oan me7 | BUY TA XI z \WS/ xg Phone 75 and 36 AY => We Never Sleep Vnts & PRINGE RUPERT AUTO Vs . 707 Second Avenue M. H, LARGE om ay id — ta = — we oL. X. NO. 179 ~ PRINCE RUPERT, B.C... SATURDAY, AUGUST 2. 1919. ; PAIOF FIVE CKENT®# Collective Purchasing. to Prevent Undue Speculation And the Raising of Prices nternational Action Proposed by Supreme Economic Coun- cil with View to Co-Operation Between Europe and America; Unwarranted Boosting of Prices made Action Necessary London, August 2.-Steps toward the international collective st PEACE LOAN OF purchasing of foodstuffs to check profiteering and speculation were taken at a meeting of the Supreme Economic Council. 250, 000 000: A return to the system in vogue during the war was proposed | by British, French and Italian representatives. The proposal was) referred to a committee which will co-ordinate the plans and} \Five and a Hat per per cent Interes present a recommendation to the United States Government with | But Subject to Income Tax (Special t News Via G. T.f Telegraphs . ‘ nF an invitation for co-operation. ° ea Year } Owing to shortage of food and other supplies following the : opening of business with Germany there has been great activity Special via G.T.P. Telegraphs toward unwarranted price raising during the past thirty days. Ottawa, August 2—Prepara So marked .has this become that the condition has become |!'!0"s a ry nate - the th at- ing © i@ first Peace Loan, fol- alarming. : _.jlowing the: great qvictory. The sum to be raised is set at not less] PLENTY OF FISH ARE LIBERALS ARE than $250,000,000 and the imter ; est to be paid will be 5 pe RUNNING UP SKEENA ine tntme | there have been so many the new issue and the last is that t » the Skeena this vea these bonds will be tLaxal x them is the word from income tax. that pla by M “ | s Adams who was the cily Martin of Saskatchewan Being WALTER DRINNAN Mrs. ney wt, cdg Looted by Western Repres- earl a a a ontatives Fielding and MEET iS VETERANS. , ' eddie ta McKenzie. sh that a At the general meeting of the al via G. T. P.” Telegrapos Great War Veterans last evening ‘) i \ug2 2 The western|Walter Drinnat the provincia 'q vA rit j s to ft Liberal Conven-|secretary, addressed the gathering OLG ST FOUGHT { sta ¢ a movement toland gave some very useful infor RE Wis the le ship of the party] mation as to what the association EAVER TO DRAY ! Premier Martin of Saskatche-|in other parte of the province are : ; wa Mart has already stated|doing. He told too of the recent ; z Aug. é * D that does not want the position jeonvention and all that it meant oie “ ad a 2 it is mally offered it is|to the members. vith “Fighting Beaver” of jinought he will cept It is only about once a year — rhe eastern delegates to thejthat the provincial organize: _ ee ight *’* convention seem to be divided be-|makes such a trip as this and he Johnny MacCarty. |i non Ww. Ss Fielding and D. D.| was pleased to see so many pres- eseoennninn Mek Fielding is a Liberallent. Walter Drinnan is very well I ; st but was very open in|known throughout the north as his criticisms of the Union Gev-|this is by no means his first Announcement rnment His choice would, mean|visit. He left the city today, hav- the healing of the breach betweenting arrived from up the river the stand-pat Liberals and the|Thursday night. J. A. Kirk Liberal Unionists. MeKenzie whe —__ —— hereafter be was chosen as tenyporary leader HONDURAS REVOLUTION KIRRP pila & is supported by the anti-unionist - An j Y tT / MJ J ‘ ( 8 Part Super Feature ¥ ) ; A Truly Wonderful Production , > ‘ Tw. / ‘ . wo than 7.15 and 9 Price, 55¢ all Seats LESS SPEED. FOR VESSELS IN HARBOR Harbor Committee Recommends That Restrictions Be Placed For the Protection of Small Craft. ——— DR. S. F. TOLMIE THE NEW MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE IN THE UNION GOVERNMENT MEMBER FOR BRITISH COLUMBIA’S CAPITAL JOINS BOR- DEN’S CABINET—-WAS FORMERLY LIVE STOCK COMMISSIONER AND Is PRACTICAL FARMER (Special to The News via G.T.P. Telegraphs.) rhe harbor committee reported to th Board of Trade a its Ottawa, August 2—The swear-|vell will be succeeded by Sir Doug- meeting last night re: ending|ing in of the new Dominion cab-jlas Hazen, lthat speed regulations vuld be |inet ministers has, it is under- Dr. 8. F. Tolmie, the new Min- enforced as follow Betweer stood en fixed for noon tomor-|ister of Agriculture in the Bor- Pillsbury Point and the ‘ld stor WW No official statement will|den cabinet, is a veterinary sur- } age, 8 knots; when passing | be published until afterwards. |Peon and farmer with f farm | Chat les Point slow down ta The generally accepted appoint. | close to Vietoria. He was for a knots d when passing a tug|ments are Henry Drayton as Min-|number of years Live Stock Com- ‘ with tlached slow down to/ister ef Finance and Dr. 8. F. Tol-| missioner under the Dominion mnie of Victoria, B.C., as Minister| Department of Agriculture and is | md report which .s ad Agrieulture. jan authority on live stock and ‘ by J. H. Pillsbury. R. Beaumont Ottawa, August 2 noon ifarming. He usuaily took a pro- und. T. Arneil w adopted and/Dr. 8. F. Tolmie of Victoria has|minent part in the organizing of ill be forwarded as a recommen. accepted the portfolio of Minis-|agricultural fgirs and in judging ion of the board to the proper ter of Agriculture giving British | cattle. ithorities. |Columbia two-minfsters in the| At the time of the movement to ; dina wines igovernment. It is reported that | form a union government Dr. Tol- * * * * & 4% ee & He He ey Martin Burrell will resign and be|mie was chosen as a candidate ' - LOCAL NEWS ITEMS * Tee Ee ee eS W. H. Tobey left for up -river on this morning's train. Mrs. R. O. Miller and childref turned today from the south. > . * Father Cocola returned to his | miss near Hazelton by Lomas . train, sz * Kk. Crawford of Swanson Bay aevisits © yester- day. he R W. Sinclair of Invernes came into town by boat this fore- oon. r ‘ ert Finite Green of Smith & Mallett zone t rerrace for a short da | * . 7 H. M. Daggett was among those ay ip the line on the this morning. 6s \\ : Binns o Balmoral was snong the arrivals from up the vesterday DD J. S. Brown left for the east on the train today and expects to be away for about a month. . . >. Miss A. Birnie left for the in-} terior by today’s train and will holiday with friends for a few weeks . . . Mrs. A. Noble of Port Essing- ton who arrived in the city yes- terday returned up the line on the train today. * . . \ special train was despatched to the east shortly after ten today there were eight cars of express] 7 cars of pickled herring and three car loads of lumber. . . | dificulties to be overe gging in British Guiana, for! hardwood floors, ete., Vividly | rayed in the great Chester ng picture at the Westholme ght . . . W. H. Wark, one of Prince Ru- t's old timers and well known the pioneer jeweller of this| orthern country was among! those arriving on the steamer this} morning. oe . b>. H. Morrison, the local econ- tractor, arrived from Ocean Falls today. Mr. Morrison has been en the contract for building a y school at the large pulp ar paper plant, . . 7 Seven new members were elect- ‘ as members of the Board ol lrade at its Meeting last night, Alfred H, Bayne, Frank Morris, David, F, Robinson, Herbert Young, Joseph 8. Brown, Edward Gibbons, and Harry R, Love. a & @ the Grand Trunk boats have t to keep moving at a good clip in order to get here on schedule time, Beth ways they load paper Falls. the Rupert oad whieh will be shipped east from this point Chis brought atl Ueean mornings Prince a cal Carhartt’s overalls and gloves. Agent, J. F. Maguire, Smith Block. igiven some appointment in Bri-| because he had taken no part in tish Columbia. politics in the past and he stood It expected that Sir Henry!high in the esteem of the people. }will be appointed Minister of Fin-|He was elected over Stuart Hen- ance today, and will probably be/derson by an overwhelming maj- | suc eeded by F. B. Carvell, min-|ority and received the support of lister of Public Works. Mr. ¢ poe the Victoria we aren papers. KING ASSENTS PROVINCIAL ’ } s Bek TREATIES CHARTER MAY } : | Peace Teenie tel and ati Feench BE CANCELLED | Treaty Passed by Parliament and are Approved. | Declaration of of Status of Labor i (Special via G. T. P. Telegtaphs.) Body is Asked by International Ottawa, August 2.—News des- Representatives at jpatches from Eng rland stating that Vancouver. ithe King has given his assent to es ithe Peace Treaty are arousing (Special via G. T. P. Telegraphs.) much concern. Just whet the Vancouver, August 2.—After ldespatch means is uneertain,.| #aving taken away the charter of There were two bills before the|the Trades and Labor Couneil, the British Parliament, one expressed | international representatives are approval of the German Peae« asking for a declaration of status lreaty and the other of the Ang_| from the British Columbia Feder- to. Frenph treaty: jation of Labor. Under the bills the King “may| [If the provineial federation de- ldo evervthing necessary” for the|¢Clares in favor of the One Big learrving out of the treaties. It is}Union the Federation of Labor lassumed here that the despatches |‘ harter will be withdrawn from it. mean that the King has given his] Calgary, August 2.—Ed. Brown, assent to the two bills. | secregary for the Trades District, | oe le ar ee |No. 18 of the United Mine Work- F. R. Keefe of Francois Lake | ers refused to turn anything over arrived from the Islands on the | to the international union as au- ' Prince Albert yesterday and left | thorized, for up the line on this morning's} > eee: hy ae itrain. Mr. Keefe is going to in BIRTH. , lstall a sawmill up the line from lhere was born this morning, lone which has just been dis-|August 2, at the Prince Rupert antled on the Islands, |General Hospital, a daughter to ae ene iMr. and Mrs. Wm. Walyots, of James Gorman, superintendent | 940 Hays Cove Avenue. lof dining cars for the Grand| ‘ \Trunk railways, accompanied by|* *¥* *#* ## ## ## #* ## ## Mrs. Gorman, arrived from the|* WANTED . jeast on Thursday night's train.|#* animes * ———- —— | * 1 Brick Mason. * | Mr. and Mrs. A. Met hele Of | # 2 Millwrights. * Buckley Bay are reeent arrivals |* Must be first class work- * lin the city and are registered at|* men, Will pay high wages. * ithe Prinee Rupert Hotel. \* Apply Georgetown Lumber * ee * Company. * | J. FP. Hannia of Buckley Bay ar- rived in the city from Queen Char- & S&S &e & + $# #e2 + #® lotte Islands on the Prinee Albert} yesterday scabies: (ORE SUNDAY SERVICE | Anton Akerberg left for Terrace A on the train today where he will ‘Alice B.” sails at 10:30 a, join Mrs. Akerberg and family. m. and every 30 minutes pape? aren from Prinee Rupert Boat- Ben Se if returned on the Grand eaten Trunk steamer this morning, from a short business tte % to the south. Fare 50c Return Mrs, Joseph Gay of Ninth Ave ‘ Children 25c. left for up the line today on a short vacation, Py = WESTHOLME THEATRE Presenting the pick of the world’s best pictures and our splendid concert orchestra TONIGHT ONLY Geraldine Farrar |, Christie Comedy, ‘Five to Five’ Great Chester Outing Picture “The Turn of the Wheel” | Ballyhooing on the Anirakas” Two Shows, 7 and 9.15 Admission, 30c. and 15. VAUDEVILLE ALL NEXT WBEBK