Page 6 THE DAILY NEWS. — nemesis tndimsetmermmertmsmcommarmne® Sn, PRESERVING {|| Local News Notes NEW ARRIVALS IN Oe errs ~~ @ APRICOTS j.° =" “1 Ladies’ Colored Shoes This is the big week for Mrs. H. Gundetson of Smithers buying this line. They JPjarrived in town on the train last are arriving in fine con- Fj night. pagar [uerrsenl) FAMILY SHOE STORE 2.50 percrate |"... JRE Che Grand Trunk tug Lorne re G. H. ARNOLD, Notary Public . Victory Bonds have declined in value very materially Now showing at the during the fast fortnight, and may go still lower. We buy them at highest market price. No delay. > aie H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. _ | Aypert Table Supply Co, fine" "PE Specia! Values in Children’s Shoes | Insurance Real Estate Bonds ' PHONES 211, 212 Springs, mattresses, brass and eae ll aT a Re coulis Tie’ a 178 Come and be fitted by Expert Shoemen great selection of floor oil cloths.| jno, P, Babcock, fisheries com Get a ped wiiddy for the week. | wueniomes, Feteraed Hom ep Sell CEO. HELL. E. R. TABRUM Prince Rupert Dry Dock & Engineering Co,jar:..ce:° c= eee sworn ons Seine ceteabiaticinas these we James Gray . - . last evening's boat and expects > . - Vessels of any size Docked _, Mis. J. HL. MeMullin is serious-l1o romain for a few weeks visiting 7-2 a ie rince uper ren é in the south. — Repairs of all kinds in wood or steel. eral Hospital. -_ < ‘s . . . - . ' ? Mr. and Mrs. H. Hoffman anc R t M St Several boats can te docked together on one small C. W. Gauld underwent a minor] >, nity were passengers for. the Prince uper iVIUSIC ore - section, making fees light. Large stock of repair operation in the hospital Wednes-| 2) in on the Grand Trunk boat OPPOSITE POST OFFICE . j j id i lay and is doing well. Sd > ¥ mater i being Tail in. iy and is dine wl esterday ening WILL EDMUNDS, Proprietor k Jas. Range of Prince : Georet The Red Cross Sog¢iety wishes Everytiing in Music oun ry or was among the arrivals from the td “doknowledge’ With ‘thanke * the LATE®Y POPULAR SONGS AND DANCES, VicTRoLAs Casti in | 8 Bronze, Etc., made at interior. on the -train yesterday sul of $40 from the Lloyd George a toe ae astings in tron, Grass, ’ i’ evening. s a h Mr Sts = Repairs to Phonographs, Violins, Etc. Bow Reasonable Prices. a. fe | Knitting Club through Mrs. Stari ee Sueeneel Snsane. GAMMINE Und etiere , Miss Edith “M. Stuart of the| “a THE BEST KNOWN TRACY Prince Rupert Academy of Music in Connection ' see the vat in 1H , Machine and Boiler Work of ail kinds J '0\ opts! stot hos boon given, pester obting ptetase at th —— eS three monte leave of absence Westholme tonight, and see the The Largest Stock of Pianos and Urgans : : ind is gging to Fort William to a North of Vancouver Business of Industrial Plants, Mines, Mills and Canneries ith of lids wild animals in their native : s Solicited. ee re a haunts, The Heintzman & Co. Piano . * * . : Designs and Patterns Made and Furnished. \ large shipment of sawmill( pn. pishpackers’ Gnion will The Weber Piano machinery arrived from the Is meet in Carpenters’ Hall at 8 p Thomas Organs lands on the Prince Albert this m, Saturday, August 2. All mem- All High-grade Guaranteed Instruments morning pay Pan be se 4 4 bers and non-members are asked W. J. Pitman, Piano Dept. . muads line to F, R. eo ° — to attend.——Fred Shaw, Secretary See Tite’s August Sale prices { : . . Lxpert Piano Tuning and | epairing, for your home furnishings. i8 The C, P. R, steamer Princess) 4. ang Mrs. Jas. Gorman, of E. L. VAUGHAN Players a Specialty Mi. id. Stephens “ 7 cee ae Mice arrives from the north to- Anyox, B. C., were among the ar- rm WOTARY PUBLIC . Meron of Kwinitsa is a vis. | morrow afternoon and sails for a ‘ P R > N : : rivals in the city last evening, t jitor in the city, having arrived|the south shortly after her ar- Ih aving come down from the min- rince uper usic «. tore [from up the tine on last night's |rival here.. The Princess Mary ing town on the Grand Trunk train. from Vancouver is expected her FOR SALE : Lv. 8 mst on Monday on the way to Skag. |*eamer- ae eS epragge and family of|way. There will be a special matinee 6-Roomed modern house and Mverness are visitors from \p| lat the Westholme Theatre on lot English Hill, $2,625, fiotais teal ts — e - sa wa - - oe Ww ae im saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock See ALBERT & McCAFFERY terms. | e se otel. | Ame e estho | | | bor pictures at for the children of Prince Rupe: . arting Mon.|'°° ** per petro ou jpatens 6-Roomed semi-bungalo, 4th Bert Manthr oa ‘ Theatre nest week, starting. Bon- when the admission for them will y P Ave. East, built in buffet, ert Manthrop, steamboat in | lay, with a complete change of} spector, returned = from Prin ‘ \ i and Frid ibe ten cents, and Baby Marie Os- Qrepless, ete., $3,500— Getves on the train. last night ~ ee age aaa re e oa oo |borne will be shown in “Winning ii Tr in t e ul ng Line terms. } ' ‘ igi | F our acts of Pantages’ Vaudeville, | Grandma.” it jHe returned a few days ago from} big-feature picture and tenth *pi- 8-Roomed house “5th Ave., $) e ut i ire ¢ ~| ee ek SS > ere W., modern, $3,250 terms. ” ae through yuntry Dawson and the) sode of the “Lightening Raider | Comrade Drinnan, the provin- “We handle nn as . northern oe ry. }At the Westholme Theatre. 179 | eis eileen a a ae Wo os Double Corner Sixth Avenue : jcial secretary of the Great I , and Tatlow St. 81,750. omen sea ; ea i Veterans’ Association, arrived Prince Rupert Spruce Co. $ Lumber rt ae u reel squares. All grades and Captain J. A. Kirkpatrick and} “LD? 2 One nice lot near Drydock f Tite ; BS eae mg [eel getd grater am iback froma trip to the interior on Bb C Mil! s Fir __ $200, sizes. te’s August Sale. 78|daughter Isabe 1 rave been |), oy evening's train. He arrived . . ith ahiijartiarinnnacnivtitiainamation a visiting in the eity for the past | rere t ar on Saturd: ; . Use MURESCO, the great sani-| few weeks returned to Vancouver oo a ae ten Seine Lime Cemeiit Plaster M. M. Stephens ‘tary wall finish. A. W. Edge Uo. jon the boat last night. While be tae ae Mancha. Brick Shingles Laths LOANS - RENTALS - INSURANCE N THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH)” Capt, Kirkpatrick has hed) Pont De. F i | COLUMBIA. the opportunity of seeing many o!| Wateh our windows for spec- ve a} ae ee bis old time friends and many|jais. Tite’s August Sale. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. alll initia thirties : and | funetions have been held in his) i iN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATI on . : ; rONY LWAcIcCH, DECEASED, iXikSIA.h jhonor. The little girl has spent}; Hugh Smith of the loeal fire AL WUiICE that in Order of lils Fisomame yy a very enjoyable time with all her department was among those wo a or at jul June, A.D. 1919, | was appointed sa-| former playmates. book passage for the south on the | ministra tot of-the estate of Tony Lucicu . . . Say Tp ‘ sta" } deceased, and all parties having cian el Grand Trunk boat last night. He GERMANS AROUSED W od ® a@alust tie suid estate are hereby requiicu Deaper ies. Straight 20% dis- : edding \¢ furnish sa pro e* rit Seer will proceed as far as Seattle and tle us sa ne, properly veritiec aE ae 4 ., 2 , Sala 7 ‘sr ae, er, Neti eounts at Tite's August Sale. 78 wilt ‘then take the train across PROTEST OF CROWD | 1949, and all parties indebted ry “the ‘ 7 ° ie “y . 5 ‘itw ' i | country as far as Salt Lake City, rn - ° j tate are required to pay the amount oi] Mpg, B. MeDonald, aceompanied | re Py ai 7 BY SHOUTING “Hi! # ccasion their indebtedness to me forthWiih : . |\where he will holiday for two ot v | Dated this 30th day of July, , Mrs. L. W 9. he aughter, ; , J. H. MeMULLIN, pete [ey her daughter three weeks. Hugh will - return You'll be looking fer a suitable Waugh of Anyox, sailed for Van- . __Omelel Administrator. | ™* ' sailed for Van-| hore agdin in the near future. (Special via U.T.P. Telegraphs.) present, 7 renee ‘Saemnle™ ouver where they will join Miss| e Bie p July 34 r i t ‘ such a iN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH aris, July . we judge as write 6 ‘ty : » - nears ~~ = COLUMBIA oe nevieve MeDonald, another Pure dripping, 25t per Ib. ? sai th i . - . . ee iN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTi aw —_— ocate who investigated the stree« like it to be dainty and to help to | | f1ON ACT , ‘idaughter who is on holidays there! atking™ Meat Market. tf do honor to the oceasion. i and at the present time. Miss Me- . demonstration against the Ger {IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATI I Now there is nothing lke getting \DALINE EDITH KILBURN, DECK.) Donald who is of the Prince Ru-} Miss Gleason, accompanied by | man peace delegates at Versailles among a nicely selected awelry INTESTAT » sublie se ena? tolt or Lice. Mis s al . ria stock for this pur wo -- » FAKE NOTICE that in Order of Hits pert publi chools teaching staff | he neice, Miss ullivan, left for finds no case, It was established . pen | ona: Fr. MeB’, Young, made the 24u.|Just missed seeing her brother,; Seattle on the Prince George last that tt a + thel Sue : r ~ as . } de I as inte . : "D a we rermans aroused ie Such a stock for instance 48 thi day of July, A.D. 1019, 1 was app mi Lieut. Wilfred MeDonald, in;Hd-\evening. They are both well ; i store has to show you. } Administrator of the estate of Adaline | : : Lent ¢ the e1 j rsd ; | Edith Kilburn, deceased, and all parties; monton by a few hours. Wilfred;known in this city and will prowess oO 0 Crowd by stickin We've 4 splendid array of suit having claims against the said estate are 1} : ; } : 1d by their : fr j out their tongues at the pecla able presents not only for weddings juepeby required to fur ria, same, property |Bas now gone east where he will! misse d ry ier =o many riends., ek oe eke , ' but for any other occasion \let September’ i919, a te = ur pe ua) jhave further medical attention; Miss Gleason has been managing|‘” Mga OULINE OCR Look in on us some time, |debied to the estate are required to pa land expects to return with an/the Richmond Rooms and forme: The charges that stones wer: the am unt of the indebtedness Ww me } . ‘ss ‘ ie . pol Sane oer eee "artificial leg. ly carried on the Samovar ‘Tea|#irown rest upon the unsupport | Dated this 30th day of July, 1919 ‘. Mis s : bos sds ed testimony of Dr. Theodor Mel John Bulger J. H. MeMULLIN, | | Room Miss Sullivan who wa J i i ______ Official Administrator. | Tents. Pack onthe. Camp outfits. ‘the hendred guest at a farewell orgy ole the German fi * Olfhes workers should eweler ie : a , fli a tJ.F.™M ' 8 B k. rty last Saturday eve ao .{cial delegates, ||SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION gen aguire, Smith Block, party last Sa ay evening, wa 0a The Store of Worth and DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTI ‘attached to the city hall staff use Litebuoy Soap Beauty. ISLANDS Ask for Atkins’ Sausages. tf * . . Che fire department is havi Think of the hundreds of ye FOES MO TIGE that oe Bevia, s Ap _ - | All Middies at cost, Saturday a busy time this morning testin dusty, germ laden things you x, » Geo p : ends to app or on ' permission to prospect for coal and petro- | Demers. {78j;oul the water pressure, as F, ¢ must touch every day ! Think leum on the west coast of Graham Island! ° . . ~oandt ' kin in the vicinity ‘of West River Sommmeneinat Phon® Green 507 1017 3rd Avenue Broadfoot and H. L. Taylo uN f the danger to your ® Yesterday afternoon a very/here on a visit of examination on serious double drowning accident behalf of the Mainland Unde: Dalgarno & Watts Was narrowly averted when twol]writers’ Association Phes ere EDGAR DAVIS — girls tloundered out beyond their|six hydrants going at one time in Ver Austin Brown, Agent BU 1D! RS AND CONTRACTORS ‘depth at the Salt Lake. They had|the down town section this Dated May 18, 1919 ; i is morn oom ouse Specialists in Light and Heavy Gon \been wading along the shore and ing. Other special tests will by You need the best soeP and more the best disinfect ant. You get both ie LIFEBUCY at & post planted at the southeast corn of C.L. 10,312, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 ehains, thence West 80 chains to point of commencement OOO ODOR AO OD BO Ree Omer e en struction, Repairs and Alteratior al . ea bcosenaee o ° A ccaggy i on — — one of them reached a big rock|made about the city and the lack HEALTH S SOAP Bth Av Section 5 . oe and was standing on it when/of fire protection at the oil doc! lto healing, soothing oils a” 1 Avenue, Section 5 uction a e Estimates Cheerfully Given ‘suddenly she slipped backwards /|will be specially looked into. Pir gratetul disinfectants - oe } oa . . . , . isio f $1600 At the residence 432 Fifth CRICK AND CONCKETE BUILDING into water beyond her depth. The/Chief MeDonald, City Enginec ao tome et fot Avenue West CONTRACTORS jother struggled to get to her as-|Clements. and Water Forema bruises, cuts, wind sores, et i sistance but she too got ihto|Walker i&. 2 Lots, bth Ave., Sec. 5 Friday, ist Aug. i ~— |difficwties and both were help- ote ok Sith Ge inbe this The carboiic odowr in Lifeboo ' Th k ; the sign i, searotestive 2:30 P.M. SHARP. less. The quick aetion of twolamount of pressure, ‘vemihind on the Sewer Having been favored with E H SH jmen on the bank who jumped in $600 each instructions from Mrs. W. . . CKLEY / with their clothes on, saved what The Tillamook arrived. in po ' D. Tippens, I will sell at the GENERAL CONTRACTOR | might have been a very serious|this morning with a large ship Terms ; “se : : \fatality, The girls are little the|ment of fish whiel | LEVER above time and place, the Ollice and Shop Fraser St, } iin han: thaie : ; » Heh will be sent BROTHERS S ica. of tae tummiinne ‘gid Bash, doors, mouldings and /wors or reir experience, by rail east, There was on board LIMITED, McCaffery Gibbons household goods, The con all interior finish lumber al- : — , ——-;- 6 ear lots of pickled herring and TORONTO, ONI ? tents of a 5-room Bungalow ways in stock, ; Choose your own materials and/4,000 cases of salmon Vhis ve ad & Do ltd consisting of a Hicks’ piano Agent for J. Fyfe Smith's | style when you have corsets mage shipment is among the first ef a A number of peel . yn thi y » Victor gramophone, dining hardwood, by Mrs. Director,, Phone Blue 92.) number whieh will pass throngh|-ertised furniture fo! a jorens Insurance - Real Estate and bed room suite, ete., ste. Estimates Given. Suns eal. nator = ‘ the city in the next few n onth paper and they have exe some - re us P . o eaver as a resu ** i r. REPAIR WORK UNDERTAKEN 2 " : ef customers ip ture Prince Rupert, B. od GEORGE LEEK, Auctionee Phone Green 269. Board. A. W. Edge Co., distribu. See the classified ads. on page| eople want to keep the Are | tors. tf) five, ure. They do not ad’