TOE DAILY NEWS Monday, November PAGE TWO 25 r The Daily News PRINCE KUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue Lji II. F. PULLEN Mahaginji-Edjjpr '. SUBSCRIPTION RATES'-. i " City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period'paid in advance $5.00 For lesser period, paid in advance, per month 50 By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period 3.00 Or four months for ... .. 10 By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British bnv pire ,and United States, paid In advance, per year r. (n OUT-OF-TOWN BUSINESS A few Prince Rupert business houses in preparing their advertising do so with an eye to the out-of-town business and they find a rich reward. There are always goods which cannot be purchased at the loeidtgsand for which it is necessary to send away.' If Pancetfojprt people cater to this business they should et a gopl c(eal pf it. Already some are doing so. W f Many Prince Rupert people buy in Vancouver, rift because they cet any better values, but beeause'itnev always : :r-t, A!5Tin.,..v,A i,a.. v,,,. : tju.- '. Mill Citi- li lV&mWf u:Vl '"r8 ; A i Advance: 75, Nil nupert iney ougnt to get goous duck mucn quicKer ana oi just as good quality as if they sent to 9ome larger city. As this is the buying season, it might bp well to try this out if it has not already been considered' 4 The Prince Rupert Daily News has just as large an out-of-town circulation as in town, sligtlarger, in fact. The people who get it read the advertisements as well as the news. It is purchased by natives as well as others. This is a large buying population. When they come to town they naturally visit the stores about which they have read in the newspaper. In view of this, advertising of local merchants should be directed especially to them as well as to the home buyers. THE POLICE MAGISTRATE It is very satisfactory to know from Attorney-General Pooley that no change is made in connection with the position of police magistrate in this city. It was feared that another case similar to that of Norman Watt was developing here, but Mr. Pooley's statement to the Victoria correspondent of the Vancouver Sun is reassuring. Mr. McClymont has held the position of police magistrate here with dignity and efficiency and Prince Rupert people generally will be glad to receive Mr. Pooler's statement that the rumors of his removal are not correct. The Provincial Government too is to be congratulated on its gpod sense in refusing to make a change which would have been considered by everyone to be of a purely political nature. ' The Letter Box POUT CLEMENTS COMPLAINT Editor. Dally New: tice, and then not even turn up to the meeting himself. As far as the vice-president is concerned, not even an excuse or explanation has yet been offered by the president for his odd conduct. The secretary of the Social Club, the school teacher, and four other ladios happened to see the" notice, and then waited from ei8nwUlhalf,nasbvnlne - for entmBflstrar ptwaeht. Ar tlmfr was pressing, and the boat due the next day, they decided to use the money ln hand and do the best they could. Slnte then thev are being criticised, Instead ot the delinquent president, by all inose who now appear to be ln- icresiea. out did not Song Service at St. Paul's Church There was a special "t insider It playlnB yesterdaj 1 Tn St Pauir song LuthVran service ine game ror the president or the church which was so wn SSli'1? "P at VxtFa seati had to be rried ,L.J, T 8 X: u,pr'.,3 T-w,. In TO accommoaate tne large con regarding the children's Christ- Kregation. gregation. Included Included in in the thT selec mas Tree: only eive a day's no tions were a men's quartette, a duet a solo by Mrs. Myrvold and a piano solo by P. Tien. I..XI ACT NotUf of liitmtloii la Apply , to LraiK I-and In The Qtiwn Charlotte Lnrf ni.. t inrr. ineARu; Tke notlc tbt Arthur iutn and Eugene It. Simpson of Mauett, B.C., ooeupatlon Lumbermen .Intend to apply for a lease- of th Xollowln deacrlbed land: Oommtnelng at poet ManUri t the BE Cor, Blk. M 'Mmett Toii,ti-'ulte: thenaa Wetrlv in .k.i.. ' . (and npvrr no wiurt' Uimm an.iXl a i , . . .. . " - ! . . , uoi turn up to tne meetings. cmuu running parallel to Oov. wharf Tnere are tun tnirty odd days 1 1 H?w vfr Mar': lDr Baterijr ln which to acquire the Christ-pf Northerly 4 chun. " umt" 7 es' au,rf 01 mas spirit of thankfulness. For,"- goodness' sake, do It, and set ani Arthur Robertson example to tne ennaren. , "FAIR BQUAkE." ' IMted t Average Earnings Of Prince Rupert Taximen Stated Minimum .Wage. Board Gets Infor-' mation in Regard To Local Boys CalmOnt 1.21. 1.23. ,Dalhousie, 1.75, 1.79. Devenlsh. Nil, 22. Fabyan Pete. 8, 8fc. Home, 11 JO, 12.00. Illinois-Alberta, 40, 43 Mayland. 2.90, 2.95. McOoug.-Segur, 2.00, McLPOd." 2.15. 2.20. Royallte, 65.00. 70.00. Hargal. 99. 1.00. Freehold. 71. 75. Sterling Pacific. 1.25, 1.29. United, 75. 78. Mercury. 72. 74. Regent. 32, 36. TORONTO STOCKS UeCaffery. Olbboca & OXJart, Falconbrtdse. 6.50. 6.75. Abana, 1.19. U0. Amulet. 1.87. UJ. Holllnger. 5.00, 5.25. Hudson Bay. 11.00. 11 .20. International Nickel, 31.10. Ltd.) Nil Lasesnore. ism Nil. Mclntyre. Mandy 45. 49. Niptasing, selling at l.')5. Noranda. 36 06. 3V2S. Sherritt Gordon. 3.80. 3.85. Teck Hughes. 5.15, 5.20. .Treadwell Yukon. 6.00. 7.50. Ventures. 3.90, 3.S6. Mining Corporation. 325, 3.35, Home Oils, 12.00, 12.10. Afternoon Close (Courtesy of S. D. Johnston Co Amulet. 1.88, 1.69. Dome. 7.15. 75. Falconbridge. 6JS, 6.40. Hudson Bay. NU, 11.25. International Nickel, 30.75, 30.90. Imperial Oil. 28.25, Nil. Mandy, 45, 50. Mining Corporation. 3.25, 3.35. Mclntyre. 14.05. 14.26. Noranda. 35.00. 35.10. Niplssing. 1.85. 2.00. Sherritt Gordon, 3.70. 3.75. Sudbury Basin. 4.25. 4.35. Teck Hughes, 5.10. 5.15. Treadwell Yukon, 6.00, 7.50. Ventures. 3.60, 3.65. s Wright Hargraves, 1.30, 1.34. t Local Items Mrs. Archie Hall of Hays Cove Circle gave a birthday party ln honor of her little daughter. piadys A number of her little F. 8. Clendennlnc. whn ha a D.een stationed here lor the past iwu or mree winters as local re presentatlve of the Empire ship uuiu iu armea in tne city on uie .uauiia last brief visit here. evening for a William Smith, watchman .of the Massctt Canners cannery at Old Massctt, arrived ln the city on yesterday afternoon's train from bmltners, where he has been on a holldav vlxlt on H boith euoenk Humphrey siMrsoN night on the Prince John for the td-Nov. isth, 1929. I Islands. i j ROAD HERE NEXT NEED Should Be Olven Before Tolmfes Alaska Highway. T. I). Pat-tullo Tells Vancouver Attacking Premier Tolrale's. pro- h n.lti.i. nnliimhla.Vllkon- That the averaee earning of taxil ?,..,, ,,,.n r unttniin nrovin- drlvers tn Prince Rupert was $35 a j ni? leader, in addressing week in summer an4 pa week in , annual meeUng last week of the winter, and that they were paid the Vancouver City Liberal Asso-no regular salary but get 35 of i atlon ZMsived that some fifty to the gros takings, and worked about ne niJnarecj mnii0n dollars would n.noura nay, was iuc iihui i have to ha sntnt on roads in we A I given VU U1C Minimum Wrro Board Bv mail to all other countries, per year 7-oU at Its' meetlna Saturday ui-iht In rr. .?,., ,i;.ni ori.-ort;iin non incVr npr Insertion 1.40 the Court House. J. D. McNivtn uic ti Uontract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone 93 Editor and Reporters" Telephone 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION 'iOx Monday. November 25. 1929 siding, and sitting with him being Qeorge IL Cowan, K.C., and Adam lien that in Vancouver the Yellow Taxi ,,nri land Bnd and thfvs. those ln ln mv my own own jutrlc district Comnanv rave a guarantee of $3.20 i a day, or, if It amounted to more . . . il i i nnef of the earnings. The earnings seldom exceeded the guarantee. These were among the best paid taxi rtrler In VBniVMlVAr ThV Work- INSPECTOR NEEDED ed eight 1W A Terrace shinner of agricultural produce suggests the i and Labor appointment of an inspector in Prince Rupert who will in-: oj.nwtate ,n wri?tng at an "S3 spect all shipments as to their quality and grading .and will turn oacK on tne snipper any wnicn no noi coniorm i with tlie regulations. This, it seeiui would solve to a ! large extent the present condition und$r which Prinqe Ru-, port merchants are refusing to purchase farm and garden I produce from the, interior because df'the poor quality ofj some of the shipments and lack of care shown in packing I and snipping. When a merchant .. buys a certain grado,' 1 ,t i i i i j ? tnere snouia oe some assurance mat ne is going 10 receive it An inspector would not need to devote his whole time to the work." All that would be necessary would be that the man appointed be properly qualified for the position and that he be not interested in any of the f irms doing business in the city in that particular line. STOCK QUOTATIONS (Oourtwv 3. D. Johnston Co.) Big MJuouri. 64. 68. Cork Province 5. 54. Outhle Mines. 42, 50. George Copper, 2.75. 2J50. OeorptaN River, 16, 18. Golconda. 75. 79. Orandvlew. 24, 24Vfc. Independence, 4. 5. Indian Mines. 3. 5. Kootenay Florence, 9. 9. Kootenay Kln. 9, 934. Mohawk, 2. 24. Marmot Metals, IVt 2. National Silver. 8. 10. Noble Five. 43, 45. Oregon Copper, 15, 16. Pend Oreille. 3.12. 3.19. Premier. 1.66, 1.69. Porter-Idaho. 26. 30. Reeves MacdonaW. 1.08, 1.12. Rufus-Araent. 9. 10. Ruth-Hope. 22. 24. SHver Crest 6. 6V4. Silverado. 29, 30. Stlveramith. 3, NIL Snowflake. 17, 18. 8unloch. Nil? 1.10. .Topley RichfleW, 5. 6. ToHc Mine, 80, 1.00. Whitewater. Nil, 47. Woodbine, 2, 3. Oils feel they ought to be able to do better in a larger city. So' spooner. Nil. so 5.75. 6J0. A. P. Con- 15. 1.97. 2.30. nrint sf 1H nnrtions of the DTOV ince before the government would be lustlfied in building the B. C. portion of the proposed Yukon-Alaska road. It also developed at the meeting, ,h. nvonaaan and Vancomor Is- of Prince Rupert who desire nign-way connection with the remainder I of the province which would cost , of Itself some $30.000.000 will not, at this Juncture, consent to tax; themselves to build a road to have i a few tourists flick away up Into I Alaska for a period of three or four . montns a year, saia jur. raiiuiig. He also criticized the Tolmle government for the tremendously cosUy survey of the Pacific Great Eastern Railway which is. now go ing on. He said that "there is al-' ready on file in the departments sufficient information to determine general policy without the expenditure of one dollar." Currie Absent At Opening of Canadian Legion REGINA. Nov. 25: The third annual convention of the Legion of British Empire Service League opened at the Hotel Saskatchewan is morning. In the absence of Dominion president. General Sir Arthur Currie, on account ot the condition of his health, Lt. Col. L. R. LaFleche, first vice-president presided. Hon. J. L. Ralston, minister ot defence, conveyed greetings of the Dominion government. A massage was sent to sir Ar thur Ctfirrregrettlng his absence. it saiq in part: -we pray mat Dy the;'merey of divine nrovidence you th"y be 'restored to health and strength to lead us again as a united body in the cause ot peace and humanity." Unanimous pas sing of this resolution was taken at an Indication that General Currie would again be asked to accept the office as president. University B. C. Rugby Winners VANCOUVER. Not. 25. University of British Columbia won the western Canada Intercollegiate Canadian rugby championship Saturday when they defeated University of Saskatchewan 15 to 2, taking the round 28 to 4. First intersection of the Canadian rugby championship to come to the coast. The locals scored two touchdowns ln last three minutes of play. We Use Genuine FORD PARTS IN OUR service work, we use only genuine Ford parts. These are identical with those from which your car was assembled at the Ford factory. Our mechanics have been specially trained to service every part of your car. All labor Is charged at a low flat rate and we guaranteed satisfaction. S. E. Parker Ltd. DEALERS Prince Rupert, Ti. C. WE HAVE some particularly good buys in Light Delivery Cars. It would pay you to look them over. TIi6 m ii ii ii mi it r i law mi Boys' Caps 7 1.85 The very latest stvles in Boys' Caps in the newest shades and colors. All sizes. Temptation Sale Price 95c Importers SEVENTW ANNUAL f: 8, IPs Temptation IS NOW IN FULL SWING ONCE AGAIN THE ACME IMrORTERS ARE ABLE TO ANNOUNCE THE OPENING OF THEIR GREAT ANNUAL TEMPTATION SALE RIGGER ANI) BETTER THAN EVER! This yearly event is a noted one in Prince Rupert for the customers and friends of The Acme Importers. We have been preparingAvell beforehand and this Temptation Sale is proof of our efforts. Here are some prices that afford inert savings they have never received before on such quality merchandise: Suits For Men .The Season's Chosen Styles Are Here We're proud of our selection ! There's nothing in the way of style we do not have. Fancy weaves, handsome colors, finest wool fabrics. Every garment masterfully tailored. Wonderfully lined and every detail of the very best that can be put into suits for such high quality and attractive styling. Temptation GOO Sale Price i: Suits For Men Here Is One Lot For Rush Sale Only 20 in the lot, thougfj, and all in pure wool tweeds. . Sizes 3G and 37 only. Temptation SalQf Q QZ Sale Price tJU Sweaters For Men Men's Sweaters Jumbo styles with shawl collar and all pure wool. Colors of white, black and fawn. Temptation Sale 3 95 Boys' Armour .Clad Suits The Greatest Wearing Suits For Roys Ever Made Double kneea, duiible seat. All pure wool materials. And some with two pairs of pants. Tempta- QIZ QC tion Sale Price ?tftP Boys' Underwear The famous St, Margaret's Brand of Boys' Underwear Pure wool ma terial, made in England ; short sleeve, knee length. All sizes. Temptation Sale Price Overcoats For Men Overcoats For Men of Every Description Overcoats tailored by famous makers, embodying all the new fea-tures for winter attire. Wool fabrics inconservative snappy styles. Overcoats with two ana three buttons. Notched lapels, graceful fitting models. In fact, tho type that men will choose without further V N- hesita x -'(Ml tion. Temptation Sale Price $19.85 Shirts For Men Tooke's Shirts, Arrow Shirts, Lane's Shirts Made of imported Endish broadcloths; in white, mauve, fawn, in stripe patterns and plain colors. Regular values to $3.50. C-fl Off Temptation Sale Price . . vAOU Rubbers For Men Hundreds of Men's Rubbers in all sizes. Qffp Temptation Sale Price Boys' Socks The famous St, Margaret's Sock- fur Boys-Pure wool, made in Endnnd. In all shades and sizes. Temptation Sale Prirce oox" Boys' Shirt Waists Here Is One Real Special in Shirt Waists For Boys Assorted patterns and in all sizes. Temptation Sale "7 fi Price iU Boys' Pants Boys' Pants with governor fasteners. urn you over see a price imc '" Temptation bale Price The Acme Importers Terms: Cash Only THIRD AVENUE Sam Booth, C.N.R. track lab-1 pert General Hospital. He was ta-orer. suffering from a severe cold, ken from tlio train to the has-was brought to the city irom Usk pltal In the ambulance, on yesterday afternoon's train to take treatment in the Prince nx- Norman L Freeman and John 95c Mail Orders Filled At These Prices L. Kask of tne y rii- Fisheries Commission ed Saturday evenms on Princess Norah for a "'P w chikan on official duu" .on