmen. intend to appiy 'OI lands: Foreshore. uomnwaeui at vn i""" yw leet south of high waUr at the extremity ol the above-mentioned unnamed point: thence intrncw east 30 cnains: inence u norm a chains to low water; thence weaurly 20 rhftlni: thetira south to oolnt of com- mencement, and eontalnlng 20 acres. more or less. EUGENE HUMPH KM SIMPSON, AUTHOR ROBERTON B7 the Agent. John William Moorehouae. D.itefl June 7th. 1929 An Exhibit of Beautiful Modern Watches To see this display is to be convinced that the correct watch of today is nt only an accurate timekeeper but It is a work of art as well. We ctrry the , most dependable mak standard watches that have won reputations for accuracy and reliability and these movements are in cases of rare beauty as modern as one's car or one's clothes. 1 THE STORE WITH THE CLOCK George McManus taf that over fi.y J M AM" LAUCK I I ' '.' 4 yLrH- J