Monday, November 25, 1029 XMAS CA Ai S AAA -v w m LADIES' S. Coal? Coal? Pt in jollf- ftpj,,' and rASsmv.u Fit ivi. JN In uiiv qnantltlen. Alw luur . . -i iiriin ana irrd. prii.ce Rupert Feed Co tits ' iiUNES 58 AND 558 If v i, Etc;, -huge assortment Orsinek Pioneer Dmteisls THIRD AVE. t SIX in ST. TELEPHONF.S 8?,200 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Hatllnci From Prince Ruprrt lor VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Swar.aon liar, ButfiUle. Alert IJay, c, Tut, (lav. 1:30 p.m. Tor VANCOUVER. VICTOUM. Iliilrdalc. Altrt liay. tie . Frldav midnight lor ALICE A KM, ANYOX, STEWART, No, liher, Port, hun-da, S:0u p.m. IZS Jnd Avenue K. M. SMITH Agent Prince Rupert. II C. Tirol) jh t'rket Mid to Victoria and rieattl .and bauaie cheeked through to destination. i CANADIAN B. C. Coast Steamship Services SAILINGS FROM PRINCE .UUI'EKT To Ketchikan, VVrangell, Juneau and Skagway Nov. 9 and 23. To Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle Nov. 3. 13, 27. Princess Maquinna -Ocean Falls, etc., Vancouver and Victoria, every Friday, 10 p.m. agents tor All hlearrulilp Lines W. C. Orchard, General Agent, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, Phone 31 Canadian National QTjc Large ft 'Kailway Sylem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE (j Sailings from PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER VJCvj TOR I A, SEATTLE, and intermediate points, rachhjirM and Sunday. 10:00 n.m. ' ' HOES at 33 per cent. Saving We have just received a big shipment; !of Ladies' Shoes in the very latest and up-to-the-mittuto styles. We bought these right and can sell cheap than the ' ' ' . mail order houses. KtTm.ER ROOTS Rubber Boots for men, Rubber Boots for girls-Standard quality in a wide range of sizes. for Christmastide In Men's Wear we have everything that a man needs Shirts, Ties, Hats and Suits in snappy styles. FOR QUALITY AND PRICE SEE MONTREAL IMPORTERS MEEKER BLOCK, THIRD AVENUE TELEPHONE 657 . VALCNIN DAUIY 'OI V. SltEENA BiMM) i ; Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Earlv Delivery Throughout the City your paper does not arrive, telephone ttc office Local Items 4 a Taxi Phone 4, Big 4 Taxi, tf Boxing tonight durvich vs. Gustafson. For fine photo work send your films to WrathaUi IPHgto Finish-! 3& ThirolVeJJBMlek rQturns! and careful finishing. We frame pictures. (tf) : Effective Tuesday. November 28 and thereafter, U.SJ3. Catala wUij I sail from Prince Rupert for Vancouver and wayports at 1:30 pjn.i j instead of 3:30 p.m. 278 l David Cochrane, formerly chief engineer on Canadian National coasting steamers and for the :past several years in the Canadian Farmer and other freight i vessels, came north as chief on 'board the steamer Prince Charles on her present voyage. j Miss Ralphena Wrinch, daughter of Dr. H. C. Wrinch of Hazel-ton, was among successful candidates in the recent provincial i Registered Nurses' examinations, results oi wnich have Just been published. She Is training for a nurse at the Royal Jubilee Hospital in Victoria. W. D. Chrlstlson, proprietor of the LaCasse Bakery, who has been kept pretty well to his home for over two years wltn a severe attack of rheumatism, has now made such recovery that he. is able to go daily to his shop. He still has to use a cane and a crutch but Is rapidly regaining nis sirengtn. There was a special song ser vice last evening in First United cnurch by the choir under the leadership "of J. S. Wilson. The anthem "Hast Thou Forsaken Me?" was sung and Mr. Wilson rendered a solo "All Is Well" in place of Hawthorne Dunn who could not sing "on account of having a cold. Extra hymns were sung by the congregation. The pastor, Kev. j. s. Wilson, preach ed a brief sermon on the text "Am I My Brothers Keeper?" St. Andxaw'g annual dance November 2fl. For ANYOX and STEWART, each Wednesday and SalujIfn4lstd Decem For NORTH and SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, fortnightly. ... l, r.WEMiER TRAIN.. LEAVE PRINCE RITERT MONDAY. Hr.DMIUV and HATI'KIMY at ll:SO a.Hl. fw PKINC'E C.EORliE, EDMONTON. M.N(IK1, all point Euklrrn Canada, tnltM'' Matev j i. AGENCY ALL OCEAS MTE.tMiWir LINTS City Ticket Office. 528 Third Ave, Prime Rupert i'horie 2Cri ; . r. n a ANNOUNCEMENTS Catholic Women's League Social November 27. Pnvai Piimln Hrlrtiyo fL-Hlst onrl Pythian 9isr's tea ut Mrs. Stlenton's. 330 Eighth Avenue WjBst, Thursday. December 12. Week-End Specials For Christmas Baking LW5r. 40c MANCHTJRIAN WAL- fAA NUTS 3 lbs. ALIOND6 in shell. Qrn Per lb -631 SHELLED ALMONDS Per lb , wtfC SHELLED WALNUTS QQn Per lb OV GLACE CHERRIES CCo Per lb 33-r MIXSD PSL CftZn Per lb COCOA NUT 4 tin Per lb: 13 FANCY CLEANED CUR- 4!n RANTS Per lb.. lDli SEEDLB86 RAISINS - nn Per lb.- Ia5C DIEACIIED RAI8INS 4 Q Per lb. ..: loC APPLES! Now is the time to buy apples for making your minco meat. McINTOSH REDS OA AA Per box $l)f Hunters and Trappers ifror your benefit we are offering fecial priceaoit flour, sugar, milk, luj Wlfi elulrdjj iooAstnita SEE US BEFOUE PLACING YOUR ORDER Economy Cash & Garry 319 Third Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE KEPT HIM FROM . WORK FOR A MONTH AT A TIME i Mil fmm Never had a Sick Day Since Taking "Fruit-a-tives" M. THOMAS CRAHAM Of the thousands and thousands of men and women who have been restored to perfect health by "Fruit-a-tives," none are more grateful than Mr. Thos. Graham, 33 Maasoa St., Oshawa. "I am CO years old and was treated for years for a trouble between the bowels and tho bladder, which kept me home from work for a month at a time; until 1 started to take. "Fruit-a-tives." Binco then, I have worked steadily for four years and have never had a sick day." Try this wonderful medicine; made from fruit juices combined with the Cneat medicinal ingredient. 25c. and 60c. a box at dealers everywhere. Dentist, Dr. J. R. Gosse, Phone G86. Kenneth McQualg having received word that hbx brother was seriously ill, left last night for Vancouver. . i C. C. Mills returned to the city on vesterdav afternoon's train from a buctnett trip to Smithersi and Prince George. Mrs. Alex Strachan who has been on a trip to Vancouver, returned to the city from the south on the Prince Charles Saturday evenlne ! Mrs. Russell M. Smith.-who has been spending the past month In Vancouver returned to the city on the Catala last evening from the south., sfflM'r of IKU9 ! last eventl,frpIn;pjor. ,. There was tralte 'a (rood atten dance at a Scandinavian dance n ... l i V. & l ll.. t . T 1 1 Vlo'in .and accordion, 'rnusic was played by Hanson ana arstad. Clarence Martin and Miss Rita Mtin arrived in the city on the Print- Jhn Cl'urdsy night'fi Masse' afl-i tfl'Vlf the PrlrtcC CrTffri(V"rdr 'VancOOvel .17- ftffHrf A?-' TVs I krtn'vn Queeti Chaftbtt. lsffiKcf logging ooerator. arrived in the city on he Prince Charles Saturday eve-nine from Vancouver end sailed 'ait night on the Prince John for the Islands. S. J. Mellor, wireless operator -n steamers plying out of New York was a passenger, aboard the Catala hut evening bound for Ptewart where he will spend the Christmas vacation visHtag w,n hi, parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mellor. Among guests at a shower tea given last week in Vancouver In honor of Miss Madg" Murphy a former local nurse whose marriage Is to take place shortly, were Mrs. E. W. Mftrentett"! and, Mrs. W. N. Chater, both former residents of Prince Rupert. j Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hall and son of Vancouver were c passengers aboard the Catala last evening bound for Hyder where they win; spend the next few weeks. Mr.; Hall, now a well known Vancou ver financial man, formerly .was engaged in banking at Hyder. HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel 120 Rooms Rooms 50c and up SWANSON and BESNEK Proprietors Central Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hall and sister, Cliarles O. Edwards and Capt. J. D. Watson, city; M. Johnston, H. McLeod. T. P. Kelly and P. J. Burt, C.N.R.; P. Voyer, city: Dave Mlddleton, Queen Charlotte Islands; J. Castonguay, Ottawa: Hiss Alice Preston and Miss Watson, San Diego. I Savoy Hotel .B'rlnce Rupert's leading fam-uly hotel. Hot and cold water in all rooms A. J. rilUDIIOMME, Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth Sts. Savoy N. McArthur.' city; Robert F. Clark, Forettdale. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY r i FOR RBNT Room, would suit two. Board if deslmL. Phone Green 727. (2T6) Mrs. O. Klldahl and daughter arrived in the city yesterday from Norway. Mr. and Mrs. W. n natipv mhn' nave Deen spending a noimay lni ;the south in the course of which' ithey motored from Vancouver to' -uiuuniia, i e milieu 10 me cny on I the Catala last evening. i Robert T. Clark, . well known Forestdale rancher, arrived In" the' icity last night from the Interior with a carload of stock for delivery to P. Burns abbatolr. Mr. Clark is registered at the Savoy ' Hotel. I Capt. R. W. McMurray, marine superintendent of the B. C. Coast Steamship Service, was a passenger going north aboard the steamer Princess Norah Saturday evening to make the round trip to Skagway. R. G. McKenzle, Queen Charlotte City hotel proprietor, and Mrs. McKenzle arrived in' the city from the Islands on the Prince John Katurrtav nlerht nnd caltoH last night on the Prince Charles for a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. 8. R. Donaldson and child, who were aboard the stranded steamer Cardena last Friday night bound for a trip to Vancouver; proceeded south aboard the Prince Charles last night. They reside in Port Essington. Eleven or so passengers bound for Vancouver aboard th twm. er Cardena, which stranded on Fridav evenln in the Skeena the Prince Charles last niht to continue their voyage south. Ueut. Col. C. W. Peck V.C., M.LA. hai acppnlH -an Invltjitlnn to address the Canadian Club in Vancouver on his return shortly irom umaon wnere ne attended lie banquet given recently bv the x-nnce oi waies ior v.u. noiaers. Five carloads oj Terrace cotton-wood logs destined for the Lam-Jnated Materials veneer mill at New Westminster arrived from the Interior by way freight last nlcht and are beinc unlradpd from the cars at the dry dock wnre it will be reshlpped south by boat. Capt. W. W. Mounce, skipper during the past summer of the Union Steamship Co.'s freighter Chllkoot. U nnw ahnarrl thp rat. senner steamer Catala as chief l offl er Iri pla-e of Chief Officer j iua'-o'mion wno is on noiiaays. Capt. Monce has lust returned to ;dty after spending a vacation ' ashore. George McAllister, manager of Brunswick cannery in Rivers Inlet, who was one of the- passen gers bound for Vancouver aboard the steamer Cardena which stranded last Friday evening In the Skeena Slough, continued his voyago to Vancouver from here aword the Prince Charles last night. Miss Lottie Bowron, spsclal Inspector for the Department of Education of living- conditions for women teachers In country schools, arrived in the city on the Prince John Saturday night after a trio to the Queen Charlotte Islands on offVlal duties and a!led last night on the Prince Charles for Victoria. With a light passenger llst.i Union steamer Catala. Capt. A. E. Dictaon arrived in port at 5:15 !ast evening from the south and sailed at 8 nm. for Anyox, Stewart and other northern points. The vessel Is due back here from thj north tomorrow morning and. under change of schedule, win p.ll from here at 1:30 p.m. for Vancouver and wayports. An order ha been granted in Supreme Court at Vancouver presuming th death of J. R. Honey-man, well known commercial traveler, who Is bMeved to hv umped overboard from the steamer Princess Royal near Tlowen . Wand while travelling from Prince Rupert to Vancouver Ust Aorll. Anpllcat'on for the or-cter was marf" bv lh widow m Honeyman left a bank account of about $100 as -well as $1000 Having been delayed through calling at Nahalmo to load coal 'or Skagway And at Ocean Falls to discharge freight, the new TPJl. steamer Princess Norah. aot. C. C. Salntey. taking up the Skagway service for the winter, did mt reach here from the 'outh until 7 o'clock on Saturday rv"ilng. sailing about an hour 'ater for Alaska. She had about fifty passengers on board. The vessel is scheduled to call here on Wednesday afternoon southbound and it Is announced at the local CPJt. offices that she will then be open for public She Wont Cook Cant Stand Smell t "I could not eat or cook, because the smell of food sickened me. I took Adlerika and now I eat anything without discomfort." Mrs. John R. Gall. Just ONE spoonful Adlerika re-'ieves gas and that bloated feeling so that you can eat and sleep well. Acts on BOTH upper rnd lower bowel and removes old 'raste matter you never thought ww there. No mattgr what you nave tried for your stomach and bowels. Adlerika will surprise you. Ormcs Ltd., Drugs. H U M 5 n Iff if tur Ope jurope FOF CHRISTMAS SAILINGS 8.9. nrlnd - December 9 M.S. Saa FrancUoo . Dwwmbar 9 9.S. St. Loula - - IJw.ralxf 12 Solh Annual Ou&m Around tb World. 9.9. KeaolnU Jaouvr 6 DROP responalbUltr and travel "Glolie." Every-thing arranged for you . . ticket!, reservation, hotels, pawports and luggage . . personal insurance If you with. "Globe" are agents for all ateainship and railway lines. We'd really enjoy helping you plan your trip. mm 533 Dunsmulr Street TO CANADA lAVE your family or friends join you In Can-ada. Globe Travel Service arranges fcvery detail of their Journey from the moment they . leave till you meet them at the train in Canada. Let "Globe" take the responsibility, Informmtion Vancouver, B.C. Tliona Doug. 2969 tmiiimu n JOJIPH t JOHN VICKERS V CO.. 14. tONDOM 1750 NCUM this advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. PEARLS are Always Good Taste BBBBUlKlAajBfJifBH 5 ' N Wo handle the famous Deltah Pearls because they offer the best values obtainable in guaranteed pearls. - They are produced by Heller & Son of Paris, and, being a standard priced article, our customers can be assured they get full value for every dollar spent. Moderately Priced From $5.00 to $25.00, According to Size and Length. John Bulger Ltd. THE JEWELLERS C. N. R. steamer Prince Charles., Capt. Nell McLean, bound from here to Vancouver, made an extra call at Klemtu Cannery to-1 day to let off five passengers' there who were originally going south on the steamer Cardena which stranded In the Skeena Slough last Friday evening. The Prince Charles arrived hem at 1 o'clock this morning from Anyox and Stewart and sailed at 2 40 ajn. for the south. J The zoning bylaw appeal board in Vancouver has reserved decision in the matter of the much-discussed application of M. Y. Aivazoft to erect a coal and building storage plant on the foreshore of Beach Avenue in the southern city. This district in Vancouver is zoned as a six-Storey upartmi'ii area but AlvaHff is vcklng to have it specially re-zonrd for the ben. tit of his coal company.