Ten Years Ago In Pr'nc Rupert November 4, 1919 w P. Illnton, vice-president arid. eeneral manager oi ine urana Trunk Pacific Railway, who is a tiittor here. 1 announce. that nians are being perfected for a IftTKo ijiew uutiv wmtu wm uc built at this port. He states that, before another reason, the; com-nany must have Increased terminal facilities here. O 0. McCJeer, M.LA. for Rich-mond, spoke Jn the Westholme Theatre last night in support of th" Victory toan campaign. Local coal dealers state that the coal strike, in the United States will cause no shortage here. There U a large supply now on hand and Telkwa can always be drawn upon, they state. SPARTAN SIMPLICITY Book Agent to farmer) You ought to buy an encyclopedia, now ttint. vour bov is eolne to school. Farmer Not on your. life. Leti him walk, the same as I did. The New Outlook. TKSVV.RH SEALED Tenders addressed to the liMlerslKiied at Ottawa and endorsed cm the envelope. 'Tender tor House. Weat Count Hydrogrsphlc Service" be rtcesved up to noon, November 3i 1929. for the construction or usb'.at of principal dimensions aa 1 li'.WI i.i.iii verall 100 feet 0 inert. 1 new, Usui., occupsuoi, Mining ca- ln.Kih on Main Deck 100 " 0 Iglneer, Intend to apply for permission Ertudth over planum 30 " 0 " J purchase the folloamg described Br. -l b eitreme .... 31 M 0 " 'lands: Dei ' n overplanklng . " 0 "1 Commencing at a post planted about 1'iaiis. specifications, forma of con- 'three-quarters of a mile distant and In , , - and schedule of wag may be Northerly direction from the mouth . ..nH fnrm nf t.nrW nrnruivri nn 'of the TUlseQUah RlVer; tbenC Wt 20 a,o to the partmeMMar-lchaina: i' i !i a Fisheries, Marine Branch v tnwa. or to the Agent, of tb De-!w par! ment at victoria and Prince Ru-1 per- b.c or the chief Inspector orf1 f .-i.tricv Vancouver. B.C. i.u .'. tender must.be baaed strictly si;. ..ii me Departmental Specifications ..: i mu.; be accompanied by an ac-o pted i heque on a chartered Canadian Ban tqusl to ten per cent (10 I of whole amount of the. tender, which dieqiie will be forfeited should th . crjful tenderer decline to enter Into contract prepared by the Department or faU to complete the work t:,'ifact)rtiy Cheques submitted by unsuccessful tenderere will be returned. Tenders without cheques will not be rcj.suiered. ply The Department does) rot bind Its' .! w uccept the lowest or any tender. A. JOHNSTON, Deputy Minister. Debarment of Marine At Fisheries, C'tuwa. October 35. 1929. 100 MVKiMU.i: rilOTKCTION K. K C. Cliaptrr )10. The Northern British Columbia P'jwer Company. Limited, of Prince Rugxrt hereby glvea notice that It ! under Section 7 of the aald Act. "Mxtited with the Minister of Public W ric- st Ottawa, and in the ctflte of i.o District Registrar of th Land Rr.''.ry District of Prtne Rupert, at men'a 1 . Compenaatlon ... and . . . Labour . Of-li.i a e Rupert, a dewlptkm of the flees, 411 Dunsmulr Street. Vanoourer, n and the plana of a power trans. BC, commencing November 18th, 1929, mi.-;n line proposed to be construe- at 10 ato. , ted n towera over tho Skeena Rivet Applloatlon forms and further ln-Mil. 2818 Eaat of Prtnc RODert on formation may be be obtained obtained from from the the tsnadlan National Railway. In i n? in Lot No. MM. and Lot IS. PI"-' 1. Rang S, Coast District. Brl-n ' otumbls. Ami tske notice that after the ex-I'irutKi,, or orva month frm the date of the first publication Of thla notice Tim Northern Brltlih Columbia Pawrr f impnny. Lnnlted, will, under Section 1 of the aald Act. apply to the Mtols-i r f Public Works at his offRe in : " City of Ottawa, for approval of tho 'i -l and ana plana, p.sns. and ana for lor tear ieav. to w - 'ni.virurt th aald powr trar-mtaslon riATKD thU SOth day of October, ATI 1B20, 1'IlE NORTTIERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY LIMITED. By: PATMORE tt FULTON Solicitors for the Applicant. LAM) ACl Notice of Intention to Apply lo Lea Mnd TAKE NOTICE That I. James Martin "t Massett. b.C intend to apply for a h-'SO of the following described Isnda: aunenctng at a post planted at '"! water mark and about two nun-ft' 1 and Hfty -feet BE. of shore end i New Masaett. B.C. wharf: thence In We.Urly direction and parallel to Jie wharf to low water mark; theftce J ' r'h Westerly to the wharf; thence Nrtiirly iong tho wharf to high !"!r mark; thenco along th ahore at 'h ater mark to the point of com-pfneement. and containing' two' acre, niorc or lesa. ' Duted at Massett, B.fX,,.thU 31st oaf of October. 1939. at H:6s A.M. JAMES MARTIN. SUITS! SUITS! MADE TO ORDER Cultlnu, Workmanship and SlyU All Guaranteed SUITS Bib AM CLEANED AND PRESSED : We Deliver to Any Pnrt of the CIt'. Ling, the Tailor Phone 649. . CLASSIFIED WiiS IS THE ELITE BEAUTY PARLOR Mrs. Sutherland Expert marcelling, finger and water waving. Face massage and scalp treatments. Phone 499 SINGING LESSONS Evenings J. E. DAVEY, PHONE BLACK 39 . CHARLES P. BALAGNO TEACHER OF PIANO TERMS MODERATE PHONE GREEN 280 BOATBUILDERS KIY BOATBUILDERS, COW BAY Pleasure and Rowboats For Sale Y. Suehiro, Cow Bay Boatbuilder, P. O. Box 314 . LAM) ACT Stlklrie Land District; District ( Caiwlar TAKX Notice thai t. Roy W. Moort of 1204 Pacific Mutual Bid.. Los An- thence north .... J 20 chain.: theno, , Mh w u.u v vuu Pllrt commencement, aaid parcel j . " i Li"!?!,, . n nti' Lnt jam esb" stapler, a mi Date: August th. 1929. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply U Purchase Land In .tha AtUp,7tand Recording District, and irtu&te ,at West Taku Ann of Tartsn Lake. -S Tar riotieai that I, Otto R. Partridge, of Ben-my-Chree, Atlin, B.C.. occupation, mine owner. Intend to ap? for a purchase of th following described land: Commencing at a post planted 40 roda aouth of Ben-my-Chree Btr. Landing, thence west 40 chains; tbenee south 40 chains; thence east 40 chains; thenca north 40 chains and containing acres, mdre or lew. OTTO H. FARTRIDOE. Dated: September 9th. 1929. EXAMINATION FOR INSPECTOR OF STEAM BOILERS & MACHINERY Competitive eliminations for Inspector of Steam-BoUera and Machinery will be held at th oince oi tne ooiier Inspection irmnM-tion Drnartment Department r In in the the Work- Work- I Boiler Inspection Department at aoove address. A. N. BAKER. Civil Service Commissioner. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Purrhite Land In Prince Rupert Land Recording niitrlct of British Columbia, and situ. - uXh uank of the Skten n0'i?TMll 28.79 of Canadian Rational Railway. East of Prtnc Ru- PtrA notle that Northern British Columbia Power company.. Limited, of Prince RttpeW, B.C., occupation Power Corporation Intends to apply for permission to purchase the following de-acrlbed land:- . Commencing at a pm iojivtu .v ohalna distant, and In a Southerly direction from centre line of Canadian national Railways. Mile 28.76. Ewt of Prtnc Rupert, on the South bank ol Skeena River; thence South 10 chains: thence West 10 cnains incites nunu iHhatrJr. mor. W less to High Water Mark: thenoo Easterly along H.W.M. 10 chain mere or leas to point ol commenoctnent. and containing 10 acres moreor Um. , .. TOWER COMPANY. LIMITED, per: Thomas D. McLean, Agent. Dated September Slat, 1929. BRINGING UP ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT WANTED WOMAN WANTS Work. Phone 289. (257) WANTED Hemstitching. Mrs. Chas. Edwards at Wallace's. . 179 MEN WANTED To take up pla-terlng and brick laying, tile setting and cement finishing. These $9.00 to $12.00 a day , trades offer unlimited oppor- tunity. Canada' building boom requires thousands of these tradesmen. Starting wages after a few weeks' training $5.00 to $7.00 per day. Earn while you learn. Mall this ad and your name and address for further Information. The United Building Trades Training School, 400 Hastings Street East, Vancou-ver, B.C. ' . MISCELLANEOUS U3E OF ROOM and bed could be given in exchange for small Janitor service. Applicant must be known in the city and thor- oughly trustworthy. Box 230 Daily News. (tf) FOUND FOUND Silver Maltese cross brooch with letters W. A. Apply Dally News Office. QUEEN CHARLOTTE. PORT CLEMENTS STAGE "e Meets all au boats ooau northbound nortnoouna at ai nv. w.. w wh.v; passengers to Port Clements, and meets souuioouna ooaia at rorc Clements to receive passengers for !ueen cnariotte city. Fare $5.00, and In .proportion to intermediate points. r. Cm. Mckenzie ;h; Premier hotel queen charlotte-' city; b.(x " -'-in ;i. (rir UND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Left tie Land ' In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of British Columbia, and situ-. BL4 on me oouu imjik oi pscia River, opposite Mae 28.76 orV Cafladlsri National Railway. E&sb of .(Prlnca! R pen. B.o. ,. . -vt! k ilOf.;; Take notice that NortherB, RrftUb uoiumoia rower wrafin;, uniira.oi Prince Rubert, B.C, occupation Powef Corporation intend to apply' for a lease of the following described Unds: ' Commencing at a post planted about 120 chains distant and In a Southerly direction from centre line of Canadian National Railways, opposite mile 28.76 East of Prince Rupert, on the aoutn Ksn W m 4Ka fib-Aana Dlvf fhanita uuu vis, ti uavvuai snivii vasvMwv North S chains more or leai to Low Water Mark; thence Westerly along L.W.M. S chains; thence llWhM ? chains, more or less to theno Easterly along H.W.M. to point ox oummeiicCTncni ana cuuiBimng two (2) acre, more or less. NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY. LIMITED. Per: Thomas D. McLean, Agent. Dated September Slat. 1929. TIMBER SALE XI 1191 Sealed tendera will "b received by the Mltlster of Lands, Victoria not later than noon on the 14th day of November, 1929 for the purchase of Licence X11781, to cut 1.683.000 P.B.M. of Spruce, Balsam. Hemlock and Cedar on 5 areas located on Kl-Kosh Inlet and Lagoon, Douglas Channel, Range 4, Coast Land District. Two (2) yeara wUl be allowed for removal of timber. Purthcr particulars or the Chief For ester, . victoria, u.u., or uisirici , tor ester. Prince Rupert, B.C. (257) FATHER I l isT f OON)T TALK BACK TO J wfWK TOOP? ATMCR- GO BACK AM' POT SONR CLOTHED ii OJ-VU- MOT HAVE A J ! ?&t&rV&. DAUGHTER OF tMlKJE -"' ! WMBS) J$ COIM' AROOMO fp) 7V UOOWM' UKE fs31 'FOR SALE PIANO FOR SALE In godd condition. For particulars apply Mrs. Q., care Dally .News Of Hce.Jf. FOR SALE Boat, suitable for deep-sea trawler or packer, length 45 feet. 20 h.p. Frisco Standard Engine. Phone 355. (tf) FOR SALE Child's four foot cream enamelled cot with spring and mattress; high chair; dining table and sectional bookcases. PhoneOreen 405. (tf) -- FOR RENT FOR RENT Four room flat with bath. Furnished. ' Phcne 547. "4 FOR RENT Five-room suite. Summit Apts. Phone Blue 345. Uf) FOR RENT-t-Double or single housekeeping rooms. Phone 427. : v . Uf) FOR RENT-Nicely. furnished flat in Clapp- Block, Apply Westen-haver Bros. (tf) FOR RENT Four roomed modern house. Apply tt.-B. MacKay, 530 Sixth Avenue East. itf) FOR RENT Furnished apart- ments 2. 4, and 3 rooms. Anplv Mussallem Orpcery. (tf) FOR RENT--Automobiles, pianoa' phonographs and sewing machines. Walker-' Mulc Store. FOR RENT Modern five roomed house with full basement, furnace, garage and kitchen raose. PhoneBlue4 1 ftn FOR RENT Clean, well furnished modern two and Ihree room-, , ed suites. Pnjmer Apartments. .' flhone Red. 444. HP REAL ESTATE FOR BALE Two lots on Tenth Avenue, hear Alfred Street Cleared and level, ready for building. Apply Box 228, Daily News Office. (tf) FOR SALE Two lots on Graft Hill, Fifth Avenue West. $1.000 1 Cash or terms 'arranged. This J wear's taxes paid. Apply Box 22eJsmSniNE AND ULTRA RED RAY , Dally News Office. (tf)4 iio- i,,,,.,;. L'OT 17, BLOCK 19, SECTION 6 .,' Sixth Ave, $175.00. , j Between MrBride Street and Booth School. M. M. STEPHENS & CO. LTD. Rentals Loans Real Estate HOUSE FOR SALE Modern House on Sixth Avenue, section o. tine uiock rast of McOride GOOD CONDITION REASONABLE PRICE AND EASY TERMS II. G. HELGERSON, LTD. Phone 96 216 Sixth St. Paints, Wallpaper, Etc SiLVERSIDES. RROS. Wallpapers, Paints. Glass and Art Supplies" P. O. BOX 120 mONE 22 SPRINGS Made and repaired for any kind of Auto or Trucic Prompt Service. Satisfaction guaranteed. Star Weldln; and Repair Works P.O. Box 764 Prince Rupert. B.C. UMQE-RSTAKIO THAT TO 3AY M THVb FAMILTt- - J 0 lvM, lull rmm SrW, Int., Gnat Brlcsla rlftiU twrv4. IS FULL OP HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART. We buy, sell or exchange any kind of furniture or household goods, musical instruments, machinery, etc. General repairs crating, packing and shipping Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone Black 120 and we will call. O. J, DAWES, AUCTIONEER Federal Block THE ELECTRIC BAKERY "The Store That Quality Built!" EAT ELECTRIC BREAD The Best There Is! P. O. BOX 418 PHONE CG7 I PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. j SALVAGE ANI TOWING "If It's on or under the water we do it." PACIFIC SALVAGE CO. LIMITED , Fully Equipped for Diving and General Salvace Work, Boats and Scows of all descriptions for Charter. Row Boats and Canoes for hire. Bargains in Gas Engines. AGENTS FOR EASTHOPE ENGINES Northern B. C. Distributors Coolidge Propellers Sand and Gravel, in any quantity, delivered anywhere by water. Phone, Day or Night 564 P. O. Box 1564 CHIROPRACTIC r SUNSHINE- AND ULTRA VIOLET R. E. EYOLFSON, D.C. ANALYTE ADJUSTMENT INDICATOR SERVICE 623 Third Avenue West Bine 85 Phones Red 589 CHIROPRACTIC .oi "We are now able to give you 1 lightJ treatment In' addition to our health service. In all cases consult W. C. AS PIN ALL D.C. 6 Exchange Block Green 211 Phones Black 383 H.J.ZUMKEIIR CHIMNEY SWEEP General Handy Man New Address at Red's Transfer PHONE 204 LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Purchase Land In The StUtlne Land Recording Division, -Land Recording District of Telegraph Creek, and altuate In Maple filough. one miie north of tho main channel of 'th Taku r.lver.and about on mile 'In a North-mntrU direction from th Junction of the Tulsequah and Taku Rlvtrs. Take notice that Nell Forbes of Alice Arm. B.C., occupation Miner, Intend to apply for permlsalon to purchase the following described lands:. Commencing at post planted one half mile north of the Taku River and about on mile in North-easterly direction from tho Junction of th Taku and Tulsequah Rivers; thence South 20 chains: thence eaat 20 chains; thence North, 20 chains; thence Weat 20 chalna and containing 40 acres, mor or lest. NEIL FORBES. Miner of Alice Arm, B.C pated September 23rd. naa. '' RENT, LO s ST & The Blessing of IMMACULATE HOMES Knowing that the coal you order for this winter will, not mess up your basement or fill your house with dirt, is a thing of interest to the housewife. Our coal ik)(PLJ3&J qpal, and you will be surprise4$tereiisa difference. !cft'"i",,I yIw:'1 . Order Your CJLE AN. coal from us Today! ALBERT &; McCAFFERY, LTD. Pliones-na!3U7-Prince Rupert, B. C. . ,;. ii : ! L.ND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Leaae l-and In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of British Columbia. Mid aitu-ate between Low Water Mark on the North side and Low Water Mark on South side or Skeena Rtver opposite Mile 28.78 of Canadian National Railways, East of Prtnce Rupert. Take notice that Northern British Columbia Power Company, Limited of Prince Rupert. B.C., occupation Power Corporation intend to apply for a lease of tho following described lands: Commencing at a post planted ISO feet distant, and in a southerly direction from centre line of Canadian National Railways, Mile 28.76 Bast ot Prince Rupert thei&e 8outh 0 deg. 40 mln. Bast 114 chains more or less to L.W.M. on Scfetn bank' Skeena Riven thence Easterly along l...WJbI. 3 chains; thence North 0 dg. 40 mln. West 114 chalna, more or leas to .L,W. M. on North bank of Skeena ' River. theno Westerly alOM Iy.W':M.. J chains, mor or leas tt rxntef. com: mencement and containing 35 -acres. mor or lesa. NORTHERN BRITISH COLOMBIA POWER COMPANY. LIMITED . Per: Thomas D. McLean, Agent. Dated September 31st, 1824. MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Genuine Hudson Bay Blankets with seal. A lifetime blanket at a reasonable cost. Everything in furniture, bedding and lloor coverings. Lots of stock at reasonable prices. McKenzie's Furniture Phone 775 FOUND YOUNG AND OLD. "in LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease iJind In Prince Rupert lnd Recordlns District of British Columbia, and situ-ate oh the North bank of Skeena River, near Mile 28.78 on Canadian National Railways, east ot Prince Rupert, B.C. Take notice that Northern Brttlah Power Company. Limited of Prlnc Rupert. B.C., occupaUon Power Cor-poartlon Intends to apply Tor a leas of tne following described lands: Coram tnolrig at a post planted about SO ft. distant, and in a southerly direction from centre lino of Canadian National Railways. Mile 23.78 East of Prlnoo Rupert, on the north bank of Skeena River tbenee South 3 chalna. more or less, to Low Water Mark: thence Easterly along L.W.M. S chains; thance North 3 chalna more or lm to High Water Mark: thence westerly along H.W.M. S chains; more or ls to point of commencement and tetalntng one .acre, more or leas. " NORTHERN .BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY. LIMITED. Per: Thomas D. McLean, Agent. , Dated September 21st. 1S2S. i CLEARING Si GRADING Concrete Foundations Tunnels and shafts in difficult ground a specialty. ? NELS ROKKJAR. CENTRAL MOTEL Try a Daily News want-ad. By George McManus