i 2lvciVvMigeh"Siim " TE 'JUMLH .HEWS - j ' " RA ,5 nt.K 'i Come in for Details of the $30,000 Prize Picture Contest Let us tell you bow easily you can qualify for a major prise in this big Eastman Contest the greatest in the history of photography. Kntry blanks and complete content information are'avallable at the Kbddk counter now. vCome to our store to fill any photographic need. We haye a complete stock of cameras and dependable Kodak film. And our trustworthy Kodak finishing makes the mot of every roll .f film. SELVIG BROS. ' MEAT MARKET .JaltoSMUU.. .--Wqne.765 MEAT, FISH AND VEGETAI1LES Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. ... 41 il fife J-J - ? i . DEMAND fnncr Kuirl. IU. oca! and Personal News IT-M "71 M 77?ic Pioneer &rntists Tl 111$ AYE, V SIXTH ST TELEPHONES 8'fc20C 2 A' 4 r '"Rupert Brand" Kippers THE DAINTIEST HREAKFAST FOOD Smoked Daily by jj "Northern" Rubber Footwear For general outdoor work and tha utmost ia foot comfort ask for "NORTHERN Boots and Lumbermen. Waterproof Coldproof. "A Rubber for Evtrj Purpose." Tin Elk Lthf Top, BiownDork Bottom, RolUd Edg Sol, Bolid IIhL Tha "Proipeotor' U)Ot FOR TUB TRADB MARK THE RTHE Th "Duihmto" All Ruhbw, lodf Uoh Mt Youtba'. ChlVdraa't . ... . a n -.A tiKfrH A eompleJo rantfe of "Northern- n ,,and to mec' youf ' P B. t THE FAMILY SHOE STORE Prince Rupert, B.C. Try a Daily News Want Ad. i bpecialty: r"4""!41 "OLD COUNTRY SAUSAGES'' . m ' " Our make Fresh every day. WV Superior Quality. II i A a Taxi Phone 4, :Big A Taxi, tf Dentist Dr. J. .It. Gosse. G86. ' duties. Phone1 M. J. "Dougherty has opened an office for the Manufacturer' Life Assurance Co. in the West-holme Theatre Block. J. J. Payne of Eraser & Payne who has been on a business trip nouth, returned to the city from Vancouver on the Camosun last evening. G. Annal has arrived from Vancouver to superintend the construction of the Home Oil Co.'s new fuel station on -the local waterfront. M. A. Burbank, divisional en gineer for the Canadian National Hallways', "returned to Oie city on yesterday afternoon's train rom a trip to the Interior on offlMailVfar Miss May Donaldson returned to the city on teateitday afternoon's tarfn frQhi Port Easingtoh where she paid a brief visit with her ' mother, Mrs. James A. j Brown. County Court cases hve been set 4 follows for hearing this week: Tom Dentistruk vs. L. Sarieky, Wednesday; Walter II. Perry vs. Steens Ltd., Wednesday; MussaUem Grocery Co. vs. A. L. Henderson, Thursday. Charles Wilson, who has charge of the Booth Fisheries ice houses at Lake Kathlyn, is spending a few days in the city to receive dental treatment The' three thirty-inch" ice from Lake Kath-llvn which ia still froMn over. r. Wilson expects to return to Cj.. Barrie, cfifftenDE3CT tjMpnagboatBobolink, returneay Wthe&itpnMheX amosun last everilngr after "havfjirf spent the winter in Vansouw) Th Eob-.olink. which has Dnjj!d jup aV Digby Island for several -monthl. ; wfll resume hr vjmlr on th.! , Skeeaft ami fiuwM Kivers on fJAlrtf "1 h Apt 1 . D. Watson n comnwna. , Build Resistance To Prevent Coughs or ColdsTake SCOTT'S EMULSION Rick in Resistance-building Cod-liver Oil Vitamins Scott & Sown. Xoron, Ont SUITS! SUITS! MADE TO ORDER Cutting, Workmanship and Style AH Guaranteed SUITS STEAM CLEANED AND PRESSED i .- , We Dillver to Any I'art of lh City. Ling, .the Tailor Phone 619 feu. Dr Alexander IMIONK S75 .HKMNKIt III OCK DENTIST SCALE OF CHARGES The following is the scale of charges made ;for, reading notices: Birth Notices 60c. Curds of Thanks, $2. Funeral-Notices $J. ,-. , FuneraJ 'Flowers 10c name. few days, returned to the-Jnterior on this morning's train. ' Sam Cecil and Robert -Cooper, Indians, charged with drunken nesa, were each fined $15 and. $8.50 costs, with option of fourteen days' imprisonment, by; Magistrate McClymont in city police court this morning. . One of the items of business coming up at the .regular fort- or the ci March 22. 23. Presbyt WKlst sen in the service UHties. , . .. . An aeed ,and partially . blind Chinaan named Foo Long, waa d down at the corner of enue and Seventh Sareet Saturday night by, a car driven o'jfl- Rochester. . The car was Avelling at slow speed and the Chinaman - apparently stepped in'front of it, giving Mr. Rochester no chance to avoid hitting him. The ex-mayor dmmed-iately picked the Oriental. up and took him to the hospital where it was found he had sustained u scalp wound. . ANNOUNCEMENTS i ! t See "Offiier C6C" at West- aolme Theatne, JIarch 18 'and 19. Moose JJrlve and Dance, earfEa ster Sale March Good Friday evening-Baptiat Church Musical Lecture, "The King's Herald." Refreshments. Sacred Cantata-'"The 'Way of the Cross. St. Andrew's Pro-Cathedral (Augmented Choir) on Good Friday at 8 p.m. Queen Mary Chapter J.O.D.E. Daffodil Dance, April 1. Royal UBrple Bridge',' Whist land; I)anc Elks' Home, .April 2. Anglican Upr.il 8. W. A. Easter Sale. United Church Easter (Bazaar, April 4. IalTa'hursday, April 4. After-ioonrom noo 3 to C. Social in eve ,ViL. Spring Sale in,!.Cathol.lc nlng starting at 8:30, Premier Orchestra Dance, Ap- uril 5, Moose Hall. Tickets at SMcGutcheort's. Drug Store or from members. Get yourls now. Eagles Whist Drive and Dance, Thursday. .3pril 14. Gyro Iloedown, .Audi 09. In tjJ-l.JErancis.Edward .Gigot of Stew- . per Marriage and Engagement . .announcements ,$2. M4M art Ifes been appointed a Notary "Public by the Provincial 'Dr. Thomas O'Hagan of Jasper, Alberta, has" 'been appointed coro ner for the Province of British tCdluiribia.;' " ' 1 Taking pver'of the' local hydroelectric system by the Power Corporation of Canada will take plate a week from today, it is aow understood. 'A fn0 in whirh .TflilfBiin fVJ- Pasaeaigers leaving .here !f or the ifeon. Indian. Is charged with north on the CamdMun ilast night , .ndecent assault at Klemtu is included A. W. 'Hanson for Stewart and Alice 'Arm. B. R. Wilson for Fred Brooksbank, jof the local Royal Bank staff "will aail tomorrow afternoon on the Camo- ver and Seattle. Young in County Court this trip to Vancou-Uharge of illegal fishing against Mrs. A- V Fisher of OTelkwa. who has been receiving, dental It' was stated, under misapprehension, in the ""Waterfront wniits on Saturday that a Capt. Ole Skog had been with drawn by the fisheries department: E.. F. Jones', counsel for the department, states that this Brief Twelve Ounces of Energy u. Lundie, p. Vpyer and T tratmnt in the city fonthe, pastfi8 not the case but that the ac- Wafsh, ty; George T. Arm tion is being proceeded with. strong, Lanfara; P. hady, Kwin- Johnston, J. J. Payne, William foua and R. Henry, iON.'R.; -W. Cb.peland, C. Green, J. Henaiey, elson, Burns Lke. II. Laxer. L. Crawford and J. j Webster, for Prince Rupert; A. J. Martin, J. P. Hspson. P. R. Wilson and A. Linke, for Stewart; Edgar Ashton, ilr. and Mrs. W. Muse, J. Reid and Mr. and Mrs. O Caviglia, for Anyox; Mrs. C. -lluUd ItC Your Money Back The most valued thing a dollar can do is return to the person who spent it. That Is the desire of everyone, for that is investment. Now, money spent for Pacific Milk is invested. It slays in British Columbia, returns to the people of British Columbia. , for Pacific Milk is wholeheartedly British Co!umbi;n; 100' native of our province; owned and controlled here . PACIFIC MILK Kartortr. at Abbotuford and Ladnrr. Il l 1 "llfllld B.C." ! A perfect food, contains every needed element , easily digested-- Fortifies you to meet wintry weather Made !y The Canadian Shredded Wheal Company. Ltd. HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy II. Crawford, Giseome; Jlr. and Jlrs. L. A. Slettujp, .Vamouvei ; tt . i itsa; Henry Bergeron and Albert Recalling of the "Bidulph iKton, Salons; II. McLean, Tragedy" ilfty years ago in iouston ; Mr. and Mrs. J. Thistle, Ontario in connection with the Haysport; J. A. Matthews, C.N. death of the late Jack DonneliyUt-l H. B. James, Amsburj'; 'M. proved of interest to local people Magnusson and . Magnuason, who hail from that part of the Sweden ; R. H. Dentmler and J. eastern province, even though Quinn, National Airplane Mill, their stories of the affair may j Prince Rupert differ somewhat from that which ! people who come from near Bi-: Jlr. and Mrs. P. T. McCartv. E. J. A. Rurkp nml G I.nttlp So. nightly meeting of the city coun- ,:ik . rA..M --.-w a m iattle: ilra. lack mTmtA. RwArrl- cil tonight will be the appoint- ,t -an. 'C II: Orme. T. Rosa' Mac-' L. Voe. Ketchikan: Josenh 8. ment ot a superintendant of.ifc George Kane, Fred Stork and Rogers and W. B. Dornber, city? Utilities to succeed J. JLitUe, i r MMnn.n D. Uiummond. Exstaw: II. F. J?. Ileuses thra.are ,now inlet; ,mnZ. .rZ'JZ-. .irl" 9"nrn! ; , - Woolvertpn ami -V6 S. Sherriff, briBsn co.umbia manager of thfti,,, itBamr Camosun, Capt. Basalton; J. C. Blgham, C. E. vower ixirporation of Canada, lfc -fcM SSiadW, arrited. jn, prt aesoa. N. L. Allen, G. F. Little is unuersiooa that the ..utiUtieaUt G:80 Jst aching mtA the,l WitUara M. Dlbbin, Vancou- oommmee win recommend he.p- Rftlltrt nnd at .BAjl 'fiw ver : II; Atchison. Claxton: .A. .Li pointment of Samuel Massey,, wine! AnyoX( Stewart and other north-, ray, Victoria; II. Laxer. Van-Bniauif.the telephone telephone department:! denarimnt'l , r. u ' i Bin pmu ui can wuiuce mat; wvm ci . return here tomorrow morning and sail south at 3.80 p.m. Pas- Ontral aengers coming 'north aboard the G. Temple, Victoria; :E. J?.- Camosun included: R. S. Porter, fohBson, city; M. Eapeiand, F. Robertson, C. 0. Barrie, Jr. um'oi ; Z. P. Gagne, E. fjhall- R. Lifton, I. I. Pattarser. and P. Lupp, city; Martin Paulson, Port Edward; Ben Johnson, Cow Bay; T. A. Lloyd, Smithers. Peterson, for Alice Arm. and Mr. Tqq LATE TO CLASSIFY ana .Mrs. auki. ior Arranuaie. , ! LOST Gold wrist watch without .strap. (Waltham). Finder please return to Dr.'ly News' Office. Reward. G4 ' USE Throat Irritated? Here's Quick Relief You don't have to have a cold to know the remarkable benefits of Buckley's Mixture. It acti like a flash in easing and clearing a tore or tender throat. A taste night and morning works wonders. Singers, public speakers, professional men, smokers all testify to the swift, sure relief that comes from the very first dose of "Buckley's". And there are 0 doses in a 75-cent bottle I Druggists everywhere aell Buckley's Mixture under s positive guarantee. Get s bottle today. -FARMER'S WE GETS STRENGTH TO DOREPOSX By taking Lydip E. Pink-ham's Vegetable Compound St. John. New HmnswK-k. "I r.-aa all run-down from pain in my back and my Wt leg bothered me to oiae-times that I w'.s una. le to (iu rcy work, I taw your ad in the newspapers and decided to give your mediiTue a trial. 'I have tal n o-.w seven bottles of Ljdia.E. F iakhain's Vegetable Compound and arn now r-Uaved of this BufJerinc. I arrf a f,:r.i vr's wife and have three children. I tell ill my Irwods of your Vegetable ' ompound and' I am sure tiu.t v i k iiciis rr.' it wDthelp them. 1 ar viMum tn ansner letters from women i'kin :'.br.ut che Vegetable Compound. All thanks to Lydia E. Pinkham " Mas. Akthur N. DBNNI80N 183 Went rth St St. John, New Brunswick. Rubber Boots AT BARGAIN PRICES .Ames Holden & MacCready ".Nootka" Brand 3-4 length for per 6.95 Northern Rubber Coy's Redsole for, per pair Jg95 Boys' 3-4 Length Rubber Boots for, per pair CJ OUR PRICES ARE BARGAINS. WHY PAY MORE? Montreal Importers THIRD AVENUE A Typical Caie "I h hd well rasulu from 'BnckhrV Mixture that I waat Maw mora at I think trtry aiaiar bouM ban MM of 7 our Kttivdy." W. K. Buckley Unjtted, 12 Mutual Street, Toronto 2 Large Size, 75c; Traveller Size, 10c.